@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+(async() => {
+ const Sequelize = require("sequelize");
+ const sequelize = new Sequelize("test", "","",{
+ host: 'localhost',
+ dialect: 'mysql',
+ pool: {
+ max: 5,
+ min: 0,
+ idle: 10000
+ },
+ //logging: false
+ });
+ const Slice = sequelize.define("slice",{
+ permission: Sequelize.STRING, //create, update, delete, read, etc
+ model: Sequelize.STRING,
+ modelId: Sequelize.INTEGER,
+ //plain list of: "tags" like: admin, manager, user, anon, User can be tagged by this word in string list variable
+ //OR: just userId.
+ //OR, if negative number (or hash #100500) - other slice id (use abs to get proper table id)
+ //this way optimizing
+ slice: {type: Sequelize.TEXT, //PROBABLY STRING
+ get(){
+ return this.getDataValue("slice").split(",")
+ },
+ set(newValue){
+ newValue = "length" in newValue ? newValue.join(",") : newValue
+ return this.setDataValue("slice", newValue)
+ }
+ }
+ },{
+ getterMethods: {
+ async all(){
+ const Op = Sequelize.Op
+ this._subSlicesList = this.slice.filter(id => id[0] == "#" || id[0] == "-") //detect - or #
+ .map( id => +id.substr(1)) //cut first char + toInt
+ let subSlices = await Slice.find({where: {id: {[Op.in]: this._subSlicesList}}})
+ for (let subSlice of subSlices){
+ this._subSlicesList = this._subSlicesList.filter(id => subSlice.id !== id)
+ this._subSlicesList = [...this._subSlicesList,... await subSlice.all()]
+ }
+ return this._subSlicesList
+ }
+ },
+ indexes: [
+ {
+ fields: ["modelId", "model", "permission"]
+ },
+ ]
+ })
+ const User = sequelize.define("user", {
+ login: Sequelize.STRING,
+ password: Sequelize.STRING,
+ })
+ const Content = sequelize.define("content", {
+ title: Sequelize.STRING,
+ data: Sequelize.TEXT
+ })
+ await sequelize.sync()
+ function sliced(model){
+ }
+ let delay = ms => new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, ms))