@@ -13,20 +13,83 @@
//logging: false
+ const User = sequelize.define("user", {
+ login: Sequelize.STRING,
+ password: Sequelize.STRING,
+ })
+ const Content = sequelize.define("content", {
+ title: Sequelize.STRING,
+ data: Sequelize.TEXT
+ })
+ async function filldb(){
+ await sequelize.sync()
+ console.log('synced')
+ let [vasya, petya, kolya] = await Promise.all([
+ User.create({login: "Vasya", password: "qwe"}),
+ User.create({login: "Petya", password: "qwe"}),
+ User.create({login: "Kolya", password: "qwe"}),
+ ])
+ let groupSlice = await Slice.create({
+ permission: 'group',
+ model: 'group',
+ slice: [`${vasya.id}`, `${petya.id}`]
+ })
+ let [vasyaSlice, petyaSlice, kolyaSlice] = await Promise.all([
+ Slice.create({model: 'user', permission: 'user', modelId: vasya.id, slice: ["user", `#${groupSlice.id}`]}),
+ Slice.create({model: 'user', permission: 'user', modelId: petya.id, slice: ["user", `#${groupSlice.id}`]}),
+ Slice.create({model: 'user', permission: 'user', modelId: kolya.id, slice: ["user" ]})
+ ])
+ let [hiddenContent, roleContent, groupContent] = await Promise.all([
+ Content.create({title: 'Hidden', data: 'HIDDEN'}),
+ Content.create({title: 'Role', data: 'ROLE'}),
+ Content.create({title: 'Group', data: 'GROUP'}),
+ ])
+ let [hiddenSlice, roleSlice, groupContentSlice] = await Promise.all([
+ Slice.create({model: 'contents', permission: 'read', modelId: hiddenContent.id, slice: [], ownerId: kolya.id}),
+ Slice.create({model: 'contents', permission: 'read', modelId: roleContent.id, slice: ["user"], ownerId: vasya.id}),
+ Slice.create({model: 'contents', permission: 'read', modelId: groupContent.id, slice: [`#${groupSlice.id}`], ownerId: petya.id}),
+ ])
+ let createSlice = await Slice.create({model: 'contents', permission: 'create', slice: ['user']})
+ }
+ //filldb()
+ //
const Slice = sequelize.define("slice",{
permission: Sequelize.STRING, //create, update, delete, read, etc
model: Sequelize.STRING,
modelId: Sequelize.INTEGER,
+ ownerId: Sequelize.INTEGER,
//plain list of: "tags" like: admin, manager, user, anon, User can be tagged by this word in string list variable
//OR: just userId.
//OR, if negative number (or hash #100500) - other slice id (use abs to get proper table id)
//this way optimizing
slice: {type: Sequelize.TEXT, //PROBABLY STRING
- return this.getDataValue("slice").split(",")
+ if (this._slice) return this._slice
+ let result = []
+ for (let item of this.getDataValue("slice").split(",")){
+ if (!result.includes(item)){
+ result.push(item)
+ }
+ }
+ this._slice = result;
+ return this._slice
set(newValue){ //TODO: update users before with groups
- newValue = "length" in newValue ? newValue.join(",") : newValue
+ newValue = ("length" in newValue) ? newValue.join(",") : newValue
return this.setDataValue("slice", newValue)
@@ -81,55 +144,6 @@
- const User = sequelize.define("user", {
- login: Sequelize.STRING,
- password: Sequelize.STRING,
- })
- const Content = sequelize.define("content", {
- title: Sequelize.STRING,
- data: Sequelize.TEXT
- })
- async function filldb(){
- await sequelize.sync()
- console.log('synced')
- let [vasya, petya, kolya] = await Promise.all([
- User.create({login: "Vasya", password: "qwe"}),
- User.create({login: "Petya", password: "qwe"}),
- User.create({login: "Kolya", password: "qwe"}),
- ])
- let groupSlice = await Slice.create({
- permission: 'group',
- model: 'group',
- slice: [`${vasya.id}`, `${petya.id}`]
- })
- let [vasyaSlice, petyaSlice, kolyaSlice] = await Promise.all([
- Slice.create({model: 'user', permission: 'user', modelId: vasya.id, slice: ["user", `#${groupSlice.id}`]}),
- Slice.create({model: 'user', permission: 'user', modelId: petya.id, slice: ["user", `#${groupSlice.id}`]}),
- Slice.create({model: 'user', permission: 'user', modelId: kolya.id, slice: ["user" ]})
- ])
- let [hiddenContent, roleContent, groupContent] = await Promise.all([
- Content.create({title: 'Hidden', data: 'HIDDEN'}),
- Content.create({title: 'Role', data: 'ROLE'}),
- Content.create({title: 'Group', data: 'GROUP'}),
- ])
- let [hiddenSlice, roleSlice, groupContentSlice] = await Promise.all([
- Slice.create({model: 'content', permission: 'read', modelId: hiddenContent.id, slice: []}),
- Slice.create({model: 'content', permission: 'read', modelId: roleContent.id, slice: ["user"]}),
- Slice.create({model: 'content', permission: 'read', modelId: groupContent.id, slice: [`#${groupSlice.id}`]}),
- ])
- }
- //filldb()
function sliced(model){
return async userId => {
let user = await User.findByPk(userId)
@@ -148,9 +162,15 @@
let mapMethodToPermission = {
read: ["count", "findAll", "findAndCountAll", "findByPk", "findOne", "max", "min", "sum"],
- write: ["create", "destroy","findCreateFind","findOrCreate","update","upsert" ]
+ write: [ "destroy","update",],
+ create: ["create", "findCreateFind", "findOrCreate","upsert" ]
+ }
+ function writeHook(instance, options){
+ return sequelize.Promise.reject(new ReferenceError("No Permissions"));
//sequelize.addHook('beforeCreate', (...params) => console.log(params))
let modelProxy = new Proxy(model, {
get(model, method){
@@ -165,8 +185,15 @@
console.log(`not found ${method}`)
return model[method]
+ console.log('PERMISSION', permission)
let checker = async slice => {
+ if (!slice) return false
+ console.log('CHECKER', 'slice ok')
+ if (slice.ownerId === userId) return true
+ console.log('CHECKER', 'not owner', await slice.allRoles, userRoles)
let intersect = (await slice.allRoles).filter(role => userRoles.includes(role))
+ console.log('CHECKER', intersect)
return (intersect.length || (await slice.allUserIds).includes(userId + ''))
let wrappers = {
@@ -199,6 +226,28 @@
return (await checker(slice)) ? result : null;
+ },
+ async create(...params){
+ let createSlice = await Slice.findOne({where: {model: model.getTableName(),
+ permission}})
+ if (await checker(createSlice)){
+ console.log('CHECKER YAYA')
+ let result = await model[method](...params)
+ if ('id' in result){ //new record
+ let newReadSlice = await Slice.create({
+ model: model.getTableName(),
+ modelId: result.id,
+ ownerId: userId,
+ permission: 'read',
+ slice: createSlice.slice, //default read permissions from create
+ })
+ return result
+ }
+ }
+ return null
+ },
+ async write(...params){
+ console.log('WRITE', method)
return wrappers[permission]
@@ -210,9 +259,14 @@
let SlicedContent = await sliced(Content)(3)
+ //console.log(await SlicedContent.findAll({}))
+ let newContent = await SlicedContent.create({title: "SLiced", data: "SLICED"})
+ console.log(newContent)
+ newContent.data = 'sliced2'
+ await newContent.save()
- let allContent = await SlicedContent.findByPk(3)
- console.log(allContent)