All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
- Ignore options that are explicitly set undefined. (#40) (b57e936)
now exports a class so it is necessary
to use new TestExclude()
when creating an instance.
- win32: Detect files on different drive as outside project (#422) (5b4ee88), closes #418
- Ignore tests matching *.cjs, *.mjs and *.ts by default (#381) (0f077c2)
- ignore files under tests directories by default (#419) (8ad5fd2)
- Remove configuration loading functionality (#398) (f5c93c3), closes #392
- Update dependencies, require Node.js 8 (#401) (bf3a539)
- Node.js 8 is now required
- Remove configuration loading functionality
Note: Version bump only for package test-exclude
Note: Version bump only for package test-exclude
- Remove
from defaultExclude. (#351) (deb3963), closes #347
- Add TestExclude.globSync to find all files (#309) (2d7ea72)
- Support turning of node_modules default exclude via flag (#213) (9b4b34c)
Note: Version bump only for package test-exclude
- Support for Node.js 4.x is dropped.
Note: Version bump only for package test-exclude
- add additional patterns to default excludes (#133) (4cedf63)
- add more general support for negated exclude rules (#58) (08445db)
- add possibility to filter coverage maps when running reports post-hoc (#24) (e1c99d6)
- additional coverage folder is now excluded
- allow include/exclude rules to be a string rather than array (#22) (f8f99c6)
- we no longer need to add node_modules/** rule (d0cfbc3)
- fix bug matching files in root, introduced by dotfiles setting (27b249c)
- we now support dot folders (f2c1598)
is again added by default, but can be counteracted with !**/node_modules/**
- switch lodash.assign to object-assign (#16) (45a5488)
- exclude-config: Use the defaultExcludes for anything passed in that is not an array (#15) (227042f)
- it should be possible to cover the node_modules folder (#13) (09f2788)
- export defaultExclude, so that it can be used in yargs' default settings (#12) (5b3743b)
- use Array#reduce and remove unneeded branch in prepGlobPatterns (#5) (c0f0f59)
- don't exclude anything when empty array passed (#11) (200ec07)
- we now allow an empty array to be passed in, making it possible to disable the default exclude rules -- we will need to be mindful when pulling this logic into nyc.
- set configFound if we find a configuration key in package.json (#2) (64da7b9)
- initial commit, pulled over some of the functionality from nyc (3f1fce3)
- you can now load include/exclude logic from a package.json stanza (#1) (29b543d)