Ivan Asmer 4 tahun lalu
2 mengubah file dengan 152 tambahan dan 152 penghapusan
  1. 149 0
  2. 3 152

+ 149 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+const { buildSchema, GraphQLObjectType, GraphQLString, GraphQLList, GraphQLSchema } = require('graphql');
+function mmExpandSchema(gqlSchema){
+    const types    = {}
+    const _typeMap = gqlSchema.getTypeMap()
+    const buildInTypes = ['Query',  'Mutation',  'ID',  'Float',  "String",  'Int',  'Boolean',
+                          'Query!', 'Mutation!', 'ID!', 'Float!', "String!", 'Int!', 'Boolean!' ]
+    async function argToSavables(arg, outputTypeName, Savable){
+        console.log('argToSavables', arg)
+        const entity = arg._id ? await Savable.m[outputTypeName].findOne({_id: ObjectID(arg._id)}) :
+                                 new Savable.classes[outputTypeName]({})
+        const {_id, ...data} = arg;
+        const type = _typeMap[outputTypeName + 'Input']
+        const fields = type.getFields()
+        for(let [fieldName, value] of Object.entries(data)){
+            let typeName = fields[fieldName].type.toString()
+            if (!buildInTypes.includes(typeName)){
+                console.log('recursive', arg[fieldName], typeName)
+                if (typeName[0] === '['){
+                    const nestedTypeName = typeName.slice(1,-6)
+                    console.log('array',nestedTypeName)
+                    entity[fieldName] = []
+                    for (let nestedArg of value){
+                        const nestedEntity = await argToSavables(nestedArg, nestedTypeName, Savable)
+                        entity[fieldName].push(nestedEntity)
+                    }
+                }
+                else {
+                    const nestedTypeName = typeName.slice(0,-5)
+                    console.log('one', nestedTypeName)
+                    entity[fieldName] = await argToSavables(value, nestedTypeName, Savable)
+                }
+            }
+            else {
+                entity[fieldName] = value
+            }
+        }
+        return await entity.save()
+    }
+    let queryFields     = _typeMap.Query    ? _typeMap.Query.getFields()    : {}
+    let mutationFields  = _typeMap.Mutation ? _typeMap.Mutation.getFields() : {}
+    for (let [typeName, type] of Object.entries(_typeMap)) 
+        if (!buildInTypes.includes(typeName) && 
+            !typeName.startsWith('__')){
+            if (typeName.endsWith('Input')){
+                let outputTypeName = typeName.substr(0, typeName.length - 'Input'.length)
+                if (outputTypeName in _typeMap){
+                    types[outputTypeName] = type
+                    const find = {
+                        type: GraphQLList(_typeMap[outputTypeName]),
+                        args: {query: {type: GraphQLString}},
+                        async resolve(root, args, context, info){
+                            //console.log(root, args, context, info)
+                            const Savable = context.models.SlicedSavable || context.models.Savable 
+                            args = JSON.parse(args.query)
+                            let results = []
+                            for (let result of Savable.m[outputTypeName].find(...args)){
+                                try {result = await result} catch (e) { break }
+                                results.push(result)
+                            }
+                            return results;
+                        }
+                    }
+                    queryFields[`${outputTypeName}Find`] = find
+                    const findOne = {
+                        type: _typeMap[outputTypeName],
+                        args: {query: {type: GraphQLString}},
+                        async resolve(root, args, context, info){
+                            //console.log(root, args, context, info)
+                            const Savable = context.models.SlicedSavable || context.models.Savable 
+                            args = JSON.parse(args.query)
+                            let [query] = args
+                            if (query._id && typeof query._id === 'string'){
+                                query._id = ObjectID(query._id)
+                            }
+                            let record = Savable.m[outputTypeName].findOne(query, ...args.slice(1))
+                            return record;
+                        }
+                    }
+                    queryFields[`${outputTypeName}FindOne`] = findOne
+                    const lowerCaseName = outputTypeName[0].toLowerCase() + outputTypeName.slice(1)
+                    const del = {
+                        type: _typeMap[outputTypeName],
+                        args: {[lowerCaseName]: {type: _typeMap[typeName]}},
+                        async resolve(root, args, context, info){
+                            //console.log(root, args, context, info)
+                            const Savable = context.models.SlicedSavable || context.models.Savable 
+                            const arg     = args[lowerCaseName]
+                            if (! ('_id' in arg)){
+                                return null;
+                            }
+                            let entity = await Savable.m[outputTypeName].findOne({_id: ObjectID(arg._id)})
+                            if (entity){
+                                let copy = {...record}
+                                await entity.delete()
+                                return copy;
+                            }
+                            return entity;
+                        }
+                    }
+                    mutationFields[`${outputTypeName}Delete`] = del
+                    const upsert = {
+                        type: _typeMap[outputTypeName],
+                        args: {[lowerCaseName]: {type: _typeMap[typeName]}},
+                        async resolve(root, args, context, info){
+                            //console.log(root, args, context, info)
+                            const Savable = context.models.SlicedSavable || context.models.Savable 
+                            const arg     = args[lowerCaseName]
+                            const entity  = argToSavables(args[lowerCaseName], outputTypeName, Savable)
+                            return entity;
+                        }
+                    }
+                    mutationFields[`${outputTypeName}Upsert`] = upsert
+                }
+            }
+    }
+    let newQuery     = new GraphQLObjectType({name: 'Query', fields: queryFields})
+    let newMutation  = new GraphQLObjectType({name: 'Mutation', fields: mutationFields})
+    let newSchema = new GraphQLSchema({query: newQuery, mutation: newMutation})
+    return newSchema;
+module.exports = mmExpandSchema

+ 3 - 152

@@ -4,157 +4,9 @@ const jwtSecret   = 'CbymrfGfnB'
 const express = require('express');
 const express_graphql = require('express-graphql');
-const { buildSchema, GraphQLObjectType, GraphQLString, GraphQLList, GraphQLSchema, printSchema } = require('graphql');
-function mmExpandSchema(gqlSchema){
-    const types    = {}
-    const _typeMap = gqlSchema.getTypeMap()
-    const buildInTypes = ['Query',  'Mutation',  'ID',  'Float',  "String",  'Int',  'Boolean',
-                          'Query!', 'Mutation!', 'ID!', 'Float!', "String!", 'Int!', 'Boolean!' ]
-    async function argToSavables(arg, outputTypeName, Savable){
-        console.log('argToSavables', arg)
-        const entity = arg._id ? await Savable.m[outputTypeName].findOne({_id: ObjectID(arg._id)}) :
-                                 new Savable.classes[outputTypeName]({})
-        const {_id, ...data} = arg;
-        const type = _typeMap[outputTypeName + 'Input']
-        const fields = type.getFields()
-        for(let [fieldName, value] of Object.entries(data)){
-            let typeName = fields[fieldName].type.toString()
-            if (!buildInTypes.includes(typeName)){
-                console.log('recursive', arg[fieldName], typeName)
-                if (typeName[0] === '['){
-                    const nestedTypeName = typeName.slice(1,-6)
-                    console.log('array',nestedTypeName)
-                    entity[fieldName] = []
-                    for (let nestedArg of value){
-                        const nestedEntity = await argToSavables(nestedArg, nestedTypeName, Savable)
-                        entity[fieldName].push(nestedEntity)
-                    }
-                }
-                else {
-                    const nestedTypeName = typeName.slice(0,-5)
-                    console.log('one', nestedTypeName)
-                    entity[fieldName] = await argToSavables(value, nestedTypeName, Savable)
-                }
-            }
-            else {
-                entity[fieldName] = value
-            }
-        }
-        return await entity.save()
-    }
-    let queryFields     = _typeMap.Query    ? _typeMap.Query.getFields()    : {}
-    let mutationFields  = _typeMap.Mutation ? _typeMap.Mutation.getFields() : {}
-    for (let [typeName, type] of Object.entries(_typeMap)) 
-        if (!buildInTypes.includes(typeName) && 
-            !typeName.startsWith('__')){
-            if (typeName.endsWith('Input')){
-                let outputTypeName = typeName.substr(0, typeName.length - 'Input'.length)
-                if (outputTypeName in _typeMap){
-                    types[outputTypeName] = type
-                    const find = {
-                        type: GraphQLList(_typeMap[outputTypeName]),
-                        args: {query: {type: GraphQLString}},
-                        async resolve(root, args, context, info){
-                            //console.log(root, args, context, info)
-                            const Savable = context.models.SlicedSavable || context.models.Savable 
-                            args = JSON.parse(args.query)
-                            let results = []
-                            for (let result of Savable.m[outputTypeName].find(...args)){
-                                try {result = await result} catch (e) { break }
-                                results.push(result)
-                            }
-                            return results;
-                        }
-                    }
-                    queryFields[`${outputTypeName}Find`] = find
-                    const findOne = {
-                        type: _typeMap[outputTypeName],
-                        args: {query: {type: GraphQLString}},
-                        async resolve(root, args, context, info){
-                            //console.log(root, args, context, info)
-                            const Savable = context.models.SlicedSavable || context.models.Savable 
-                            args = JSON.parse(args.query)
-                            let [query] = args
-                            if (query._id && typeof query._id === 'string'){
-                                query._id = ObjectID(query._id)
-                            }
-                            let record = Savable.m[outputTypeName].findOne(query, ...args.slice(1))
-                            return record;
-                        }
-                    }
-                    queryFields[`${outputTypeName}FindOne`] = findOne
-                    const lowerCaseName = outputTypeName[0].toLowerCase() + outputTypeName.slice(1)
-                    const del = {
-                        type: _typeMap[outputTypeName],
-                        args: {[lowerCaseName]: {type: _typeMap[typeName]}},
-                        async resolve(root, args, context, info){
-                            //console.log(root, args, context, info)
-                            const Savable = context.models.SlicedSavable || context.models.Savable 
-                            const arg     = args[lowerCaseName]
-                            if (! ('_id' in arg)){
-                                return null;
-                            }
-                            let entity = await Savable.m[outputTypeName].findOne({_id: ObjectID(arg._id)})
-                            if (entity){
-                                let copy = {...record}
-                                await entity.delete()
-                                return copy;
-                            }
-                            return entity;
-                        }
-                    }
-                    mutationFields[`${outputTypeName}Delete`] = del
-                    const upsert = {
-                        type: _typeMap[outputTypeName],
-                        args: {[lowerCaseName]: {type: _typeMap[typeName]}},
-                        async resolve(root, args, context, info){
-                            //console.log(root, args, context, info)
-                            const Savable = context.models.SlicedSavable || context.models.Savable 
-                            const arg     = args[lowerCaseName]
-                            const entity  = argToSavables(args[lowerCaseName], outputTypeName, Savable)
-                            return entity;
-                        }
-                    }
-                    mutationFields[`${outputTypeName}Upsert`] = upsert
-                }
-            }
-    }
-    let newQuery     = new GraphQLObjectType({name: 'Query', fields: queryFields})
-    let newMutation  = new GraphQLObjectType({name: 'Mutation', fields: mutationFields})
-    let newSchema = new GraphQLSchema({query: newQuery, mutation: newMutation})
-    return newSchema;
+const { buildSchema, printSchema } = require('graphql');
+const expand = require('./expand')
 ;(async () => {
     const {Savable, slice, getModels} = await require('./models.js')()
@@ -169,7 +21,6 @@ function mmExpandSchema(gqlSchema){
     let schema = buildSchema(`
         type User {
              _id: String
@@ -250,7 +101,7 @@ function mmExpandSchema(gqlSchema){
-    schema = mmExpandSchema(schema)
+    schema = expand(schema)
     var app = express();