# redeyed [](http://travis-ci.org/thlorenz/redeyed)
*Add color to your JavaScript!*

[Red Eyed Tree Frog](http://allaboutfrogs.org/info/species/redeye.html) *(Agalychnis callidryas)*
## What?
Takes JavaScript code, along with a config and returns the original code with tokens wrapped and/or replaced as configured.
## Where?
- server side using nodejs
- in the [browser](#browser-support)
## What for?
One usecase is adding metadata to your code that can then be used to apply syntax highlighting.
## How?
- copy the [config.js](https://github.com/thlorenz/redeyed/blob/master/config.js) and edit it in order to specify how
certain tokens are to be surrounded/replaced
- replace the `undefined` of each token you want to configure with one of the following
### {String} config
wraps the token inside before/after
### {Object} config
`{ _before: 'before', _after: 'after' }`
wraps token inside before/after
#### Missing before and after resolution for {String} and {Object} config
For the `{String}` and `{Object}` configurations, 'before' or 'after' may be omitted:
- `{String}`:
- `'before:'` (omitting 'after')
- `':after'` (omitting 'before')
- `{Object}`:
- `{ _before: 'before' }` (omitting '_after')
- `{ _after: 'after' }` (omitting '_before')
In these cases the missing half is resolved as follows:
- from the `parent._default` (i.e., `Keyword._default`) if found
- otherwise from the `config._default` if found
- otherwise `''` (empty string)
### {Function} config
`function (tokenString, info) { return {String}|{Object}; }`
#### Inputs
- tokenString: the content of the token that is currently being processed
- info: an object with the following structure
// {Int}
// the index of the token being processed inside tokens
// {Array}
// all tokens that are being processed including comments
// (i.e. the result of merging esprima tokens and comments)
, tokens
// {Object}
// the abstract syntax tree of the parsed code
, ast
// {String}
// the code that was parsed (same string as the one passed to redeyed(code ..)
, code
In most cases the `tokenString` is all you need. The extra info object is passed in case you need to gather more
information about the `token`'s surroundings in order to decide how to transform it.
See: [replace-log-example](https://github.com/thlorenz/redeyed/blob/master/examples/replace-log.js)
#### Output
You can return a {String} or an {Object} from a {Function} config.
- when returning a {String}, the token value will be replaced with it
- when returning an {Object}, it should be of the following form:
// {String}
// the string that should be substituted for the value of the current and all skipped tokens
// {Object} (Token)
// the token after which processing should continue
// all tokens in between the current one and this one inclusive will be ignored
, skipPastToken
### Transforming JavaScript code
***redeyed(code, config[, opts])***
Invoke redeyed with your **config**uration, a **code** snippet and maybe **opts** as in the below example:
var redeyed = require('redeyed')
, config = require('./path/to/config')
, code = 'var a = 3;'
, result;
// redeyed will throw an error (caused by the esprima parser) if the code has invalid javascript
try {
result = redeyed(code, config);
} catch(err) {
{ // {Boolean}
// if true `result.ast` property contains the abstract syntax tree of the code
// if false (default) `result.ast` is not assigned and therefore `undefined`
buildAst: true|false
// {Boolean}
// if `true`, jsx syntax is supported, default `false`
// due to how esprima works, the AST is built when this option is `true`, even if
// `buildAST` is `false`
, jsx: true|false
// {Boolean}
// if true `result.code` is not assigned and therefore `undefined`
// if false (default) `result.code` property contains the result of `split.join`
nojoin: true|false
// {Object}
// overrides default parser `esprima-fb` and needs to be compatible with it
parser: require('esprima')
***return value***:
{ ast
, tokens
, comments
, splits
, code
- ast `{Array}`: [abstract syntax tree](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abstract_syntax_tree) as returned by [esprima
- tokens `{Array}`: [tokens](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Token_(parser)) provided by esprima (excluding
- comments `{Array}`: block and line comments as provided by esprima
- splits `{Array}`: code pieces split up, some of which where transformed as configured
- code `{String}`: transformed code, same as `splits.join('')` unless this step has been skipped (see opts)
## Browser Support
### AMD
Ensure to include [esprima](https://github.com/ariya/esprima) as one of your dependencies
define(['redeyed'], function (redeyed) {
[ .. ]
### Attached to global window object
The `redeyed {Function}` will be exposed globally as `window.redeyed` - big surprise!
## redeyed in the wild
- [cardinal](https://github.com/thlorenz/cardinal): Syntax highlights JavaScript code with ANSI colors to be printed to
the terminal
- [peacock](http://thlorenz.github.com/peacock/): JavaScript syntax highlighter that generates html that is compatible
with pygments styles.
## Examples
- `npm explore redeyed; npm demo` will let you try the [browser example](https://github.com/thlorenz/redeyed/tree/master/examples/browser)
- `npm explore redeyed; npm demo-log` will let you try the [replace log example](https://github.com/thlorenz/redeyed/blob/master/examples/replace-log.js)