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readme update

Ivan Asmer 5 years ago
1 changed files with 150 additions and 16 deletions
  1. 150 16

+ 150 - 16

@@ -1,24 +1,158 @@
-**Mock Back for instagram-like service**
+**Mock Back for ecommerce-like service**
-Basic relations
+Main GraphQL
+        type User {
+             _id: String
+             createdAt: String
+             login: String
+             nick : String
+             avatar: Image
+        }
+        input UserInput {
+             _id: String
+             login: String
+             nick : String
+             avatar: ImageInput
+        }
+        type Image {
+            _id: ID,
+            text: String,
+            url: String,
+            originalFileName: String,
+            userAvatar: User,
+            good: Good
+            category: Category
+            owner: User
+        }
+        input ImageInput {
+            _id: ID,
+            text: String,
+            userAvatar: UserInput,
+            good: GoodInput
+            category: CategoryInput
+        }
+        type Category {
+            _id: ID,
+            name: String!,
+            goods: [Good]
+            image: Image
+        }
+        input CategoryInput {
+            _id: ID,
+            name: String!,
+            goods: [ID]
+            image: ImageInput
+        }
+        type Good {
+            _id: ID,
+            name: String!,
+            description: String
+            price: Float
+            orderGoods: [OrderGood]
+            categories: [Category]
+            images: [Image]
+        }
+        input GoodInput {
+            _id: ID,
+            name: String!,
+            description: String
+            price: Float
+            categories: [CategoryInput]
+            images: [ImageInput]
+        }
+        type OrderGood {
+            _id: ID,
+            price: Float,
+            count: Float,
+            good: Good,
+            order: Order
+        }
+        input OrderGoodInput {
+            _id: ID,
+            count: Int!,
+            good: [GoodInput],
+            order: [OrderInput]
+        }
+        type Order {
+            _id: ID
+            total: Float
+            orderGoods: [OrderGood]
+        }
+        input OrderInput {
+            _id: ID
+            orderGoods: [OrderGoodInput]
+        }
+type Query {
+  UserFind(query: String): [User]
+  UserCount(query: String): Int
+  UserFindOne(query: String): User
+  ImageFind(query: String): [Image]
+  ImageCount(query: String): Int
+  ImageFindOne(query: String): Image
+  GoodFind(query: String): [Good]
+  GoodCount(query: String): Int
+  GoodFindOne(query: String): Good
+  CategoryFind(query: String): [Category]
+  CategoryCount(query: String): Int
+  CategoryFindOne(query: String): Category
+  OrderGoodFind(query: String): [OrderGood]
+  OrderGoodCount(query: String): Int
+  OrderGoodFindOne(query: String): OrderGood
+  OrderFind(query: String): [Order]
+  OrderCount(query: String): Int
+  OrderFindOne(query: String): Order
+type Mutation {
+  UserDelete(user: UserInput): User
+  UserUpsert(user: UserInput): User
+  ImageDelete(image: ImageInput): Image
+  ImageUpsert(image: ImageInput): Image
+  GoodDelete(good: GoodInput): Good
+  GoodUpsert(good: GoodInput): Good
+  CategoryDelete(category: CategoryInput): Category
+  CategoryUpsert(category: CategoryInput): Category
+  OrderGoodDelete(orderGood: OrderGoodInput): OrderGood
+  OrderGoodUpsert(orderGood: OrderGoodInput): OrderGood
+  OrderDelete(order: OrderInput): Order
+  OrderUpsert(order: OrderInput): Order
-User: Owner, Following, Followers, Like, Direct, Image(avatar)
-Post: Images, Like, Comments, Directs, Collections
-Images: Avatar, Posts, Direct
-Comments: Post, Comment (tree), Like
-Like: Post, Comment, User, Direct
-Direct: User, Owner, Post?, Image?, Like
-Collection: Posts
-Storis: видосики
-User: public, private (Follow Approve by user)
-Post: public, private
+Anon graphql
+        type Query {
+            login(login: String!, password: String!): String
+        }
+        type Mutation {
+            createUser(login: String!, password: String!): User
+            changePassword(login: String!, password: String!, newPassword: String!): User
+        }
+        type User {
+             _id: String
+             login: String
+        }