Vladislav342 2 years ago
1 changed files with 150 additions and 0 deletions
  1. 150 0

+ 150 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+	<meta charset="utf-8">
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+	<div id="container">
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+	<div id="container2">
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+	<style>
+		img{
+			width: 200px;
+			height: 200px;
+			padding-right: 10px;
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+	<script>
+		function Controll(el,{value=50,min=0,max=100,minAngel=0,maxAngel=360,step=1,wheelSpeed=0.1}={}){
+			const img=document.createElement('img');
+			img.src='http://c1.asmer.fe.a-level.com.ua/1@3x.png';
+			el.append(img);
+			const ratio=(maxAngel-minAngel) / (max-min);
+			const getAngel=()=>(value-min)*ratio+minAngel;
+			this.setValue=newValue=>{
+				if(newValue>max){
+					newValue=max;
+				}
+				if(newValue<min){
+					newValue=min;
+				}
+				value=newValue;
+				img.style.transform=`rotate(${getAngel()}deg)`;
+				if(this.onchange && typeof this.onchange==='function'){
+					this.onchange(value);
+				}
+			}
+			img.onmousewheel=e=>{
+				const {deltaY} = e;
+				const newValue = value+deltaY*wheelSpeed;
+				this.setValue(newValue);
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+			img.onclick=e=>{
+				console.log(e,img.width);
+				const {layerX}=e;
+				const {width} = img;
+				if(layerX>width/2){
+					this.setValue(value+step);
+				}else{
+					this.setValue(value-step);
+				}
+			}
+			const toDeg = rad => ((rad*180)/Math.PI+360+90)%360;
+			let prevMouseAngel=null;
+			img.onmousedown=e=>{
+				const y=e.layerY-img.height/2;
+				const x=e.layerX-img.width/2;
+				prevMouseAngel=toDeg(Math.atan2(y,x));
+				console.log(x,y,getAngel());
+				e.preventDefault();
+			}
+			img.onmousemove= e =>{
+				if(prevMouseAngel===null) return;
+				const y=e.layerY-img.height/2;
+				const x=e.layerX-img.width/2;
+				let currentAngel=toDeg(Math.atan2(y,x));
+				let moveAngelDiff=(currentAngel-prevMouseAngel);
+				this.setValue(value+moveAngelDiff/ratio);
+				prevMouseAngel = currentAngel;
+			}
+			this.getValue=function(){
+				return value;
+			}
+			img.onmouseout=img.onmouseup=()=>{
+				prevMouseAngel=null;
+			}
+			this.setValue(value);
+		}	
+		/*let volumeControl=new Controll(container,{value:50,min:0,max:100,minAngel:-90,maxAngel:90});
+		volumeControl.onchange=value=>console.log(value);
+		console.log(volumeControl.getValue());*/
+		function setRGB(){
+			document.body.style.background=`rgb(${red.getValue()},${blue.getValue()},${green.getValue()})`;
+		}
+		let audio=document.createElement('audio');
+		container2.appendChild(audio);
+		audio.src="Mania-Вьюга.ogg";
+		audio.style.display=true;
+		audio.volume=0.2;
+		audio.controls=true;
+		audio.autoplay=true;
+		let time=audio.duration;
+		audio.onended=function(){
+			audio.remove();
+		}
+		function setVolume(){
+			audio.volume=volumeControl.getValue();
+		}
+		function setSpeed(){
+			audio.playbackRate=speedControl.getValue();
+		}
+		const red=new Controll(container,{min:0,max:255});
+		red.onchange=setRGB;
+		const green=new Controll(container,{min:0,max:255});
+		green.onchange=setRGB;
+		const blue=new Controll(container,{min:0,max:255});
+		blue.onchange=setRGB;
+		const volumeControl=new Controll(container1,{min:0,max:1,wheelSpeed:0.001,step:0.05});
+		volumeControl.onchange=setVolume;
+		const speedControl=new Controll(container1,{min:0.5,max:2,wheelSpeed:0.001,step:0.05});
+		speedControl.onchange=setSpeed;	
+	</script>