#1 What are the types of family planning ?

1 سال پیش باز شده توسط ameliya · 0 دیدگاه

Unprotected intercourse greatly raises the likelihood of conception. The human body needs sex to function hormonally, but pregnancy does not. When a woman is ready, pregnancy is a lovely stage of her life. Unwanted pregnancies are associated with an increase in mental health problems of 20–22%. It not only has an impact on the mind, but it may also have negative physiological effects. This is why it's crucial to familiarise yourself with the various types of family planning. Visit- https://healthstrives.com/types-of-family-planning/

Unprotected intercourse greatly raises the likelihood of conception. The human body needs sex to function hormonally, but pregnancy does not. When a woman is ready, pregnancy is a lovely stage of her life. Unwanted pregnancies are associated with an increase in mental health problems of 20–22%. It not only has an impact on the mind, but it may also have negative physiological effects. This is why it's crucial to familiarise yourself with the various types of family planning. Visit- https://healthstrives.com/types-of-family-planning/
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