// password function Password(parent, open=false) { let _isVisible = open let _value = '' let input = document.createElement('input') input.placeholder = 'password' let wrapper = document.createElement('div') let btn = document.createElement('button') btn.innerText = 'Hide/Show' this.getHTMLElements = function() { return { Password_wrapper: wrapper, Password_input: input, Password_btn: btn } } this.getValue = function() { return _value } this.setValue = function(newValue) { _value = newValue input.value = _value } this.setOpen = (bool) => { _isVisible = bool let _type = _isVisible? 'text' : 'password' input.setAttribute('type', `${_type}`) this.onOpenChange() } this.getOpen = function() { return _isVisible } this.onChange = function(event) { _value = event.target.value } let closed = () => {} this.onOpenChange = (func=null, ...args) => { let lockfunc = func if(func) { (function(){ closed = lockfunc closed(...args) })() } else { closed(...args) } } input.addEventListener('input', this.onChange) btn.addEventListener('click', () => { this.setOpen(!_isVisible) }) wrapper.setAttribute('class', 'Password') this.setOpen(open) wrapper.append(input, btn) parent.append(wrapper) } let pass = new Password(document.body, true) // check if Password constructor works // pass.setValue('hello world') // pass.setOpen(false) // console.log(pass.getOpen()) // console.log(pass.getValue()) // window.setTimeout(()=> { // console.log('old value:', pass.getValue()) // pass.setValue('YOU CAN SEE ME!') // pass.setOpen(true) // }, 5000) // login form function Login (parent) { let _value = '' let input = document.createElement('input') input.type = 'text' input.placeholder = 'login' input.style.display = 'block' parent.append(input) this.getHTMLElement = function() { return input } this.getValue = function() { return _value } this.setValue = function(newValue) { _value = newValue input.value = _value } this.onChange = function(event) { _value = event.target.value } input.addEventListener('input', this.onChange) } // loginForm Constructor function loginForm(parent, heading='loginForm Constructor') { let form = document.createElement('div') form.id = 'loginForm' form.style.border = '5px double black' form.style.width = 'fit-content' form.style.textAlign = 'center' form.style.padding = '15px' form.style.margin = '15px' let h2 = document.createElement('h2') h2.innerText = heading form.append(heading) let _login = new Login(form) let _password = new Password(form) let login_btn = document.createElement('button') login_btn.innerText = 'Log in' login_btn.disabled = true form.append(login_btn) for(let item of form.children) { item.style.margin = '10px' } this.getLogin = function() { return _login.getValue() } this.getPassword = function() { return _password.getValue() } this.isPasswordOpened = function() { return _password.getOpen() } this.setPasswordOpened = function(bool) { _password.setOpen(bool) } this.setLogin = function(newLogin) { _login.setValue(newLogin) checkFields() } this.setPass = function(newPass) { _password.setValue(newPass) checkFields() } function checkFields() { if (_login.getValue() && _password.getValue()) { login_btn.disabled = false } else { login_btn.disabled = true } } _login.getHTMLElement().addEventListener('input', checkFields) _password.getHTMLElements().Password_input.addEventListener('input', checkFields) parent.append(form) } let login_form = new loginForm(document.body) // login_form.setLogin('default_user') // login_form.setPass('pass example', true) // window.setTimeout(()=> { // console.log(login_form.getPassword()) // console.log('before open', login_form.isPasswordOpened()) // login_form.setPasswordOpened(true) // console.log('after open', login_form.isPasswordOpened()) // console.log(login_form.getLogin()) // }, 5000) // Password Verify class PasswordVerify extends Password { constructor(parent, open=false) { super(parent, open); let _repeatWrapper = document.createElement('div') let _repeatField = document.createElement('input') let _successBtn = document.createElement('button') let displayRepeat = () => { if(this.getOpen() === false) { _repeatField.style.marginTop = '10px' _repeatField.type = 'password' _repeatField.placeholder = 'repeat password' _repeatField.value = '' _successBtn.innerText = 'no match!' _successBtn.disabled = true _successBtn.style.display = 'inline-block' _successBtn.style.backgroundColor = 'transparent' _repeatWrapper.append(_repeatField) _repeatWrapper.append(_successBtn) this.getHTMLElements().Password_wrapper.append(_repeatWrapper) } else { try { for(let child of _repeatWrapper.children) { _repeatWrapper.remove(child) } } catch(e){} } } this.onOpenChange(displayRepeat) let isMatch= () => { if(this.getHTMLElements().Password_input.value && _repeatField.value) { if(this.getHTMLElements().Password_input.value === _repeatField.value) { return true } } return false } let btnActivate = (bool) => { if(bool) { _successBtn.disabled = false _successBtn.style.backgroundColor = 'chartreuse' _successBtn.innerText = 'passwords match' } else { _successBtn.disabled = true _successBtn.style.backgroundColor = 'transparent' _successBtn.innerText = 'no match!' } } this.getHTMLElements().Password_input.addEventListener('input', () => { btnActivate(isMatch()) }) _repeatField.addEventListener('input',() => { btnActivate(isMatch()) }) } } document.body.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', `
`) let verif = document.getElementById('verif') let passverif = new PasswordVerify(verif, true) // window.setTimeout(()=> { // console.log('bang') // passverif.setOpen(false) // }, 5000) // login form function Form(el, data, okCallback, cancelCallback){ let formBody = document.createElement('div') let okButton = document.createElement('button') okButton.innerHTML = 'OK' this.validators = {isValid:{}} let cancelButton = document.createElement('button') cancelButton.innerHTML = 'Cancel' formBody.innerHTML = '


' if (typeof okCallback === 'function'){ formBody.appendChild(okButton); okButton.onclick = (e) => { console.log(this) this.okCallback(e) } } if (typeof cancelCallback === 'function'){ formBody.appendChild(cancelButton); cancelButton.onclick = cancelCallback } el.appendChild(formBody) <<<<<<< HEAD let checkInfo = (value, key, data, input, err) => { console.log(this.initalData) console.log(this.data) for(let key in this.validators) { if(key === 'isValid') continue; this.validators.isValid[key] = false } console.dir(this.validators) ======= this.checkInfo = (value, key, data, input, err) => { >>>>>>> 4a6ddce12df7d82608b2ab2f1082894f85ada9c2 let validCheck let keyFormated = key okButton.disabled = true try { console.log('valid', this.validators.isValid, data) if(key[0] === "*") { keyFormated = key.substring(1) if(this.validators.mandatoryErr(value, key) === true) { validCheck = this.validators[keyFormated]? this.validators[keyFormated](value, keyFormated) : true input.style.backgroundColor = 'transparent' input.style.color = 'black' console.log(input) err.innerText = '' } else { err.innerText = this.validators.mandatoryErr(value, keyFormated) this.validators.isValid[key] = false } } else { validCheck = this.validators[keyFormated]? this.validators[keyFormated](value, keyFormated) : true } if(typeof validCheck === 'string') { input.style.backgroundColor = 'firebrick' input.style.color = 'white' err.innerText = validCheck this.validators.isValid[key] = validCheck } else if(typeof validCheck === 'boolean' && validCheck === true) { input.style.backgroundColor = 'transparent' input.style.color = 'black' err.innerText = '' this.validators.isValid[key] = validCheck } console.log('valid', this.validators.isValid) } catch(e){/*sample text*/} try { if(Object.values(this.validators.isValid).every((item) => item === true)) { okButton.disabled = false } else { okButton.disabled = true } } catch(e) {} } let inputCreators = { string: (key, value, func ) => { let wrap = document.createElement('div') let input let small = document.createElement('small') small.style.color = 'red' small.innerText = '' if(/^[*]+$/.test(data[key])) { let div = document.createElement('div') input = new Password(div, true) input.getHTMLElements().Password_input.value = '' console.log('iz valid', this.validators.isValid) this.validators.isValid[key] = false wrap.append(input.getHTMLElements().Password_wrapper, small) input.getHTMLElements().Password_input.oninput = (e) => { func(input.getHTMLElements().Password_input.value) this.checkInfo(input.getHTMLElements().Password_input.value, key, {}, input.getHTMLElements().Password_input, small) } } else { input = document.createElement('input') input.type = 'text' input.style.display = 'block' input.placeholder = key input.value = value wrap.append(input, small) input.oninput = () => { func(input.value) this.checkInfo(input.value, key, {}, input, small) } } return wrap }, boolean: (key, value, func) => { let wrap = document.createElement('div') let input = document.createElement('input') input.type = 'checkbox' input.placeholder = key input.checked = value let small = document.createElement('small') small.style.color = 'red' small.innerText = '' wrap.append(input, small) input.onchange = (e) => { func(input.checked) this.checkInfo(input.checked, key, {}, input, small) } return wrap }, date: (key, value, func) => { let wrap = document.createElement('div') let input = document.createElement('input') input.type = 'datetime-local' input.style.display = 'block' input.placeholder = key input.value = new Date(value).toISOString().slice(0, -1) let small = document.createElement('small') small.style.color = 'red' small.innerText = '' wrap.append(input, small) input.onchange = () => { func(new Date(input.value)) this.checkInfo(input.value, key, {}, input, small) } return wrap }, } let formTable = document.createElement('table') formTable.border = 1 for(let key in data) { let tr = document.createElement('tr') let tdKey = document.createElement('td') let tdInput = document.createElement('td') let input = inputCreators[(data[key].constructor.name).toLowerCase()](key, data[key],(value) => { data[key] = value }) tdKey.innerHTML = key[0] ==='*'? `${key.substring(1)}`:`${key}` tdInput.append(input) tr.append(tdKey, tdInput) formTable.append(tr) } okButton.before(formTable) this.okCallback = okCallback this.cancelCallback = cancelCallback this.data = data <<<<<<< HEAD this.initalData = this.data this.validators = {isValid:{}} ======= >>>>>>> 4a6ddce12df7d82608b2ab2f1082894f85ada9c2 } let formContainer = document.createElement('div') formContainer.id = 'formContainer' document.body.append(formContainer) let form = new Form(formContainer, { "*name": 'Anakin', surname: 'Skywalker', "*married": true, birthday: new Date((new Date).getTime() - 86400000 * 30*365), "*password": '**' }, () => console.log('ok'),() => console.log('cancel') ) form.okCallback = () => console.log('ok2') form.validators.surname = (value, key, data, input) => value !== '' && value.length > 2 && value[0].toUpperCase() == value[0] && !/[0-9 \W]/.test(value) ? true : `Wrong ${key}` form.validators.name = form.validators.surname form.validators.mandatoryErr = (value, key, data, input) => { if(typeof value === 'boolean') { return value === true? value : `${key} is mandatory` } else { return value.length > 0 && value !== ''? true : `${key} is mandatory` } } form.validators.birthday = (value, key, data, input) => { let today = new Date() let given = new Date(value) let lowest = new Date() lowest.setFullYear(1900) lowest.setHours(0,0,0,0) today.setHours(0,0,0,0) given.setHours(0,0,0,0) if(given >= today || given < lowest || value === '') { return `Wrong ${key}` }else { return true } } for(let key in form) { //проверка изначальных данных form.checkInfo(form[key], key,) } console.log(form)