@@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
+var a = 5;
+var b, c;
+b = (a * 5);
+b = (c = b/2);
+// Выражение 2 -это выражение литерального значения
+// b - это выражение переменной
+// b/2 - это арифметическое выражение
+//c = b/2, b = (c = b/2) - это выражение присваивания
+// Расставим скобки
+// b = (c = ((a*5)/2));
+// Порядок вычисления
+// 1. объявляется переменная a и ей присваивается число 5
+// 2. объявляется переменные b, c
+// 3. вычисляется выражение а * 5 = 25 и присваивается b
+// 4. вычисляется выражение b /2 = 12.5 и присваивается c
+// 5. 12.5 присваивается b
+// console.log(a);
+// console.log(b);
+// console.log(c);
+//Task 2
+// console.log(1) alert(1) Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier
+// console.log('ошибка')
+// [1, 2].join('') VM260:2 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined
+//Task Number: age
+// function showYearBirth () {
+// let age = +(prompt('Your age'));
+// let yearPresent = 2021; console.log(age);
+// if ( age == 0 || isNaN(age)) {
+// age = prompt('Please writing your age'); console.log(age);
+// } else if ( age !== nul) {
+// let yearBirth = yearPresent - age;
+// alert(yearBirth);
+// };
+// alert ('You are not interested');
+// return;
+// };
+// showYearBirth();
+// Task Number: temperature
+// function showNumberTemperature () {
+// let unit = confirm('We transfer the temperature to Faringate');
+// const faringate = 32;
+// let temperature;
+// if (unit) {
+// temperature = prompt('how many degrees celsius')*faringate;
+// alert(`Faringate degrees ${temperature}`);
+// return;
+// };
+// temperature = prompt('how many degrees Faringate')/32;
+// alert(`Celsius degrees ${temperature}`);
+// };
+// showNumberTemperature ();
+// Task Number: divide
+// let numb1 = prompt('enter the first number');
+// let numb2 = prompt('enter the second number');
+// let calculationInteger = (a, b) => {
+// let integer = Math.floor(a/b);
+// alert(integer);
+// return;
+// };
+// calculationInteger (numb1, numb2);
+// Task Number: odd
+// let oddnumber = +prompt('Enter number');
+// function checkOddNumber () {
+// if (typeof(oddnumber) !== 'number' || isNaN(oddnumber)){
+// alert('It is not a number');
+// return;
+// };
+// alert('Good!');
+// if (oddnumber%2 == 0) {
+// alert(`${oddnumber} it is an even number `);
+// return;
+// };
+// alert('it is not an even number');
+// };
+// checkOddNumber ();
+//Task String: greeting
+// let yourname = prompt('What is your name?');
+// alert(`Welcome ${yourname}`);
+//Task String: lexics
+// const words = prompt('write a word').split(' '); console.log(words);
+// const badwords = prompt('write bad words').split(' ');console.log(badwords);
+// for (let i = 0; i < badwords.length; i++) {
+// if (words.includes(badwords[i])) {
+// alert(`${badwords[i]} bad word`);
+// }
+// };
+// Task confirm
+// const x = confirm('You are a woman');
+// console.log(typeof(x));
+// console.log(x);
+// if (x) {
+// alert('woman');
+// } else {
+// alert('Man');
+// };
+//Task Array: booleans
+// const arr = [];
+// for (let i=0; i<5; i++) {
+// const meaning = confirm('enter number');
+// arr[i] = meaning;
+// };
+// console.log(arr);
+// Task Array: plus
+// const arr = [1, 5, 3];
+// arr[2] = arr[0] + arr[1];
+// console.log(arr);
+//Task Array: plus string
+// const arr = [1, 'bbb', 3];
+// let sum = 0;
+// for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
+// sum += arr[i];
+// };
+// console.log(sum);
+// Task Object: real, Object: change
+// const earrings = {
+// metal: 'gold',
+// weight: 5,
+// proba: 999,
+// color: 'yellow',
+// stone: " ",
+// };
+// console.log(earrings );
+// earrings.metal = 'silver';
+// earrings['stone'] = 'Diamond';
+// console.log(earrings);
+//Task Comparison if
+// var age = +prompt("Сколько вам лет?","");
+// if (age < 0) {
+// alert("то ли киборг, то ли ошибка");
+// } else if (age < 18){
+// alert("школьник");
+// }
+// else if (age < 30){
+// alert("молодеж");
+// }
+// else if (age < 45){
+// alert("зрелость");
+// }
+// else if (age < 60){
+// alert("закат");
+// }
+// else if (age > 60){
+// alert("как пенсия?");
+// };
+//Task Comparison: sizes
+// const size = {
+// rus: [40, 42, 44, 46, 48, 50, 52, 54],
+// italy: [38, 40, 42, 44, 46, 48, 50, 52],
+// usa: [6, 8 ,10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20],
+// };
+// const country = prompt('select country (Italy USA)').toLowerCase();
+// if (country === 'italy') {
+// alert(size.italy);
+// } else
+// alert(size.usa);
+// Task Ternary
+//const gender = confirm('Can i find your gender') ? (alert('you are a woman?') ? "" : alert('you are a man?') ):alert('goodbye');
+// Task Синий пояс Number: flats
+function defineNumberFlat (floor, countFlatOnFloor, numberFlat) {
+ const countFlatInEntranse = floor * countFlatOnFloor;
+ const entranse = Math.ceil(numberFlat / countFlatInEntranse);
+ console.log (`Number entranse ${entranse}`);
+ const floorNumber = Math.ceil((numberFlat % countFlatInEntranse) / countFlatOnFloor);
+ console.log (`Number floor ${floorNumber}`);
+defineNumberFlat (9, 4, 81);