@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
import React, { Component, useState } from 'react';
-import LockOutlinedIcon from '@mui/icons-material/LockOutlined';
import Button from '@mui/material/Button';
-import { Container, CssBaseline, TextField, Avatar, Typography, FormControlLabel, Checkbox, Grid, Link, CardActionArea, Card, CardContent, CardMedia, Divider } from '@mui/material';
-import { Box } from '@mui/system';
+import { styled, alpha } from '@mui/material/styles';
+import { Container, Avatar, Typography, Grid, CardActionArea, Card, CardContent, CardMedia, AvatarGroup, CardActions, Collapse, IconButton, Paper } from '@mui/material';
+//CssBaseline, TextField, FormControlLabel, Checkbox, Link, Divider
import { getFullImageUrl } from "./../utills";
+import ExpandMoreIcon from '@mui/icons-material/ExpandMore';
const GoodExample = () => {
return <Good good={
@@ -20,121 +20,130 @@ const GoodExample = () => {
"url": "images/58c6157d51d8c2430c4dd41b6d0132f4"
} />
+const ExpandMore = styled(props => {
+ const { expand, ...other } = props;
+ return <IconButton {...other} />;
+})(({ theme, expand }) => ({
+ transform: !expand ? 'rotate(0deg)' : 'rotate(180deg)',
+ marginLeft: 'auto',
+ transition: theme.transitions.create('transform', { duration: theme.transitions.duration.shortest })
+const Image = (url) => {
+ let fullUrl = getFullImageUrl(url);
+ return <img src={fullUrl} alt="Description of image" />
+const AvatarGroupOriented = styled((props) => {
+ const { vertical, ...other } = props;
+ return <AvatarGroup {...other} />;
+})(({ theme, vertical }) => (vertical && {
+ display: 'flex',
+ flexDirection: 'column',
+ marginLeft: 10,
+ '& >:first-child': {
+ marginTop: 10,
+ },
+ '& >*': {
+ marginLeft: 1,
+ marginTop: theme.spacing(1),
+ },
+ ".MuiAvatar-root": { /*width: 20, height: 20,*/ marginLeft: 1 }
+const AvatarAnimated = styled((props) => {
+ const { selected, ...other } = props;
+ return <Avatar {...other} />;
+})(({ theme, selected }) => ({
+ //width: theme.spacing(10),
+ //height: theme.spacing(10),
+ transition: theme.transitions.create('transform', {
+ duration: theme.transitions.duration.shortest,
+ }),
+ transform: selected && 'scale(1.1)',
+ '&:hover': {
+ transform: 'scale(1.1)',
+ },
+ backgroundColor: selected && alpha(theme.palette.primary.main, 0.5),
+ boxShadow: selected && `0 0 0 1px ${alpha(theme.palette.primary.main, 0.5)}`,
+ avatarImage: {
+ objectFit: 'contain',
+ },
const Good = ({ good }) => {
- let [index, setIndex] = useState('');
- index = +index;
- if (index > good.images.length - 1)
- index = 0;
- let image = good.images[index];
+ let [currentImageIndex, setCurrentImageIndex] = useState(0);
+ let [expanded, setExpanded] = useState(false);
+ const handleExpandClick = () => setExpanded(!expanded);
return (
- <Container maxWidth="sm">
- <Box>
- <Grid >
- <CardActionArea>
- <Card sx={{ display: 'flex' }}>
- <Grid gap={3}>
- <Grid>
- <Box>
- <CardMedia
- component="img"
- sx={{ maxWidth: 160, display: { xs: 'none', sm: 'block' } }}
- image={getFullImageUrl(image)}
- alt={"no image"}
- />
- </Box>
+ <Container maxWidth='md'>
+ <Card variant='outlined'>
+ <Grid container spacing={5}>
+ <Grid item xs={1}>
+ <AvatarGroupOriented variant='rounded' vertical>
+ {
+ good.images.map((image, index) => (
+ <AvatarAnimated selected={index === currentImageIndex} variant='rounded' key={index} src={getFullImageUrl(image)}
+ onClick={() => setCurrentImageIndex(index)} />
+ ))
+ }
+ </AvatarGroupOriented>
+ </Grid>
+ <Grid item xs>
+ <CardActionArea>
+ <Grid container spacing={2}>
+ <Grid item xs={4}>
+ <CardMedia
+ component="img"
+ sx={{ height: 300, padding: "1em 1em 0 1em", objectFit: "contain" }}
+ image={getFullImageUrl(good.images[currentImageIndex])}
+ title={good.name}
+ />
- <Grid >
- <Box sx={{ display: 'flex', gap: 3 }} justifyContent="center" >
- {
- good.images.map((img, index) =>
- <Avatar maxWidth={24} sx={{ objectFit: "contain" }}
- onClick={() => setIndex(index)}>
- <CardMedia
- component="img"
- image={getFullImageUrl(img)}
- alt={"no image"}
- />
- </Avatar>)
- }
- </Box>
+ <Grid item xs={8}>
+ <CardContent>
+ <Typography gutterBottom variant='h5' component='h2'>
+ {good.name}
+ </Typography>
+ <Typography gutterBottom variant='body2' color='textSecondary' component='p'>
+ {`Price: $${good.price}`}
+ </Typography>
+ </CardContent>
- <Grid >
- <CardContent sx={{ flex: 1 }}>
- <Typography component="h2" variant="h2" gutterBottom>
- {good.name}
- </Typography>
- <Typography variant="h5" color="secondary" gutterBottom>
- {`Price: ${good.price} $`}
- </Typography>
- </CardContent>
- </Grid>
- </Card>
- </CardActionArea >
- <Grid maxWidth="sm">
- <Box>
- <Divider light />
- <Typography variant="subtitle1" paragraph gutterBottom>
- {good.description}
- </Typography>
- </Box>
+ </CardActionArea>
- </Box>
+ <CardActions>
+ <Typography sx={{marginLeft:70}}>
+ Description:
+ </Typography>
+ <ExpandMore
+ expand={expanded}
+ onClick={handleExpandClick}
+ aria-expanded={expanded}
+ aria-label='showMore'
+ >
+ <ExpandMoreIcon />
+ </ExpandMore>
+ <Button size='small' color='primary'>
+ Add to cart
+ </Button>
+ </CardActions>
+ <Collapse in={expanded} timeout='auto' unmountOnExit>
+ <Typography paragraph sx={{marginLeft:1}}>
+ Description:
+ </Typography>
+ <Typography paragraph align='justify' sx={{marginLeft:2, marginRight:2}}>
+ {good.description}
+ </Typography>
+ </Collapse>
+ </Card>
- <Component>
- <Grid item xs={12} md={6}>
- <CardActionArea component="a" href="#">
- <Card sx={{ display: 'flex' }}>
- <CardMedia
- component="img"
- sx={{ width: 160, display: { xs: 'none', sm: 'block' } }}
- image={getFullImageUrl(image)}
- alt={"no image"}
- />
- <CardContent sx={{ flex: 1 }}>
- <Typography component="h2" variant="h5">
- {good.name}
- </Typography>
- <Typography variant="subtitle1" color="text.secondary">
- {good.date}
- </Typography>
- <Typography variant="subtitle1" paragraph>
- {good.description}
- </Typography>
- <Typography variant="subtitle1" color="primary">
- Continue reading...
- </Typography>
- </CardContent>
- </Card>
- </CardActionArea >
- </Grid>
- </Component>
-const GoodCard = ({ good }) => {
- let [index, setIndex] = useState('');
- index = +index;
- if (index > good.images.length - 1)
- index = 0;
- let image = good.images[index];
- return <div className='GoodCard'>
- <h4>
- {good.name}
- </h4>
- {/*<button onClick={()=>setIndex(changeIndex(good.images,index,-1))}>{'<'}</button>
- <button onClick={()=>setIndex(changeIndex(good.images,index,1))}>{'>'}</button>*/}
- <img onClick={() => setIndex(index + 1)}
- src={getFullImageUrl(image)} style={{ maxWidth: '160px', maxHeight: '160px' }} />
- </div>
export { Good, GoodExample };