const workingHours = 8; // Number of working hours a day // let workingDays = +prompt("Enter working days number ", ""); // Number of working days in a month let workingDays = checkNan("Enter working days number"); let checkPrompt = isFinite(workingDays); function checkNan(title) { const workingDays = +prompt(title, ""); // Number of working days in a month return workingDays; } while (isNaN(workingDays) === true ) { alert("Working days should be a number"); workingDays = checkNan("Enter working days number"); } let totalHoursInMonth = workingHours * workingDays; alert(`Your Total hours this month = ${totalHoursInMonth}`); let sallary = checkNan("Enter sallary you've got this month"); // Sallary for month while (isNaN(sallary) === true ) { alert("Sallary should be a number"); sallary = checkNan("Enter working days number"); } let rate = sallary / totalHoursInMonth; // Rate per hour alert(`Your rate this month was ${rate}`); // -----------------------------------------BLUE TASK--------------------------------------- let login = prompt('Enter login', 'default'); if (login == 'admin') { let password = prompt('Password', 'Enter password'); if (password == 'qwerty') { alert('Hello Admin', "background: green;"); // I used console.log when I started to write this code. So background doesn't work with alert } else if (password == '' || password == null) { alert('Wrong password'); } else { alert('Cancelled'); } } else if (login == null || login == '') { alert('Cancelled'); } else { alert("Login is wrong", "background: red;"); }