@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+// 3 persons //different fields //fields check
+let a = {
+ "name": "Jimmy",
+ "surname": "Dick",
+ };
+ a.sex = "male";
+ let b = {
+ "name": "Sara",
+ "surname":"Conor",
+ };
+ b.fathername = "Leonidovna"
+ let c = {
+ "name": "Stan",
+ "surname": "Jopa",
+ };
+ c.age = 18;
+ if ("sex" in a ){
+ alert("Sex in a")
+ }if ("fathername" in b ){
+ alert("fathername in b")
+ }if ("age" in c ){
+ alert("age in c")}
+ // array of persons
+ a = {
+ "name": "Jimmy",
+ "surname": "Dick",
+ },
+ b = {
+ "name": "Sara",
+ "surname":"Conor",
+ },
+ c = {
+ "name": "Stan",
+ "surname": "Jopa",
+ }
+ let persons = [a, b, c];
+ let d = {
+ "name":"Gregor",
+ "surname":"Clit",
+ };
+ persons.push(d)
+ // loop of persons
+ for(let i in persons){
+ console.log(persons[i])
+ };
+ // loop of name and surname
+ for( i in persons){
+ console.log(persons[i].name, persons[i].surname);
+ }
+ // loop of loop of values
+ for( i in persons){
+ for(values in persons[i]){
+ console.log(persons[i][values])}}
+ // fullName???
+ if("fathername" in a ){
+ persons[0].fullName = "fullName"
+ }else if("fathername" in a ){
+ persons[1].fullName = "fullName"
+ }else if("fathername" in a ){
+ persons[2].fullName = "fullName"
+ }else if("fathername" in a ){
+ persons[3].fullName = "fullName"
+ }
+ // serialize
+ JSON.stringify(persons)
+ '[{"name":"Jimmy","surname":"Dick"},{"name":"Sara","surname":"Conor"},{"name":"Stan","surname":"Jopa"},{"name":"Gregor","surname":"Clit"},{"name:"Billy","surname":"Herington"}]'
+ let jsPersons = JSON.stringify(persons)
+ // deserialize
+ jsPersons ='[{"name":"Jimmy","surname":"Dick"},{"name":"Sara","surname":"Conor"},{"name":"Stan","surname":"Jopa"},{"name":"Gregor","surname":"Clit"},{"name":"Bill","surname":"Didi"}]'
+ let objPersons = JSON.parse(jsPersons)
+ // HTML/ HTML optional fields/ HTML tr color
+ // let a = {
+ // "name": "Jimmy",
+ // "surname": "Dick",
+ // };
+ // a.sex = "male";
+ // let b = {
+ // "name": "Sara",
+ // "surname":"Conor",
+ // };
+ // b.fathername = "Leonidovna"
+ // let c = {
+ // "name": "Stan",
+ // "surname": "Jopa",
+ // };
+ // c.age = 18;
+ // let persons = [a, b, c];
+ // let d = {
+ // "name":"Gregor",
+ // "surname":"Clit",
+ // "fathername":"Cumguy"
+ // };
+ // persons.push(d)
+ let str = "<table border='1'>"
+ str += "<tr><th>persons</th><th>name</th><th>surname</th><th>age</th><th>fathername</th><th>sex</th></tr>"
+ for(let i = 0; i < persons.length; i++){
+ if(i % 2 == 0){
+ str += `<tr style='background: blue'>
+ <td>${i}</td>
+ <td>${persons[i]["name"]}</td>
+ <td>${persons[i]["surname"]}</td>
+ <td>${persons[i]["age"]}</td>
+ <td>${persons[i]["fathername"]}</td>
+ <td>${persons[i]["sex"]}</td></tr>`
+ }
+ else{
+ str += `<tr style='background: yellow'>
+ <td>${i}</td>
+ <td>${persons[i]["name"]}</td>
+ <td>${persons[i]["surname"]}</td>
+ <td>${persons[i]["age"]}</td>
+ <td>${persons[i]["fathername"]}</td>
+ <td>${persons[i]["sex"]}</td></tr>`
+ }
+ str += "</table>"
+ document.write(str)
+ // destruct array
+let arr = [1,2,3,4,5, "a", "b", "c"]
+let [odd1,even1,odd2,even2,odd3,...letters] = arr;
+// destruct string
+let arr1 = [1, "abc"]
+let [number] = arr1
+let [s1,s2,s3] = arr1[1]
+// destruct 2
+let obj = {name: 'Ivan',
+ surname: 'Petrov',
+ children: [{name: 'Maria'}, {name: 'Nikolay'}]}
+let [name1,name2] = obj.children;
+// destruct 3
+let arr2 = [1,2,3,4, 5,6,7,10]
+let [a,b,...length] = arr2