# unicode-match-property-value-ecmascript [](https://travis-ci.org/mathiasbynens/unicode-match-property-value-ecmascript) _unicode-match-property-value-ecmascript_ matches a given Unicode property value or [property value alias](https://github.com/mathiasbynens/unicode-property-value-aliases) to its canonical property value without applying [loose matching](https://github.com/mathiasbynens/unicode-loose-match), per the algorithm used for [RegExp Unicode property escapes in ECMAScript](https://github.com/tc39/proposal-regexp-unicode-property-escapes). Consider it a strict alternative to loose matching. ## Installation To use _unicode-match-property-value-ecmascript_ programmatically, install it as a dependency via [npm](https://www.npmjs.com/): ```bash $ npm install unicode-match-property-value-ecmascript ``` Then, `require` it: ```js const matchPropertyValue = require('unicode-match-property-value-ecmascript'); ``` ## API This module exports a single function named `matchPropertyValue`. ### `matchPropertyValue(property, value)` This function takes a string `property` that is a canonical/unaliased Unicode property name, and a string `value`. It attemps to match `value` to a canonical Unicode property value for the given property. If there’s a match, it returns the canonical property value. Otherwise, it throws an exception. ```js // Find the canonical property value: matchPropertyValue('Script_Extensions', 'Aghb') // → 'Caucasian_Albanian' matchPropertyValue('Script_Extensions', 'Caucasian_Albanian') // → 'Caucasian_Albanian' matchPropertyValue('script_extensions', 'Caucasian_Albanian') // Note: incorrect casing. // → throws matchPropertyValue('Script_Extensions', 'caucasian_albanian') // Note: incorrect casing. // → throws ``` ## Author | [](https://twitter.com/mathias "Follow @mathias on Twitter") | |---| | [Mathias Bynens](https://mathiasbynens.be/) | ## License _unicode-match-property-value-ecmascript_ is available under the [MIT](https://mths.be/mit) license.