@@ -1,145 +1,160 @@
import React from 'react';
-import { Field, reduxForm } from 'redux-form';
+import { Field, reduxForm, formValueSelector } from 'redux-form';
import formInput from '../../common/formInput';
+import { connect } from 'react-redux';
class CreateTopic extends React.Component {
- state ={
- click:false,
- klick:["1"],
- array:[],
- simple:false
+ state = {
+ click: false,
+ arrayAnswers: [],
+ array: [],
+ simple: false,
+ click_2: false,
+ click_3: false
- submit=({name, description })=>{
- const {actions:{createTopicsRequest}, token, categoryId} = this.props;
+ submit = () => {
+ const { actions: { createTopicsRequest }, categoryId, formValues: { name, description } } = this.props;
+ console.log(name, description)
- description,
+ description,
- token
- qestionAnswerSubmit = ({questions, correct }) =>{
- const {simple, array} = this.state
- const {topic:{data:{topic:{_id}}}, actions:{createTestRequest}, token} =this.props;
- console.log("topicId",_id,questions, correct)
+ qestionAnswerSubmit = () => {
+ const { simple, array } = this.state
+ const { topic: { _id } , actions: { createTestRequest }, formValues: { questions } } = this.props;
+ console.log(questions)
- array,
- token
+ array
- this.setState({array: []})
- const {ansversInput} =this.refs
- console.log(this.state, ansversInput.value)
+ this.setState({ arrayAnswers:[] })
+ this.setState({ array:[] })
- handelClick =()=>{
- this.setState((prevState) => ({klick:prevState.klick.push("1")}))
- }
- handelChange=(event)=>{
- const target = event.target;
- const value = target.type === 'checkbox' ? target.checked : target.value;
- const name = target.name;
- this.setState({
- [name]: value
- });
+ handelChange = () => { this.setState((prevState) => ({ simple: !prevState.simple })) }
+ handelClick = () => { this.setState((prevState) => ({ click: !prevState.click })) }
+ handleClick_3 = () => {
+ this.setState((prevState) => ({ click_2: !prevState.click_2 }))
+ this.setState({ click_3:true })
+ this.setState((prevState) => ({ arrayAnswers: prevState.arrayAnswers.concat(prevState.arrayAnswers.length + 1) }))
+ handelClick_2 =()=>{
+ this.setState((prevState) => ({ click_3: !prevState.click_3 }))
- onClick =() =>{
- this.setState((prevState) => ({ click: !prevState.click }));
- formSubmitinput =({answer, price,correct})=>{
- console.log(answer, correct, price);
- const values ={
- answer:answer,
- price:+price,
- correct:correct
+ formSubmitinput = (event) => {
+ const currentId = this.state.arrayAnswers.length;
+ const values = {
+ answer: event[`answers${currentId}`],
+ price: Number(event[`price${currentId}`]),
+ correct: event[`correct${currentId}`] || false
- this.setState((prevState) =>({array:prevState.array.push(values), klick:prevState.klick.push("1")},console.log(prevState.array) ))
- console.log(this.state)
+ console.log(values)
+ this.setState((prevState) => ({ array: prevState.array.push(values) }, console.log(prevState.array)))
+ this.setState((prevState) => ({ click_2: !prevState.click_2 }))
render() {
- const { handleSubmit} =this.props;
- const {simple, price, correct, click, array, klick} =this.state;
- const {handelChange, submit, onClick, handelClick, formSubmitinput,qestionAnswerSubmit} = this;
+ const { handleSubmit} = this.props;
+ const { simple, price, correct, click, array, arrayAnswers, click_2, click_3 } = this.state;
+ const { handelChange, submit, handelClick, formSubmitinput, qestionAnswerSubmit, handelClick_2, handleClick_3 } = this;
return (
- <form>
- <h4 className ="text-white font-ci"> Enter topic </h4>
- <Field className ="bg-mist bg-mist-op text-white mt-3 mb-3 border rounded w-100 " name="name" type="name" placeholder="Create Name Topic" component={formInput} />
- <h4 className ="text-white font-ci"> Enter description </h4>
- <Field className ="bg-mist bg-mist-op text-white mt-3 mb-3 border rounded w-100 " name ="description" type = "textarea" placeholder = "Create Descriptions" component = {formInput} />
- {
- !click
- ?
- <button onClick = {()=>{
- onClick()
- handleSubmit(submit)()
- }}> Create questions</button>
- :
- <div>
- <h4 className ="text-white font-ci"> Enter question and set the difficulty level</h4>
- <div className ="d-flex w-100 ">
- <Field className="bg-mist bg-mist-op text-white mt-3 mb-3 border rounded w-100 " name ="questions" type = "questions" placeholder = "Create Qestions" component = {formInput} />
- <Field className="bg-mist bg-mist-op text-white mt-4 pb-1 border rounded w-25 flex-row align-items-end check" name ="simple" type = "checkbox" checked ={simple} onChange ={handelChange} component = {formInput} />
- </div>
- <div>
- <Field className = "bg-mist bg-mist-op text-white mt-3 mb-3 border rounded" name ="answer" type = "name" placeholder ="Add anwer" ref ='ansversInput' component = {formInput} />
- <Field className = "bg-mist bg-mist-op text-white mt-3 mb-3 border rounded" name ="price" type = "number" value ={price} component = {formInput} />
- <Field className ="bg-mist bg-mist-op text-white mt-3 mb-3 border rounded" name ="correct" type = "checkbox" checked ={correct} component = {formInput} />
- </div>)
+ <form onSubmit={handleSubmit(qestionAnswerSubmit)}>
+ <h4 className="text-white font-ci"> Enter topic </h4>
+ <Field className="bg-mist bg-mist-op text-white mt-3 mb-3 border rounded w-100 " name="name" type="name" placeholder="Create Name Topic" component={formInput} />
+ <h4 className="text-white font-ci"> Enter description </h4>
+ <Field className="bg-mist bg-mist-op text-white mt-3 mb-3 border rounded w-100 " name="description" type="textarea" placeholder="Create Descriptions" component={formInput} />
+ {
+ !click
+ ?
+ <button
+ onClick={() => {
+ handelClick()
+ submit()
+ }}>
+ Create questions
+ </button>
+ :
+ <div>
+ <h4 className="text-white font-ci"> Enter question and set the difficulty level</h4>
+ <div className="d-flex w-100 ">
+ <Field className="bg-mist bg-mist-op text-white mt-3 mb-3 border rounded w-100 " name="questions" type="questions" placeholder="Create Qestions" component={formInput} />
+ <Field className="bg-mist bg-mist-op text-white mt-4 pb-1 border rounded w-25 flex-row align-items-end check" name="simple" type="checkbox" checked={simple} onChange={handelChange} component={formInput} />
+ </div>
+ {
+ click_3
+ ?
+ arrayAnswers.map(el =>
+ <div key={el} id={el}>
+ <Field className="bg-mist bg-mist-op text-white mt-3 mb-3 border rounded" name={`answers${el}`} type="name" placeholder="Add anwer" ref='ansversInput' component={formInput} />
+ <Field className="bg-mist bg-mist-op text-white mt-3 mb-3 border rounded" name={`price${el}`} type="number" value={price} component={formInput} />
+ <Field className="bg-mist bg-mist-op text-white mt-3 mb-3 border rounded" name={`correct${el}`} type="checkbox" checked={correct} component={formInput} />
+ </div>
+ )
+ :
+ null
+ }
+ <React.Fragment>
- array.map(el=>
- <div>
- <Field className = "bg-mist bg-mist-op text-white mt-3 mb-3 border rounded" name ="answer" type = "name" placeholder ="Add anwer" ref ='ansversInput' component = {formInput} />
- <Field className = "bg-mist bg-mist-op text-white mt-3 mb-3 border rounded" name ="price" type = "number" value ={price} component = {formInput} />
- <Field className ="bg-mist bg-mist-op text-white mt-3 mb-3 border rounded" name ="correct" type = "checkbox" checked ={correct} component = {formInput} />
- </div>)
- }
- <button onClick={
- handleSubmit(formSubmitinput)}></button>
- <button className="form__submit-button form__submit-button--reset" onClick = {()=>
- {
- handleSubmit(qestionAnswerSubmit)()}}></button>
- </div>
- }
- </form>
+ click_2
+ ?
+ <button type="button" onClick={handleSubmit(formSubmitinput)}>Add answer</button>
+ :
+ <React.Fragment>
+ <button type="button " onClick={handleClick_3}>Create answers</button>
+ <button className="form__submit-button form__submit-button--reset" onClick ={handelClick_2} >Create Questions</button>
+ </React.Fragment>
+ }
+ </React.Fragment>
+ }
+ </div>
+ }
+ </form>
- )
+ )
+ }
+const selector = formValueSelector('createTopicForm');
+const mapStateToProps = state => ({
+ formValues: selector(state, 'name', 'description', 'questions', 'simple', 'answer', 'price', 'correct')
-export default reduxForm({
- form: "createTopicForm"
+export default connect(mapStateToProps, null)(reduxForm({
+ form: "createTopicForm",