'use strict' var test = require('tape') var util = require('util') var redeyed = require('..') function inspect(obj) { return util.inspect(obj, false, 5, true) } test('function - config passing idx and tokens', function(t) { var args = [] var opts001 = { Boolean: { _default: identity } , Keyword: { _default: identity } , Identifier: { _default: identity } , Punctuator: { _default: identity } } var code = 'var fn = function () { return true; }' function identity(s, info) { args.push({ value: s, idx: info.tokenIndex, tokens: info.tokens, code: info.code }) // returning unchanged string will keep the splits be equal to the original tokens return s } t.test(inspect(opts001) + ' -- ' + code, function(t) { var result = redeyed(code, opts001, { splits: true }) var tokens = result.tokens t.equals(args.length, tokens.length, 'called with all tokens') for (var i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) { var token = tokens[i] var arg = args[i] t.equals(arg.value, token.value, 'passes correct value: ' + inspect([ arg.value, token.value ])) t.equals(arg.idx, i, 'passes correct index') t.equals(arg.code, code, 'passes code') t.deepEquals(arg.tokens, tokens, 'passes all tokens') } t.end() }) t.end() })