import React from 'react'; import {useEffect, useState} from "react"; import {useDropzone} from "react-dropzone"; import {sortableContainer, sortableElement} from "react-sortable-hoc"; import Box from "@mui/material/Box"; import {backURL} from "../../../actions/PathDB"; import {Button, CircularProgress, Grid, TextField} from "@mui/material"; import {arrayMoveImmutable} from "array-move"; import Typography from "@mui/material/Typography"; import Autocomplete from "@mui/material/Autocomplete"; import CheckCircleOutlineIcon from "@mui/icons-material/CheckCircleOutline"; import {Link} from "react-router-dom"; import {connect} from "react-redux"; import {actionAllCategory} from "../../../actions/ActionCategory"; import {actionGoodUpsert} from "../../../actions/ActionCreateGood"; import {actionGoodCount} from "../../../actions/ActionGoodFind"; import {actionUploadFiles} from "../../../actions/ActionUploadFile"; import {actionClearPromise} from "../../../reducers/PromiseReducer"; const GoodEdit = ({entity={images: [], categories: []}, onSave, onFileDrop, fileStatus, categoryState, actionRootCat, goodCount, goods, actionClear, result}) => { const [state, setState] = useState(entity) const {getRootProps, getInputProps, isDragActive} = useDropzone({ accept: 'image/*', onDrop: acceptedFiles => { // acceptedFiles.forEach(async file => { // await onFileDrop(file) // }) onFileDrop(acceptedFiles) }}) const SortableItem = sortableElement(({value}) => { return ( {value?.url ? <> {} : } ) }); const SortableContainer = sortableContainer(({children}) => { return ( ) }) const onSortEnd = ({oldIndex, newIndex}) => { setState(({images}) => ({ ...state, images: arrayMoveImmutable(images, oldIndex, newIndex), })); } const handleClear = () => { setState(entity) } const handleOnSave = () => { let query = {...state} state.images?.length > 0 ? query.images = => {return {'_id': item['_id']}}) : delete query.images state.categories?.length > 0 ? query.categories = => {return {'_id': item['_id'], 'name': item['name']}}) : delete query.categories onSave(query) goodCount() } const handleFullClear = () => { goodCount() setState(entity) actionClear('goodUpsert') actionClear('uploadFile') } useEffect(() => { if(!categoryState) actionRootCat() if(!goods) goodCount() if(fileStatus?.status === 'RESOLVED'){ state.images?.length > 0 ? setState({...state, images: [...state.images, fileStatus?.payload]}) : setState({...state, images: [fileStatus?.payload]}) } },[categoryState, goods, fileStatus]) return ( <> {!result ? <> Total products: {goods?.payload || 0} {isDragActive ? Drop the file here ... : Drag 'n' drop image files here, or click to select file } {state.images?.length > 0 &&, index) => ( ))} setState({...state, name:})} /> {categoryState && categoryState?.payload && categoryState.payload?.length > 0 && <> {state.categories?.length > 0 ? { setState({...state, categories: [...newValue]}) }} getOptionLabel={(option) => option?.name || 'no name'} key={option => option?.id} renderInput={(params) => ( )} /> : { setState({...state, categories: [...newValue]}) }} getOptionLabel={(option) => option?.name || 'no name'} key={option => option?.id} renderInput={(params) => ( )} /> } } setState({...state, price: parseFloat( < 0 ? 0 :}) } /> setState({...state, description:})} /> : result?.payload?._id ? <> Product successfully created! View results : result?.error ? Fatal error, try again! : } ) } export const CGoodEdit = connect(state => ({ fileStatus: state.promise['uploadFile'], categoryState: state.promise['allCategory'], goods: state.promise['goodCount'], result: state.promise['goodUpsert']}), { actionRootCat: actionAllCategory, onSave: actionGoodUpsert, goodCount: actionGoodCount, onFileDrop: actionUploadFiles, actionClear: actionClearPromise}) (GoodEdit)