//Таблица умножения let multiplyTable = [] for (let i = 0; i <=10; i++) { multiplyTable[i] = [] for (let j = 0; j <=10; j++) { multiplyTable[i][j] = i * j } } let tableContainer = document.querySelector('.multipleTable') let table = document.createElement('table') table.border = "1" for (let i = 0; i < multiplyTable.length; i++) { let row = document.createElement('tr') if (i == 0) { let cell = document.createElement ('td') cell.innerHTML = '⛧' row.appendChild(cell) } else { let cell = document.createElement('td') cell.innerText = i row.appendChild(cell) } for (let j = 1; j < multiplyTable[i].length; j++) { if (i == 0) { let cell = document.createElement('td') cell.innerText = multiplyTable[1][j] row.appendChild(cell) } else { let cell = document.createElement('td') cell.innerText = multiplyTable[i][j] row.appendChild(cell) } } table.appendChild(row) } tableContainer.appendChild(table) //Подсветить ячейку let cells = document.querySelectorAll('td'); let colors = ['#FEE0FF', '#FED6BC', '#FFFADD', '#DEF7FE', '#E7ECFF', '#C3FBD8', '#FDEED9', '#F6FFF8', '#B5F2EA', '#C6D8FF'] for (let cell of cells) { cell.onmouseover = function () { cell.style.transitionDuration = '0s' let colorIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * colors.length) cell.style.backgroundColor = colors[colorIndex] } } for (let cell of cells) { cell.onmouseout = function () { cell.style.transitionDuration = '1s' cell.style.backgroundColor = '' } } //Подсветить строку и столбец // let cells = document.querySelectorAll('td'); // let rows = document.querySelectorAll('tr'); // for (let cell of cells) { // cell.onmouseover = function () { // for (let rowCell of this.parentElement.children) { // rowCell.style.backgroundColor = '#ccc' // rowCell.style.color = '#fff' // } // for (let row of rows) { // let columnCell = row.children[this.cellIndex]; // columnCell.style.backgroundColor = '#ccc' // columnCell.style.color = '#fff' // } // cell.style.backgroundColor = '#000' // cell.style.color = '#fff' // } // } // for (let cell of cells) { // cell.onmouseout = function () { // cell.style.backgroundColor = '' // cell.style.color = '' // for (let rowCell of this.parentElement.children) { // rowCell.style.backgroundColor = '' // rowCell.style.color = '' // } // for (let row of rows) { // let columnCell = row.children[this.cellIndex]; // columnCell.style.backgroundColor = '' // columnCell.style.color = '' // } // } // } //Calc // let calculatorContainer = document.querySelector('.calculator') // let result = document.createElement('div'); // calc.onclick = function () { // let age = ageInput.value; // let normalPressureMax = Math.round(102 + 0.6 * age) // let normalPressureMin = Math.round(63 + 0.5 * age) // result.innerText = `Ваше нормальное артериальное давление: ${normalPressureMax} на ${normalPressureMin}` // calculatorContainer.appendChild(result); // ageInput.value = ''; // } //Calc Live let calculatorContainer = document.querySelector('.calculator') let result = document.createElement('div'); calculatorContainer.appendChild(result); let calculate = function() { let age = ageInput.value; let normalPressureMax = Math.round(102 + 0.6 * age) let normalPressureMin = Math.round(63 + 0.5 * age) result.innerText = `Ваше нормальное артериальное давление: ${normalPressureMax} на ${normalPressureMin}` if (!ageInput.value) { result.innerText = '' } } ageInput.oninput = calculate; let message = document.createElement('div') message.classList.add('buttonMessage') message.innerText = 'Отожми обратно!!!' calculatorContainer.appendChild(message) calc.onclick = function () { message.style.display = '' message.classList.toggle('buttonMessage') }