const { MongoClient, ObjectID } = require("mongodb"); const {asynchronize, openPromise } = require('./asynchronize') const mm = db => { class Savable { constructor(obj, ref, empty=false){ this._id = null this._ref = ref this._class = this._empty = true Savable.addClass(this.__proto__.constructor) if (obj){ this.populate(obj) this._empty = empty } } backupRelations(){ this._loadRelations = {}; for (const relation in this.__proto__.constructor.relations){ this._loadRelations[relation] = this[relation] instanceof Array ? [...this[relation]] : this[relation] } } populate(obj){ const convertSavables = (obj) => { for (const key in obj){ if (Savable.isSavable(obj[key])){ obj[key] = (this._ref && Savable.equals(obj[key], this._ref)) ? this._ref : Savable.newSavable(obj[key], this) } else if (typeof obj[key] === 'object'){ convertSavables(obj[key]) } } } Object.assign(this, obj) convertSavables(this) this.backupRelations() //this._id = obj._id } get _empty(){ return !!this.then } set _empty(value){ if (value){ //TODO: list of callbacks, because then can be called many times, and //it's not reason to repeat query to db this.then = (cb, err) => { if (!this._id) err(new ReferenceError('Id is empty')) if (!this._class) err(new ReferenceError('Class is empty')) const promise = openPromise() this.collection.findOne(this._id).then( data => { if (!data){ let error = new ReferenceError('Document Not Found') if (typeof err === 'function') err(error) else promise.reject(error) } else { delete this.then this.populate(data) if (typeof cb === 'function') promise.resolve(cb(this)) else { promise.resolve(this) } } }) return promise } } else { delete this.then } } get createdAt(){ return this._id ? new Date(this._id.getTimestamp()) : null } get collection(){ return db.collection(this._class) } async save(noSync=false){ if (this.validate && !(await this.validate())){ throw new SyntaxError(`validation error on entity ${this._id} of class ${} (${ || this.key}) save`) } if (this.empty) return this; const syncRelations = async () => { if (noSync) return if (!(this && this.__proto__ && this.__proto__.constructor && this.__proto__.constructor.relations)) return async function getValueByField(field, savable) { let path = field.split('.'); await savable//.catch(e => console.log('GET VALUE BY FIELD ERROR')); let result = savable; let prev; let lastKey = path.pop() while (prev = result, result = result[path.shift()] && path.length); return {value: prev[lastKey], obj: prev, lastKey}; } for (const relation in this.__proto__.constructor.relations){ let backRef = this.__proto__.constructor.relations[relation] if (Array.isArray(backRef)) backRef = backRef[0] const loadRelation = this._loadRelations[relation] const loadRelationAsArray = loadRelation instanceof Savable ? [loadRelation] : loadRelation let {value, obj, lastKey: key} = await getValueByField(relation, this) const valueAsArray = value instanceof Savable ? [value] : value if (loadRelationAsArray){ //check for removed Refs const removedRefs = valueAsArray ? loadRelationAsArray.filter(ref => !Savable.existsInArray(valueAsArray, ref)) : loadRelationAsArray for (const ref of removedRefs){ try { await ref } catch (e) {console.log('SYNC RELATIONS REMOVE ERROR') } await ref.removeRelation(this, relation) } } if (valueAsArray){ //check for added refs for (const foreignSavable of valueAsArray) { try { await foreignSavable } catch (e) {console.log('SYNC RELATIONS ADD ERROR') } let foreignLoadRelationsAsArray = Savable.arrize(foreignSavable._loadRelations[backRef]) if (foreignSavable && !Savable.existsInArray(foreignLoadRelationsAsArray, this)){ await foreignSavable.setRelation(this, relation) } } } } } async function recursiveSlicer(obj){ let result = obj instanceof Array ? [] : {} for (const key in obj){ if (obj[key] && typeof obj[key] === 'object'){ if (obj[key] instanceof Savable){ if (!(obj[key]._id)){ await obj[key].save().catch(err => console.log('ERR', err)) } result[key] = obj[key].shortData() } else { result[key] = await recursiveSlicer(obj[key]) } } else { result[key] = obj[key] } } return result; } const {_id, _empty, _ref, _loadRelations, then, ...toSave} = await recursiveSlicer(this) //TODO: UPSERT if (!this._id){ //first time const { insertedId } = await this.collection.insertOne(toSave) this._id = insertedId } else { //update await this.collection.updateOne({_id: this._id}, {$set: toSave}).catch(err => console.log('UPDATE ERR', err)) } await syncRelations() this.backupRelations() return this } // method to get ref snapshot (empty object with some data). gives optimizations in related objects // place for permission, owner, probably short relations shortData(){ const {_id, _class} = this return { _id, _class } } async setRelation(ref, refRelationName){ await this const ourRelation = ref.__proto__.constructor.relations[refRelationName] const ourArray = ourRelation instanceof Array const ourRelationName = ourArray ? ourRelation[0] : ourRelation let shortQuery = {[ourRelationName]: ref.shortData()} let query; if (ourArray || this[ourRelationName] instanceof Array){ this[ourRelationName] = this[ourRelationName] || [] this[ourRelationName] = this[ourRelationName] instanceof Array ? this[ourRelationName] : [this[ourRelationName]] if (!Savable.existsInArray(this[ourRelationName], ref)) { this[ourRelationName].push(ref) if (this._id && this._loadRelations[ourRelationName] instanceof Array){ this._loadRelations[ourRelationName].push(ref) } } query = {$addToSet: shortQuery} } else { this[ourRelationName] = ref this._id && (this._loadRelations[ourRelationName] = ref) query = {$set: shortQuery} } console.log('SET RELATION:', query) if (this._id){ console.log('SET RELATION:', query) await this.collection.updateOne({_id: this._id}, query).catch(err => console.log('UPDATE ERR', err)) } } async removeRelation(ref, refRelationName){ //i. e. this = child, ref = parent object, refRelationName = children in parent await this const ourRelation = ref.__proto__.constructor.relations[refRelationName] const ourArray = ourRelation instanceof Array const ourRelationName = ourArray ? ourRelation[0] : ourRelation if (this._id){ const query = ourArray ? {$pull: {[ourRelationName]: ref.shortData()}} : {$set: {[ourRelationName]: null}} console.log('REMOVE RELATION:', query) await this.collection.updateOne({_id: this._id}, query).catch(err => console.log('UPDATE ERR', err)) } (this[ourRelationName] instanceof Array) ? this._loadRelations[ourRelationName] = this[ourRelationName] = this[ourRelationName].filter(ourRef => !ourRef.equals(ref)) : this[ourRelationName] = null; } async delete(noRefs=false){ if (!noRefs) for (const relation in this.__proto__.constructor.relations){ const backRef = this.__proto__.constructor.relations[relation] const loadRelation = this._loadRelations && this._loadRelations[relation] const loadRelationAsArray = loadRelation instanceof Savable ? [loadRelation] : loadRelation if (loadRelationAsArray){ for (const ref of loadRelationAsArray){ try { await ref } catch (e) {console.log('DELETE SYNC RELATIONS ERROR') } await ref.removeRelation(this, relation) } } } const id = this._id const col = this._class && this.collection for (let key in this) delete this[key] delete this.__proto__ if (col) return await col.deleteOne({_id: id}) } static arrize(value){ if (Array.isArray(value)) return value if (value) return [value] return [] } static equals(obj1, obj2){ if (!obj1 || !obj2) return false if(!obj1._id) return obj1 === obj2 if(!obj2._id) return obj1 === obj2 return obj1._id.toString() === obj2._id.toString() } equals(obj){ return Savable.equals(this, obj) } static existsInArray(arr, obj){ if (!Array.isArray(arr)) return false let filtered = arr.filter(item => Savable.equals(item, obj)) return filtered.length } static isSavable(obj){ return obj && obj._id && obj._class } static newSavable(obj, ref, empty=true){ let className = obj._class || "Savable" className = Savable.classes[className] ? className : "Savable" if (obj.__proto__.constructor === Savable.classes[className]){ return obj } return new Savable.classes[className](obj, ref, empty) } static addClass(_class){ //explicit method to add class to Savable registry for instantiate right class later (typeof _class == 'function') && (Savable.classes[] = _class) } static get m(){ return Savable._m = (Savable._m || (new Proxy({}, { get(obj, _class){ if (_class in obj){ return obj[_class] } const applyCursorCalls = (cursor, calls) =>{ if (!calls) return cursor; for (let [method, params] of Object.entries(calls)){ if (typeof cursor[method] !== "function"){ throw new SyntaxError(`Wrong cursor method ${method}`) } cursor = cursor[method](...params) } return cursor; } return obj[_class] = { * find(query, cursorCalls={}){ //console.log(query) let cursor = applyCursorCalls(db.collection(_class).find(query), cursorCalls) let cursorGen = asynchronize({s:, chunkEventName: 'data', endEventName: 'close', errEventName: 'error', countMethodName: 'count'}) for (const pObj of cursorGen()){ yield new Promise((ok, fail) => pObj.then(obj => (/*console.log(obj),*/ok(Savable.newSavable(obj, null, false))), err => fail(err))) } }, async count(query, cursorCalls={}){ let cursor = applyCursorCalls(db.collection(_class).find(query), cursorCalls) return await cursor.count(true) }, async findOne(query){ let result = await db.collection(_class).findOne(query) if (result) return Savable.newSavable(result, null, false) return result } } }, set(obj, propName, value){ } }))) } static get relations(){ //empty default relations, acceptable: {field: foreignField}, where: //field and foreign field can be Savable, Array or Set //both fields can be specified as "field", "field.subfield" //or field: {subfield: foreignField} //TODO later if needed //TODO: move it into object instead of class to give more flexibility, for example //if person has children, it can have backRef father or mother depending on sex: //return { // children: === 'male' ? 'father': 'mother' //} // //return { // parent: ["children"], // notebooks: "owner" //} return {} } } Savable.classes = {Savable} /** * sliceSavable - slice (limit) Savables for some permission * Array userACL - array of objectIDs, words or savable refs - current user, group objectid, or `tags` or `role` (ACL) */ function sliceSavable(userACL){ userACL = => tag.toString()) //console.log(userACL) class SlicedSavable extends Savable { constructor(...params){ super (...params) if (!this._empty){ this.___permissionsPrepare() } } ___permissionsPrepare(){ if (this._empty) return if (!this.___permissions) this.___permissions = {} for (let [perm, acl] of Object.entries(this.__proto__.constructor.defaultPermissions)){ if (!this.___permissions[perm]){ this.___permissions[perm] = [...acl] } } } ___permissionCan(permission, permissions=this.___permissions, obj=this){ const acl = (permissions && permissions[permission] || this.__proto__.constructor.defaultPermissions[permission]).map(tag => tag.toString()) if (!this._id && permission === 'read') return true; //if new entity you can anything if (acl.includes('owner') && obj.___owner && userACL.includes(obj.___owner.toString())){ return true } for (let uTag of userACL){ if (acl.includes(uTag)){ return true } } return false } populate(obj){ //place to check read permission //console.log(obj) if (!this.___permissionCan('read', obj.___permissions, obj)){ throw new ReferenceError(`No Access To Entity ${this._id} of class ${this._class} for acl ${userACL}`) } super.populate(obj) } async save(noSync=false){ if (!this._id && !this.___permissionCan('create')) throw new ReferenceError(`Permission denied Create Entity of class ${this._class}`) if (this._id && !this.___permissionCan('write')) throw new ReferenceError(`Permission denied Save Entity ${this._id} of class ${this._class}`) if (!this._id){ this.___owner = userACL[0] //TODO fix objectid troubles //console.log(typeof this.___owner, this.___owner) } return await } async setRelation(ref, refRelationName){ await this const ourRelation = ref.__proto__.constructor.relations[refRelationName] const ourArray = ourRelation instanceof Array const ourRelationName = ourArray ? ourRelation[0] : ourRelation if (!this._id || this.___permissionCan('write') || (this.__proto__.constructor.guestRelations.includes(ourRelationName) && this.___permissionCan('read'))) return await super.setRelation(ref, refRelationName) throw new ReferenceError(`Permission denied Set Relation Entity ${this._id} of class ${this._class} ref: ${ref._id} of class ${ref._class}`) } async removeRelation(ref, refRelationName){ await this; const ourRelation = ref.__proto__.constructor.relations[refRelationName] const ourArray = ourRelation instanceof Array const ourRelationName = ourArray ? ourRelation[0] : ourRelation if (!this._id || this.___permissionCan('write') || (this.__proto__.constructor.guestRelations.includes(ourRelationName) && this.___permissionCan('read'))) return await super.removeRelation(ref, refRelationName) throw new ReferenceError(`Permission denied Remove Relation Entity ${this._id} of class ${this._class} ref: ${ref._id} of class ${ref._class}`) } async delete(noRefs=false){ if (!this.___permissionCan('delete')) throw new ReferenceError(`Permission denied Delete Entity ${this._id} of class ${this._class}`) return await super.delete(noRefs) } static ___permissionQuery(permission){ //const withObjectIDs =,id) => (id = new ObjectID(a)) && id.toString() === a ? id : a) const withObjectIDs = userACL return { $or: [ {[`___permissions.${permission}`]: {$in: withObjectIDs}}, {$and: [{[`___permissions.${permission}`]: "owner"}, {___owner: userACL[0]}]}] } } static get m() { return SlicedSavable._sm = (SlicedSavable._sm || (new Proxy({}, { get(obj, _class){ if (_class in obj){ return obj[_class] } return obj[_class] = { * find(query, cursorCalls={}){ const originalClass = Savable.classes[_class] Savable.addClass(SlicedSavable.classes[_class]) let permittedQuery = {$and: [SlicedSavable.___permissionQuery('read') ,query]} //console.log(JSON.stringify(permittedQuery, null, 4)) let iter = Savable.m[_class].find(permittedQuery, cursorCalls) Savable.addClass(originalClass) yield* iter; }, async count(query, cursorCalls={}){ let permittedQuery = {$and: [SlicedSavable.___permissionQuery('read') ,query]} return await Savable.m[_class].count(permittedQuery, cursorCalls) }, async findOne(query){ const originalClass = Savable.classes[_class] Savable.addClass(SlicedSavable.classes[_class]) const permittedQuery = {$and: [SlicedSavable.___permissionQuery('read') ,query]} const p = Savable.m[_class].findOne(permittedQuery) Savable.addClass(originalClass) return await p; } } }, set(obj, propName, value){ } }))) } static get defaultPermissions(){ return { //savable refs, objectid's, words like 'tags' or 'roles' read: ['owner', 'user'], write: ['owner', 'admin'], create: ['user'], delete: ['admin'], /*permission * TODO: permissions for read and write permissions * */ } } static get guestRelations(){ //guest relations are accessible to write by setRelation or removeRelation even if no write permission, only with read return [] } } return SlicedSavable } return {Savable, sliceSavable} } async function connect(dbName, dsn="mongodb://localhost:27017/"){ if (!dbName) throw new ReferenceError(`db name does not provided`) const mongoClient = new MongoClient(dsn, { useNewUrlParser: true }); const client = await mongoClient.connect() const db = client.db(dbName) const {Savable, sliceSavable: slice} = mm(db) return { Savable, slice, } } module.exports = { mm, connect }