@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+import { ComponentType } from 'react';
+import { GetUserRolesFunc } from '../router';
+import { Pub } from '../pub';
+type QueryRoute = {
+ path? : string,
+ args: any[]|Function,
+ component? : ComponentType,
+ /*
+ //TODO; options override in query on createQuery level
+ //it aren't works for now
+ query: QueryFuncType,
+ cacheTimeout?: number,
+ hidePendingOnRefresh?: boolean
+ avoidRepeatInProgress?: boolean,
+ forceRefreshAfterTimeout?: boolean,
+ */
+ //pending, error and prop names configuration override on route level
+ Pending?: ComponentType,
+ Error?: ComponentType,
+ errorQueryComponentErrorProp?: string,
+ componentQueryResultProp? : string,
+type QueryRoutes = {
+ [name: string]: QueryRoute
+type CreateQueryRoutesOptions = {
+ //global query configuration, basic query function are mandatory
+ query: QueryFuncType,
+ cacheTimeout?: number,
+ hidePendingOnRefresh?: boolean
+ avoidRepeatInProgress?: boolean,
+ forceRefreshAfterTimeout?: boolean,
+ //global route configuration, pending, error and prop names configuration
+ Pending?: ComponentType,
+ Error?: ComponentType,
+ errorQueryComponentErrorProp?: string,
+ componentQueryResultProp? : string,
+ //global private routing configuration
+ getUserRoles: GetUserRolesFunc, //function to get roles of current user
+ fallback: string|Function //function/string to be redirected to in case of lack of permission
+ routeRoles: string[] //default roles (like ['anon']
+ queryRoutes: QueryRoutes
+type QueryRoutesResult = {
+ //results about routing:
+ //NamedRoute decorated
+ Route: ComponentType,
+ //Same value as for Route, but named. For example, if name "category" it will be CategoryRoute
+ [name: string]: ComponentType,
+ //NamedLink to exactly this route
+ Link: ComponentType,
+ //Same value as for Link, but named. Like CategoryLink
+ [name: string]: ComponentType,
+ //results about queries
+ makeQuery: Function,
+ query: Function,
+ forceQuery: Function,
+ Hook: ComponentType,
+ //named hook useNameQuery
+ [name: string]: ComponentType,
+type QueryRoutesResults = {
+ [name: string]: QueryRoutesResult
+type CreateQueryRoutesResult = {
+ //Global results:
+ //routing:
+ NamedRoute: ComponentType,
+ PrivateRoute: ComponentType,
+ NamedLink ; ComponentType, //just copy of NamedLink, nothing special
+ //Component renders all routes in one place. Shortcut, but isn't flexible if you want routes
+ //in different places of page layout
+ AllRoutes: ComponentType,
+ //queryPub
+ queryPub: Pub,
+ withQueryFunc: Function, //type it
+ createQuery: Function, //type it
+ queryRoutes: QueryRoutesResults
+export const createQueryRoutes = (options) => {