OleksiiL 2 سال پیش
2فایلهای تغییر یافته به همراه329 افزوده شده و 0 حذف شده
  1. 15 0
  2. 314 0

+ 15 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+<html lang="en">
+    <meta charset="UTF-8">
+    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
+    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
+    <title>Document</title>
+    <script src="/tree_structure.js"></script>

+ 314 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,314 @@
+// ДЗ: Вложенные декларативные структуры и код в них. Отображение циклических и древовидных структур. Циклы.
+// html tree------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------;
+let body = {
+  tagName: "body",
+  subTags: [
+    {
+      tagName: "div",
+      subTags: [
+        {
+          tagName: "span",
+          text: "Enter a data please:",
+        },
+        {
+          tagName: "br",
+        },
+        {
+          tagName: "input",
+          attrs: {
+            type: "text",
+            id: "name",
+          },
+        },
+        {
+          tagName: "input",
+          attrs: {
+            type: "text",
+            id: "surname",
+          },
+        },
+      ],
+    },
+    {
+      tagName: "div",
+      subTags: [
+        {
+          tagName: "button",
+          text: "OK",
+          attrs: {
+            id: "ok",
+          },
+        },
+        {
+          tagName: "button",
+          text: "cancel",
+          attrs: {
+            id: "cancel",
+          },
+        },
+      ],
+    },
+  ],
+// Текст другої кнопки
+// ID другого input
+// declarative fields--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------;
+// let clientsCar = {
+//   brand: prompt("Enter a brand car"),
+//   model: prompt("Enter a model of car"),
+//   volume: +prompt("choose volume of your future car"),
+//   color: prompt("What color you wish?"),
+//   HP: +prompt("Enter horse power what you need"),
+// };
+// let clientCard = {
+//   name: prompt("Enter your name, please"),
+//   surname: prompt("Enter your surname, please"),
+//   age: +prompt("Enter your age, please"),
+//   education: prompt(
+//     "enter your educational level (higher education, secondary education, etc."
+//   ),
+//   gender: prompt("choose your gender: man, woman"),
+//   sallery: +prompt("what is your annual income?"),
+// };
+// let noteOfDream = {
+//   brand: prompt("what brand of laptop would you like?"),
+//   model: prompt("select laptop model "),
+//   CPU: prompt("select the CPU"),
+//   GPU: prompt("choose graphics: built-in or discrete "),
+//   GPU_memory: +prompt(
+//     "if you chose discrete graphics, select the amount of video memory you want "
+//   ),
+//   display: {
+//     width: +prompt("enter width of resolution"),
+//     height: +prompt("enter height of resolution"),
+//     refresh_rate: prompt("What level of screen refresh is right for you?"),
+//   },
+//   storage: {
+//     type: prompt("SSD or HDD"),
+//     volume: +prompt("How many Gb you need?"),
+//   },
+// };
+// object links---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------;
+// let clientsCar = {
+//   brand: prompt("Enter a brand car"),
+//   model: prompt("Enter a model of car"),
+//   volume: +prompt("choose volume of your future car"),
+//   color: prompt("What color you wish?"),
+//   HP: +prompt("Enter horse power what you need"),
+//   owner: clientCard.name,
+// };
+// let clientCard = {
+//   name: prompt("Enter your name, please"),
+//   surname: prompt("Enter your surname, please"),
+//   age: +prompt("Enter your age, please"),
+//   education: prompt(
+//     "enter your educational level (higher education, secondary education, etc."
+//   ),
+//   gender: prompt("choose your gender: man, woman"),
+//   sallery: +prompt("what is your annual income?"),
+//   car: clientsCar.brand,
+//   notebook: noteOfDream.brand,
+// };
+// let noteOfDream = {
+//   brand: prompt("what brand of laptop would you like?"),
+//   model: prompt("select laptop model "),
+//   CPU: prompt("select the CPU"),
+//   GPU: prompt("choose graphics: built-in or discrete "),
+//   GPU_memory: +prompt(
+//     "if you chose discrete graphics, select the amount of video memory you want "
+//   ),
+//   display: {
+//     width: +prompt("enter width of resolution"),
+//     height: +prompt("enter height of resolution"),
+//     refresh_rate: prompt("What level of screen refresh is right for you?"),
+//   },
+//   storage: {
+//     type: prompt("SSD or HDD"),
+//     volume: +prompt("How many Gb you need?"),
+//   },
+// };
+// imperative array fill 3----------------------------------------------------------------------------------;
+// let foodList = [
+//   prompt("Enter 1 product in list"),
+//   prompt("Enter 1 product in list"),
+//   prompt("Enter 1 product in list"),
+// ];
+// while confirm--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------;
+// let userConfirm;
+// do {
+//   userConfirm = confirm("Do you want buy anything?");
+//   console.log(userConfirm);
+// } while (userConfirm == false);
+// array fill-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------;
+// let productsList = [];
+// do {
+//   userChoice = prompt("What you must buy in shop?");
+//   productsList.push(userChoice);
+//   console.log(productsList);
+// } while (userChoice !== null);
+// array fill nopush----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------;
+// let productsList = [];
+// let userChoice;
+// for (i = 0; userChoice !== null; i++) {
+//   userChoice = prompt("What you must buy in shop?");
+//   productsList[i] = userChoice;
+//   console.log(productsList);
+// }
+// infinite probability-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------;
+// for (let i = 0; true; i++)
+//   if (Math.random() > 0.9) {
+//     alert(++i);
+//     break;
+//   }
+// empty loop-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------;
+// for (; userSays !== null; ) {
+//   userSays = prompt("Type anything");
+// }
+// console.log(userSays);
+// progression sum------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------;
+// function fn(n) {
+//   for (let s = (i = 1); i < n; s += i += 3) {}
+//   return s;
+// }
+// alert(fn(7));
+// chess one line-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------;
+// let str = "";
+// for (i = 0; i <= 10; i++) {
+//   str += "" + "#";
+// }
+// console.log(str);
+// numbers--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------;
+// let numbers = "";
+// for (j = 0; j <= 9; j++) {
+//   numbers += "\n";
+//   for (i = 0; i <= 9; i++) {
+//     numbers += "" + i;
+//   }
+// }
+// console.log(numbers);
+// chess----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------;
+// const dot = ".";
+// const tag = "#";
+// let res = "";
+// for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
+//   let str = "";
+//   for (let j = 0; j < 12; j++) {
+//     str += (i + j) & 1 ? tag : dot;
+//   }
+//   res += str + "\n";
+// }
+// console.log(res);
+// cubes----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------;
+let cubes = [];
+let n = 100;
+for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+  cubes.push(i ** 3);
+// multiply table-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------;
+let multiplication = Array(11);
+for (let i = 1; i < 11; i++) {
+  multiplication[i] = [...Array(11)].map((_, j) => i * j);
+// matrix to html table-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------;
+document.write("<style>td, caption {font-family: arial}</style>");
+document.write('<table align="center" bgcolor="7ffa92" ');
+document.write('cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" ');
+document.write('border="2" style="border-collapse: collapse">');
+  "<caption><p><b>Multiplication table in decimal system</caption></b>"
+for (let row = 0; row <= 10; row++) {
+  document.write("<tr>");
+  for (let col = 0; col <= 10; col++) {
+    if (row == 0 || col == 0) {
+      codeTD = '<td align="center" width="4%" bgcolor="b1c4b4">';
+      if (row == col) {
+        codeContent = "<b>&#" + "215;</b>";
+      } else if (row == 0) {
+        codeContent = "<b>" + col + "</b>";
+      } else if (col == 0) {
+        codeContent = "<b>" + row + "</b>";
+      }
+    } else {
+      codeTD = '<td align="center">';
+      if (row == col) {
+        codeContent = "<b>" + row * col + "</b>";
+      } else {
+        codeContent = row * col;
+      }
+    }
+    document.write(codeTD + codeContent + "</td>");
+  }
+  document.write("</tr>");
+// Задание на синий пояс: Треугольник-----------------------------------------------------------------------;
+let lines = (line = 6),
+  a = ".",
+  b = "#";
+for (; line-- > 0; )
+  console.log(
+    Array(line + 1).join(a) +
+      Array(2 * (lines - line)).join(b) +
+      Array(line + 1).join(a)
+  );
+// Задание на черный пояс: Электронная гадалка--------------------------------------------------------------;