import logoDefault from './logo.svg'; import './App.scss'; import {Provider, connect} from 'react-redux'; import {createStore, combineReducers, applyMiddleware} from 'redux'; import thunk from 'redux-thunk'; import { BrowserRouter as Router, Route, Routes, Link} from 'react-router-dom'; function authReducer(state, { type, token }) { if (!state) { if (localStorage.authToken) { type = 'AUTH_LOGIN' token = localStorage.authToken } else state = {} } if (type === 'AUTH_LOGIN') { localStorage.setItem('authToken', token) let payload = jwtDecode(token) if (typeof payload === 'object') { return { ...state, token, payload } } else return state } if (type === 'AUTH_LOGOUT') { localStorage.removeItem('authToken') return {} } return state } const jwtDecode = token => { try { let arrToken = token.split('.') let base64Token = atob(arrToken[1]) return JSON.parse(base64Token) } catch (e) { console.log('Лажа, Бро ' + e); } } const actionAuthLogin = token => ({ type: 'AUTH_LOGIN', token }) const actionAuthLogout = () => ({ type: 'AUTH_LOGOUT' }) const actionLogin = (login, password) => actionPromise('login', gql(`query NameForMe1($login:String, $password:String){ login(login:$login, password:$password) }`, { login, password })) function cartReducer(state = {}, { type, good = {}, count = 1 }) { const { _id } = good const types = { CART_ADD() { count = +count if (!count) { return state } return { ...state, [_id]: {good, count: (count + (state[_id]?.count || 0)) < 0 ? 0 : count + (state[_id]?.count || 0)} } }, CART_CHANGE() { count = +count if (!count) { return state } return { ...state, [_id]: {good, count: count < 0 ? 0 : count} } }, CART_REMOVE() { let { [_id]: remove, ...newState } = state return { ...newState } }, CART_CLEAR() { return {} }, } if (type in types) { return types[type]() } return state } const actionCartAdd = (good, count) => ({type: 'CART_ADD', good, count}) const actionCartChange = (good, count) => ({type: 'CART_CHANGE', good, count}) const actionCartRemove = (good) => ({type: 'CART_REMOVE', good}) const actionCartClear = () => ({type: 'CART_CLEAR'}) function promiseReducer(state = {}, { type, status, payload, error, name }) { if (type === 'PROMISE') { return { ...state, [name]: { status, payload, error } } } return state; } const actionPending = name => ({ type: 'PROMISE', status: 'PENDING', name }) const actionResolved = (name, payload) => ({ type: 'PROMISE', status: 'RESOLVED', name, payload }) const actionRejected = (name, error) => ({ type: 'PROMISE', status: 'REJECTED', name, error }) const actionPromise = (name, promise) => ( async dispatch => { dispatch(actionPending(name)) try { let data = await promise dispatch(actionResolved(name, data)) return data } catch (error) { dispatch(actionRejected(name, error)) } } ) const actionRootCats = () => ( actionPromise('rootCats', gql(`query { CategoryFind(query: "[{\\"parent\\":null}]"){ _id name } }`)) ) const actionCatById = (_id) => ( actionPromise('catById', gql(`query catById($q: String){ CategoryFindOne(query: $q){ _id name goods { _id name price images { url } } subCategories { _id name } } }`, {q: JSON.stringify([{_id}])})) ) const getGQL = url => ( async (query, variables = {}) => { let obj = await fetch(url, { method: 'POST', headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", Authorization: localStorage.authToken ? 'Bearer ' + localStorage.authToken : {}, }, body: JSON.stringify({ query, variables }) }) let a = await obj.json() if (! && a.errors) throw new Error(JSON.stringify(a.errors)) return[Object.keys([0]] } ) const backURL = '' const gql = getGQL(backURL + '/graphql'); const store = createStore(combineReducers({promise: promiseReducer, auth: authReducer, cart: cartReducer}), applyMiddleware(thunk)) store.subscribe(() => console.log(store.getState())) store.dispatch(actionRootCats()) store.dispatch(actionCatById('5dc49f4d5df9d670df48cc64')) const Logo = ({logo}) => ( ) const Koshik = ({cart}) => { let count = 0; console.log(cart) let sum = Object.entries(cart).map(([, val]) => val.count) count = sum.reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0) return ( {count} ) } const CKoshik = connect(({cart}) => ({cart}))(Koshik) const Header = ({logo=logoDefault}) => (
) const defaultRootCats = [ {_id: '5dc49f4d5df9d670df48cc64', name: 'Airconditions'}, {_id: '5dc458985df9d670df48cc47', name: ' Smartphones'}, {_id: '5dc4b2553f23b553bf354101', name: 'Крупная бытовая техника'}, {_id: '5dcac1b56d09c45440d14cf8', name: 'Макароны'}, {_id: '5dcac6cf6d09c45440d14cfd', name: 'Drinks'}, {_id: '5dcacaeb6d09c45440d14d04', name: 'Салаты'}, {_id: '61715b92ef4e1b3e3b67703c', name: 'Приятный бонус'}, ] const RootCategory = ({cat:{_id, name}={}}) => (
  • {name} {/* {name} */}
  • ) const RootCategories = ({cats=defaultRootCats}) => ( ) const CRootCategories = connect(state => ({cats: state.promise.rootCats?.payload || []}))(RootCategories) const Aside = ({}) => ( ) const Content = ({children}) => (
    ) const SubCategories = ({cats}) => ( <> ) const GoodCard = ({good:{_id, name, price, images}={}, onCartAdd}) => (


    {images && images[0] && images[0].url && } {price}
    ) const CGoodCard = connect(null, {onCartAdd: actionCartAdd})(GoodCard) const Category = ({cat:{_id, name, goods, subCategories}}) => (


    {subCategories && } {(goods || []).map(good => )}
    ) const CCategory = connect(state => ({cat: state.promise.catById?.payload || []}))(Category) const GoodInCart = ({item: {count, good: {_id, name, price, images}}, onCartChange, onCartRemove, onCartAdd}) => (


    {images && images[0] && images[0].url && } {count} onCartChange({_id, name, price, images}, e.currentTarget.value)} value={count} type="number"/>
    ) const CGoodInCart = connect(null, {onCartChange: actionCartChange, onCartRemove: actionCartRemove, onCartAdd: actionCartAdd})(GoodInCart) const Cart = ({cartQ, onCartClear}) => (
    {cartQ.length === 0 ? <> : } { => )} {cartQ.length === 0 ? <> : }
    ) const CCart = connect(state => ({cartQ: Object.values(state.cart) || []}), {onCartClear: actionCartClear})(Cart) const Main = ({}) => (
    ) const Footer = ({logo=logoDefault}) => ( ) const JSONTest = ({data}) => (
        {JSON.stringify(data, null, 4)}
        {Math.random() > 0.5 ? 




    } {Math.random() > 0.5 &&


    ) const ReduxJSON = connect(state => ({data: state}))(JSONTest) const ListItem = ({item}) => (
  • {item}
  • ) const List = ({data=["пиво", "чипсы", "сиги",]}) => ( ) class LifeCycle extends Component { //first time methods: constructor(props){ //once super(props) this.state = {counter: 0}; console.log('constructor', props, this.state) } componentWillMount(){ //once console.log('componentWillMount') this.interval = setInterval(()=>{ this.setState((prevState, props) => ({counter: prevState.counter +1})) },5000) } render(){ //as many as component should update + once at first time console.log('render') return (
    life cycle: {this.state.counter}
    ); } componentDidMount(){ //first time render success = this.props.match.params._id this.props.getData( console.log('componentDidMount') } componentWillUnmount(){ //end of life clearInterval(this.interval) console.log('componentWillUnmount') } //main loop methods: shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps, nextState){ //every time when props or state changed console.log('shouldComponentUpdate', nextProps, nextState) return Math.random() > 0.7; //here we decide, is this update so major to re-render, or no } componentWillUpdate(nextProps, nextState){ //before every render (except first) console.log('componentWillUpdate', nextProps, nextState) } componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState){ //after render if (this.props.match.params._id !== this.componentDidMount() console.log('componentDidUpdate', prevProps, prevState) } componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps){ //when we receive new props console.log('componentWillReceiveProps', nextProps) } } function App() { return (
    {/* */} {/* */} {/* */}
    ); } export default App;