@@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
+// password
+function Password(parent, open=false) {
+ let _isVisible = open
+ let _value = ''
+ let input = document.createElement('input')
+ input.placeholder = 'password'
+ let wrapper = document.createElement('div')
+ wrapper.style.border = '1px solid red'
+ let btn = document.createElement('button')
+ btn.innerText = 'Hide/Show'
+ this.getHTMLElements = function() {
+ return {
+ Password_wrapper: wrapper,
+ Password_input: input,
+ Password_btn: btn
+ }
+ }
+ this.getValue = function() {
+ return _value
+ }
+ this.setValue = function(newValue) {
+ _value = newValue
+ input.value = _value
+ }
+ this.setOpen = (bool) => {
+ _isVisible = bool
+ let _type = _isVisible? 'text' : 'password'
+ input.setAttribute('type', `${_type}`)
+ this.onOpenChange()
+ }
+ this.getOpen = function() {
+ return _isVisible
+ }
+ this.onChange = function(event) {
+ _value = event.target.value
+ }
+ let closed = () => {}
+ this.onOpenChange = (func=null, ...args) => {
+ let lockfunc = func
+ if(func) {
+ (function(){
+ closed = lockfunc
+ closed(...args)
+ })()
+ } else {
+ closed(...args)
+ }
+ }
+ input.addEventListener('input', this.onChange)
+ btn.addEventListener('click', () => {
+ this.setOpen(!_isVisible)
+ })
+ wrapper.setAttribute('class', 'Password')
+ this.setOpen(open)
+ wrapper.append(input, btn)
+ parent.append(wrapper)
+let pass = new Password(document.body, true)
+// check if Password constructor works
+pass.setValue('hello world')
+window.setTimeout(()=> {
+ console.log('old value:', pass.getValue())
+ pass.setValue('YOU CAN SEE ME!')
+ pass.setOpen(true)
+}, 5000)
+// login form
+function Login (parent) {
+ let _value = ''
+ let input = document.createElement('input')
+ input.type = 'text'
+ input.placeholder = 'login'
+ input.style.display = 'block'
+ parent.append(input)
+ this.getHTMLElement = function() {
+ return input
+ }
+ this.getValue = function() {
+ return _value
+ }
+ this.setValue = function(newValue) {
+ _value = newValue
+ input.value = _value
+ }
+ this.onChange = function(event) {
+ _value = event.target.value
+ }
+ input.addEventListener('input', this.onChange)
+// loginForm Constructor
+function loginForm(parent, heading='loginForm Constructor') {
+ let form = document.createElement('div')
+ form.id = 'loginForm'
+ form.style.border = '5px double black'
+ form.style.width = 'fit-content'
+ form.style.textAlign = 'center'
+ form.style.padding = '15px'
+ form.style.margin = '15px'
+ let h2 = document.createElement('h2')
+ h2.innerText = heading
+ form.append(heading)
+ let _login = new Login(form)
+ let _password = new Password(form)
+ let login_btn = document.createElement('button')
+ login_btn.innerText = 'Log in'
+ login_btn.disabled = true
+ form.append(login_btn)
+ for(let item of form.children) {
+ item.style.margin = '10px'
+ }
+ this.getLogin = function() {
+ return _login.getValue()
+ }
+ this.getPassword = function() {
+ return _password.getValue()
+ }
+ this.isPasswordOpened = function() {
+ return _password.getOpen()
+ }
+ this.setPasswordOpened = function(bool) {
+ _password.setOpen(bool)
+ }
+ this.setLogin = function(newLogin) {
+ _login.setValue(newLogin)
+ checkFields()
+ }
+ this.setPass = function(newPass) {
+ _password.setValue(newPass)
+ checkFields()
+ }
+ function checkFields() {
+ if (_login.getValue() && _password.getValue()) {
+ login_btn.disabled = false
+ } else {
+ login_btn.disabled = true
+ }
+ }
+ _login.getHTMLElement().addEventListener('input', checkFields)
+ _password.getHTMLElements().Password_input.addEventListener('input', checkFields)
+ parent.append(form)
+let form = new loginForm(document.body)
+form.setPass('pass example', true)
+window.setTimeout(()=> {
+ console.log(form.getPassword())
+ console.log('before open', form.isPasswordOpened())
+ form.setPasswordOpened(true)
+ console.log('after open', form.isPasswordOpened())
+ console.log(form.getLogin())
+}, 5000)
+// Password Verify
+class PasswordVerify extends Password {
+ constructor(parent, open=false) {
+ super(parent, open);
+ let _repeatWrapper = document.createElement('div')
+ let _repeatField = document.createElement('input')
+ let _successBtn = document.createElement('button')
+ let displayRepeat = () => {
+ if(this.getOpen() === false) {
+ _repeatField.style.marginTop = '10px'
+ _repeatField.type = 'password'
+ _repeatField.placeholder = 'repeat password'
+ _repeatField.value = ''
+ _successBtn.innerText = 'no match!'
+ _successBtn.disabled = true
+ _successBtn.style.display = 'inline-block'
+ _repeatWrapper.append(_repeatField)
+ _repeatWrapper.append(_successBtn)
+ this.getHTMLElements().Password_wrapper.append(_repeatWrapper)
+ } else {
+ try {
+ for(let child of _repeatWrapper.children) {
+ _repeatWrapper.remove(child)
+ }
+ } catch(e){}
+ }
+ }
+ this.onOpenChange(displayRepeat)
+ }
+document.body.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', `
+ <div id=verif></div>
+let verif = document.getElementById('verif')
+let passverif = new PasswordVerify(verif, true)
+window.setTimeout(()=> {
+ console.log('bang')
+ passverif.setOpen(false)
+}, 5000)