//Literals { var ford = { type: "hybrid", model: "fusion", power: 180, size: "4800/150/130", fuel: "petrol", }; } //Literals expand var ford = { type: "hybrid", [prompt('Введите название ключа')]: [prompt('Введите параметр')].join(' '), power: 180, size: "4800/150/130", fuel: "petrol", }; //Literals copy let property = prompt('Введите свойство') const obj = {...ford} obj.type = property console.log(obj) //Html tree let body = { tagName: 'body', children: [{ tagName: 'div', children: [{ tagName: 'span', children: ["Enter a data please:"] }, { tagName: 'br', }, { tagName: 'input', attrs: { children: { type:'text', id:'name', } }, }, { tagName: 'input', attrs: { children: { type:'text', id:'surname', } }, }] }, { tagName: 'div', children: [{ tagName: 'button', attrs: { [attributes]: "ok", }, children:['OK'] }, { tagName: 'button', attrs: {}, }] }] } body.children[1].children[1].children=["Cancel"]; body.children[1].children[1].attrs.id= "cancel"; //Parent body.children[0].parent = body; body.children[1].parent = body; body.children[0].children[0].parent = body.children[0]; body.children[0].children[1].parent = body.children[0]; body.children[0].children[2].parent = body.children[0]; body.children[0].children[3].parent = body.children[0]; body.children[1].children[0].parent = body.children[1]; body.children[1].children[1].parent = body.children[1]; //destruct array { let arr = [1,2,3,4,5, "a", "b", "c"] let [odd1,even1,odd2,even2,odd3,...arr2]=arr console.log(odd1,even1,odd2,even2,odd3,arr2)//1 2 3 4 5 [ 'a', 'b', 'c' ] } //destruct string { let arr = [1, "abc"] let [number,arr2]=arr let [s1,s2,s3]=arr2 console.log(number,s1,s2,s3)// 1 a b c } //destruct 2 { let obj = { name: 'Ivan', surname: 'Petrov', children: [{name: 'Maria'}, {name: 'Nikolay'}] } let {children:[{name:name1},{name:name2}]}= obj console.log(name1,name2)//Maria Nikolay } //destruct 3 { let arr = [1,2,3,4, 5,6,7,10] let {0:a,1:b,length}= arr console.log(a,b,length)//1 2 8 } //Destructure и Change OK { let attributes = prompt('Введите название атрибута')// это к заданию Change OK let body = { tagName: 'body', children: [{ tagName: 'div', children: [{ tagName: 'span', children: ["Enter a data please:"] }, { tagName: 'br', }, { tagName: 'input', attrs: { children: { type:'text', id:'name', } }, }, { tagName: 'input', attrs: { type:'text', id:'surname', }, }] }, { tagName: 'div', children: [{ tagName: 'button', attrs: { [attributes]: "ok", }, children:['OK'] }, { tagName: 'button', children:["Cancel"], attrs: { id: "cancel" }, }] }] } let {children:[{children:[{children:[textSpan]},{},{},{attrs:{id:textSurname}}]},{children:[{},{children:[textCancel]}]}]}=body//это к заданию Destructure console.log(textSpan,textCancel,textSurname)//Enter a data please: Cancel surname //это к заданию Destructure body.children[1].children[0].attrs.attributes= prompt('Введите значение атрибута');// это к заданию Change OK } //Copy delete { let ford = { type: "hybrid", model: "fusion", power: 180, size: "4800/150/130", fuel: "petrol", }; let key = prompt('Введите ключ для удаления') const {[key]:x, ...obj} = ford console.log(obj) } //Currency real rate { fetch('https://open.er-api.com/v6/latest/USD').then(res => res.json()) .then(data => { let currency = prompt('Введите исходную валюту').toUpperCase() let currency2 = prompt('валюту, в которую происходит конвертация').toUpperCase() let sum = +prompt('Введите сумму в '+currency2) let rates1 = data.rates[currency] let rates2 = data.rates[currency2] data = (rates1/rates2)*sum if (currency && currency2 && sum && data){ alert('Результат '+data+' '+currency)} else{alert('Ошибка')} }) } //Currency drop down { fetch('https://open.er-api.com/v6/latest/USD').then(res => res.json()) .then(data => { let key = data.rates key = Object.keys(key) key = key.map(x=> "") key = '' console.log(document.write(key)) }) } //Currency table { fetch('https://open.er-api.com/v6/latest/USD').then(res => res.json()) .then(data => { let dataObj = data.rates let arrValues = Object.values(dataObj) let arrKeys = Object.keys(dataObj) let arrData = [] let i = 0 for(let valuesEl of arrValues){ arrData.push(arrValues.map(x=>(valuesEl/x).toFixed(3))) arrData[i].unshift(arrKeys[i]) i++ } arrKeys.unshift('') arrData.unshift(arrKeys) let currencyTable = "" for (let arrEl of arrData){ currencyTable += '' for (let cell of arrEl){ currencyTable += '' } currencyTable+= '' } currencyTable+= "
" document.write(currencyTable) }) } //Form { const car = { "Name":"chevrolet chevelle malibu", "Cylinders":8, "Displacement":307, "Horsepower":130, "Weight_in_lbs":3504, "Origin":"USA", "in_production": false } let keysArrCar = Object.keys(car) let valuesArrCar = Object.values(car) let i = 0 let strType let formObjCar = '
\n' for (let a of keysArrCar){ if (typeof valuesArrCar[i]=='string'){ strType = 'text' } else if(typeof valuesArrCar[i]=='boolean'){ strType = 'checkbox' } else{strType=typeof valuesArrCar[i]} formObjCar += ' \n' i++ } formObjCar += '
' document.write(formObjCar) } //Table // На тестовых данных проверено { const persons = [ { name: 'Мария', fatherName: 'Ивановна', surname: 'Иванова', sex: 'female' }, { name: 'Николай', fatherName: 'Иванович', surname: 'Иванов', age: 15 }, { name: 'Петр', fatherName: 'Иванович', surname: 'Иванов', married: true }, ] let i = 0 let arrKeys = [] for (let x of persons){ arrKeys += Object.keys(persons[i])+',' i++ } arrKeys = arrKeys.split(',').slice(0,-1) const makeUniq = (arr) => { return arr.filter((el1, el2) => arr.indexOf(el1) === el2); } arrKeys = makeUniq(arrKeys) let arrValue = [] for (let objPersons of persons){ arrValue.push(arrKeys.map(el=>objPersons[el]===undefined?objPersons[el]=' ':objPersons[el])) } arrValue.unshift(arrKeys) let arrTable = "" for (let arrEl of arrValue){ arrTable += '' for (let cell of arrEl){ arrTable += '' } arrTable+= '' } arrTable+= "
" document.write(arrTable) }