# Function The `Napi::Function` class provides a set of methods for creating a function object in native code that can later be called from JavaScript. The created function is not automatically visible from JavaScript. Instead it needs to be part of the add-on's module exports or be returned by one of the module's exported functions. In addition the `Napi::Function` class also provides methods that can be used to call functions that were created in JavaScript and passed to the native add-on. The `Napi::Function` class inherits its behavior from the `Napi::Object` class (for more info see: [`Napi::Object`](object.md)). > For callbacks that will be called with asynchronous events from a > non-JavaScript thread, please refer to [`Napi::ThreadSafeFunction`][] for more > examples. ## Example ```cpp #include using namespace Napi; Value Fn(const CallbackInfo& info) { Env env = info.Env(); // ... return String::New(env, "Hello World"); } Object Init(Env env, Object exports) { exports.Set(String::New(env, "fn"), Function::New(env)); } NODE_API_MODULE(NODE_GYP_MODULE_NAME, Init) ``` The above code can be used from JavaScript as follows: ```js const addon = require('./addon'); addon.fn(); ``` With the `Napi::Function` class it is possible to call a JavaScript function object from a native add-on with two different methods: `Call` and `MakeCallback`. The API of these two methods is very similar, but they are used in different contexts. The `MakeCallback` method is used to call from native code back into JavaScript after returning from an [asynchronous operation](async_operations.md) and in general in situations which don't have an existing JavaScript function on the stack. The `Call` method is used when there is already a JavaScript function on the stack (for example when running a native method called from JavaScript). ## Type definitions ### Napi::Function::VoidCallback This is the type describing a callback returning `void` that will be invoked from JavaScript. ```cpp typedef void (*VoidCallback)(const Napi::CallbackInfo& info); ``` ### Napi::Function::Callback This is the type describing a callback returning a value that will be invoked from JavaScript. ```cpp typedef Value (*Callback)(const Napi::CallbackInfo& info); ``` ## Methods ### Constructor Creates a new empty instance of `Napi::Function`. ```cpp Napi::Function::Function(); ``` ### Constructor Creates a new instance of the `Napi::Function` object. ```cpp Napi::Function::Function(napi_env env, napi_value value); ``` - `[in] env`: The `napi_env` environment in which to construct the `Napi::Function` object. - `[in] value`: The `napi_value` which is a handle for a JavaScript function. Returns a non-empty `Napi::Function` instance. ### New Creates an instance of a `Napi::Function` object. ```cpp template static Napi::Function New(napi_env env, const char* utf8name = nullptr, void* data = nullptr); ``` - `[template] cb`: The native function to invoke when the JavaScript function is invoked. - `[in] env`: The `napi_env` environment in which to construct the `Napi::Function` object. - `[in] utf8name`: Null-terminated string to be used as the name of the function. - `[in] data`: User-provided data context. This will be passed back into the function when invoked later. Returns an instance of a `Napi::Function` object. ### New Creates an instance of a `Napi::Function` object. ```cpp template static Napi::Function New(napi_env env, const char* utf8name = nullptr, void* data = nullptr); ``` - `[template] cb`: The native function to invoke when the JavaScript function is invoked. - `[in] env`: The `napi_env` environment in which to construct the `Napi::Function` object. - `[in] utf8name`: Null-terminated string to be used as the name of the function. - `[in] data`: User-provided data context. This will be passed back into the function when invoked later. Returns an instance of a `Napi::Function` object. ### New Creates an instance of a `Napi::Function` object. ```cpp template static Napi::Function New(napi_env env, const std::string& utf8name, void* data = nullptr); ``` - `[template] cb`: The native function to invoke when the JavaScript function is invoked. - `[in] env`: The `napi_env` environment in which to construct the `Napi::Function` object. - `[in] utf8name`: String to be used as the name of the function. - `[in] data`: User-provided data context. This will be passed back into the function when invoked later. Returns an instance of a `Napi::Function` object. ### New Creates an instance of a `Napi::Function` object. ```cpp template static Napi::Function New(napi_env env, const std::string& utf8name, void* data = nullptr); ``` - `[template] cb`: The native function to invoke when the JavaScript function is invoked. - `[in] env`: The `napi_env` environment in which to construct the `Napi::Function` object. - `[in] utf8name`: String to be used as the name of the function. - `[in] data`: User-provided data context. This will be passed back into the function when invoked later. Returns an instance of a `Napi::Function` object. ### New Creates an instance of a `Napi::Function` object. ```cpp template static Napi::Function Napi::Function::New(napi_env env, Callable cb, const char* utf8name = nullptr, void* data = nullptr); ``` - `[in] env`: The `napi_env` environment in which to construct the `Napi::Function` object. - `[in] cb`: Object that implements `Callable`. - `[in] utf8name`: Null-terminated string to be used as the name of the function. - `[in] data`: User-provided data context. This will be passed back into the function when invoked later. Returns an instance of a `Napi::Function` object. ### New ```cpp template static Napi::Function Napi::Function::New(napi_env env, Callable cb, const std::string& utf8name, void* data = nullptr); ``` - `[in] env`: The `napi_env` environment in which to construct the `Napi::Function` object. - `[in] cb`: Object that implements `Callable`. - `[in] utf8name`: String to be used as the name of the function. - `[in] data`: User-provided data context. This will be passed back into the function when invoked later. Returns an instance of a `Napi::Function` object. ### New Creates a new JavaScript value from one that represents the constructor for the object. ```cpp Napi::Object Napi::Function::New(const std::initializer_list& args) const; ``` - `[in] args`: Initializer list of JavaScript values as `napi_value` representing the arguments of the contructor function. Returns a new JavaScript object. ### New Creates a new JavaScript value from one that represents the constructor for the object. ```cpp Napi::Object Napi::Function::New(const std::vector& args) const; ``` - `[in] args`: Vector of JavaScript values as `napi_value` representing the arguments of the constructor function. Returns a new JavaScript object. ### New Creates a new JavaScript value from one that represents the constructor for the object. ```cpp Napi::Object Napi::Function::New(size_t argc, const napi_value* args) const; ``` - `[in] argc`: The number of the arguments passed to the contructor function. - `[in] args`: Array of JavaScript values as `napi_value` representing the arguments of the constructor function. Returns a new JavaScript object. ### Call Calls a Javascript function from a native add-on. ```cpp Napi::Value Napi::Function::Call(const std::initializer_list& args) const; ``` - `[in] args`: Initializer list of JavaScript values as `napi_value` representing the arguments of the function. Returns a `Napi::Value` representing the JavaScript value returned by the function. ### Call Calls a JavaScript function from a native add-on. ```cpp Napi::Value Napi::Function::Call(const std::vector& args) const; ``` - `[in] args`: Vector of JavaScript values as `napi_value` representing the arguments of the function. Returns a `Napi::Value` representing the JavaScript value returned by the function. ### Call Calls a Javascript function from a native add-on. ```cpp Napi::Value Napi::Function::Call(size_t argc, const napi_value* args) const; ``` - `[in] argc`: The number of the arguments passed to the function. - `[in] args`: Array of JavaScript values as `napi_value` representing the arguments of the function. Returns a `Napi::Value` representing the JavaScript value returned by the function. ### Call Calls a Javascript function from a native add-on. ```cpp Napi::Value Napi::Function::Call(napi_value recv, const std::initializer_list& args) const; ``` - `[in] recv`: The `this` object passed to the called function. - `[in] args`: Initializer list of JavaScript values as `napi_value` representing the arguments of the function. Returns a `Napi::Value` representing the JavaScript value returned by the function. ### Call Calls a Javascript function from a native add-on. ```cpp Napi::Value Napi::Function::Call(napi_value recv, const std::vector& args) const; ``` - `[in] recv`: The `this` object passed to the called function. - `[in] args`: Vector of JavaScript values as `napi_value` representing the arguments of the function. Returns a `Napi::Value` representing the JavaScript value returned by the function. ### Call Calls a Javascript function from a native add-on. ```cpp Napi::Value Napi::Function::Call(napi_value recv, size_t argc, const napi_value* args) const; ``` - `[in] recv`: The `this` object passed to the called function. - `[in] argc`: The number of the arguments passed to the function. - `[in] args`: Array of JavaScript values as `napi_value` representing the arguments of the function. Returns a `Napi::Value` representing the JavaScript value returned by the function. ### MakeCallback Calls a Javascript function from a native add-on after an asynchronous operation. ```cpp Napi::Value Napi::Function::MakeCallback(napi_value recv, const std::initializer_list& args, napi_async_context context = nullptr) const; ``` - `[in] recv`: The `this` object passed to the called function. - `[in] args`: Initializer list of JavaScript values as `napi_value` representing the arguments of the function. - `[in] context`: Context for the async operation that is invoking the callback. This should normally be a value previously obtained from [Napi::AsyncContext](async_context.md). However `nullptr` is also allowed, which indicates the current async context (if any) is to be used for the callback. Returns a `Napi::Value` representing the JavaScript value returned by the function. ### MakeCallback Calls a Javascript function from a native add-on after an asynchronous operation. ```cpp Napi::Value Napi::Function::MakeCallback(napi_value recv, const std::vector& args, napi_async_context context = nullptr) const; ``` - `[in] recv`: The `this` object passed to the called function. - `[in] args`: List of JavaScript values as `napi_value` representing the arguments of the function. - `[in] context`: Context for the async operation that is invoking the callback. This should normally be a value previously obtained from [Napi::AsyncContext](async_context.md). However `nullptr` is also allowed, which indicates the current async context (if any) is to be used for the callback. Returns a `Napi::Value` representing the JavaScript value returned by the function. ### MakeCallback Calls a Javascript function from a native add-on after an asynchronous operation. ```cpp Napi::Value Napi::Function::MakeCallback(napi_value recv, size_t argc, const napi_value* args, napi_async_context context = nullptr) const; ``` - `[in] recv`: The `this` object passed to the called function. - `[in] argc`: The number of the arguments passed to the function. - `[in] args`: Array of JavaScript values as `napi_value` representing the arguments of the function. - `[in] context`: Context for the async operation that is invoking the callback. This should normally be a value previously obtained from [Napi::AsyncContext](async_context.md). However `nullptr` is also allowed, which indicates the current async context (if any) is to be used for the callback. Returns a `Napi::Value` representing the JavaScript value returned by the function. ## Operator ```cpp Napi::Value Napi::Function::operator ()(const std::initializer_list& args) const; ``` - `[in] args`: Initializer list of JavaScript values as `napi_value`. Returns a `Napi::Value` representing the JavaScript value returned by the function. [`Napi::ThreadSafeFunction`]: ./threadsafe_function.md