@@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
+// const taskName = prompt('Enter task name');
+// switch (taskName) {
+// case 'switch: sizes': const sizeRus = prompt('enter size');
+// switch (sizeRus) {
+// case '40': alert('I 38, GB 8, USA 6');
+// break;
+// case '42': alert('I 40, GB 10, USA 8');
+// break;
+// case '44': alert('I 42, GB 12, USA 10');
+// break;
+// case '46': alert('I 44, GB 14, USA 12');
+// break;
+// case '48': alert('I 46, GB 16, USA 14');
+// break;
+// case '50': alert('I 48, GB 18, USA 16');
+// break;
+// };
+// break;
+// case 'switch: if': let color = prompt("Введите цвет","");
+// if (color === "red") {
+// document.write("<div style='background-color: red;'>красный</div>");
+// document.write("<div style='background-color: black; color: white;'>черный</div>");
+// }
+// else if (color === "black") {
+// document.write("<div style='background-color: black; color: white;'>черный</div>");
+// }
+// else if (color === "blue") {
+// document.write("<div style='background-color: blue;'>синий</div>");
+// document.write("<div style='background-color: green;'>зеленый</div>");
+// }
+// else if (color === "green") {
+// document.write("<div style='background-color: green;'>зеленый</div>");
+// }
+// else {
+// document.write("<div style='background-color: gray;'>Я не понял</div>");
+// };
+// break;
+// case 'prompt: or': const age = +(prompt('Your age')); console.log(age);
+// const yearPresent = 2021;
+// let ageNew;
+// if ( age == "" || age === null ) {
+// ageNew = +prompt('Please writing your age');
+// }; console.log(ageNew);
+// if (ageNew === null || ageNew == "") {
+// alert('It is not interested for you');
+// };
+// if (age !== "" || ageNew !== "" || typeof(age) === 'number') {
+// const yearBirth = yearPresent - ageNew;
+// const yearBirth1 = yearPresent - age;
+// alert(` ${yearBirth1} ${yearBirth}`);
+// };
+// break;
+// case 'confirm: or this days': const shoping = confirm('Shoping?'); console.log(shoping);
+// shoping || alert(`you are biaka`);
+// break;
+// case 'confirm: if this days': const shoping = confirm('Shoping?'); console.log(shoping);
+// if (shoping === false) {
+// alert(`you are biaka`);
+// };
+// break;
+// case 'triple prompt': const surname = prompt('enter surname');
+// const userName = prompt('enter name');
+// const patronymic = prompt('patronymic');
+// alert(`Full name ${surname} ${userName} ${patronymic} `);
+// break;
+// case 'default: or': const surname = prompt('enter surname');
+// const userName = prompt('enter name');
+// const patronymic = prompt('patronymic');
+// alert(`Full name ${surname || 'Ivanov'} ${userName || 'Ivanov'} ${patronymic || 'Ivanov'} `);
+// break;
+// case 'default: if': let surname = prompt('enter surname');
+// let userName = prompt('enter name');
+// let patronymic = prompt('patronymic');
+// //1)
+// if (surname === null || surname === "") {
+// surname = 'Ivanov';
+// };
+// if (userName === null || userName === ""){
+// userName = 'Ivanov';
+// };
+// if (patronymic === null || patronymic ==="") {
+// patronymic = 'Ivanov';
+// } ;
+// alert(`Full name ${surname} ${userName} ${patronymic} `);
+// //2)
+// if ((surname === null || surname === "") && (userName === null || userName === "") && (patronymic === null || patronymic ==="") ) {
+// alert('Ivanov Ivanov Ivanov');
+// } else if (surname === null || surname === "") {
+// surname = 'Ivanov';
+// alert(`Full name ${surname} ${userName} ${patronymic} `);
+// } else if (userName === null || userName === ""){
+// userName = 'Ivanov';
+// alert(`Full name ${surname} ${userName} ${patronymic} `);
+// } else if (patronymic === null || patronymic ==="") {
+// patronymic = 'Ivanov';
+// alert(`Full name ${surname} ${userName} ${patronymic} `);
+// } ;
+// break;
+// case 'login and password': const login = "admin";
+// const password = "qwerty";
+// const useLogin = prompt('Enter login');
+// let usePassword;
+// if (login === useLogin) {
+// usePassword = prompt('Enter password');
+// };
+// if (login !== useLogin || password !== usePassword) {
+// alert('Error');
+// } else alert('Good!');
+// break;
+// case 'currency calc': const currency = prompt('select currency: usd or eur' ).toLowerCase();
+// let monyHr;
+// switch (currency) {
+// case 'usd': monyHr = 27;
+// break;
+// case 'eur': monyHr = 30;
+// break;
+// };
+// const hryvnias = prompt('how much UAH');
+// alert(`${currency} ${hryvnias / monyHr}`);
+// break;
+// case 'currency calc: two rates': const currency = prompt('select currency: usd or eur' ).toLowerCase();
+// const question = confirm('Do You want to buy currency?');
+// const amount = prompt('Money');
+// let monyHr;
+// switch (currency) {
+// case 'usd': monyHr = 27;
+// break;
+// case 'eur': monyHr = 30;
+// break;
+// };
+// question ? alert(`${currency} ${amount / monyHr}`) : alert(`hryvnias ${amount * monyHr}`);
+// break;
+// case 'currency calc: if': const currency = prompt('select currency: usd or eur' ).toLowerCase();
+// const question = confirm('Do You want to buy currency?');
+// const amount = prompt('Money');
+// let monyHr;
+// if (currency === 'usd') {
+// monyHr = 27;
+// };
+// if (currency === 'eur') {
+// monyHr = 30;
+// };
+// if (question) {
+// alert(`${currency} ${amount / monyHr}`);
+// } else alert(`hryvnias ${amount * monyHr}`);
+// break;
+// case 'scissors': const things = ['rock', 'scissors', 'paper'];
+// const userThing = prompt('choose rock or paper or scissors');
+// const randomThings = things[ Math.floor(Math.random()*things.length)];
+// alert(randomThings);
+// if ((userThing === 'rock') && (randomThings === 'scissors')) {
+// alert('you are winner!');
+// } else if ((userThing === 'scissors') && (randomThings === 'paper')) {
+// alert('you are winner!');
+// } else if ((userThing === 'paper') && (randomThings === 'rock')) {
+// alert('you are winner!');
+// } else if (randomThings === userThing) {
+// alert('no one is a winner');
+// } else alert('you lose');
+// break;
+// case 'Задание на синий пояс': let ratios = {
+// usd: 25.6,
+// eur: 29
+// };
+// const currency = prompt('select currency: usd or eur' ).toLowerCase();
+// const question = confirm('Do You want to buy currency?');
+// const amount = prompt('Money');
+// const monyHr = ratios[currency];
+// question ? alert(`${currency} ${amount / monyHr}`) : alert(`hryvnias ${amount * monyHr}`);
+// break;
+// case 'real data': const amountMoney = prompt('Enter Money');
+// fetch('https://open.er-api.com/v6/latest/USD').then(res => res.json())
+// .then(data => {
+// console.log(data.rates.UAH)
+// alert(`UAN ${amountMoney * data.rates.UAH}`)
+// });
+// break;
+// };
+const things = ['rock', 'scissors', 'paper'];
+const userThing = prompt('choose rock or paper or scissors');
+const randomThings = things[ Math.floor(Math.random()*things.length)];
+((userThing === 'rock') && (randomThings === 'scissors') && !(alert('you are winner!'))) ||
+((userThing === 'scissors') && (randomThings === 'paper') && !(alert('you are winner!'))) ||
+((userThing === 'paper') && (randomThings === 'rock') && !(alert('you are winner!'))) ||
+((randomThings === userThing) && !(alert('no one is a winner'))) ||
+!(alert('you lose'));