All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
- Print explicit error if use with babel 6 is attempted (#207) (a12cf16)
- Support turning off node_modules default exclude via flag (#172) (a314f06)
- Ensure correct scope references after traversal (#192) (201a933)
- upgrade to babel 7 and newest istanbul libraries (#158) (a9e1564)
- Drop node 4 support, upgrade to babel 7, stop shipping @babel/plugin-syntax-object-rest-spread
- chore: explicit update of istanbul dependencies (#149) (77b6eb7), closes #149
- chore(package): update coveralls to version 3.0.0 (#133) (7045a03), closes #133
- chore(package): update mocha to version 4.0.0 (#134) (38176ba), closes #134
- fix: babel-preset-es2015 => babel-preset-env (#138) (18fe954), closes #138
- fix: include object-spread-syntax plugin (#141) (428a952), closes #141
- explicit upgrade to patched version of istanbul-lib-instrument (db8ecbe)
- add includeUntested option to expose coverage of all instrumented files (#80) (b078bbd)
- load configuration from process.env.NYC_CONFIG if present (#93) (e902924)
- drop Node 0.10 and 0.12 support, upgrade dependencies to reflect this (#88) (594c03a)
- we can now use the language feature Object.assign (#92) (f77db2a)
- I've updated dependencies and dropped Node 0.10 and Node 0.12 support.
- address regression related to export const foo = () => {} (#79) (f870a8f)
- upgrade a bunch of core dependencies (#77) (e764330)
- accept source map input for the visitor (#75) (437e90b)
- package: update test-exclude to version 3.0.0 (#68) (0396385)
- package: test-exclude now adds
as exclude rule by default.
- force istanbul-lib-instrument with variable hoisting fix (#64) (209a0cf)
- switch deprecated lodash.assign for object-assign (#58) (6e051fc)
- take realpath of cwd, whether or not set in env (#37) (6274d83)
- update istanbul-lib-instrument (573e0d4)
- upgrade to version of test-exclude with new exclude rules (#35) (220ce2b)
- upgrade to istanbul-lib-instrument with faster babel-generator (#18) (d33263c)
- allow exclude/include options to be passed as Babel plugin config (#16) (cf68421)
- upgrade to version of istanbul-lib-instrument that fixes some out of bounds issues (#6) (a949065), closes #6
- port functionality from coverage, get ready for first release (#2) (2a8ee44)