'use strict'; const {htmlEscape} = require('escape-goat'); module.exports = (template, data) => { if (typeof template !== 'string') { throw new TypeError(`Expected a \`string\` in the first argument, got \`${typeof template}\``); } if (typeof data !== 'object') { throw new TypeError(`Expected an \`object\` or \`Array\` in the second argument, got \`${typeof data}\``); } const doubleBraceRegex = /{{(.*?)}}/g; if (doubleBraceRegex.test(template)) { template = template.replace(doubleBraceRegex, (_, key) => { let result = data; for (const property of key.split('.')) { result = result ? result[property] : ''; } return htmlEscape(String(result)); }); } const braceRegex = /{(.*?)}/g; return template.replace(braceRegex, (_, key) => { let result = data; for (const property of key.split('.')) { result = result ? result[property] : ''; } return String(result); }); };