let a = { name: 'Vlad', surname: 'Marchenko', } //3 persons let b = { name: 'Vitalii', surname: 'Marchenko', } //3 persons let c = { name: 'Dmitruy', surname: 'Mitrohin', } //3 persons function differentFields() { console.log('different fields'); a.age = 30; b.fathername = 'Ivanov'; c.sex = 'male'; } // different fields function fieldsCheck() { differentFields(); console.log('fields check'); if ('age' in a) { console.log(a.age); } if (typeof b['fathername'] !== "undefined") { console.log(b.fathername); } } // fields check function arrayOfPersons() { fieldsCheck(); console.log('array of persons'); let person = [{...a}, {...b}, {...c}, {name: 'Alex', surname: 'Reznichenko', fathername: 'God'}]; console.log(person); return person; } // array of persons function loopOfPersons() { let person = arrayOfPersons(); console.log('loop of persons'); for (let item of person) { console.log(item); } } // loop of persons function loopOfNameAndSurname() { let person = arrayOfPersons(); console.log('loop of name and surname'); for (let {...obj} of person) { if('name' in obj && 'surname' in obj) { console.log(obj['name'], obj['surname']); } } } // loop of name and surname function loopOfLoopOfValues() { let person = arrayOfPersons(); console.log('loop of loop of values'); for (let i = 0; i < person.length; i++) { for (let key in person[i]) { console.log(person[i][key]); } } } // loop of loop of values function fullName() { let person = arrayOfPersons(); console.log('fullName'); person.forEach(item => { if('name' in item && 'surname' in item && 'fathername' in item){ item.fullName = `${item['name']} ${item['surname']} ${item['fathername']}`; } }); console.log(person); return person; } // fullName function serialize() { let person = fullName(); console.log('serialize'); let str = JSON.stringify(person, null, 4) console.log(str); return str; } // serialize function deserialize() { let str = serialize(); let person = fullName(); console.log('deserialize'); let betweenArr = JSON.parse(str); for (let betweenArrElement of betweenArr) { person.push(betweenArrElement); break; } console.log('Final array', person); return person; } // deserialize // loopOfPersons(); // вывод всего массива persons // loopOfNameAndSurname(); // вывод имени и фамилии массива persons // loopOfLoopOfValues(); // вывод значений из массива объектов // все функции связаны между собой (получают значения по цепочке), вызывать в порядке расположения //******************HTML*******************// function html() { let finalArr = deserialize(); let str = "" for (let {...obj} of finalArr) { str += ''; for (const objKey in obj) { str += ``; } str += ''; } str += "
" console.log(str); document.write(str); } // HTML function htmlOptionalFields() { let finalArr = deserialize(); let arrTh = []; let str = "" str += ''; for (let {...obj} of finalArr) { for (const objKey in obj) { if (str.includes(objKey)) continue; str += ``; arrTh.push(objKey); } } str += ''; let arrMiddle = []; for (let {...obj} of finalArr) { for (const objKey in obj) { arrMiddle[arrTh.indexOf(objKey)] = obj[objKey]; } str += ``; for (let i = 0; i < arrTh.length; i++) { if (arrMiddle[i] === undefined){ str += `` } else{ str += `` } } str += ``; } str += "
" console.log(str); document.write(str); } // HTML optional fields function htmlTrColor() { let finalArr = deserialize(); let arrTh = []; let str = "" str += ''; for (let {...obj} of finalArr) { for (const objKey in obj) { if (str.includes(objKey)) continue; str += ``; arrTh.push(objKey); } } str += ''; let counter = 0; let arrMiddle = []; for (let {...obj} of finalArr) { for (const objKey in obj) { arrMiddle[arrTh.indexOf(objKey)] = obj[objKey]; } counter++; if (counter % 2 === 0){ str += ``; } else { str += ``; } for (let i = 0; i < arrTh.length; i++) { if (arrMiddle[i] === undefined){ str += `` } else{ str += `` } } str += ``; } str += "
" console.log(str); document.write(str); } // HTML tr color function htmlThOptional() { let finalArr = deserialize(); let arrTh = []; let str = "" str += ''; for (let {...obj} of finalArr) { for (const objKey in obj) { if (str.includes(objKey)) continue; str += ``; arrTh.push(objKey); } } str += ''; let counter = 0; let arrMiddle = []; for (let {...obj} of finalArr) { for (const objKey in obj) { arrMiddle[arrTh.indexOf(objKey)] = obj[objKey]; } counter++; if (counter % 2 === 0){ str += ``; } else { str += ``; } for (let i = 0; i < arrTh.length; i++) { if (arrMiddle[i] === undefined){ str += `` } else{ str += `` } } str += ``; } str += "
" console.log(str); document.write(str); } // HTML th optional //html(); // простой вывод массива в html //htmlOptionalFields(); // вывод масива по колонкам //htmlTrColor(); // вывод масива по колонкам + цвет //htmlThOptional(); // вывод масива по колонкам function blueBelt(someTree, str = '') { if ('tagName' in someTree) { if ('attrs' in someTree) { let artStr = ''; for (const atr in someTree['attrs']) { artStr += `${atr}: ${someTree['attrs'][atr]};`; } str += `<${someTree['tagName']} style=\"${artStr}\">`; } else{ str += `<${someTree['tagName']}>`; } } if ('text' in someTree) { str += `${someTree['text']}`; } if ('subTags' in someTree) { for (let i = 0; i < someTree['subTags'].length; i++) { str = blueBelt(someTree['subTags'][i], str); } } str += ``; return str; } // задание на синий пояс let someTree = { tagName: "table", //html tag subTags: [ //вложенные тэги { tagName: "tr", subTags: [ { tagName: "td", text: "some text", }, { tagName: "td", text: "some text 2", } ] } ], attrs: { border: 1, margin: 10, padding: 1, }, } // тестовые данные для задания на синий пояс //console.log(blueBelt(someTree)); // вызов задания на синий пояс function destructArray() { let arr = [1,2,3,4,5, "a", "b", "c"]; let [odd1, even1, odd2, even2, odd3, ...str] = arr; console.log(odd1, even1, odd2, even2, odd3, str); } // destruct array function destructString() { let arr = [1, "abc"]; let [number, [s1, s2, s3]] = arr; console.log(number, s1, s2, s3); } // destruct string function destruct2() { let obj = { name: 'Ivan', surname: 'Petrov', children: [ {name: 'Maria'}, {name: 'Nikolay'} ] } let [{name: name1}, {name: name2}] = obj.children; console.log(name1, name2); } // destruct 2 function destruct3() { let arr = [1,2,3,4, 5,6,7,10]; let {0:a, 1:b, length} = arr; console.log(a, b, length); } // destruct 3 //destructArray(); //destructString(); //destruct2(); //destruct3(); function blackBelt() { let history = [1, 1, 1, 1]; let predictArray = []; predictArray[0] = []; predictArray[0][0] = []; predictArray[0][0][0] = []; predictArray[0][0][0][0] = []; let userValue = 0; for (let i = 0; true; i++){ if (i === 0){ console.log(Math.round(Math.random())); userValue = +prompt('Введите число от 0 до 1', '0'); if (userValue < 0 || userValue > 1 || isNaN(userValue)){ alert('Вы ввели не верное значение'); continue; } predictArray[history[0]][history[1]][history[2]][history[3]] = userValue; history.push(userValue); history.shift(); } else { console.log(predictArray); userValue = +prompt('Введите число от 0 до 1', '0'); if (userValue < 0 || userValue > 1 || isNaN(userValue)){ alert('Вы ввели не верное значение'); continue; } predictArray[history[0]][history[1]][history[2]][history[3]] = userValue; history.push(userValue); history.shift(); } } } // задание на черный пояс TODO не доделал