/** * An exported enum describing the different kinds of tokens that the * lexer emits. */ export const TokenKind: _TokenKind; type _TokenKind = { SOF: '<SOF>'; EOF: '<EOF>'; BANG: '!'; DOLLAR: '$'; AMP: '&'; PAREN_L: '('; PAREN_R: ')'; SPREAD: '...'; COLON: ':'; EQUALS: '='; AT: '@'; BRACKET_L: '['; BRACKET_R: ']'; BRACE_L: '{'; PIPE: '|'; BRACE_R: '}'; NAME: 'Name'; INT: 'Int'; FLOAT: 'Float'; STRING: 'String'; BLOCK_STRING: 'BlockString'; COMMENT: 'Comment'; }; /** * The enum type representing the token kinds values. */ export type TokenKindEnum = _TokenKind[keyof _TokenKind];