import {Except} from 'type-fest'; import readPkg = require('read-pkg'); declare namespace readPkgUp { type Options = { /** Directory to start looking for a package.json file. @default process.cwd() */ cwd?: string; } & Except<readPkg.Options, 'cwd'>; type NormalizeOptions = { /** Directory to start looking for a package.json file. @default process.cwd() */ cwd?: string; } & Except<readPkg.NormalizeOptions, 'cwd'>; type PackageJson = readPkg.PackageJson; type NormalizedPackageJson = readPkg.NormalizedPackageJson; interface ReadResult { packageJson: PackageJson; path: string; } interface NormalizedReadResult { packageJson: NormalizedPackageJson; path: string; } } declare const readPkgUp: { /** Read the closest `package.json` file. @example ``` import readPkgUp = require('read-pkg-up'); (async () => { console.log(await readPkgUp()); // { // packageJson: { // name: 'awesome-package', // version: '1.0.0', // … // }, // path: '/Users/sindresorhus/dev/awesome-package/package.json' // } })(); ``` */ (options?: readPkgUp.NormalizeOptions): Promise< readPkgUp.NormalizedReadResult | undefined >; (options: readPkgUp.Options): Promise<readPkgUp.ReadResult | undefined>; /** Synchronously read the closest `package.json` file. @example ``` import readPkgUp = require('read-pkg-up'); console.log(readPkgUp.sync()); // { // packageJson: { // name: 'awesome-package', // version: '1.0.0', // … // }, // path: '/Users/sindresorhus/dev/awesome-package/package.json' // } ``` */ sync( options?: readPkgUp.NormalizeOptions ): readPkgUp.NormalizedReadResult | undefined; sync(options: readPkgUp.Options): readPkgUp.ReadResult | undefined; }; export = readPkgUp;