let task = prompt('enter task name').toLowerCase(); switch (task) { case 'switch: sizes': let size = +prompt('введите размер обуви дял конвертации в UK') switch (size) { case 35: alert(3.5); break; case 36: alert(4); break; case 37: alert(5); break; case 38: alert(6); break; case 39: alert(6.5); break; case 40: alert(7); break; default: alert('something went wrong') } break; case 'switch: if': let color = prompt("Введите цвет",""); if(color === "red") { document.write("
") } else if(color === "black") { document.write("
") } else if(color === "blue") { document.write("
") } else if(color === "green") { document.write("
") } else { document.write("
Я не понял
") } break; case 'prompt: or': let age1 = prompt('how old are you?'); if(age1 === '' || age1 === null) { alert('something is wrong...') } else { alert(`you were born in ${2022 - age1}`) } break; case 'confirm: or this days': let question1 = confirm('Шоппинг?') || alert(' Ты - бяка!'); break; case 'confirm: if this days': let question2 = confirm('Шоппинг?'); if(!question2) { alert(' Ты - бяка!') } break; case 'triple prompt': let surname = prompt('Enter surname') let name = prompt('Enter name') let patronymic = prompt('Enter patronymic') alert(`${surname} ${name} ${patronymic}`) break; case 'default: or': let enteredName = prompt('enter your name'); let enteredSurname = prompt('enter your surname'); enteredName = enteredName || 'Ivan'; enteredSurname = enteredSurname || 'Ivanov'; break; case 'default: if': let enteredName2 = prompt('enter your name'); let enteredSurname2 = prompt('enter your surname'); if(!enteredSurname2) { enteredSurname2 = 'Ivanov' } if(!enteredName2) { enteredName2 = 'Ivan' } break; case 'login and password': const adminName = 'admin'; const adminPassword = 'qwerty'; let login = prompt('Login: '); if(adminName === login) { let password = prompt('Password: '); if(adminPassword === password) { alert('Success!') } else { alert('password is incorrect') } } else { alert('login is incorrect') } break; case 'currency calc': let currency1 = prompt('USD or EUR?') let rate1; switch (currency1) { case 'usd': rate1 = 34.67 break; case 'eur': rate1 = 37.38 break; default: rate1 = 0; } let uah = +prompt('enter UAH to convert'); alert(`${(uah / rate1).toFixed(2)} ${currency1}`) break; case 'currency calc: improved': let currency2 = prompt('USD or EUR?').toLowerCase(); let rate2; switch (currency2) { case 'usd': rate2 = 34.67 break; case 'eur': rate2 = 37.38 break; default: rate2 = 0; } let uah1 = +prompt('enter UAH to convert'); alert(`${(uah1 / rate2).toFixed(2)} ${currency2}`) break; case 'currency calc: two rates': let currency3 = prompt('Do you want to use USD or EUR?').toLowerCase() let rate3; let buyRate1 = confirm('Do you want to buy currency?') switch (currency3) { case 'usd': buyRate1 ? rate3 = 36.28 : rate3 = 34.67 break; case 'eur': buyRate1 ? rate3 = 41.77 : rate3 = 37.38 break; default: alert('error'); } let uah2 = +prompt('enter UAH to convert'); alert(`${(uah2 / rate3).toFixed(2)} ${currency3}`) break; case 'currency calc: if': let currency4 = prompt('Do you want to use USD or EUR?').toLowerCase() if(currency4 === 'usd' || currency4 === 'eur') { let uah4 = +prompt('enter UAH to convert'); let rate4; let buyRate2 = confirm('Do you want to buy currency?') if (currency4 === 'usd') { buyRate2 ? rate4 = 36.28 : rate4 = 34.67 } else if (currency4 === 'eur') { buyRate2 ? rate4 = 41.77 : rate4 = 37.38 } else { alert('error') } alert(`${(uah4 / rate4).toFixed(2)} ${currency4}`) } break; case 'scissors': let usersTurn = prompt('Rock, paper or scissors?').toLowerCase(); let turns = ['rock', 'paper', 'scissors']; const randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3) let computersTurn = turns[randomIndex] console.log(computersTurn) if(usersTurn === computersTurn) { alert('It\'s a tie!') } else if(usersTurn === 'paper' && computersTurn === 'scissors') { alert('computer won'); } else if(usersTurn === 'scissors' && computersTurn === 'rock') { alert('computer won'); } else if(usersTurn === 'rock' && computersTurn === 'paper') { alert('computer won') } else if(computersTurn === 'paper' && usersTurn === 'scissors') { alert('you won'); } else if(computersTurn === 'scissors' && usersTurn === 'rock') { alert('you won'); } else if(computersTurn === 'rock' && usersTurn === 'paper') { alert('you won') } else { alert('error') } break; case 'задание на синий пояс': let ratios = { usdToBuy: 36.28, eurToBuy: 41.77, usdToSell: 34.67, eurToSell: 37.38 } let currency5 = prompt('Do you want to use USD or EUR?').toLowerCase() if(currency5 === 'usd' || currency5 === 'eur') { let rate; let uah = +prompt('enter UAH to convert'); let buyRate = confirm('Do you want to buy currency?') if (currency5 === 'usd') { rate = buyRate ? ratios["usdToBuy"] : ratios["usdToSell"] } else if (currency5 === 'eur') { rate = buyRate ? ratios["eurToBuy"] : ratios["eurToSell"] } else { alert('error') } alert(`${(uah / rate).toFixed(2)} ${currency5}`) } break; case 'real data': let currency = prompt('Enter the currency name to convert (e.g. USD)').toUpperCase() let uah3 = +prompt('enter UAH to convert'); fetch('https://open.er-api.com/v6/latest/' + currency) .then(res => res.json()) .then(data => { alert(`${(uah3 / data.rates.UAH).toFixed(2)} ${currency}`) }) break; case 'задание на черный пояс': let usersTurn1 = prompt('Rock, paper or scissors?').toLowerCase(); let turns1 = ['rock', 'paper', 'scissors']; const randomIndex1 = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3) let computersTurn1 = turns1[randomIndex1] console.log(computersTurn1) let compWin = usersTurn1 === 'paper' && computersTurn1 === 'scissors' || usersTurn1 === 'scissors' && computersTurn1 === 'rock' || usersTurn1 === 'rock' && computersTurn1 === 'paper'; let userWin = computersTurn1 === 'paper' && usersTurn1 === 'scissors' || computersTurn1 === 'scissors' && usersTurn1 === 'rock' || computersTurn1 === 'rock' && usersTurn1 === 'paper'; let tie = usersTurn1 === computersTurn1 && alert('It\'s a tie!') let victory = compWin && alert('computer won') || userWin && alert('you won'); break; };