import { gql } from '../helpers' import { actionPromise, actionMsgList, actionMsgOne, actionChatOne, store, } from '../reducers' import { actionUploadFile } from './mediaActions' export const actionGetMsgsByChat = (chatId, skipCount = 0, limitCount = 50) => actionPromise( 'chatMsgs', gql( `query chatMsgs($q: String) { MessageFind (query: $q){ _id createdAt owner { _id login nick avatar { url } } text chat { _id } media { _id url type originalFileName } forwardWith { _id } replies { _id } replyTo { _id } forwarded { _id } } }`, { q: JSON.stringify([ { 'chat._id': { $in: [chatId] } }, { sort: [{ _id: -1 }], skip: [skipCount], limit: [limitCount], }, ]), } ) ) export const actionFullMsgsByChat = (chatId, currentCount, limitCount = 50) => async (dispatch, getState) => { const chat = getState().chats[chatId] if ( !chat || !chat.messages || (chat.messages[0]?._id !== chat.firstMsgId && (chat.messages?.length ?? 0) < currentCount + limitCount) ) { const payload = await dispatch( actionGetMsgsByChat(chatId, currentCount, limitCount) ) if (payload) { await dispatch(actionMsgList(payload)) } } } const actionFirstMsgByChat = (chatId) => actionPromise( 'firstMsg', gql( `query firstMsg($q: String) { MessageFind (query: $q){ _id } }`, { q: JSON.stringify([ { 'chat._id': chatId }, { sort: [{ _id: 1 }], skip: [0], limit: [1], }, ]), } ) ) export const actionGetAllLastMsg = (chats) => async (dispatch, getState) => { const msgReq = => Promise.all([ dispatch(actionGetMsgsByChat(chat._id, 0, 1)), getState().chats[chat._id]?.firstMsgId ? Promise.resolve([]) : dispatch(actionFirstMsgByChat(chat._id)), ]) ) for await (const [lastMsgs, firstMsgs] of msgReq) { lastMsgs.length && dispatch(actionMsgOne(lastMsgs[0])) firstMsgs.length && dispatch( actionChatOne({ _id: lastMsgs[0].chat._id, firstMsgId: firstMsgs[0]._id, }) ) } } export const actionMsgsCount = (chatId) => actionPromise( 'msgsCount', gql( `query msgsCount($q: String) { MessageCount (query: $q) }`, { q: JSON.stringify([{ 'chat._id': chatId }]), } ) ) export const actionGetMsgById = (msgId) => actionPromise( 'msgById', gql( `query msgById($q: String) { MessageFindOne (query: $q){ _id createdAt owner { _id login nick avatar { url } } text chat { _id } media { _id url type originalFileName } forwardWith { _id } replies { _id } replyTo { _id } forwarded { _id } } }`, { q: JSON.stringify([{ _id: msgId }]), } ) ) export const actionUpdateMsg = (chatId, text, media, msgId) => actionPromise( 'updateMsg', gql( `mutation updateMsg($msg: MessageInput) { MessageUpsert(message: $msg) { _id createdAt owner { _id login nick avatar { url } } text chat { _id } media { _id url type originalFileName } forwardWith { _id } replies { _id } replyTo { _id } forwarded { _id } } }`, { msg: { _id: msgId, text, chat: { _id: chatId }, media, // replyTo: {_id: undefined} }, } ) ) // медиа - массив объектов с ид медиа export const actionSendMsg = (chatId, text, inputName, files, msgId) => async (dispatch) => { // тут нужно отделить уже залитые файлы от тех которые лежат локально // локальные залить и получить ид, с залитых просто получить ид const mediaToUpload = [] const media = [] for (const file of files) { if (file.url.match(/blob/)) { mediaToUpload.push(dispatch(actionUploadFile(inputName, file))) } else { let fileObj = file media.push({ _id: fileObj?._id }) } } const fileArr = await Promise.all(mediaToUpload) if (fileArr) { for (const uploadedFile of fileArr) { media.push({ _id: uploadedFile?._id }) } } const payload = await dispatch( actionUpdateMsg(chatId, text, media, msgId) ) }