// таблица умножения let table = document.createElement('table') table.id = 'mulTable' for(let i = 1; i < 10; i++) { let tr = document.createElement('tr') for(let j = 1; j < 10; j++) { let td = document.createElement('td') td.style.textAlign = 'center' td.style.padding = '5px' td.style.border = '1px solid dimgrey' td.innerText = `${i * j}` tr.appendChild(td) } table.appendChild(tr) } document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].appendChild(table) // подсветить ячейку и строку и колонку document.getElementById('mulTable').addEventListener('mouseover', (e)=> { if(e.target.closest('td')) { for(let i of e.currentTarget.children) { i.children[e.target.cellIndex].style.backgroundColor = 'black' i.children[e.target.cellIndex].style.color = 'white' } e.target.closest('td').style.backgroundColor = 'yellow' e.target.closest('td').style.color = 'black' e.target.closest('tr').style.backgroundColor = 'magenta' } }) document.getElementById('mulTable').addEventListener('mouseout', (e)=> { if(e.target.closest('td')) { for(let i of e.currentTarget.children) { for(let j of i.children) { j.style.backgroundColor = 'transparent' j.style.color = 'black' } } e.target.closest('td').style.backgroundColor = 'transparent' e.target.closest('tr').style.backgroundColor = 'transparent' } }) //calc let inp1 = document.createElement('input') let inp2 = document.createElement('input') let res = document.createElement('input') res.disabled = true inp1.type = 'number' inp2.type = 'number' res.type = 'number' let title = document.createElement('h2') title.innerText = 'calc' let plus = document.createElement('span') plus.innerText= ' + ' let equ = document.createElement('span') equ.innerText = ' = ' let btn = document.createElement('button') btn.id = 'countBtn' btn.innerText = 'Count' document.body.appendChild(title) document.body.appendChild(inp1) document.body.appendChild(plus) document.body.appendChild(inp2) document.body.appendChild(equ) document.body.appendChild(res) document.body.appendChild(btn) btn.onclick = () => { inp1.value || inp2.value? res.disabled = false : res.disabled = true res.value = (+inp1.value) + (+inp2.value) } //сalc live document.body.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', `

calc live

`) let given = document.getElementById('given') let operation = document.getElementById('operation') let currency = document.getElementById('currency') document.getElementById('result').disabled = true let ratios = { sell: { usd: 0.038, eur: 0.033 }, buy: { usd: 0.037, eur: 0.032, } } given.addEventListener('input', calculation) operation.addEventListener('change', calculation) currency.addEventListener('change', calculation) function truncateFraction (number) { try { let strNum = String(number).split('.') if(strNum[1].length > 2) { strNum[1] = strNum[1].slice(0, 2) } return Number(strNum.join('.')) } catch (e) { return number } } function calculation() { operation.value === 'buy'? document.querySelector('label').children[0].innerText = 'You give: ': document.querySelector('label').children[0].innerText = 'You get: ' if(+given.value <= 0 || given.value === '') { document.getElementById('result').value = '' document.getElementById('result').disabled = true } else { document.getElementById('result').disabled = false document.getElementById('result').value = truncateFraction(given.value / ratios[operation.value][currency.value]) } }