//Literals /* { const i = { name: "Bohdan", surname: "Baberya", age: 21, } console.log(i.name, i.age) alert(i.name + " " + i.age) } //Literals expand { const i = { name: "Bohdan", surname: "Baberya", age: 21, } i[prompt("write key")] = prompt('') i[prompt("write key")] = prompt('') console.log(i) } //Literals copy { const i = { name: "Bohdan", surname: "Baberya", age: 21, } i[prompt("write key")] = prompt('') i[prompt("write key")] = prompt('') const iCopy = i iCopy[prompt()] = prompt() console.log(i) } //Html tree { var body = { tagName: "body", children: [ { tagName: "div", children: [ { tagName: 'span', children: ["Enter a data please:"], }, { tagName: 'br/', }, { tagName: 'input', attrs: { type: 'text', id: 'name', } }, { tagName: 'input', attrs: { type: 'text', id: 'surname', } } ] }, { tagName: "div", children: [ { tagName: 'button', attrs: { id: 'ok', }, children: ['OK'], }, { tagName: 'button', attrs: { id: 'cancel', }, children: ['Cancel'], }, ] } ] } console.log(body.children[0].children[0].children) console.log(body.children[0].children[3].attrs.id) } //Parent { var body = { tagName: "body", children: [ { tagName: "div", parent: body, children: [ { tagName: 'span', parent: ['body.children[0]'], children: ["Enter a data please:"], }, { tagName: 'br', parent: ['body.children[0]'], }, { tagName: 'input', parent: ['body.children[0]'], attrs: { type: 'text', id: 'name', } }, { tagName: 'input', parent: ['body.children[0]'], attrs: { type: 'text', id: 'surname', } } ] }, { tagName: "div", parent: body, children: [ { tagName: 'button', parent: ['body.children[1]'], attrs: { id: 'ok', }, children: ['OK'], }, { tagName: 'button', parent: ['body.children[1]'], attrs: { id: 'cancel', }, children: ['Cancel'], }, ] } ] } // console.log(body.children[0].children[0].children) //console.log(body.children[0].children[3].attrs.id) console.log(body.children[1].children[1]) } //destruct array { let arr = [1,2,3,4,5, "a", "b", "c"] const [odd1, even1, odd2, even2, odd3, ...someLetters] = arr console.log(odd1) console.log(someLetters) } //destruct string { let arr = [1, "abc"] const [number, [s1, s2, s3]] = arr console.log(s2) } //destruct 2 { let obj = {name: 'Ivan', surname: 'Petrov', children: [{name: 'Maria'}, {name: 'Nikolay'}]} const {children: [{name:name1}, {name:name2}]} = obj console.log(name1) console.log(name2) } //destruct 3 let arr = [1,2,3,4, 5,6,7,10] const [a,b, ...{length: length}] = arr console.log(a, length) //Change OK { var body = { tagName: "body", children: [ { tagName: "div", children: [ { tagName: 'span', children: ["Enter a data please:"], }, { tagName: 'br/', }, { tagName: 'input', attrs: { type: 'text', id: 'name', } }, { tagName: 'input', attrs: { type: 'text', id: 'surname', } } ] }, { tagName: "div", children: [ { tagName: 'button', attrs: { id: 'ok', }, children: ['OK'], }, { tagName: 'button', attrs: { id: 'cancel', }, children: ['Cancel'], }, ] } ] } // console.log(body.children[0].children[0].children) //console.log(body.children[0].children[3].attrs.id) body.children[1].children[0].attrs[prompt()] = prompt() console.log(body) } //Destructure { var body = { tagName: "body", children: [ { tagName: "div", children: [ { tagName: 'span', children: ["Enter a data please:"], }, { tagName: 'br/', }, { tagName: 'input', attrs: { type: 'text', id: 'name', } }, { tagName: 'input', attrs: { type: 'text', id: 'surname', } } ] }, { tagName: "div", children: [ { tagName: 'button', attrs: { id: 'ok', }, children: ['OK'], }, { tagName: 'button', attrs: { id: 'cancel', }, children: ['Cancel'], }, ] } ] }*/ //console.log(body.children[0].children[0].children[0]) //console.log(body.children[1].children[1].children[0]) //console.log(body.children[0].children[3].attrs.id) /* OR */ /* const {children: [{children: [{children},{},{},{attrs: {id}}]},{children: [{}, {children: [button]}]}]} = body console.log(children,id,button) alert(children + " " + id + " " + button) } //Copy delete { const i = { name: "Bohdan", surname: "Baberya", age: 21, } const {[prompt("Write key for delete: ")]:del, ...other} = i console.log(other) } //Currency real rate { let firstValue = prompt("write your value").toUpperCase() let secondValue = prompt("write your second value").toUpperCase() let amount = +prompt("Your amount value") fetch('https://open.er-api.com/v6/latest/USD').then(res => res.json()) .then(data => { let result, rate rate = data.rates[secondValue] result =amount * rate console.log(data) console.log(result) alert(result) }) } // Currency drop down { fetch('https://open.er-api.com/v6/latest/USD').then(res => res.json()) .then(data => { console.log(data) const allRates = Object.keys(data.rates) console.log(allRates) let str = "" document.write(str) }) } //Currency table { fetch('https://open.er-api.com/v6/latest/USD').then(res => res.json()) .then(data => { const key = 0 const value = 1 const arr = Object.entries( data.rates ) let str = "" str += "" + "" for (let i = 0; i ${arr[i][key]} ` } str += "" for (let i = 0; i` rate1 = arr[i][value] for(let j=0; j ${crossRate.toFixed(2)} ` } } str += "" str += "
" + "
" console.log(data) document.write(str) }) } */ // Form { const car = { "Name":"chevrolet chevelle malibu", "Cylinders":8, "Displacement":307, "Horsepower":130, "Weight_in_lbs":3504, "Origin":"USA", "in_production": false } let str = "
" for ( const [key,value] of Object.entries(car)){ if (typeof(value) === "string"){ str += ` ` } if(typeof(value) === "number"){ str += ` ` } if(typeof(value) === "boolean"){ str += ` ` } } str += "
" document.write(str) console.log(str) } /* //Table const persons = [ { "Name":"chevrolet chevelle malibu", "Cylinders":8, "Displacement":307, "Horsepower":130, "Weight_in_lbs":3504, "Origin":"USA" }, { "Name":"buick skylark 320", "Miles_per_Gallon":15, "Cylinders":8, "Displacement":350, "Horsepower":165, "Weight_in_lbs":3693, "Acceleration":11.5, "Year":"1970-01-01", }, { "Miles_per_Gallon":18, "Cylinders":8, "Displacement":318, "Horsepower":150, "Weight_in_lbs":3436, "Year":"1970-01-01", "Origin":"USA" }, { "Name":"amc rebel sst", "Miles_per_Gallon":16, "Cylinders":8, "Displacement":304, "Horsepower":150, "Year":"1970-01-01", "Origin":"USA" }, ] let i = 0 let arrKeys = [] for (let key of persons){ arrKeys += Object.keys(persons[i]) + "," i++ } arrKeys = arrKeys.split(",").slice(0,-1) const arrFilter = (x) => { return x.filter((el1,el2) => x.indexOf(el1) === el2 ) } arrKeys = arrFilter(arrKeys) let arrValue =[] for (let arrVal of persons){ arrValue.push(arrKeys.map(y=>arrVal[y] === undefined? arrVal[y]="-" : arrVal[y])) } arrValue.unshift(arrKeys) let str = `` for( let firstString of arrValue){ str += `` for(let otherString of firstString){ str += `` } str += " " } str += "
" document.write(str) */