/** @license React v0.20.2
 * scheduler-tracing.development.js
 * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

'use strict';

if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production") {
  (function() {
'use strict';

var DEFAULT_THREAD_ID = 0; // Counters used to generate unique IDs.

var interactionIDCounter = 0;
var threadIDCounter = 0; // Set of currently traced interactions.
// Interactions "stack"–
// Meaning that newly traced interactions are appended to the previously active set.
// When an interaction goes out of scope, the previous set (if any) is restored.

exports.__interactionsRef = null; // Listener(s) to notify when interactions begin and end.

exports.__subscriberRef = null;

  exports.__interactionsRef = {
    current: new Set()
  exports.__subscriberRef = {
    current: null
function unstable_clear(callback) {

  var prevInteractions = exports.__interactionsRef.current;
  exports.__interactionsRef.current = new Set();

  try {
    return callback();
  } finally {
    exports.__interactionsRef.current = prevInteractions;
function unstable_getCurrent() {
    return exports.__interactionsRef.current;
function unstable_getThreadID() {
  return ++threadIDCounter;
function unstable_trace(name, timestamp, callback) {
  var threadID = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : DEFAULT_THREAD_ID;

  var interaction = {
    __count: 1,
    id: interactionIDCounter++,
    name: name,
    timestamp: timestamp
  var prevInteractions = exports.__interactionsRef.current; // Traced interactions should stack/accumulate.
  // To do that, clone the current interactions.
  // The previous set will be restored upon completion.

  var interactions = new Set(prevInteractions);
  exports.__interactionsRef.current = interactions;
  var subscriber = exports.__subscriberRef.current;
  var returnValue;

  try {
    if (subscriber !== null) {
  } finally {
    try {
      if (subscriber !== null) {
        subscriber.onWorkStarted(interactions, threadID);
    } finally {
      try {
        returnValue = callback();
      } finally {
        exports.__interactionsRef.current = prevInteractions;

        try {
          if (subscriber !== null) {
            subscriber.onWorkStopped(interactions, threadID);
        } finally {
          interaction.__count--; // If no async work was scheduled for this interaction,
          // Notify subscribers that it's completed.

          if (subscriber !== null && interaction.__count === 0) {

  return returnValue;
function unstable_wrap(callback) {
  var threadID = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : DEFAULT_THREAD_ID;

  var wrappedInteractions = exports.__interactionsRef.current;
  var subscriber = exports.__subscriberRef.current;

  if (subscriber !== null) {
    subscriber.onWorkScheduled(wrappedInteractions, threadID);
  } // Update the pending async work count for the current interactions.
  // Update after calling subscribers in case of error.

  wrappedInteractions.forEach(function (interaction) {
  var hasRun = false;

  function wrapped() {
    var prevInteractions = exports.__interactionsRef.current;
    exports.__interactionsRef.current = wrappedInteractions;
    subscriber = exports.__subscriberRef.current;

    try {
      var returnValue;

      try {
        if (subscriber !== null) {
          subscriber.onWorkStarted(wrappedInteractions, threadID);
      } finally {
        try {
          returnValue = callback.apply(undefined, arguments);
        } finally {
          exports.__interactionsRef.current = prevInteractions;

          if (subscriber !== null) {
            subscriber.onWorkStopped(wrappedInteractions, threadID);

      return returnValue;
    } finally {
      if (!hasRun) {
        // We only expect a wrapped function to be executed once,
        // But in the event that it's executed more than once–
        // Only decrement the outstanding interaction counts once.
        hasRun = true; // Update pending async counts for all wrapped interactions.
        // If this was the last scheduled async work for any of them,
        // Mark them as completed.

        wrappedInteractions.forEach(function (interaction) {

          if (subscriber !== null && interaction.__count === 0) {

  wrapped.cancel = function cancel() {
    subscriber = exports.__subscriberRef.current;

    try {
      if (subscriber !== null) {
        subscriber.onWorkCanceled(wrappedInteractions, threadID);
    } finally {
      // Update pending async counts for all wrapped interactions.
      // If this was the last scheduled async work for any of them,
      // Mark them as completed.
      wrappedInteractions.forEach(function (interaction) {

        if (subscriber && interaction.__count === 0) {

  return wrapped;

var subscribers = null;

  subscribers = new Set();

function unstable_subscribe(subscriber) {

    if (subscribers.size === 1) {
      exports.__subscriberRef.current = {
        onInteractionScheduledWorkCompleted: onInteractionScheduledWorkCompleted,
        onInteractionTraced: onInteractionTraced,
        onWorkCanceled: onWorkCanceled,
        onWorkScheduled: onWorkScheduled,
        onWorkStarted: onWorkStarted,
        onWorkStopped: onWorkStopped
function unstable_unsubscribe(subscriber) {

    if (subscribers.size === 0) {
      exports.__subscriberRef.current = null;

function onInteractionTraced(interaction) {
  var didCatchError = false;
  var caughtError = null;
  subscribers.forEach(function (subscriber) {
    try {
    } catch (error) {
      if (!didCatchError) {
        didCatchError = true;
        caughtError = error;

  if (didCatchError) {
    throw caughtError;

function onInteractionScheduledWorkCompleted(interaction) {
  var didCatchError = false;
  var caughtError = null;
  subscribers.forEach(function (subscriber) {
    try {
    } catch (error) {
      if (!didCatchError) {
        didCatchError = true;
        caughtError = error;

  if (didCatchError) {
    throw caughtError;

function onWorkScheduled(interactions, threadID) {
  var didCatchError = false;
  var caughtError = null;
  subscribers.forEach(function (subscriber) {
    try {
      subscriber.onWorkScheduled(interactions, threadID);
    } catch (error) {
      if (!didCatchError) {
        didCatchError = true;
        caughtError = error;

  if (didCatchError) {
    throw caughtError;

function onWorkStarted(interactions, threadID) {
  var didCatchError = false;
  var caughtError = null;
  subscribers.forEach(function (subscriber) {
    try {
      subscriber.onWorkStarted(interactions, threadID);
    } catch (error) {
      if (!didCatchError) {
        didCatchError = true;
        caughtError = error;

  if (didCatchError) {
    throw caughtError;

function onWorkStopped(interactions, threadID) {
  var didCatchError = false;
  var caughtError = null;
  subscribers.forEach(function (subscriber) {
    try {
      subscriber.onWorkStopped(interactions, threadID);
    } catch (error) {
      if (!didCatchError) {
        didCatchError = true;
        caughtError = error;

  if (didCatchError) {
    throw caughtError;

function onWorkCanceled(interactions, threadID) {
  var didCatchError = false;
  var caughtError = null;
  subscribers.forEach(function (subscriber) {
    try {
      subscriber.onWorkCanceled(interactions, threadID);
    } catch (error) {
      if (!didCatchError) {
        didCatchError = true;
        caughtError = error;

  if (didCatchError) {
    throw caughtError;

exports.unstable_clear = unstable_clear;
exports.unstable_getCurrent = unstable_getCurrent;
exports.unstable_getThreadID = unstable_getThreadID;
exports.unstable_subscribe = unstable_subscribe;
exports.unstable_trace = unstable_trace;
exports.unstable_unsubscribe = unstable_unsubscribe;
exports.unstable_wrap = unstable_wrap;