Ivar 3 vuotta sitten
3 muutettua tiedostoa jossa 341 lisäystä ja 282 poistoa
  1. 338 0
  2. 1 282
  3. 2 0

+ 338 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,338 @@
+import React, {useState, useEffect, useRef} from 'react'
+import FileDownloadIcon from '@mui/icons-material/FileDownload';
+import InsertDriveFileIcon from '@mui/icons-material/InsertDriveFile';
+import Popper from '@mui/material/Popper';
+import { connect } from 'react-redux'
+import { dateFromStamp, stringColor, backURL } from '../helpers'
+import { UserAvatar, CMyAvatar } from '.'
+const msgBlock = {
+   alignSelf: "start",
+   display: "flex",
+   justifyContent: "flex-start",
+   alignItems: "start",
+   margin: "2px",
+   marginRight: "5%",
+   maxWidth: "calc(95% - 2px)",
+   minWidth: "40%",
+   wordWrap: "break-word",
+const myMsgBlock = {
+   alignSelf: "end",
+   display: "flex",
+   justifyContent: "flex-start",
+   alignItems: "start",
+   margin: "2px",
+   marginLeft: "5%",
+   maxWidth: "calc(95% - 2px)",
+   minWidth: "40%",
+   wordWrap: "break-word",
+const avBlock = {
+   alignSelf: "end",
+   width: "40px",
+   marginRight: "10px"
+const bodyBlock = {
+   display: "flex",
+   flexDirection: "column",
+   justifyContent: "flex-start",
+   borderRadius: "5px",
+   backgroundColor: "#fff",
+   width: "calc(100% - 50px)",
+   padding: "10px"
+const myBodyBlock = {
+   display: "flex",
+   flexDirection: "column",
+   justifyContent: "flex-start",
+   borderRadius: "5px",
+   backgroundColor: "#1976d255",
+   width: "calc(100% - 50px)",
+   padding: "10px"
+const nameBlock = {
+   fontWeight: 600,
+   fontSize: "12px",
+   alignSelf: "start",
+   maxWidth: "100%",
+   marginBottom: "5px",
+const contentBlock = {
+   alignSelf: "stretch",
+   maxWidth: "100%",
+const dateBlock = {
+   alignSelf: "end",
+   maxWidth: "100%",
+   fontSize: "10px",
+   color: "#555"
+const mediaBlock = {
+   marginBottom: "20px"
+const textBlock = {
+const imgStyle = { 
+   maxWidth: "100%", 
+   width: "auto",
+   maxHeight: "400px", 
+   height: "auto",
+   margin: "0 5px"
+const downloadStyle = { 
+   display: "flex",
+   maxWidth: "300px",
+   minHeight: "54px",
+   borderRadius: "30px",
+   textDecoration: "none",
+   margin: "5px 0",
+   padding: "10px",
+   backgroundColor: "#eeee"
+const imgDownload = { 
+   alignSelf: "center",
+   borderRadius: "50%",
+   backgroundColor: "#1976d2",
+   height: "45px",
+   width: "45px",
+   display: "flex",
+   justifyContent: "center",
+   alignItems: "center",
+   marginRight: "10px",
+const textDownload = { 
+   alignSelf: "start",
+   // marginTop: "10px",
+   maxWidth: "calc(100% - 55px)",
+   fontSize: 14, 
+   fontWeight: 500,
+   color: "#000",
+   wordWrap: "break-word",
+   overflow: "hidden" 
+const Msg = ({ msg, prevOwner, prevTime, myProfile, onEvent }) => {
+   const myId = myProfile?._id || null
+   const myLogin = myProfile?.login || null
+   const myNick = myProfile?.nick || null
+   const { _id, text, owner, media, createdAt } = msg
+   const {nick, login, avatar} = owner
+   const allMedia = {}
+   if (media) for (const file of media) {
+      if (file.type) {
+         const objName = file.type.split('/')[0]
+         if (allMedia.hasOwnProperty(objName)) {
+            allMedia[objName].push(file)
+         } else {
+            allMedia[objName] = [file]
+         }
+      }  
+   }
+   const prOwner = prevOwner.current
+   prevOwner.current = owner._id
+   const prTime = prevTime.current
+   prevTime.current = createdAt
+   // console.log( prTime - createdAt,  text)
+   const nameBlockNew = {...nameBlock, color: stringColor.stringToColor(nick || login)}
+   return (
+         <div onClick={onEvent}
+            style={(myId === owner._id) ? 
+               ( (prOwner === owner._id) ? 
+                  {...myMsgBlock, marginBottom: "2px"} : {...myMsgBlock, marginBottom: "15px"}) : 
+                  ( (prOwner === owner._id) ? 
+                     {...msgBlock, marginBottom: "2px"} : {...msgBlock, marginBottom: "15px"})
+               }
+            >
+            <div style={avBlock} >
+               { (prOwner === owner._id && 
+                     prTime - createdAt < 600000) || 
+                           ( (myId === owner._id) ? 
+                                 <CMyAvatar /> : 
+                                       <UserAvatar profile={owner} /> ) }
+            </div>
+            <div style={(myId === owner._id) ? myBodyBlock : bodyBlock} >
+               <div style={(myId === owner._id) ? nameBlock : nameBlockNew} >
+                  { (myId === owner._id) ? (myNick || myLogin) : (nick || login) }
+               </div>
+               <div style={contentBlock} >
+                  { (Object.keys(allMedia).length > 0) &&
+                     <div style={mediaBlock}>
+                        { Object.keys(allMedia).map((key) => 
+                           <div key={key} > 
+                              {
+                                 (key === 'image') &&
+                                       allMedia[key].map((mediaObj) => 
+                                                                     <img 
+                                                                        key={mediaObj.url}
+                                                                        style={imgStyle}
+                                                                        src={backURL + mediaObj.url} 
+                                                                     />
+                                                                                       ) ||
+                                    (key === 'video') &&
+                                          allMedia[key].map((mediaObj) => 
+                                                                        <video 
+                                                                           key={mediaObj.url}
+                                                                           style={imgStyle}
+                                                                           src={backURL + mediaObj.url} 
+                                                                           controls   
+                                                                           preload={'metadata'}                                                                
+                                                                        >
+                                                                        </video>
+                                                                                       ) ||
+                                       (key === 'audio') &&
+                                             allMedia[key].map((mediaObj) => 
+                                                                           <div 
+                                                                              key={mediaObj.url} 
+                                                                           >
+                                                                              <audio 
+                                                                                 src={backURL + mediaObj.url}
+                                                                                 controls
+                                                                              >
+                                                                              </audio>
+                                                                           </div>                                     
+                                                                                                )  ||
+                                                allMedia[key].map((mediaObj) => 
+                                                                              <a 
+                                                                                 key={mediaObj.url} 
+                                                                                 href={backURL + mediaObj.url}
+                                                                                 download    
+                                                                                 style={downloadStyle}                                                                       
+                                                                              >
+                                                                                 <div 
+                                                                                    style={imgDownload}>
+                                                                                    <FileDownloadIcon 
+                                                                                       style={{ 
+                                                                                          fontSize: 35, 
+                                                                                          color: "#ddd",
+                                                                                             }} />
+                                                                                 </div>
+                                                                                 <div 
+                                                                                    style={textDownload} >
+                                                                                    {mediaObj.originalFileName}
+                                                                                 </div>
+                                                                              </a>
+                                                                                                   )
+                              }
+                           </div> 
+                        )}
+                     </div>
+                  }
+                  <pre style={textBlock}>
+                     {text}
+                  </pre>
+               </div>
+               <div style={dateBlock} >
+                  {dateFromStamp(createdAt)}
+               </div>
+            </div>
+         </div> 
+   )
+export const CMsg = connect( state => ({ myProfile: state.promise.myProfile?.payload || {}}))(Msg)
+export const MsgMenu = (props) => {
+   const [anchorEl, setAnchorEl] = useState(null);
+   const handleClick = (e) => {
+      e.preventDefault()
+      if (e.button === 2) {
+      }
+      setAnchorEl(anchorEl ? null : e.currentTarget);
+   }
+   const open = Boolean(anchorEl);
+   return (
+     <div>
+      <CMsg {...props} onEvent={handleClick} /> 
+       <Popper open={open} anchorEl={anchorEl}>
+         <div style={{ backgroundColor: "#fff"}} >
+         </div>
+       </Popper>
+     </div>
+   )
+ }
+{/* <div class="media-inner dark interactive" style="">
+   <canvas class="thumbnail" width="1304" height="720" style="width: 480px; height: 265px;">
+   </canvas>
+   <img class="thumbnail opacity-transition slow" alt="" 
+      draggable="true" style="width: 480px; height: 265px;">
+   <video class="full-media" width="480" height="265" autoplay="" loop="" playsinline="" draggable="true">
+      <source src="blob:https://web.telegram.org/464cc156-4e7f-415e-bec5-5fdf5b6c2d98">
+   </video>
+   <div class="message-media-duration">5:27</div>
+</div> */}
+{/* <div class="File interactive">
+   <div class="file-icon-container">
+      <div class="file-icon orange">
+         <span class="file-ext" dir="auto">
+            zip
+         </span>
+            </div>
+               <i class="action-icon icon-download"></i>
+            </div>
+         <div class="file-info">
+            <div class="file-title" dir="auto">2.1 01-02.zip</div>
+            <div class="file-subtitle" dir="auto">
+               <span>0.6 KB</span>
+            </div>
+         </div>
+      </div> */}

+ 1 - 282

@@ -1,12 +1,8 @@
 import React, {useState, useEffect, useRef} from 'react'
-import FileDownloadIcon from '@mui/icons-material/FileDownload';
-import InsertDriveFileIcon from '@mui/icons-material/InsertDriveFile';
 import { connect } from 'react-redux'
-import { dateFromStamp, stringColor, backURL } from '../helpers'
-import { UserAvatar, CMyAvatar } from '.'
+import { CMsg, MsgMenu } from '.'
 const msgsWrapper = {
    display: "flex",
@@ -17,254 +13,6 @@ const msgsWrapper = {
    paddingBottom: "5px"
-const msgBlock = {
-   alignSelf: "start",
-   display: "flex",
-   justifyContent: "flex-start",
-   alignItems: "start",
-   margin: "2px",
-   marginRight: "5%",
-   maxWidth: "calc(95% - 2px)",
-   minWidth: "40%",
-   wordWrap: "break-word",
-const myMsgBlock = {
-   alignSelf: "end",
-   display: "flex",
-   justifyContent: "flex-start",
-   alignItems: "start",
-   margin: "2px",
-   marginLeft: "5%",
-   maxWidth: "calc(95% - 2px)",
-   minWidth: "40%",
-   wordWrap: "break-word",
-const avBlock = {
-   alignSelf: "end",
-   width: "40px",
-   marginRight: "10px"
-const bodyBlock = {
-   display: "flex",
-   flexDirection: "column",
-   justifyContent: "flex-start",
-   borderRadius: "5px",
-   backgroundColor: "#fff",
-   width: "calc(100% - 50px)",
-   padding: "10px"
-const myBodyBlock = {
-   display: "flex",
-   flexDirection: "column",
-   justifyContent: "flex-start",
-   borderRadius: "5px",
-   backgroundColor: "#1976d255",
-   width: "calc(100% - 50px)",
-   padding: "10px"
-const nameBlock = {
-   fontWeight: 600,
-   fontSize: "12px",
-   alignSelf: "start",
-   maxWidth: "100%",
-   marginBottom: "5px",
-const contentBlock = {
-   alignSelf: "stretch",
-   maxWidth: "100%",
-const dateBlock = {
-   alignSelf: "end",
-   maxWidth: "100%",
-   fontSize: "10px",
-   color: "#555"
-const mediaBlock = {
-   marginBottom: "20px"
-const textBlock = {
-const imgStyle = { 
-   maxWidth: "100%", 
-   width: "auto",
-   maxHeight: "400px", 
-   height: "auto",
-   margin: "0 5px"
-const downloadStyle = { 
-   display: "flex",
-   maxWidth: "300px",
-   minHeight: "54px",
-   borderRadius: "30px",
-   textDecoration: "none",
-   margin: "5px 0",
-   padding: "10px",
-   backgroundColor: "#eeee"
-const imgDownload = { 
-   alignSelf: "center",
-   borderRadius: "50%",
-   backgroundColor: "#1976d2",
-   height: "45px",
-   width: "45px",
-   display: "flex",
-   justifyContent: "center",
-   alignItems: "center",
-   marginRight: "10px",
-const textDownload = { 
-   alignSelf: "start",
-   // marginTop: "10px",
-   maxWidth: "calc(100% - 55px)",
-   fontSize: 14, 
-   fontWeight: 500,
-   color: "#000",
-   wordWrap: "break-word",
-   overflow: "hidden" 
-const Msg = ({ msg, prevOwner, prevTime, myProfile }) => {
-   const myId = myProfile?._id || null
-   const myLogin = myProfile?.login || null
-   const myNick = myProfile?.nick || null
-   const { _id, text, owner, media, createdAt } = msg
-   const {nick, login, avatar} = owner
-   const allMedia = {}
-   if (media) for (const file of media) {
-      if (file.type) {
-         const objName = file.type.split('/')[0]
-         if (allMedia.hasOwnProperty(objName)) {
-            allMedia[objName].push(file)
-         } else {
-            allMedia[objName] = [file]
-         }
-      }  
-   }
-   const prOwner = prevOwner.current
-   prevOwner.current = owner._id
-   const prTime = prevTime.current
-   prevTime.current = createdAt
-   // console.log( prTime - createdAt,  text)
-   const nameBlockNew = {...nameBlock, color: stringColor.stringToColor(nick || login)}
-   return (
-         <div 
-            style={(myId === owner._id) ? 
-               ( (prOwner === owner._id) ? 
-                  {...myMsgBlock, marginBottom: "2px"} : {...myMsgBlock, marginBottom: "15px"}) : 
-                  ( (prOwner === owner._id) ? 
-                     {...msgBlock, marginBottom: "2px"} : {...msgBlock, marginBottom: "15px"})
-               }
-            >
-            <div style={avBlock} >
-               { (prOwner === owner._id && 
-                     prTime - createdAt < 600000) || 
-                           ( (myId === owner._id) ? 
-                                 <CMyAvatar /> : 
-                                       <UserAvatar profile={owner} /> ) }
-            </div>
-            <div style={(myId === owner._id) ? myBodyBlock : bodyBlock} >
-               <div style={(myId === owner._id) ? nameBlock : nameBlockNew} >
-                  { (myId === owner._id) ? (myNick || myLogin) : (nick || login) }
-               </div>
-               <div style={contentBlock} >
-                  <div style={mediaBlock}>
-                     { Object.keys(allMedia).map((key) => 
-                        <div key={key} > 
-                           {
-                              (key === 'image') &&
-                                    allMedia[key].map((mediaObj) => 
-                                                                  <img 
-                                                                     key={mediaObj.url}
-                                                                     style={imgStyle}
-                                                                     src={backURL + mediaObj.url} 
-                                                                  />
-                                                                                    ) ||
-                                 (key === 'video') &&
-                                       allMedia[key].map((mediaObj) => 
-                                                                     <video 
-                                                                        key={mediaObj.url}
-                                                                        style={imgStyle}
-                                                                        src={backURL + mediaObj.url} 
-                                                                        controls   
-                                                                        preload={'metadata'}                                                                
-                                                                     >
-                                                                     </video>
-                                                                                    ) ||
-                                    (key === 'audio') &&
-                                          allMedia[key].map((mediaObj) => 
-                                                                        <div 
-                                                                           key={mediaObj.url} 
-                                                                        >
-                                                                           <audio 
-                                                                              src={backURL + mediaObj.url}
-                                                                              controls
-                                                                           >
-                                                                           </audio>
-                                                                        </div>                                     
-                                                                                             )  ||
-                                             allMedia[key].map((mediaObj) => 
-                                                                           <a 
-                                                                              key={mediaObj.url} 
-                                                                              href={backURL + mediaObj.url}
-                                                                              download    
-                                                                              style={downloadStyle}                                                                       
-                                                                           >
-                                                                              <div 
-                                                                                 style={imgDownload}>
-                                                                                 <FileDownloadIcon 
-                                                                                    style={{ 
-                                                                                       fontSize: 35, 
-                                                                                       color: "#ddd",
-                                                                                          }} />
-                                                                              </div>
-                                                                              <div 
-                                                                                 style={textDownload} >
-                                                                                 {mediaObj.originalFileName}
-                                                                              </div>
-                                                                           </a>
-                                                                                                )
-                           }
-                        </div> 
-                     )}
-                  </div>
-                  <pre style={textBlock}>
-                     {text}
-                  </pre>
-               </div>
-               <div style={dateBlock} >
-                  {dateFromStamp(createdAt)}
-               </div>
-            </div>
-         </div> 
-   )
-const CMsg = connect( state => ({ myProfile: state.promise.myProfile?.payload || {}}))(Msg)
 const MsgList = ({chats={}, chatId }) => {
    const prevOwner = useRef('')
@@ -300,33 +48,4 @@ const MsgList = ({chats={}, chatId }) => {
 export const CMsgList = connect(state => ( { chats: state.chats } ))(MsgList)
-{/* <div class="media-inner dark interactive" style="">
-   <canvas class="thumbnail" width="1304" height="720" style="width: 480px; height: 265px;">
-   </canvas>
-   <img class="thumbnail opacity-transition slow" alt="" 
-      draggable="true" style="width: 480px; height: 265px;">
-   <video class="full-media" width="480" height="265" autoplay="" loop="" playsinline="" draggable="true">
-      <source src="blob:https://web.telegram.org/464cc156-4e7f-415e-bec5-5fdf5b6c2d98">
-   </video>
-   <div class="message-media-duration">5:27</div>
-</div> */}
-{/* <div class="File interactive">
-   <div class="file-icon-container">
-      <div class="file-icon orange">
-         <span class="file-ext" dir="auto">
-            zip
-         </span>
-            </div>
-               <i class="action-icon icon-download"></i>
-            </div>
-         <div class="file-info">
-            <div class="file-title" dir="auto">2.1 01-02.zip</div>
-            <div class="file-subtitle" dir="auto">
-               <span>0.6 KB</span>
-            </div>
-         </div>
-      </div> */}

+ 2 - 0

@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 // универсальные компоненты, повторяющиеся на многих страницах
 import {CChatList} from './ChatList'
 import {CMsgList} from './MsgList'
+import {CMsg, MsgMenu} from './Msg'
 import {CPreloaded} from './Preload'
 import {MainMenu, MenuDrawer} from './MainMenu'
 import {Header} from './Header'
@@ -18,6 +19,7 @@ import {CChatMngHeader} from './ChatMngHeader'
 export {CChatList}
 export {CMsgList} 
+export {CMsg, MsgMenu} 
 export {CPreloaded} 
 export {MainMenu, MenuDrawer} 
 export {Header}