123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463 |
- 'use strict';
- function Password(parent, open, onChange, onOpenChange) {
- const signInForm = document.createElement('form');
- signInForm.classList.add('signInForm');
- const loginInput = document.createElement('input');
- loginInput.classList.add('loginInput');
- loginInput.setAttribute('type', 'text');
- loginInput.setAttribute('placeholder', 'Write down yor login');
- const handelLoginAndPassword = function () {
- this.setValue({
- login: loginInput.value,
- password: passwordInput.value,
- confirmPassword: confirmPasswordInput.value,
- });
- const { login, password, confirmPassword } = this.getValue();
- this.onChange({ login, password, confirmPassword });
- if (login && password && password === confirmPassword) {
- btnSubmit.classList.replace('btnSubmit__disable', 'btnSubmit');
- } else if (
- login &&
- password &&
- confirmPasswordInput.classList.contains('hiddenInput')
- ) {
- btnSubmit.classList.replace('btnSubmit__disable', 'btnSubmit');
- } else {
- btnSubmit.classList.replace('btnSubmit', 'btnSubmit__disable');
- }
- };
- loginInput.addEventListener('input', handelLoginAndPassword.bind(this));
- const passwordInput = document.createElement('input');
- passwordInput.classList.add('passwordInput');
- passwordInput.setAttribute('placeholder', 'Write down yor password *');
- passwordInput.setAttribute('type', open ? 'password' : 'text');
- passwordInput.addEventListener('input', handelLoginAndPassword.bind(this));
- const confirmPasswordInput = document.createElement('input');
- confirmPasswordInput.classList.add('confirmPasswordInput');
- !open && confirmPasswordInput.classList.add('hiddenInput');
- confirmPasswordInput.setAttribute('placeholder', 'Confirm password');
- confirmPasswordInput.setAttribute('type', 'password');
- confirmPasswordInput.addEventListener(
- 'input',
- handelLoginAndPassword.bind(this)
- );
- const labelCheckBox = document.createElement('label');
- labelCheckBox.classList.add('labelCheckBox');
- labelCheckBox.textContent = 'Hide password';
- const checkBox = document.createElement('input');
- checkBox.textContent = 'Show password';
- checkBox.classList.add('checkBox');
- checkBox.setAttribute('type', 'checkbox');
- const handelTogglePassword = function () {
- this.setOpen(!this.getOpen());
- this.onChange(this.getOpen());
- if (passwordInput.type === 'password') {
- return confirmPasswordInput.classList.remove('hiddenInput');
- }
- confirmPasswordInput.value = '';
- confirmPasswordInput.classList.add('hiddenInput');
- };
- checkBox.addEventListener('click', handelTogglePassword.bind(this));
- labelCheckBox.append(checkBox);
- const btnSubmit = document.createElement('button');
- btnSubmit.textContent = 'Submit';
- btnSubmit.classList.add('btnSubmit__disable');
- btnSubmit.setAttribute('type', 'button');
- const handelSubmit = function () {
- btnSubmit.classList.replace('btnSubmit', 'btnSubmit__disable');
- loginInput.value = '';
- passwordInput.value = '';
- confirmPasswordInput.value = '';
- };
- btnSubmit.addEventListener('click', handelSubmit.bind(this));
- signInForm.append(
- loginInput,
- passwordInput,
- confirmPasswordInput,
- labelCheckBox,
- btnSubmit
- );
- this.parent = parent.append(signInForm);
- this.open = open;
- this.value = { login: '', password: '', confirmPassword: '' };
- this.onChange = onChange;
- this.onOpenChange = onOpenChange;
- this.setValue = function (value) {
- this.value = { ...this.value, ...value };
- };
- this.getValue = function () {
- return this.value;
- };
- this.setOpen = function (flag) {
- passwordInput.setAttribute('type', flag ? 'password' : 'text');
- this.open = flag;
- };
- this.getOpen = function () {
- return this.open;
- };
- }
- //Password // LoginForm // Password Verify // are done in code above!!!
- const passwordFistInstance = new Password(
- document.body,
- true,
- () => {},
- () => {}
- );
- passwordFistInstance.onChange = (value) => console.log(value, 'onChange');
- passwordFistInstance.onOpenChange = (open) => console.log(open, 'onOpenChange');
- passwordFistInstance.setValue({ login: 'qwerty' });
- passwordFistInstance.setValue({ password: 'qwerty1231' });
- console.log(passwordFistInstance.getValue());
- passwordFistInstance.setOpen(false);
- console.log(passwordFistInstance.getOpen());
- // class Password {
- // constructor(parent, open) {
- // this.parent = parent;
- // this.open = open;
- // this.value;
- // }
- // setValue(value) {
- // this.value = value;
- // }
- // get getValue() {
- // return this.value;
- // }
- // setOpen(flag) {
- // this.open = flag;
- // }
- // get getOpen() {
- // return this.open;
- // }
- // onChange(cb) {
- // cb(this.value);
- // }
- // tonOpenChange(cb) {
- // cb(this.open);
- // }
- // }
- // const passwordInClass = new Password(document.body, true);
- // passwordInClass.setValue('Hello Black Belt');
- // console.log(passwordInClass.getValue);
- // LoginForm Constructor // are done in code above!!! just for understanding how works classes
- //Form
- function Form(el, data, okCallback, cancelCallback) {
- this.okCallback = okCallback;
- this.cancelCallback = cancelCallback;
- this.defaultData;
- this.data = data;
- if (!this.defaultData) this.defaultData = { ...this.data };
- const inputCreators = {
- placeholder(key, value, handelInput, type, event) {
- const placeholder = document.createElement('placeholder');
- placeholder.classList.add('placeholderForm');
- const input = document.createElement('input');
- const title = document.createElement('span');
- title.textContent = key;
- if (validators[key]) {
- title.classList.add('title');
- input.setAttribute('required', '');
- }
- input.classList.add('formInput');
- input.type = type;
- input.name = key;
- if (type === 'checkbox') {
- input['checked'] = value;
- } else if (type === 'datetime-local') {
- value = new Date(value).toISOString().slice(0, -8);
- }
- input.value = value;
- input.addEventListener(event, handelInput.bind(this));
- const warningSpan = document.createElement('span');
- warningSpan.classList.add('warningSpan', 'warningSpan--hidden');
- placeholder.append(title, input, warningSpan);
- return placeholder;
- },
- string(key, value, handelInput) {
- if (value === '*') {
- return inputCreators.placeholder(
- key,
- '',
- handelInput,
- 'password',
- 'input'
- );
- } else {
- return inputCreators.placeholder(
- key,
- value,
- handelInput,
- 'text',
- 'input'
- );
- }
- },
- boolean(key, value, handelInput) {
- return inputCreators.placeholder(
- key,
- value,
- handelInput,
- 'checkbox',
- 'input'
- );
- },
- object(key, value, handelInput) {
- return inputCreators.placeholder(
- key,
- value,
- handelInput,
- 'datetime-local',
- 'input'
- );
- },
- };
- const validators = {
- validate(adjust, value, key, input, placeholder, err) {
- const span = placeholder.children[2];
- if (adjust(value)) {
- span.classList.remove('warningSpan--hidden');
- span.textContent = err;
- placeholder.classList.add('placeholderWrong');
- placeholder.classList.remove('placeholderRight');
- input.classList.add('wrongField');
- input.classList.remove('rightInput');
- data[key] = value;
- return false;
- } else {
- span.classList.add('warningSpan--hidden');
- placeholder.classList.add('placeholderRight');
- placeholder.classList.remove('placeholderWrong');
- input.classList.add('rightInput');
- input.classList.remove('wrongField');
- data[key] = value;
- return true;
- }
- },
- name(value, key, input, placeholder) {
- return validators.validate(
- (isTrue) => isTrue.length < 6,
- value,
- key,
- input,
- placeholder,
- 'Name has to be at least 6 characters!'
- );
- },
- surname(value, key, input, placeholder) {
- return validators.validate(
- () => false,
- value,
- key,
- input,
- placeholder,
- 'Name has to be at least 6 characters!'
- );
- },
- married(value, key, input, placeholder) {
- return validators.validate(
- (isTrue) => (isTrue === true || isTrue === false ? true : false),
- value,
- key,
- input,
- placeholder,
- 'Married has to checked!'
- );
- },
- birthday(value, key, input, placeholder) {
- return validators.validate(
- () => (value.length === 16 ? false : true),
- value,
- key,
- input,
- placeholder,
- 'Birthday is required!'
- );
- },
- password(value, key, input, placeholder) {
- return validators.validate(
- () => (value.length >= 8 ? false : true),
- value,
- key,
- input,
- placeholder,
- 'Password length min 8!'
- );
- },
- confirmPassword(value, key, input, placeholder) {
- return validators.validate(
- () => (value === data['password'] ? false : true),
- value,
- key,
- input,
- placeholder,
- 'Password have to be the same *PASSWORD field'
- );
- },
- };
- const form = document.createElement('form');
- form.classList.add('formWrapper');
- const isCheckedLength = Object.keys(this.data).reduce((acc, key, i) => {
- if (validators[key]) return acc + 1;
- return acc;
- }, 0);
- let isChecked = [];
- Object.entries(this.data).forEach(([key, value], i) => {
- const handelInput = function () {
- const input = placeholder.children[1];
- if (validators[key]) {
- isChecked[i] = validators[key](input.value, key, input, placeholder);
- } else {
- data[key] = input.value;
- }
- };
- const placeholder = inputCreators[typeof value](
- key,
- value,
- handelInput.bind(this)
- );
- form.append(placeholder);
- });
- const btnWrapper = document.createElement('div');
- btnWrapper.classList.add('btnWrapper');
- const okButton = document.createElement('button');
- okButton.classList.add('okButton');
- okButton.innerHTML = 'OK';
- const cancelButton = document.createElement('button');
- cancelButton.classList.add('cancelButton');
- cancelButton.innerHTML = 'Cancel';
- btnWrapper.append(okButton, cancelButton);
- el.append(form, btnWrapper);
- okButton.onclick = () => {
- if (isChecked.includes(false) || isCheckedLength !== isChecked.length) {
- console.log('Not filed some inputs or do not passed validation');
- } else {
- localStorage.setItem('data', JSON.stringify(this.data));
- okCallback(this.data);
- }
- };
- cancelButton.onclick = () => {
- isChecked = Object.keys(this.data).map(() => false);
- data = { ...this.defaultData };
- this.data = { ...data };
- for (let i = 0; i < form.children.length; i++) {
- const placeholder = form.children[i];
- placeholder.classList.remove('placeholderWrong');
- placeholder.classList.remove('placeholderRight');
- const [, input, warn] = placeholder.children;
- warn.classList.add('warningSpan--hidden');
- input.classList.remove('wrongField');
- input.classList.remove('rightInput');
- if (this.data[input.name] === '*') {
- input.value = '';
- } else if (input.type === 'datetime-local') {
- input.value = new Date(this.data[input.name])
- .toISOString()
- .slice(0, -8);
- } else {
- input.value = this.data[input.name];
- }
- }
- cancelCallback(this.data);
- };
- }
- const cachedFetchStarWars = async () => {
- const lc = await localStorage.getItem('data');
- if (lc) return JSON.parse(lc);
- const data = await fetch('https://swapi.dev/api/people/1/')
- .then((res) => res.json())
- .then((data) => {
- const newData = {};
- for (const key in data) {
- if (typeof data[key] === 'string') newData[key] = data[key];
- }
- return newData;
- })
- .catch((e) => console.log(e));
- return data;
- };
- const data = await cachedFetchStarWars();
- const formOne = new Form(
- document.body,
- {
- name: 'Anakin',
- surname: 'Skywalker',
- married: true,
- birthday: new Date(new Date().getTime() - 86400000 * 30 * 365),
- password: '*',
- confirmPassword: '*',
- },
- (data) => console.log(data, 'ok , it is updated object after fielding form'),
- (data) =>
- console.log(
- data,
- 'ok , it is base object and form is reset for base settings'
- )
- );
- const formTwo = new Form(
- document.body,
- {
- ...data,
- },
- (data) => console.log(data, 'ok , it is updated object after fielding form'),
- (data) =>
- console.log(
- data,
- 'ok , it is base object and form is reset for base settings'
- ),
- 'formTwo'
- );
- // localStorage.userName
- // ? alert(`Your name is ${localStorage.userName}`)
- // : (localStorage.userName = prompt('What is your name?'));