@@ -1,25 +1,419 @@
-import logo from './logo.svg';
-import './App.css';
+import {createStore, combineReducers, applyMiddleware} from 'redux';
+import thunk from 'redux-thunk';
+import {Provider, connect} from 'react-redux';
+import {Router, Route} from 'react-router-dom';
+import React from 'react';
+import './App.scss';
+import SignIn from './components/signIn';
+import SignUp from './components/signup';
+import MyProfile from './components/myprofile';
+import CreateAd from './components/add';
+import Good from './components/good';
+import Cards from './components/goods'
+import CardsUser from './components/productsUser';
+import Header from './components/header'
+import Message from './components/message'
+const history = require("history").createBrowserHistory()
+const getGQL = url =>
+ (query, variables= {}) =>
+ fetch(url, {
+ method: 'POST',
+ headers: checkToken(),
+ body:JSON.stringify({query, variables})
+ }).then(res => res.json())
+ .then(data => {
+ try {
+ if(!data.data && data.errors) {
+ throw new SyntaxError(`SyntaxError - ${JSON.stringify(Object.values(data.errors)[0])}`);
+ }
+ return Object.values(data.data)[0];
+ } catch (e) {
+ console.error(e);
+ }
+ });
+const checkToken = () => {
+ const headers = {
+ "Content-Type": "application/json",
+ "Accept": "application/json",
+ }
+ if(localStorage.getItem('authToken')) {
+ return {
+ ...headers,
+ "Authorization": `Bearer ${localStorage.getItem('authToken')}`
+ }
+ } else {
+ return headers;
+ }
+const url = 'http://marketplace.node.ed.asmer.org.ua/'
+const gql = getGQL(url + 'graphql')
+const actionPromise = (namePromise,promise) =>
+ async dispatch => {
+ dispatch(actionPending(namePromise)) //сигнализируем redux, что промис начался
+ try{
+ const payload = await promise //ожидаем промиса
+ dispatch(actionFulfilled(namePromise,payload)) //сигнализируем redux, что промис успешно выполнен
+ return payload //в месте запуска store.dispatch с этим thunk можно так же получить результат промиса
+ }
+ catch (error){
+ dispatch(actionRejected(namePromise,error)) //в случае ошибки - сигнализируем redux, что промис несложился
+ }
+ }
+const actionPending = (namePromise) => ({type: 'PROMISE', status: 'PENDING',namePromise})
+const actionFulfilled = (namePromise,payload) => ({type: 'PROMISE', status: 'FULFILLED',namePromise, payload})
+const actionRejected = (namePromise,error) => ({type: 'PROMISE', status: 'REJECTED', namePromise, error})
+function promiseReducer(state={}, {type, status, payload, error,namePromise}){
+ if (type === 'PROMISE'){
+ return {
+ ...state,
+ [namePromise] : {status, payload, error}
+ }
+ }
+ return state
+const actionUpload = (files) =>
+ async (dispatch) => {
+ const formData = new FormData();
+ formData.append('photo', files);
+ await dispatch(actionUploadFile(formData));
+ }
+ const actionUploadFile = formData =>
+ actionPromise('upload',
+ fetch(`${url}upload`, {
+ method: "POST",
+ headers: localStorage.authToken ? {Authorization: 'Bearer ' + localStorage.authToken} : {},
+ body: formData
+ }).then(res => res.json())
+ );
+const actionlist = () =>
+actionPromise('list', gql(`query list{
+ AdFind(query:"[{}]") {
+ price
+ _id
+ owner {
+ _id
+ login
+ nick
+ avatar {
+ _id
+ url
+ }
+ }
+ title
+ description
+ images {
+ _id
+ url
+ }
+ }
+const actionOnelist = (_id) =>
+actionPromise('onelist', gql(`query onelist($q: String!) {
+ AdFindOne(query:$q) {
+ price _id owner {
+ _id login nick avatar {
+ _id url
+ }
+ }
+ title description images {
+ _id url
+ }
+ comments {
+ _id owner {
+ _id login nick avatar {
+ _id url
+ }
+ }
+ createdAt
+ text
+ answerTo {
+ _id
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }`,{q: JSON.stringify([{_id}])}
+const actionLogin = (login, password) =>
+actionPromise('login', gql(`query Login($login: String!, $password: String!) {
+ login(login: $login, password: $password)
+ }`, {login, password}));
+const actionRegister = (login, password) =>
+actionPromise('reg', gql(`mutation Reg($login: String!, $password: String!) {
+ createUser(login: $login, password: $password) {
+ _id
+ }
+ }`,
+{"login" : login,
+"password": password}
+const actionUpdateMe = (user) =>
+ actionPromise('profile', gql(`mutation upsertProfile($user:UserInput) {
+ UserUpsert(user:$user) {
+ _id login nick
+ }
+ }`, {user}))
+const actioCreateAd = (ad) =>
+actionPromise('createAd', gql(`mutation userAd($ad:AdInput) {
+ AdUpsert(ad: $ad) {
+ _id title images{
+ _id url
+ }
+ }
+}`, {ad}))
+const actionOneUser = (_id) =>
+actionPromise('user', gql(`query userOne($qq: String!){
+ UserFindOne(query:$qq){
+ _id
+ login
+ phones
+ addresses
+ nick
+ incomings{
+ _id text createdAt owner{
+ _id login
+ }
+ }
+ avatar{
+ url
+ }
+ }
+}`, {qq: JSON.stringify([{_id}])}))
+const actionAdComment = (comment) =>
+actionPromise('adComment', gql(`mutation adComment($comment:CommentInput) {
+ CommentUpsert(comment: $comment) {
+ _id
+ text owner {
+ _id login nick
+ }
+ }
+}`, {comment}))
+const actionAdMessage = (message) =>
+actionPromise('admessage', gql(`mutation admessage($message:MessageInput) {
+ MessageUpsert(message: $message) {
+ _id
+ text
+ createdAt
+ to{
+ _id login
+ }
+ owner{
+ _id
+ login
+ nick
+ }
+ }
+}`, {message}))
+const actionAllProductsUser = (_id) =>
+actionPromise("productsUser", gql(`query productsUser($userId: String) {
+ AdFind(query: $userId) {
+ price _id owner {
+ _id login nick avatar {
+ _id url
+ }
+ }
+ title description images {
+ _id url
+ }
+ }
+ }`, {userId: JSON.stringify([{___owner: _id}])}));
+const actionMyUserMessage = (_id) =>
+actionPromise('allMeMessage', gql(`query allMeMessage($userId: String){
+ MessageFind(query: $userId){
+ _id
+ text
+ createdAt
+ to{
+ _id login
+ }
+ owner{
+ _id
+ login
+ nick
+ }
+ }
+}`, {userId: JSON.stringify([{___owner: _id}])}));
+const actionForMeMessage = (_id) =>
+actionPromise('allForMeMessage', gql(`query forMeMessage($qq: String!){
+ UserFindOne(query:$qq){
+ incomings{
+ _id text createdAt owner{
+ _id login
+ }
+ }
+ }
+}`, {qq: JSON.stringify([{_id}])}))
+const store = createStore(combineReducers({auth: authReducer, promise:localStoredReducer(promiseReducer, 'promise')}), applyMiddleware(thunk))
+store.subscribe(() => console.log(store.getState()))
+function jwtDecode(token){
+ try {
+ return JSON.parse(atob(token.split('.')[1]))
+ }
+ catch(e){
+ }
+function localStoredReducer(reducer, localStorageKey){
+ function wrapper(state, action){
+ if (state === undefined){
+ try {
+ return JSON.parse(localStorage[localStorageKey])
+ }
+ catch(e){ }
+ }
+ const newState = reducer(state, action)
+ localStorage.setItem(localStorageKey, JSON.stringify(newState))
+ return newState
+ }
+ return wrapper
+function authReducer(state={}, {type, token}){
+ if (type === 'AUTH_LOGIN'){
+ const payload = jwtDecode(token)
+ try{
+ if (payload){
+ return {
+ token,
+ payload
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ catch (e) {}
+ }
+ if (type === 'AUTH_LOGOUT'){
+ return {}
+ }
+ return state
+const actionAuthLogout = () =>
+ () => {
+ store.dispatch({type: 'AUTH_LOGOUT'});
+ localStorage.removeItem('authToken');
+ localStorage.clear()
+ }
+const actionAuthLogin = (token) =>
+ () => {
+ const oldState = store.getState()
+ store.dispatch({type: 'AUTH_LOGIN', token})
+ const newState = store.getState()
+ if (oldState !== newState)
+ localStorage.setItem('authToken', token)
+ }
+const origUrl = "http://marketplace.node.ed.asmer.org.ua/"
+const defaultImg = "https://www.lionstroy.ru/published/publicdata/U70619SHOP/attachments/SC/products_pictures/nophoto.png"
+const mainList = connect(state => ({
+ cats: state.promise?.list?.payload,
+ stat: state.promise?.list?.status
+{loadData: actionlist})(Cards)
+const goodUser = connect(state => ({
+ good: state.promise?.onelist?.payload||[],
+ myUser: state.promise?.user?.payload||[]}),{
+ loadData: actionOnelist,
+ data:actionOneUser} )(Good)
+const Profile = connect(state => ({
+ myUser: state.promise?.user?.payload||[]}),
+ {loadData: actionOneUser} )(MyProfile)
+const Messages = connect(state => ({
+ myMessage: state.promise?.allMeMessage?.payload,
+ forMeMessage: state.promise?.allForMeMessage?.payload?.incomings||[],
+ myNewMessage: state.promise?.admessage?.payload||[]}),{
+ loadData: actionMyUserMessage,
+ dataMyUser:actionForMeMessage,
+ sendMessage:actionAdMessage} )(Message)
+const AllProductsUser = connect(state => ({
+ productsUser: state.promise?.productsUser?.payload||[],
+ stat: state.promise?.list?.status||[]}),
+ {loadData: actionAllProductsUser} )(CardsUser)
+const CreateAdConnect = connect(state => ({
+ newImg: state.promise?.upload?.payload||[]}),
+ {action: actionUpload} )(CreateAd)
function App() {
return (
- <div className="App">
- <header className="App-header">
- <img src={logo} className="App-logo" alt="logo" />
- <p>
- Edit <code>src/App.js</code> and save to reload.
- </p>
- <a
- className="App-link"
- href="https://reactjs.org"
- target="_blank"
- rel="noopener noreferrer"
- >
- Learn React
- </a>
- </header>
- </div>
+ <Router history = {history}>
+ <Provider store={store}>
+ <Route path="/sign_in" component={SignIn} exact/>
+ <Route path="/sign_up" component={SignUp} exact/>
+ <Route path="/my_profile" component={Profile} exact/>
+ <Route path="/create_ad" component={CreateAdConnect} exact/>
+ <Header/>
+ <main className="mainHome" style={{ backgroundColor: '#EEEFF1' }}>
+ <main className="mainCard">
+ <Route path="/message" component={Messages} exact/>
+ <Route path="/all_products_user" component={AllProductsUser} exact/>
+ <Route path="/" component={mainList} exact/>
+ <Route path="/good/:_id" component={goodUser} exact/>
+ </main>
+ </main>
+ </Provider>
+ </Router>
-export default App;
+export {actionLogin,actionPromise, store, origUrl,defaultImg,actionUpload, actionOneUser,actionlist, actionAuthLogout,actionAdMessage, actionOnelist,actionAdComment, actioCreateAd, actionAuthLogin, actionRegister, mainList, history, actionUpdateMe, jwtDecode}
+export default App;