main.d8ebb8d6.js 104 KB

  1. // modules are defined as an array
  2. // [ module function, map of requires ]
  3. //
  4. // map of requires is short require name -> numeric require
  5. //
  6. // anything defined in a previous bundle is accessed via the
  7. // orig method which is the require for previous bundles
  8. parcelRequire = (function (modules, cache, entry, globalName) {
  9. // Save the require from previous bundle to this closure if any
  10. var previousRequire = typeof parcelRequire === 'function' && parcelRequire;
  11. var nodeRequire = typeof require === 'function' && require;
  12. function newRequire(name, jumped) {
  13. if (!cache[name]) {
  14. if (!modules[name]) {
  15. // if we cannot find the module within our internal map or
  16. // cache jump to the current global require ie. the last bundle
  17. // that was added to the page.
  18. var currentRequire = typeof parcelRequire === 'function' && parcelRequire;
  19. if (!jumped && currentRequire) {
  20. return currentRequire(name, true);
  21. }
  22. // If there are other bundles on this page the require from the
  23. // previous one is saved to 'previousRequire'. Repeat this as
  24. // many times as there are bundles until the module is found or
  25. // we exhaust the require chain.
  26. if (previousRequire) {
  27. return previousRequire(name, true);
  28. }
  29. // Try the node require function if it exists.
  30. if (nodeRequire && typeof name === 'string') {
  31. return nodeRequire(name);
  32. }
  33. var err = new Error('Cannot find module \'' + name + '\'');
  34. err.code = 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND';
  35. throw err;
  36. }
  37. localRequire.resolve = resolve;
  38. localRequire.cache = {};
  39. var module = cache[name] = new newRequire.Module(name);
  40. modules[name][0].call(module.exports, localRequire, module, module.exports, this);
  41. }
  42. return cache[name].exports;
  43. function localRequire(x){
  44. return newRequire(localRequire.resolve(x));
  45. }
  46. function resolve(x){
  47. return modules[name][1][x] || x;
  48. }
  49. }
  50. function Module(moduleName) {
  51. = moduleName;
  52. this.bundle = newRequire;
  53. this.exports = {};
  54. }
  55. newRequire.isParcelRequire = true;
  56. newRequire.Module = Module;
  57. newRequire.modules = modules;
  58. newRequire.cache = cache;
  59. newRequire.parent = previousRequire;
  60. newRequire.register = function (id, exports) {
  61. modules[id] = [function (require, module) {
  62. module.exports = exports;
  63. }, {}];
  64. };
  65. var error;
  66. for (var i = 0; i < entry.length; i++) {
  67. try {
  68. newRequire(entry[i]);
  69. } catch (e) {
  70. // Save first error but execute all entries
  71. if (!error) {
  72. error = e;
  73. }
  74. }
  75. }
  76. if (entry.length) {
  77. // Expose entry point to Node, AMD or browser globals
  78. // Based on
  79. var mainExports = newRequire(entry[entry.length - 1]);
  80. // CommonJS
  81. if (typeof exports === "object" && typeof module !== "undefined") {
  82. module.exports = mainExports;
  83. // RequireJS
  84. } else if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) {
  85. define(function () {
  86. return mainExports;
  87. });
  88. // <script>
  89. } else if (globalName) {
  90. this[globalName] = mainExports;
  91. }
  92. }
  93. // Override the current require with this new one
  94. parcelRequire = newRequire;
  95. if (error) {
  96. // throw error from earlier, _after updating parcelRequire_
  97. throw error;
  98. }
  99. return newRequire;
  100. })({"node_modules/flatpickr/dist/flatpickr.js":[function(require,module,exports) {
  101. var define;
  102. var global = arguments[3];
  103. /* flatpickr v4.6.3, @license MIT */
  104. (function (global, factory) {
  105. typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? module.exports = factory() : typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(factory) : (global = global || self, global.flatpickr = factory());
  106. })(this, function () {
  107. 'use strict';
  108. /*! *****************************************************************************
  109. Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
  110. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use
  111. this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
  112. License at
  117. See the Apache Version 2.0 License for specific language governing permissions
  118. and limitations under the License.
  119. ***************************************************************************** */
  120. var __assign = function () {
  121. __assign = Object.assign || function __assign(t) {
  122. for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) {
  123. s = arguments[i];
  124. for (var p in s) if (, p)) t[p] = s[p];
  125. }
  126. return t;
  127. };
  128. return __assign.apply(this, arguments);
  129. };
  130. var HOOKS = ["onChange", "onClose", "onDayCreate", "onDestroy", "onKeyDown", "onMonthChange", "onOpen", "onParseConfig", "onReady", "onValueUpdate", "onYearChange", "onPreCalendarPosition"];
  131. var defaults = {
  132. _disable: [],
  133. _enable: [],
  134. allowInput: false,
  135. altFormat: "F j, Y",
  136. altInput: false,
  137. altInputClass: "form-control input",
  138. animate: typeof window === "object" && window.navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE") === -1,
  139. ariaDateFormat: "F j, Y",
  140. clickOpens: true,
  141. closeOnSelect: true,
  142. conjunction: ", ",
  143. dateFormat: "Y-m-d",
  144. defaultHour: 12,
  145. defaultMinute: 0,
  146. defaultSeconds: 0,
  147. disable: [],
  148. disableMobile: false,
  149. enable: [],
  150. enableSeconds: false,
  151. enableTime: false,
  152. errorHandler: function (err) {
  153. return typeof console !== "undefined" && console.warn(err);
  154. },
  155. getWeek: function (givenDate) {
  156. var date = new Date(givenDate.getTime());
  157. date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); // Thursday in current week decides the year.
  158. date.setDate(date.getDate() + 3 - (date.getDay() + 6) % 7); // January 4 is always in week 1.
  159. var week1 = new Date(date.getFullYear(), 0, 4); // Adjust to Thursday in week 1 and count number of weeks from date to week1.
  160. return 1 + Math.round(((date.getTime() - week1.getTime()) / 86400000 - 3 + (week1.getDay() + 6) % 7) / 7);
  161. },
  162. hourIncrement: 1,
  163. ignoredFocusElements: [],
  164. inline: false,
  165. locale: "default",
  166. minuteIncrement: 5,
  167. mode: "single",
  168. monthSelectorType: "dropdown",
  169. nextArrow: "<svg version='1.1' xmlns='' xmlns:xlink='' viewBox='0 0 17 17'><g></g><path d='M13.207 8.472l-7.854 7.854-0.707-0.707 7.146-7.146-7.146-7.148 0.707-0.707 7.854 7.854z' /></svg>",
  170. noCalendar: false,
  171. now: new Date(),
  172. onChange: [],
  173. onClose: [],
  174. onDayCreate: [],
  175. onDestroy: [],
  176. onKeyDown: [],
  177. onMonthChange: [],
  178. onOpen: [],
  179. onParseConfig: [],
  180. onReady: [],
  181. onValueUpdate: [],
  182. onYearChange: [],
  183. onPreCalendarPosition: [],
  184. plugins: [],
  185. position: "auto",
  186. positionElement: undefined,
  187. prevArrow: "<svg version='1.1' xmlns='' xmlns:xlink='' viewBox='0 0 17 17'><g></g><path d='M5.207 8.471l7.146 7.147-0.707 0.707-7.853-7.854 7.854-7.853 0.707 0.707-7.147 7.146z' /></svg>",
  188. shorthandCurrentMonth: false,
  189. showMonths: 1,
  190. static: false,
  191. time_24hr: false,
  192. weekNumbers: false,
  193. wrap: false
  194. };
  195. var english = {
  196. weekdays: {
  197. shorthand: ["Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"],
  198. longhand: ["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"]
  199. },
  200. months: {
  201. shorthand: ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"],
  202. longhand: ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"]
  203. },
  204. daysInMonth: [31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31],
  205. firstDayOfWeek: 0,
  206. ordinal: function (nth) {
  207. var s = nth % 100;
  208. if (s > 3 && s < 21) return "th";
  209. switch (s % 10) {
  210. case 1:
  211. return "st";
  212. case 2:
  213. return "nd";
  214. case 3:
  215. return "rd";
  216. default:
  217. return "th";
  218. }
  219. },
  220. rangeSeparator: " to ",
  221. weekAbbreviation: "Wk",
  222. scrollTitle: "Scroll to increment",
  223. toggleTitle: "Click to toggle",
  224. amPM: ["AM", "PM"],
  225. yearAriaLabel: "Year",
  226. hourAriaLabel: "Hour",
  227. minuteAriaLabel: "Minute",
  228. time_24hr: false
  229. };
  230. var pad = function (number) {
  231. return ("0" + number).slice(-2);
  232. };
  233. var int = function (bool) {
  234. return bool === true ? 1 : 0;
  235. };
  236. /* istanbul ignore next */
  237. function debounce(func, wait, immediate) {
  238. if (immediate === void 0) {
  239. immediate = false;
  240. }
  241. var timeout;
  242. return function () {
  243. var context = this,
  244. args = arguments;
  245. timeout !== null && clearTimeout(timeout);
  246. timeout = window.setTimeout(function () {
  247. timeout = null;
  248. if (!immediate) func.apply(context, args);
  249. }, wait);
  250. if (immediate && !timeout) func.apply(context, args);
  251. };
  252. }
  253. var arrayify = function (obj) {
  254. return obj instanceof Array ? obj : [obj];
  255. };
  256. function toggleClass(elem, className, bool) {
  257. if (bool === true) return elem.classList.add(className);
  258. elem.classList.remove(className);
  259. }
  260. function createElement(tag, className, content) {
  261. var e = window.document.createElement(tag);
  262. className = className || "";
  263. content = content || "";
  264. e.className = className;
  265. if (content !== undefined) e.textContent = content;
  266. return e;
  267. }
  268. function clearNode(node) {
  269. while (node.firstChild) node.removeChild(node.firstChild);
  270. }
  271. function findParent(node, condition) {
  272. if (condition(node)) return node;else if (node.parentNode) return findParent(node.parentNode, condition);
  273. return undefined; // nothing found
  274. }
  275. function createNumberInput(inputClassName, opts) {
  276. var wrapper = createElement("div", "numInputWrapper"),
  277. numInput = createElement("input", "numInput " + inputClassName),
  278. arrowUp = createElement("span", "arrowUp"),
  279. arrowDown = createElement("span", "arrowDown");
  280. if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE 9.0") === -1) {
  281. numInput.type = "number";
  282. } else {
  283. numInput.type = "text";
  284. numInput.pattern = "\\d*";
  285. }
  286. if (opts !== undefined) for (var key in opts) numInput.setAttribute(key, opts[key]);
  287. wrapper.appendChild(numInput);
  288. wrapper.appendChild(arrowUp);
  289. wrapper.appendChild(arrowDown);
  290. return wrapper;
  291. }
  292. function getEventTarget(event) {
  293. if (typeof event.composedPath === "function") {
  294. var path = event.composedPath();
  295. return path[0];
  296. }
  297. return;
  298. }
  299. var doNothing = function () {
  300. return undefined;
  301. };
  302. var monthToStr = function (monthNumber, shorthand, locale) {
  303. return locale.months[shorthand ? "shorthand" : "longhand"][monthNumber];
  304. };
  305. var revFormat = {
  306. D: doNothing,
  307. F: function (dateObj, monthName, locale) {
  308. dateObj.setMonth(locale.months.longhand.indexOf(monthName));
  309. },
  310. G: function (dateObj, hour) {
  311. dateObj.setHours(parseFloat(hour));
  312. },
  313. H: function (dateObj, hour) {
  314. dateObj.setHours(parseFloat(hour));
  315. },
  316. J: function (dateObj, day) {
  317. dateObj.setDate(parseFloat(day));
  318. },
  319. K: function (dateObj, amPM, locale) {
  320. dateObj.setHours(dateObj.getHours() % 12 + 12 * int(new RegExp(locale.amPM[1], "i").test(amPM)));
  321. },
  322. M: function (dateObj, shortMonth, locale) {
  323. dateObj.setMonth(locale.months.shorthand.indexOf(shortMonth));
  324. },
  325. S: function (dateObj, seconds) {
  326. dateObj.setSeconds(parseFloat(seconds));
  327. },
  328. U: function (_, unixSeconds) {
  329. return new Date(parseFloat(unixSeconds) * 1000);
  330. },
  331. W: function (dateObj, weekNum, locale) {
  332. var weekNumber = parseInt(weekNum);
  333. var date = new Date(dateObj.getFullYear(), 0, 2 + (weekNumber - 1) * 7, 0, 0, 0, 0);
  334. date.setDate(date.getDate() - date.getDay() + locale.firstDayOfWeek);
  335. return date;
  336. },
  337. Y: function (dateObj, year) {
  338. dateObj.setFullYear(parseFloat(year));
  339. },
  340. Z: function (_, ISODate) {
  341. return new Date(ISODate);
  342. },
  343. d: function (dateObj, day) {
  344. dateObj.setDate(parseFloat(day));
  345. },
  346. h: function (dateObj, hour) {
  347. dateObj.setHours(parseFloat(hour));
  348. },
  349. i: function (dateObj, minutes) {
  350. dateObj.setMinutes(parseFloat(minutes));
  351. },
  352. j: function (dateObj, day) {
  353. dateObj.setDate(parseFloat(day));
  354. },
  355. l: doNothing,
  356. m: function (dateObj, month) {
  357. dateObj.setMonth(parseFloat(month) - 1);
  358. },
  359. n: function (dateObj, month) {
  360. dateObj.setMonth(parseFloat(month) - 1);
  361. },
  362. s: function (dateObj, seconds) {
  363. dateObj.setSeconds(parseFloat(seconds));
  364. },
  365. u: function (_, unixMillSeconds) {
  366. return new Date(parseFloat(unixMillSeconds));
  367. },
  368. w: doNothing,
  369. y: function (dateObj, year) {
  370. dateObj.setFullYear(2000 + parseFloat(year));
  371. }
  372. };
  373. var tokenRegex = {
  374. D: "(\\w+)",
  375. F: "(\\w+)",
  376. G: "(\\d\\d|\\d)",
  377. H: "(\\d\\d|\\d)",
  378. J: "(\\d\\d|\\d)\\w+",
  379. K: "",
  380. M: "(\\w+)",
  381. S: "(\\d\\d|\\d)",
  382. U: "(.+)",
  383. W: "(\\d\\d|\\d)",
  384. Y: "(\\d{4})",
  385. Z: "(.+)",
  386. d: "(\\d\\d|\\d)",
  387. h: "(\\d\\d|\\d)",
  388. i: "(\\d\\d|\\d)",
  389. j: "(\\d\\d|\\d)",
  390. l: "(\\w+)",
  391. m: "(\\d\\d|\\d)",
  392. n: "(\\d\\d|\\d)",
  393. s: "(\\d\\d|\\d)",
  394. u: "(.+)",
  395. w: "(\\d\\d|\\d)",
  396. y: "(\\d{2})"
  397. };
  398. var formats = {
  399. // get the date in UTC
  400. Z: function (date) {
  401. return date.toISOString();
  402. },
  403. // weekday name, short, e.g. Thu
  404. D: function (date, locale, options) {
  405. return locale.weekdays.shorthand[formats.w(date, locale, options)];
  406. },
  407. // full month name e.g. January
  408. F: function (date, locale, options) {
  409. return monthToStr(formats.n(date, locale, options) - 1, false, locale);
  410. },
  411. // padded hour 1-12
  412. G: function (date, locale, options) {
  413. return pad(formats.h(date, locale, options));
  414. },
  415. // hours with leading zero e.g. 03
  416. H: function (date) {
  417. return pad(date.getHours());
  418. },
  419. // day (1-30) with ordinal suffix e.g. 1st, 2nd
  420. J: function (date, locale) {
  421. return locale.ordinal !== undefined ? date.getDate() + locale.ordinal(date.getDate()) : date.getDate();
  422. },
  423. // AM/PM
  424. K: function (date, locale) {
  425. return locale.amPM[int(date.getHours() > 11)];
  426. },
  427. // shorthand month e.g. Jan, Sep, Oct, etc
  428. M: function (date, locale) {
  429. return monthToStr(date.getMonth(), true, locale);
  430. },
  431. // seconds 00-59
  432. S: function (date) {
  433. return pad(date.getSeconds());
  434. },
  435. // unix timestamp
  436. U: function (date) {
  437. return date.getTime() / 1000;
  438. },
  439. W: function (date, _, options) {
  440. return options.getWeek(date);
  441. },
  442. // full year e.g. 2016
  443. Y: function (date) {
  444. return date.getFullYear();
  445. },
  446. // day in month, padded (01-30)
  447. d: function (date) {
  448. return pad(date.getDate());
  449. },
  450. // hour from 1-12 (am/pm)
  451. h: function (date) {
  452. return date.getHours() % 12 ? date.getHours() % 12 : 12;
  453. },
  454. // minutes, padded with leading zero e.g. 09
  455. i: function (date) {
  456. return pad(date.getMinutes());
  457. },
  458. // day in month (1-30)
  459. j: function (date) {
  460. return date.getDate();
  461. },
  462. // weekday name, full, e.g. Thursday
  463. l: function (date, locale) {
  464. return locale.weekdays.longhand[date.getDay()];
  465. },
  466. // padded month number (01-12)
  467. m: function (date) {
  468. return pad(date.getMonth() + 1);
  469. },
  470. // the month number (1-12)
  471. n: function (date) {
  472. return date.getMonth() + 1;
  473. },
  474. // seconds 0-59
  475. s: function (date) {
  476. return date.getSeconds();
  477. },
  478. // Unix Milliseconds
  479. u: function (date) {
  480. return date.getTime();
  481. },
  482. // number of the day of the week
  483. w: function (date) {
  484. return date.getDay();
  485. },
  486. // last two digits of year e.g. 16 for 2016
  487. y: function (date) {
  488. return String(date.getFullYear()).substring(2);
  489. }
  490. };
  491. var createDateFormatter = function (_a) {
  492. var _b = _a.config,
  493. config = _b === void 0 ? defaults : _b,
  494. _c = _a.l10n,
  495. l10n = _c === void 0 ? english : _c;
  496. return function (dateObj, frmt, overrideLocale) {
  497. var locale = overrideLocale || l10n;
  498. if (config.formatDate !== undefined) {
  499. return config.formatDate(dateObj, frmt, locale);
  500. }
  501. return frmt.split("").map(function (c, i, arr) {
  502. return formats[c] && arr[i - 1] !== "\\" ? formats[c](dateObj, locale, config) : c !== "\\" ? c : "";
  503. }).join("");
  504. };
  505. };
  506. var createDateParser = function (_a) {
  507. var _b = _a.config,
  508. config = _b === void 0 ? defaults : _b,
  509. _c = _a.l10n,
  510. l10n = _c === void 0 ? english : _c;
  511. return function (date, givenFormat, timeless, customLocale) {
  512. if (date !== 0 && !date) return undefined;
  513. var locale = customLocale || l10n;
  514. var parsedDate;
  515. var dateOrig = date;
  516. if (date instanceof Date) parsedDate = new Date(date.getTime());else if (typeof date !== "string" && date.toFixed !== undefined // timestamp
  517. ) // create a copy
  518. parsedDate = new Date(date);else if (typeof date === "string") {
  519. // date string
  520. var format = givenFormat || (config || defaults).dateFormat;
  521. var datestr = String(date).trim();
  522. if (datestr === "today") {
  523. parsedDate = new Date();
  524. timeless = true;
  525. } else if (/Z$/.test(datestr) || /GMT$/.test(datestr) // datestrings w/ timezone
  526. ) parsedDate = new Date(date);else if (config && config.parseDate) parsedDate = config.parseDate(date, format);else {
  527. parsedDate = !config || !config.noCalendar ? new Date(new Date().getFullYear(), 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0) : new Date(new Date().setHours(0, 0, 0, 0));
  528. var matched = void 0,
  529. ops = [];
  530. for (var i = 0, matchIndex = 0, regexStr = ""; i < format.length; i++) {
  531. var token_1 = format[i];
  532. var isBackSlash = token_1 === "\\";
  533. var escaped = format[i - 1] === "\\" || isBackSlash;
  534. if (tokenRegex[token_1] && !escaped) {
  535. regexStr += tokenRegex[token_1];
  536. var match = new RegExp(regexStr).exec(date);
  537. if (match && (matched = true)) {
  538. ops[token_1 !== "Y" ? "push" : "unshift"]({
  539. fn: revFormat[token_1],
  540. val: match[++matchIndex]
  541. });
  542. }
  543. } else if (!isBackSlash) regexStr += "."; // don't really care
  544. ops.forEach(function (_a) {
  545. var fn = _a.fn,
  546. val = _a.val;
  547. return parsedDate = fn(parsedDate, val, locale) || parsedDate;
  548. });
  549. }
  550. parsedDate = matched ? parsedDate : undefined;
  551. }
  552. }
  553. /* istanbul ignore next */
  554. if (!(parsedDate instanceof Date && !isNaN(parsedDate.getTime()))) {
  555. config.errorHandler(new Error("Invalid date provided: " + dateOrig));
  556. return undefined;
  557. }
  558. if (timeless === true) parsedDate.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0);
  559. return parsedDate;
  560. };
  561. };
  562. /**
  563. * Compute the difference in dates, measured in ms
  564. */
  565. function compareDates(date1, date2, timeless) {
  566. if (timeless === void 0) {
  567. timeless = true;
  568. }
  569. if (timeless !== false) {
  570. return new Date(date1.getTime()).setHours(0, 0, 0, 0) - new Date(date2.getTime()).setHours(0, 0, 0, 0);
  571. }
  572. return date1.getTime() - date2.getTime();
  573. }
  574. var isBetween = function (ts, ts1, ts2) {
  575. return ts > Math.min(ts1, ts2) && ts < Math.max(ts1, ts2);
  576. };
  577. var duration = {
  578. DAY: 86400000
  579. };
  580. if (typeof Object.assign !== "function") {
  581. Object.assign = function (target) {
  582. var args = [];
  583. for (var _i = 1; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
  584. args[_i - 1] = arguments[_i];
  585. }
  586. if (!target) {
  587. throw TypeError("Cannot convert undefined or null to object");
  588. }
  589. var _loop_1 = function (source) {
  590. if (source) {
  591. Object.keys(source).forEach(function (key) {
  592. return target[key] = source[key];
  593. });
  594. }
  595. };
  596. for (var _a = 0, args_1 = args; _a < args_1.length; _a++) {
  597. var source = args_1[_a];
  598. _loop_1(source);
  599. }
  600. return target;
  601. };
  602. }
  603. var DEBOUNCED_CHANGE_MS = 300;
  604. function FlatpickrInstance(element, instanceConfig) {
  605. var self = {
  606. config: __assign({}, defaults, flatpickr.defaultConfig),
  607. l10n: english
  608. };
  609. self.parseDate = createDateParser({
  610. config: self.config,
  611. l10n: self.l10n
  612. });
  613. self._handlers = [];
  614. self.pluginElements = [];
  615. self.loadedPlugins = [];
  616. self._bind = bind;
  617. self._setHoursFromDate = setHoursFromDate;
  618. self._positionCalendar = positionCalendar;
  619. self.changeMonth = changeMonth;
  620. self.changeYear = changeYear;
  621. self.clear = clear;
  622. self.close = close;
  623. self._createElement = createElement;
  624. self.destroy = destroy;
  625. self.isEnabled = isEnabled;
  626. self.jumpToDate = jumpToDate;
  627. = open;
  628. self.redraw = redraw;
  629. self.set = set;
  630. self.setDate = setDate;
  631. self.toggle = toggle;
  632. function setupHelperFunctions() {
  633. self.utils = {
  634. getDaysInMonth: function (month, yr) {
  635. if (month === void 0) {
  636. month = self.currentMonth;
  637. }
  638. if (yr === void 0) {
  639. yr = self.currentYear;
  640. }
  641. if (month === 1 && (yr % 4 === 0 && yr % 100 !== 0 || yr % 400 === 0)) return 29;
  642. return self.l10n.daysInMonth[month];
  643. }
  644. };
  645. }
  646. function init() {
  647. self.element = self.input = element;
  648. self.isOpen = false;
  649. parseConfig();
  650. setupLocale();
  651. setupInputs();
  652. setupDates();
  653. setupHelperFunctions();
  654. if (!self.isMobile) build();
  655. bindEvents();
  656. if (self.selectedDates.length || self.config.noCalendar) {
  657. if (self.config.enableTime) {
  658. setHoursFromDate(self.config.noCalendar ? self.latestSelectedDateObj || self.config.minDate : undefined);
  659. }
  660. updateValue(false);
  661. }
  662. setCalendarWidth();
  663. self.showTimeInput = self.selectedDates.length > 0 || self.config.noCalendar;
  664. var isSafari = /^((?!chrome|android).)*safari/i.test(navigator.userAgent);
  665. /* TODO: investigate this further
  666. Currently, there is weird positioning behavior in safari causing pages
  667. to scroll up.
  668. However, most browsers are not Safari and positioning is expensive when used
  669. in scale.
  670. */
  671. if (!self.isMobile && isSafari) {
  672. positionCalendar();
  673. }
  674. triggerEvent("onReady");
  675. }
  676. function bindToInstance(fn) {
  677. return fn.bind(self);
  678. }
  679. function setCalendarWidth() {
  680. var config = self.config;
  681. if (config.weekNumbers === false && config.showMonths === 1) return;else if (config.noCalendar !== true) {
  682. window.requestAnimationFrame(function () {
  683. if (self.calendarContainer !== undefined) {
  684. = "hidden";
  685. = "block";
  686. }
  687. if (self.daysContainer !== undefined) {
  688. var daysWidth = (self.days.offsetWidth + 1) * config.showMonths;
  689. = daysWidth + "px";
  690. = daysWidth + (self.weekWrapper !== undefined ? self.weekWrapper.offsetWidth : 0) + "px";
  693. }
  694. });
  695. }
  696. }
  697. /**
  698. * The handler for all events targeting the time inputs
  699. */
  700. function updateTime(e) {
  701. if (self.selectedDates.length === 0) {
  702. setDefaultTime();
  703. }
  704. if (e !== undefined && e.type !== "blur") {
  705. timeWrapper(e);
  706. }
  707. var prevValue = self._input.value;
  708. setHoursFromInputs();
  709. updateValue();
  710. if (self._input.value !== prevValue) {
  711. self._debouncedChange();
  712. }
  713. }
  714. function ampm2military(hour, amPM) {
  715. return hour % 12 + 12 * int(amPM === self.l10n.amPM[1]);
  716. }
  717. function military2ampm(hour) {
  718. switch (hour % 24) {
  719. case 0:
  720. case 12:
  721. return 12;
  722. default:
  723. return hour % 12;
  724. }
  725. }
  726. /**
  727. * Syncs the selected date object time with user's time input
  728. */
  729. function setHoursFromInputs() {
  730. if (self.hourElement === undefined || self.minuteElement === undefined) return;
  731. var hours = (parseInt(self.hourElement.value.slice(-2), 10) || 0) % 24,
  732. minutes = (parseInt(self.minuteElement.value, 10) || 0) % 60,
  733. seconds = self.secondElement !== undefined ? (parseInt(self.secondElement.value, 10) || 0) % 60 : 0;
  734. if (self.amPM !== undefined) {
  735. hours = ampm2military(hours, self.amPM.textContent);
  736. }
  737. var limitMinHours = self.config.minTime !== undefined || self.config.minDate && self.minDateHasTime && self.latestSelectedDateObj && compareDates(self.latestSelectedDateObj, self.config.minDate, true) === 0;
  738. var limitMaxHours = self.config.maxTime !== undefined || self.config.maxDate && self.maxDateHasTime && self.latestSelectedDateObj && compareDates(self.latestSelectedDateObj, self.config.maxDate, true) === 0;
  739. if (limitMaxHours) {
  740. var maxTime = self.config.maxTime !== undefined ? self.config.maxTime : self.config.maxDate;
  741. hours = Math.min(hours, maxTime.getHours());
  742. if (hours === maxTime.getHours()) minutes = Math.min(minutes, maxTime.getMinutes());
  743. if (minutes === maxTime.getMinutes()) seconds = Math.min(seconds, maxTime.getSeconds());
  744. }
  745. if (limitMinHours) {
  746. var minTime = self.config.minTime !== undefined ? self.config.minTime : self.config.minDate;
  747. hours = Math.max(hours, minTime.getHours());
  748. if (hours === minTime.getHours()) minutes = Math.max(minutes, minTime.getMinutes());
  749. if (minutes === minTime.getMinutes()) seconds = Math.max(seconds, minTime.getSeconds());
  750. }
  751. setHours(hours, minutes, seconds);
  752. }
  753. /**
  754. * Syncs time input values with a date
  755. */
  756. function setHoursFromDate(dateObj) {
  757. var date = dateObj || self.latestSelectedDateObj;
  758. if (date) setHours(date.getHours(), date.getMinutes(), date.getSeconds());
  759. }
  760. function setDefaultHours() {
  761. var hours = self.config.defaultHour;
  762. var minutes = self.config.defaultMinute;
  763. var seconds = self.config.defaultSeconds;
  764. if (self.config.minDate !== undefined) {
  765. var minHr = self.config.minDate.getHours();
  766. var minMinutes = self.config.minDate.getMinutes();
  767. hours = Math.max(hours, minHr);
  768. if (hours === minHr) minutes = Math.max(minMinutes, minutes);
  769. if (hours === minHr && minutes === minMinutes) seconds = self.config.minDate.getSeconds();
  770. }
  771. if (self.config.maxDate !== undefined) {
  772. var maxHr = self.config.maxDate.getHours();
  773. var maxMinutes = self.config.maxDate.getMinutes();
  774. hours = Math.min(hours, maxHr);
  775. if (hours === maxHr) minutes = Math.min(maxMinutes, minutes);
  776. if (hours === maxHr && minutes === maxMinutes) seconds = self.config.maxDate.getSeconds();
  777. }
  778. setHours(hours, minutes, seconds);
  779. }
  780. /**
  781. * Sets the hours, minutes, and optionally seconds
  782. * of the latest selected date object and the
  783. * corresponding time inputs
  784. * @param {Number} hours the hour. whether its military
  785. * or am-pm gets inferred from config
  786. * @param {Number} minutes the minutes
  787. * @param {Number} seconds the seconds (optional)
  788. */
  789. function setHours(hours, minutes, seconds) {
  790. if (self.latestSelectedDateObj !== undefined) {
  791. self.latestSelectedDateObj.setHours(hours % 24, minutes, seconds || 0, 0);
  792. }
  793. if (!self.hourElement || !self.minuteElement || self.isMobile) return;
  794. self.hourElement.value = pad(!self.config.time_24hr ? (12 + hours) % 12 + 12 * int(hours % 12 === 0) : hours);
  795. self.minuteElement.value = pad(minutes);
  796. if (self.amPM !== undefined) self.amPM.textContent = self.l10n.amPM[int(hours >= 12)];
  797. if (self.secondElement !== undefined) self.secondElement.value = pad(seconds);
  798. }
  799. /**
  800. * Handles the year input and incrementing events
  801. * @param {Event} event the keyup or increment event
  802. */
  803. function onYearInput(event) {
  804. var year = parseInt( + ( || 0);
  805. if (year / 1000 > 1 || event.key === "Enter" && !/[^\d]/.test(year.toString())) {
  806. changeYear(year);
  807. }
  808. }
  809. /**
  810. * Essentially addEventListener + tracking
  811. * @param {Element} element the element to addEventListener to
  812. * @param {String} event the event name
  813. * @param {Function} handler the event handler
  814. */
  815. function bind(element, event, handler, options) {
  816. if (event instanceof Array) return event.forEach(function (ev) {
  817. return bind(element, ev, handler, options);
  818. });
  819. if (element instanceof Array) return element.forEach(function (el) {
  820. return bind(el, event, handler, options);
  821. });
  822. element.addEventListener(event, handler, options);
  823. self._handlers.push({
  824. element: element,
  825. event: event,
  826. handler: handler,
  827. options: options
  828. });
  829. }
  830. /**
  831. * A mousedown handler which mimics click.
  832. * Minimizes latency, since we don't need to wait for mouseup in most cases.
  833. * Also, avoids handling right clicks.
  834. *
  835. * @param {Function} handler the event handler
  836. */
  837. function onClick(handler) {
  838. return function (evt) {
  839. evt.which === 1 && handler(evt);
  840. };
  841. }
  842. function triggerChange() {
  843. triggerEvent("onChange");
  844. }
  845. /**
  846. * Adds all the necessary event listeners
  847. */
  848. function bindEvents() {
  849. if (self.config.wrap) {
  850. ["open", "close", "toggle", "clear"].forEach(function (evt) {
  851."[data-" + evt + "]"), function (el) {
  852. return bind(el, "click", self[evt]);
  853. });
  854. });
  855. }
  856. if (self.isMobile) {
  857. setupMobile();
  858. return;
  859. }
  860. var debouncedResize = debounce(onResize, 50);
  861. self._debouncedChange = debounce(triggerChange, DEBOUNCED_CHANGE_MS);
  862. if (self.daysContainer && !/iPhone|iPad|iPod/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) bind(self.daysContainer, "mouseover", function (e) {
  863. if (self.config.mode === "range") onMouseOver(;
  864. });
  865. bind(window.document.body, "keydown", onKeyDown);
  866. if (!self.config.inline && !self.config.static) bind(window, "resize", debouncedResize);
  867. if (window.ontouchstart !== undefined) bind(window.document, "touchstart", documentClick);else bind(window.document, "mousedown", onClick(documentClick));
  868. bind(window.document, "focus", documentClick, {
  869. capture: true
  870. });
  871. if (self.config.clickOpens === true) {
  872. bind(self._input, "focus",;
  873. bind(self._input, "mousedown", onClick(;
  874. }
  875. if (self.daysContainer !== undefined) {
  876. bind(self.monthNav, "mousedown", onClick(onMonthNavClick));
  877. bind(self.monthNav, ["keyup", "increment"], onYearInput);
  878. bind(self.daysContainer, "mousedown", onClick(selectDate));
  879. }
  880. if (self.timeContainer !== undefined && self.minuteElement !== undefined && self.hourElement !== undefined) {
  881. var selText = function (e) {
  882. return;
  883. };
  884. bind(self.timeContainer, ["increment"], updateTime);
  885. bind(self.timeContainer, "blur", updateTime, {
  886. capture: true
  887. });
  888. bind(self.timeContainer, "mousedown", onClick(timeIncrement));
  889. bind([self.hourElement, self.minuteElement], ["focus", "click"], selText);
  890. if (self.secondElement !== undefined) bind(self.secondElement, "focus", function () {
  891. return self.secondElement &&;
  892. });
  893. if (self.amPM !== undefined) {
  894. bind(self.amPM, "mousedown", onClick(function (e) {
  895. updateTime(e);
  896. triggerChange();
  897. }));
  898. }
  899. }
  900. }
  901. /**
  902. * Set the calendar view to a particular date.
  903. * @param {Date} jumpDate the date to set the view to
  904. * @param {boolean} triggerChange if change events should be triggered
  905. */
  906. function jumpToDate(jumpDate, triggerChange) {
  907. var jumpTo = jumpDate !== undefined ? self.parseDate(jumpDate) : self.latestSelectedDateObj || (self.config.minDate && self.config.minDate > ? self.config.minDate : self.config.maxDate && self.config.maxDate < ? self.config.maxDate :;
  908. var oldYear = self.currentYear;
  909. var oldMonth = self.currentMonth;
  910. try {
  911. if (jumpTo !== undefined) {
  912. self.currentYear = jumpTo.getFullYear();
  913. self.currentMonth = jumpTo.getMonth();
  914. }
  915. } catch (e) {
  916. /* istanbul ignore next */
  917. e.message = "Invalid date supplied: " + jumpTo;
  918. self.config.errorHandler(e);
  919. }
  920. if (triggerChange && self.currentYear !== oldYear) {
  921. triggerEvent("onYearChange");
  922. buildMonthSwitch();
  923. }
  924. if (triggerChange && (self.currentYear !== oldYear || self.currentMonth !== oldMonth)) {
  925. triggerEvent("onMonthChange");
  926. }
  927. self.redraw();
  928. }
  929. /**
  930. * The up/down arrow handler for time inputs
  931. * @param {Event} e the click event
  932. */
  933. function timeIncrement(e) {
  934. if ("arrow")) incrementNumInput(e,"arrowUp") ? 1 : -1);
  935. }
  936. /**
  937. * Increments/decrements the value of input associ-
  938. * ated with the up/down arrow by dispatching an
  939. * "increment" event on the input.
  940. *
  941. * @param {Event} e the click event
  942. * @param {Number} delta the diff (usually 1 or -1)
  943. * @param {Element} inputElem the input element
  944. */
  945. function incrementNumInput(e, delta, inputElem) {
  946. var target = e &&;
  947. var input = inputElem || target && target.parentNode && target.parentNode.firstChild;
  948. var event = createEvent("increment");
  949. = delta;
  950. input && input.dispatchEvent(event);
  951. }
  952. function build() {
  953. var fragment = window.document.createDocumentFragment();
  954. self.calendarContainer = createElement("div", "flatpickr-calendar");
  955. self.calendarContainer.tabIndex = -1;
  956. if (!self.config.noCalendar) {
  957. fragment.appendChild(buildMonthNav());
  958. self.innerContainer = createElement("div", "flatpickr-innerContainer");
  959. if (self.config.weekNumbers) {
  960. var _a = buildWeeks(),
  961. weekWrapper = _a.weekWrapper,
  962. weekNumbers = _a.weekNumbers;
  963. self.innerContainer.appendChild(weekWrapper);
  964. self.weekNumbers = weekNumbers;
  965. self.weekWrapper = weekWrapper;
  966. }
  967. self.rContainer = createElement("div", "flatpickr-rContainer");
  968. self.rContainer.appendChild(buildWeekdays());
  969. if (!self.daysContainer) {
  970. self.daysContainer = createElement("div", "flatpickr-days");
  971. self.daysContainer.tabIndex = -1;
  972. }
  973. buildDays();
  974. self.rContainer.appendChild(self.daysContainer);
  975. self.innerContainer.appendChild(self.rContainer);
  976. fragment.appendChild(self.innerContainer);
  977. }
  978. if (self.config.enableTime) {
  979. fragment.appendChild(buildTime());
  980. }
  981. toggleClass(self.calendarContainer, "rangeMode", self.config.mode === "range");
  982. toggleClass(self.calendarContainer, "animate", self.config.animate === true);
  983. toggleClass(self.calendarContainer, "multiMonth", self.config.showMonths > 1);
  984. self.calendarContainer.appendChild(fragment);
  985. var customAppend = self.config.appendTo !== undefined && self.config.appendTo.nodeType !== undefined;
  986. if (self.config.inline || self.config.static) {
  987. self.calendarContainer.classList.add(self.config.inline ? "inline" : "static");
  988. if (self.config.inline) {
  989. if (!customAppend && self.element.parentNode) self.element.parentNode.insertBefore(self.calendarContainer, self._input.nextSibling);else if (self.config.appendTo !== undefined) self.config.appendTo.appendChild(self.calendarContainer);
  990. }
  991. if (self.config.static) {
  992. var wrapper = createElement("div", "flatpickr-wrapper");
  993. if (self.element.parentNode) self.element.parentNode.insertBefore(wrapper, self.element);
  994. wrapper.appendChild(self.element);
  995. if (self.altInput) wrapper.appendChild(self.altInput);
  996. wrapper.appendChild(self.calendarContainer);
  997. }
  998. }
  999. if (!self.config.static && !self.config.inline) (self.config.appendTo !== undefined ? self.config.appendTo : window.document.body).appendChild(self.calendarContainer);
  1000. }
  1001. function createDay(className, date, dayNumber, i) {
  1002. var dateIsEnabled = isEnabled(date, true),
  1003. dayElement = createElement("span", "flatpickr-day " + className, date.getDate().toString());
  1004. dayElement.dateObj = date;
  1005. dayElement.$i = i;
  1006. dayElement.setAttribute("aria-label", self.formatDate(date, self.config.ariaDateFormat));
  1007. if (className.indexOf("hidden") === -1 && compareDates(date, === 0) {
  1008. self.todayDateElem = dayElement;
  1009. dayElement.classList.add("today");
  1010. dayElement.setAttribute("aria-current", "date");
  1011. }
  1012. if (dateIsEnabled) {
  1013. dayElement.tabIndex = -1;
  1014. if (isDateSelected(date)) {
  1015. dayElement.classList.add("selected");
  1016. self.selectedDateElem = dayElement;
  1017. if (self.config.mode === "range") {
  1018. toggleClass(dayElement, "startRange", self.selectedDates[0] && compareDates(date, self.selectedDates[0], true) === 0);
  1019. toggleClass(dayElement, "endRange", self.selectedDates[1] && compareDates(date, self.selectedDates[1], true) === 0);
  1020. if (className === "nextMonthDay") dayElement.classList.add("inRange");
  1021. }
  1022. }
  1023. } else {
  1024. dayElement.classList.add("flatpickr-disabled");
  1025. }
  1026. if (self.config.mode === "range") {
  1027. if (isDateInRange(date) && !isDateSelected(date)) dayElement.classList.add("inRange");
  1028. }
  1029. if (self.weekNumbers && self.config.showMonths === 1 && className !== "prevMonthDay" && dayNumber % 7 === 1) {
  1030. self.weekNumbers.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", "<span class='flatpickr-day'>" + self.config.getWeek(date) + "</span>");
  1031. }
  1032. triggerEvent("onDayCreate", dayElement);
  1033. return dayElement;
  1034. }
  1035. function focusOnDayElem(targetNode) {
  1036. targetNode.focus();
  1037. if (self.config.mode === "range") onMouseOver(targetNode);
  1038. }
  1039. function getFirstAvailableDay(delta) {
  1040. var startMonth = delta > 0 ? 0 : self.config.showMonths - 1;
  1041. var endMonth = delta > 0 ? self.config.showMonths : -1;
  1042. for (var m = startMonth; m != endMonth; m += delta) {
  1043. var month = self.daysContainer.children[m];
  1044. var startIndex = delta > 0 ? 0 : month.children.length - 1;
  1045. var endIndex = delta > 0 ? month.children.length : -1;
  1046. for (var i = startIndex; i != endIndex; i += delta) {
  1047. var c = month.children[i];
  1048. if (c.className.indexOf("hidden") === -1 && isEnabled(c.dateObj)) return c;
  1049. }
  1050. }
  1051. return undefined;
  1052. }
  1053. function getNextAvailableDay(current, delta) {
  1054. var givenMonth = current.className.indexOf("Month") === -1 ? current.dateObj.getMonth() : self.currentMonth;
  1055. var endMonth = delta > 0 ? self.config.showMonths : -1;
  1056. var loopDelta = delta > 0 ? 1 : -1;
  1057. for (var m = givenMonth - self.currentMonth; m != endMonth; m += loopDelta) {
  1058. var month = self.daysContainer.children[m];
  1059. var startIndex = givenMonth - self.currentMonth === m ? current.$i + delta : delta < 0 ? month.children.length - 1 : 0;
  1060. var numMonthDays = month.children.length;
  1061. for (var i = startIndex; i >= 0 && i < numMonthDays && i != (delta > 0 ? numMonthDays : -1); i += loopDelta) {
  1062. var c = month.children[i];
  1063. if (c.className.indexOf("hidden") === -1 && isEnabled(c.dateObj) && Math.abs(current.$i - i) >= Math.abs(delta)) return focusOnDayElem(c);
  1064. }
  1065. }
  1066. self.changeMonth(loopDelta);
  1067. focusOnDay(getFirstAvailableDay(loopDelta), 0);
  1068. return undefined;
  1069. }
  1070. function focusOnDay(current, offset) {
  1071. var dayFocused = isInView(document.activeElement || document.body);
  1072. var startElem = current !== undefined ? current : dayFocused ? document.activeElement : self.selectedDateElem !== undefined && isInView(self.selectedDateElem) ? self.selectedDateElem : self.todayDateElem !== undefined && isInView(self.todayDateElem) ? self.todayDateElem : getFirstAvailableDay(offset > 0 ? 1 : -1);
  1073. if (startElem === undefined) return self._input.focus();
  1074. if (!dayFocused) return focusOnDayElem(startElem);
  1075. getNextAvailableDay(startElem, offset);
  1076. }
  1077. function buildMonthDays(year, month) {
  1078. var firstOfMonth = (new Date(year, month, 1).getDay() - self.l10n.firstDayOfWeek + 7) % 7;
  1079. var prevMonthDays = self.utils.getDaysInMonth((month - 1 + 12) % 12);
  1080. var daysInMonth = self.utils.getDaysInMonth(month),
  1081. days = window.document.createDocumentFragment(),
  1082. isMultiMonth = self.config.showMonths > 1,
  1083. prevMonthDayClass = isMultiMonth ? "prevMonthDay hidden" : "prevMonthDay",
  1084. nextMonthDayClass = isMultiMonth ? "nextMonthDay hidden" : "nextMonthDay";
  1085. var dayNumber = prevMonthDays + 1 - firstOfMonth,
  1086. dayIndex = 0; // prepend days from the ending of previous month
  1087. for (; dayNumber <= prevMonthDays; dayNumber++, dayIndex++) {
  1088. days.appendChild(createDay(prevMonthDayClass, new Date(year, month - 1, dayNumber), dayNumber, dayIndex));
  1089. } // Start at 1 since there is no 0th day
  1090. for (dayNumber = 1; dayNumber <= daysInMonth; dayNumber++, dayIndex++) {
  1091. days.appendChild(createDay("", new Date(year, month, dayNumber), dayNumber, dayIndex));
  1092. } // append days from the next month
  1093. for (var dayNum = daysInMonth + 1; dayNum <= 42 - firstOfMonth && (self.config.showMonths === 1 || dayIndex % 7 !== 0); dayNum++, dayIndex++) {
  1094. days.appendChild(createDay(nextMonthDayClass, new Date(year, month + 1, dayNum % daysInMonth), dayNum, dayIndex));
  1095. } //updateNavigationCurrentMonth();
  1096. var dayContainer = createElement("div", "dayContainer");
  1097. dayContainer.appendChild(days);
  1098. return dayContainer;
  1099. }
  1100. function buildDays() {
  1101. if (self.daysContainer === undefined) {
  1102. return;
  1103. }
  1104. clearNode(self.daysContainer); // TODO: week numbers for each month
  1105. if (self.weekNumbers) clearNode(self.weekNumbers);
  1106. var frag = document.createDocumentFragment();
  1107. for (var i = 0; i < self.config.showMonths; i++) {
  1108. var d = new Date(self.currentYear, self.currentMonth, 1);
  1109. d.setMonth(self.currentMonth + i);
  1110. frag.appendChild(buildMonthDays(d.getFullYear(), d.getMonth()));
  1111. }
  1112. self.daysContainer.appendChild(frag);
  1113. self.days = self.daysContainer.firstChild;
  1114. if (self.config.mode === "range" && self.selectedDates.length === 1) {
  1115. onMouseOver();
  1116. }
  1117. }
  1118. function buildMonthSwitch() {
  1119. if (self.config.showMonths > 1 || self.config.monthSelectorType !== "dropdown") return;
  1120. var shouldBuildMonth = function (month) {
  1121. if (self.config.minDate !== undefined && self.currentYear === self.config.minDate.getFullYear() && month < self.config.minDate.getMonth()) {
  1122. return false;
  1123. }
  1124. return !(self.config.maxDate !== undefined && self.currentYear === self.config.maxDate.getFullYear() && month > self.config.maxDate.getMonth());
  1125. };
  1126. self.monthsDropdownContainer.tabIndex = -1;
  1127. self.monthsDropdownContainer.innerHTML = "";
  1128. for (var i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
  1129. if (!shouldBuildMonth(i)) continue;
  1130. var month = createElement("option", "flatpickr-monthDropdown-month");
  1131. month.value = new Date(self.currentYear, i).getMonth().toString();
  1132. month.textContent = monthToStr(i, self.config.shorthandCurrentMonth, self.l10n);
  1133. month.tabIndex = -1;
  1134. if (self.currentMonth === i) {
  1135. month.selected = true;
  1136. }
  1137. self.monthsDropdownContainer.appendChild(month);
  1138. }
  1139. }
  1140. function buildMonth() {
  1141. var container = createElement("div", "flatpickr-month");
  1142. var monthNavFragment = window.document.createDocumentFragment();
  1143. var monthElement;
  1144. if (self.config.showMonths > 1 || self.config.monthSelectorType === "static") {
  1145. monthElement = createElement("span", "cur-month");
  1146. } else {
  1147. self.monthsDropdownContainer = createElement("select", "flatpickr-monthDropdown-months");
  1148. bind(self.monthsDropdownContainer, "change", function (e) {
  1149. var target =;
  1150. var selectedMonth = parseInt(target.value, 10);
  1151. self.changeMonth(selectedMonth - self.currentMonth);
  1152. triggerEvent("onMonthChange");
  1153. });
  1154. buildMonthSwitch();
  1155. monthElement = self.monthsDropdownContainer;
  1156. }
  1157. var yearInput = createNumberInput("cur-year", {
  1158. tabindex: "-1"
  1159. });
  1160. var yearElement = yearInput.getElementsByTagName("input")[0];
  1161. yearElement.setAttribute("aria-label", self.l10n.yearAriaLabel);
  1162. if (self.config.minDate) {
  1163. yearElement.setAttribute("min", self.config.minDate.getFullYear().toString());
  1164. }
  1165. if (self.config.maxDate) {
  1166. yearElement.setAttribute("max", self.config.maxDate.getFullYear().toString());
  1167. yearElement.disabled = !!self.config.minDate && self.config.minDate.getFullYear() === self.config.maxDate.getFullYear();
  1168. }
  1169. var currentMonth = createElement("div", "flatpickr-current-month");
  1170. currentMonth.appendChild(monthElement);
  1171. currentMonth.appendChild(yearInput);
  1172. monthNavFragment.appendChild(currentMonth);
  1173. container.appendChild(monthNavFragment);
  1174. return {
  1175. container: container,
  1176. yearElement: yearElement,
  1177. monthElement: monthElement
  1178. };
  1179. }
  1180. function buildMonths() {
  1181. clearNode(self.monthNav);
  1182. self.monthNav.appendChild(self.prevMonthNav);
  1183. if (self.config.showMonths) {
  1184. self.yearElements = [];
  1185. self.monthElements = [];
  1186. }
  1187. for (var m = self.config.showMonths; m--;) {
  1188. var month = buildMonth();
  1189. self.yearElements.push(month.yearElement);
  1190. self.monthElements.push(month.monthElement);
  1191. self.monthNav.appendChild(month.container);
  1192. }
  1193. self.monthNav.appendChild(self.nextMonthNav);
  1194. }
  1195. function buildMonthNav() {
  1196. self.monthNav = createElement("div", "flatpickr-months");
  1197. self.yearElements = [];
  1198. self.monthElements = [];
  1199. self.prevMonthNav = createElement("span", "flatpickr-prev-month");
  1200. self.prevMonthNav.innerHTML = self.config.prevArrow;
  1201. self.nextMonthNav = createElement("span", "flatpickr-next-month");
  1202. self.nextMonthNav.innerHTML = self.config.nextArrow;
  1203. buildMonths();
  1204. Object.defineProperty(self, "_hidePrevMonthArrow", {
  1205. get: function () {
  1206. return self.__hidePrevMonthArrow;
  1207. },
  1208. set: function (bool) {
  1209. if (self.__hidePrevMonthArrow !== bool) {
  1210. toggleClass(self.prevMonthNav, "flatpickr-disabled", bool);
  1211. self.__hidePrevMonthArrow = bool;
  1212. }
  1213. }
  1214. });
  1215. Object.defineProperty(self, "_hideNextMonthArrow", {
  1216. get: function () {
  1217. return self.__hideNextMonthArrow;
  1218. },
  1219. set: function (bool) {
  1220. if (self.__hideNextMonthArrow !== bool) {
  1221. toggleClass(self.nextMonthNav, "flatpickr-disabled", bool);
  1222. self.__hideNextMonthArrow = bool;
  1223. }
  1224. }
  1225. });
  1226. self.currentYearElement = self.yearElements[0];
  1227. updateNavigationCurrentMonth();
  1228. return self.monthNav;
  1229. }
  1230. function buildTime() {
  1231. self.calendarContainer.classList.add("hasTime");
  1232. if (self.config.noCalendar) self.calendarContainer.classList.add("noCalendar");
  1233. self.timeContainer = createElement("div", "flatpickr-time");
  1234. self.timeContainer.tabIndex = -1;
  1235. var separator = createElement("span", "flatpickr-time-separator", ":");
  1236. var hourInput = createNumberInput("flatpickr-hour", {
  1237. "aria-label": self.l10n.hourAriaLabel
  1238. });
  1239. self.hourElement = hourInput.getElementsByTagName("input")[0];
  1240. var minuteInput = createNumberInput("flatpickr-minute", {
  1241. "aria-label": self.l10n.minuteAriaLabel
  1242. });
  1243. self.minuteElement = minuteInput.getElementsByTagName("input")[0];
  1244. self.hourElement.tabIndex = self.minuteElement.tabIndex = -1;
  1245. self.hourElement.value = pad(self.latestSelectedDateObj ? self.latestSelectedDateObj.getHours() : self.config.time_24hr ? self.config.defaultHour : military2ampm(self.config.defaultHour));
  1246. self.minuteElement.value = pad(self.latestSelectedDateObj ? self.latestSelectedDateObj.getMinutes() : self.config.defaultMinute);
  1247. self.hourElement.setAttribute("step", self.config.hourIncrement.toString());
  1248. self.minuteElement.setAttribute("step", self.config.minuteIncrement.toString());
  1249. self.hourElement.setAttribute("min", self.config.time_24hr ? "0" : "1");
  1250. self.hourElement.setAttribute("max", self.config.time_24hr ? "23" : "12");
  1251. self.minuteElement.setAttribute("min", "0");
  1252. self.minuteElement.setAttribute("max", "59");
  1253. self.timeContainer.appendChild(hourInput);
  1254. self.timeContainer.appendChild(separator);
  1255. self.timeContainer.appendChild(minuteInput);
  1256. if (self.config.time_24hr) self.timeContainer.classList.add("time24hr");
  1257. if (self.config.enableSeconds) {
  1258. self.timeContainer.classList.add("hasSeconds");
  1259. var secondInput = createNumberInput("flatpickr-second");
  1260. self.secondElement = secondInput.getElementsByTagName("input")[0];
  1261. self.secondElement.value = pad(self.latestSelectedDateObj ? self.latestSelectedDateObj.getSeconds() : self.config.defaultSeconds);
  1262. self.secondElement.setAttribute("step", self.minuteElement.getAttribute("step"));
  1263. self.secondElement.setAttribute("min", "0");
  1264. self.secondElement.setAttribute("max", "59");
  1265. self.timeContainer.appendChild(createElement("span", "flatpickr-time-separator", ":"));
  1266. self.timeContainer.appendChild(secondInput);
  1267. }
  1268. if (!self.config.time_24hr) {
  1269. // add self.amPM if appropriate
  1270. self.amPM = createElement("span", "flatpickr-am-pm", self.l10n.amPM[int((self.latestSelectedDateObj ? self.hourElement.value : self.config.defaultHour) > 11)]);
  1271. self.amPM.title = self.l10n.toggleTitle;
  1272. self.amPM.tabIndex = -1;
  1273. self.timeContainer.appendChild(self.amPM);
  1274. }
  1275. return self.timeContainer;
  1276. }
  1277. function buildWeekdays() {
  1278. if (!self.weekdayContainer) self.weekdayContainer = createElement("div", "flatpickr-weekdays");else clearNode(self.weekdayContainer);
  1279. for (var i = self.config.showMonths; i--;) {
  1280. var container = createElement("div", "flatpickr-weekdaycontainer");
  1281. self.weekdayContainer.appendChild(container);
  1282. }
  1283. updateWeekdays();
  1284. return self.weekdayContainer;
  1285. }
  1286. function updateWeekdays() {
  1287. if (!self.weekdayContainer) {
  1288. return;
  1289. }
  1290. var firstDayOfWeek = self.l10n.firstDayOfWeek;
  1291. var weekdays = self.l10n.weekdays.shorthand.slice();
  1292. if (firstDayOfWeek > 0 && firstDayOfWeek < weekdays.length) {
  1293. weekdays = weekdays.splice(firstDayOfWeek, weekdays.length).concat(weekdays.splice(0, firstDayOfWeek));
  1294. }
  1295. for (var i = self.config.showMonths; i--;) {
  1296. self.weekdayContainer.children[i].innerHTML = "\n <span class='flatpickr-weekday'>\n " + weekdays.join("</span><span class='flatpickr-weekday'>") + "\n </span>\n ";
  1297. }
  1298. }
  1299. /* istanbul ignore next */
  1300. function buildWeeks() {
  1301. self.calendarContainer.classList.add("hasWeeks");
  1302. var weekWrapper = createElement("div", "flatpickr-weekwrapper");
  1303. weekWrapper.appendChild(createElement("span", "flatpickr-weekday", self.l10n.weekAbbreviation));
  1304. var weekNumbers = createElement("div", "flatpickr-weeks");
  1305. weekWrapper.appendChild(weekNumbers);
  1306. return {
  1307. weekWrapper: weekWrapper,
  1308. weekNumbers: weekNumbers
  1309. };
  1310. }
  1311. function changeMonth(value, isOffset) {
  1312. if (isOffset === void 0) {
  1313. isOffset = true;
  1314. }
  1315. var delta = isOffset ? value : value - self.currentMonth;
  1316. if (delta < 0 && self._hidePrevMonthArrow === true || delta > 0 && self._hideNextMonthArrow === true) return;
  1317. self.currentMonth += delta;
  1318. if (self.currentMonth < 0 || self.currentMonth > 11) {
  1319. self.currentYear += self.currentMonth > 11 ? 1 : -1;
  1320. self.currentMonth = (self.currentMonth + 12) % 12;
  1321. triggerEvent("onYearChange");
  1322. buildMonthSwitch();
  1323. }
  1324. buildDays();
  1325. triggerEvent("onMonthChange");
  1326. updateNavigationCurrentMonth();
  1327. }
  1328. function clear(triggerChangeEvent, toInitial) {
  1329. if (triggerChangeEvent === void 0) {
  1330. triggerChangeEvent = true;
  1331. }
  1332. if (toInitial === void 0) {
  1333. toInitial = true;
  1334. }
  1335. self.input.value = "";
  1336. if (self.altInput !== undefined) self.altInput.value = "";
  1337. if (self.mobileInput !== undefined) self.mobileInput.value = "";
  1338. self.selectedDates = [];
  1339. self.latestSelectedDateObj = undefined;
  1340. if (toInitial === true) {
  1341. self.currentYear = self._initialDate.getFullYear();
  1342. self.currentMonth = self._initialDate.getMonth();
  1343. }
  1344. self.showTimeInput = false;
  1345. if (self.config.enableTime === true) {
  1346. setDefaultHours();
  1347. }
  1348. self.redraw();
  1349. if (triggerChangeEvent) // triggerChangeEvent is true (default) or an Event
  1350. triggerEvent("onChange");
  1351. }
  1352. function close() {
  1353. self.isOpen = false;
  1354. if (!self.isMobile) {
  1355. if (self.calendarContainer !== undefined) {
  1356. self.calendarContainer.classList.remove("open");
  1357. }
  1358. if (self._input !== undefined) {
  1359. self._input.classList.remove("active");
  1360. }
  1361. }
  1362. triggerEvent("onClose");
  1363. }
  1364. function destroy() {
  1365. if (self.config !== undefined) triggerEvent("onDestroy");
  1366. for (var i = self._handlers.length; i--;) {
  1367. var h = self._handlers[i];
  1368. h.element.removeEventListener(h.event, h.handler, h.options);
  1369. }
  1370. self._handlers = [];
  1371. if (self.mobileInput) {
  1372. if (self.mobileInput.parentNode) self.mobileInput.parentNode.removeChild(self.mobileInput);
  1373. self.mobileInput = undefined;
  1374. } else if (self.calendarContainer && self.calendarContainer.parentNode) {
  1375. if (self.config.static && self.calendarContainer.parentNode) {
  1376. var wrapper = self.calendarContainer.parentNode;
  1377. wrapper.lastChild && wrapper.removeChild(wrapper.lastChild);
  1378. if (wrapper.parentNode) {
  1379. while (wrapper.firstChild) wrapper.parentNode.insertBefore(wrapper.firstChild, wrapper);
  1380. wrapper.parentNode.removeChild(wrapper);
  1381. }
  1382. } else self.calendarContainer.parentNode.removeChild(self.calendarContainer);
  1383. }
  1384. if (self.altInput) {
  1385. self.input.type = "text";
  1386. if (self.altInput.parentNode) self.altInput.parentNode.removeChild(self.altInput);
  1387. delete self.altInput;
  1388. }
  1389. if (self.input) {
  1390. self.input.type = self.input._type;
  1391. self.input.classList.remove("flatpickr-input");
  1392. self.input.removeAttribute("readonly");
  1393. self.input.value = "";
  1394. }
  1395. ["_showTimeInput", "latestSelectedDateObj", "_hideNextMonthArrow", "_hidePrevMonthArrow", "__hideNextMonthArrow", "__hidePrevMonthArrow", "isMobile", "isOpen", "selectedDateElem", "minDateHasTime", "maxDateHasTime", "days", "daysContainer", "_input", "_positionElement", "innerContainer", "rContainer", "monthNav", "todayDateElem", "calendarContainer", "weekdayContainer", "prevMonthNav", "nextMonthNav", "monthsDropdownContainer", "currentMonthElement", "currentYearElement", "navigationCurrentMonth", "selectedDateElem", "config"].forEach(function (k) {
  1396. try {
  1397. delete self[k];
  1398. } catch (_) {}
  1399. });
  1400. }
  1401. function isCalendarElem(elem) {
  1402. if (self.config.appendTo && self.config.appendTo.contains(elem)) return true;
  1403. return self.calendarContainer.contains(elem);
  1404. }
  1405. function documentClick(e) {
  1406. if (self.isOpen && !self.config.inline) {
  1407. var eventTarget_1 = getEventTarget(e);
  1408. var isCalendarElement = isCalendarElem(eventTarget_1);
  1409. var isInput = eventTarget_1 === self.input || eventTarget_1 === self.altInput || self.element.contains(eventTarget_1) || // web components
  1410. // e.path is not present in all browsers. circumventing typechecks
  1411. e.path && e.path.indexOf && (~e.path.indexOf(self.input) || ~e.path.indexOf(self.altInput));
  1412. var lostFocus = e.type === "blur" ? isInput && e.relatedTarget && !isCalendarElem(e.relatedTarget) : !isInput && !isCalendarElement && !isCalendarElem(e.relatedTarget);
  1413. var isIgnored = !self.config.ignoredFocusElements.some(function (elem) {
  1414. return elem.contains(eventTarget_1);
  1415. });
  1416. if (lostFocus && isIgnored) {
  1417. if (self.timeContainer !== undefined && self.minuteElement !== undefined && self.hourElement !== undefined) {
  1418. updateTime();
  1419. }
  1420. self.close();
  1421. if (self.config.mode === "range" && self.selectedDates.length === 1) {
  1422. self.clear(false);
  1423. self.redraw();
  1424. }
  1425. }
  1426. }
  1427. }
  1428. function changeYear(newYear) {
  1429. if (!newYear || self.config.minDate && newYear < self.config.minDate.getFullYear() || self.config.maxDate && newYear > self.config.maxDate.getFullYear()) return;
  1430. var newYearNum = newYear,
  1431. isNewYear = self.currentYear !== newYearNum;
  1432. self.currentYear = newYearNum || self.currentYear;
  1433. if (self.config.maxDate && self.currentYear === self.config.maxDate.getFullYear()) {
  1434. self.currentMonth = Math.min(self.config.maxDate.getMonth(), self.currentMonth);
  1435. } else if (self.config.minDate && self.currentYear === self.config.minDate.getFullYear()) {
  1436. self.currentMonth = Math.max(self.config.minDate.getMonth(), self.currentMonth);
  1437. }
  1438. if (isNewYear) {
  1439. self.redraw();
  1440. triggerEvent("onYearChange");
  1441. buildMonthSwitch();
  1442. }
  1443. }
  1444. function isEnabled(date, timeless) {
  1445. if (timeless === void 0) {
  1446. timeless = true;
  1447. }
  1448. var dateToCheck = self.parseDate(date, undefined, timeless); // timeless
  1449. if (self.config.minDate && dateToCheck && compareDates(dateToCheck, self.config.minDate, timeless !== undefined ? timeless : !self.minDateHasTime) < 0 || self.config.maxDate && dateToCheck && compareDates(dateToCheck, self.config.maxDate, timeless !== undefined ? timeless : !self.maxDateHasTime) > 0) return false;
  1450. if (self.config.enable.length === 0 && self.config.disable.length === 0) return true;
  1451. if (dateToCheck === undefined) return false;
  1452. var bool = self.config.enable.length > 0,
  1453. array = bool ? self.config.enable : self.config.disable;
  1454. for (var i = 0, d = void 0; i < array.length; i++) {
  1455. d = array[i];
  1456. if (typeof d === "function" && d(dateToCheck) // disabled by function
  1457. ) return bool;else if (d instanceof Date && dateToCheck !== undefined && d.getTime() === dateToCheck.getTime()) // disabled by date
  1458. return bool;else if (typeof d === "string" && dateToCheck !== undefined) {
  1459. // disabled by date string
  1460. var parsed = self.parseDate(d, undefined, true);
  1461. return parsed && parsed.getTime() === dateToCheck.getTime() ? bool : !bool;
  1462. } else if ( // disabled by range
  1463. typeof d === "object" && dateToCheck !== undefined && d.from && && dateToCheck.getTime() >= d.from.getTime() && dateToCheck.getTime() <= return bool;
  1464. }
  1465. return !bool;
  1466. }
  1467. function isInView(elem) {
  1468. if (self.daysContainer !== undefined) return elem.className.indexOf("hidden") === -1 && self.daysContainer.contains(elem);
  1469. return false;
  1470. }
  1471. function onKeyDown(e) {
  1472. // e.key e.keyCode
  1473. // "Backspace" 8
  1474. // "Tab" 9
  1475. // "Enter" 13
  1476. // "Escape" (IE "Esc") 27
  1477. // "ArrowLeft" (IE "Left") 37
  1478. // "ArrowUp" (IE "Up") 38
  1479. // "ArrowRight" (IE "Right") 39
  1480. // "ArrowDown" (IE "Down") 40
  1481. // "Delete" (IE "Del") 46
  1482. var isInput = === self._input;
  1483. var allowInput = self.config.allowInput;
  1484. var allowKeydown = self.isOpen && (!allowInput || !isInput);
  1485. var allowInlineKeydown = self.config.inline && isInput && !allowInput;
  1486. if (e.keyCode === 13 && isInput) {
  1487. if (allowInput) {
  1488. self.setDate(self._input.value, true, === self.altInput ? self.config.altFormat : self.config.dateFormat);
  1489. return;
  1490. } else {
  1492. }
  1493. } else if (isCalendarElem( || allowKeydown || allowInlineKeydown) {
  1494. var isTimeObj = !!self.timeContainer && self.timeContainer.contains(;
  1495. switch (e.keyCode) {
  1496. case 13:
  1497. if (isTimeObj) {
  1498. e.preventDefault();
  1499. updateTime();
  1500. focusAndClose();
  1501. } else selectDate(e);
  1502. break;
  1503. case 27:
  1504. // escape
  1505. e.preventDefault();
  1506. focusAndClose();
  1507. break;
  1508. case 8:
  1509. case 46:
  1510. if (isInput && !self.config.allowInput) {
  1511. e.preventDefault();
  1512. self.clear();
  1513. }
  1514. break;
  1515. case 37:
  1516. case 39:
  1517. if (!isTimeObj && !isInput) {
  1518. e.preventDefault();
  1519. if (self.daysContainer !== undefined && (allowInput === false || document.activeElement && isInView(document.activeElement))) {
  1520. var delta_1 = e.keyCode === 39 ? 1 : -1;
  1521. if (!e.ctrlKey) focusOnDay(undefined, delta_1);else {
  1522. e.stopPropagation();
  1523. changeMonth(delta_1);
  1524. focusOnDay(getFirstAvailableDay(1), 0);
  1525. }
  1526. }
  1527. } else if (self.hourElement) self.hourElement.focus();
  1528. break;
  1529. case 38:
  1530. case 40:
  1531. e.preventDefault();
  1532. var delta = e.keyCode === 40 ? 1 : -1;
  1533. if (self.daysContainer &&$i !== undefined || === self.input || === self.altInput) {
  1534. if (e.ctrlKey) {
  1535. e.stopPropagation();
  1536. changeYear(self.currentYear - delta);
  1537. focusOnDay(getFirstAvailableDay(1), 0);
  1538. } else if (!isTimeObj) focusOnDay(undefined, delta * 7);
  1539. } else if ( === self.currentYearElement) {
  1540. changeYear(self.currentYear - delta);
  1541. } else if (self.config.enableTime) {
  1542. if (!isTimeObj && self.hourElement) self.hourElement.focus();
  1543. updateTime(e);
  1544. self._debouncedChange();
  1545. }
  1546. break;
  1547. case 9:
  1548. if (isTimeObj) {
  1549. var elems = [self.hourElement, self.minuteElement, self.secondElement, self.amPM].concat(self.pluginElements).filter(function (x) {
  1550. return x;
  1551. });
  1552. var i = elems.indexOf(;
  1553. if (i !== -1) {
  1554. var target = elems[i + (e.shiftKey ? -1 : 1)];
  1555. e.preventDefault();
  1556. (target || self._input).focus();
  1557. }
  1558. } else if (!self.config.noCalendar && self.daysContainer && self.daysContainer.contains( && e.shiftKey) {
  1559. e.preventDefault();
  1560. self._input.focus();
  1561. }
  1562. break;
  1563. default:
  1564. break;
  1565. }
  1566. }
  1567. if (self.amPM !== undefined && === self.amPM) {
  1568. switch (e.key) {
  1569. case self.l10n.amPM[0].charAt(0):
  1570. case self.l10n.amPM[0].charAt(0).toLowerCase():
  1571. self.amPM.textContent = self.l10n.amPM[0];
  1572. setHoursFromInputs();
  1573. updateValue();
  1574. break;
  1575. case self.l10n.amPM[1].charAt(0):
  1576. case self.l10n.amPM[1].charAt(0).toLowerCase():
  1577. self.amPM.textContent = self.l10n.amPM[1];
  1578. setHoursFromInputs();
  1579. updateValue();
  1580. break;
  1581. }
  1582. }
  1583. if (isInput || isCalendarElem( {
  1584. triggerEvent("onKeyDown", e);
  1585. }
  1586. }
  1587. function onMouseOver(elem) {
  1588. if (self.selectedDates.length !== 1 || elem && (!elem.classList.contains("flatpickr-day") || elem.classList.contains("flatpickr-disabled"))) return;
  1589. var hoverDate = elem ? elem.dateObj.getTime() : self.days.firstElementChild.dateObj.getTime(),
  1590. initialDate = self.parseDate(self.selectedDates[0], undefined, true).getTime(),
  1591. rangeStartDate = Math.min(hoverDate, self.selectedDates[0].getTime()),
  1592. rangeEndDate = Math.max(hoverDate, self.selectedDates[0].getTime());
  1593. var containsDisabled = false;
  1594. var minRange = 0,
  1595. maxRange = 0;
  1596. for (var t = rangeStartDate; t < rangeEndDate; t += duration.DAY) {
  1597. if (!isEnabled(new Date(t), true)) {
  1598. containsDisabled = containsDisabled || t > rangeStartDate && t < rangeEndDate;
  1599. if (t < initialDate && (!minRange || t > minRange)) minRange = t;else if (t > initialDate && (!maxRange || t < maxRange)) maxRange = t;
  1600. }
  1601. }
  1602. for (var m = 0; m < self.config.showMonths; m++) {
  1603. var month = self.daysContainer.children[m];
  1604. var _loop_1 = function (i, l) {
  1605. var dayElem = month.children[i],
  1606. date = dayElem.dateObj;
  1607. var timestamp = date.getTime();
  1608. var outOfRange = minRange > 0 && timestamp < minRange || maxRange > 0 && timestamp > maxRange;
  1609. if (outOfRange) {
  1610. dayElem.classList.add("notAllowed");
  1611. ["inRange", "startRange", "endRange"].forEach(function (c) {
  1612. dayElem.classList.remove(c);
  1613. });
  1614. return "continue";
  1615. } else if (containsDisabled && !outOfRange) return "continue";
  1616. ["startRange", "inRange", "endRange", "notAllowed"].forEach(function (c) {
  1617. dayElem.classList.remove(c);
  1618. });
  1619. if (elem !== undefined) {
  1620. elem.classList.add(hoverDate <= self.selectedDates[0].getTime() ? "startRange" : "endRange");
  1621. if (initialDate < hoverDate && timestamp === initialDate) dayElem.classList.add("startRange");else if (initialDate > hoverDate && timestamp === initialDate) dayElem.classList.add("endRange");
  1622. if (timestamp >= minRange && (maxRange === 0 || timestamp <= maxRange) && isBetween(timestamp, initialDate, hoverDate)) dayElem.classList.add("inRange");
  1623. }
  1624. };
  1625. for (var i = 0, l = month.children.length; i < l; i++) {
  1626. _loop_1(i, l);
  1627. }
  1628. }
  1629. }
  1630. function onResize() {
  1631. if (self.isOpen && !self.config.static && !self.config.inline) positionCalendar();
  1632. }
  1633. function setDefaultTime() {
  1634. self.setDate(self.config.minDate !== undefined ? new Date(self.config.minDate.getTime()) : new Date(), true);
  1635. setDefaultHours();
  1636. updateValue();
  1637. }
  1638. function open(e, positionElement) {
  1639. if (positionElement === void 0) {
  1640. positionElement = self._positionElement;
  1641. }
  1642. if (self.isMobile === true) {
  1643. if (e) {
  1644. e.preventDefault();
  1645. &&;
  1646. }
  1647. if (self.mobileInput !== undefined) {
  1648. self.mobileInput.focus();
  1650. }
  1651. triggerEvent("onOpen");
  1652. return;
  1653. }
  1654. if (self._input.disabled || self.config.inline) return;
  1655. var wasOpen = self.isOpen;
  1656. self.isOpen = true;
  1657. if (!wasOpen) {
  1658. self.calendarContainer.classList.add("open");
  1659. self._input.classList.add("active");
  1660. triggerEvent("onOpen");
  1661. positionCalendar(positionElement);
  1662. }
  1663. if (self.config.enableTime === true && self.config.noCalendar === true) {
  1664. if (self.selectedDates.length === 0) {
  1665. setDefaultTime();
  1666. }
  1667. if (self.config.allowInput === false && (e === undefined || !self.timeContainer.contains(e.relatedTarget))) {
  1668. setTimeout(function () {
  1669. return;
  1670. }, 50);
  1671. }
  1672. }
  1673. }
  1674. function minMaxDateSetter(type) {
  1675. return function (date) {
  1676. var dateObj = self.config["_" + type + "Date"] = self.parseDate(date, self.config.dateFormat);
  1677. var inverseDateObj = self.config["_" + (type === "min" ? "max" : "min") + "Date"];
  1678. if (dateObj !== undefined) {
  1679. self[type === "min" ? "minDateHasTime" : "maxDateHasTime"] = dateObj.getHours() > 0 || dateObj.getMinutes() > 0 || dateObj.getSeconds() > 0;
  1680. }
  1681. if (self.selectedDates) {
  1682. self.selectedDates = self.selectedDates.filter(function (d) {
  1683. return isEnabled(d);
  1684. });
  1685. if (!self.selectedDates.length && type === "min") setHoursFromDate(dateObj);
  1686. updateValue();
  1687. }
  1688. if (self.daysContainer) {
  1689. redraw();
  1690. if (dateObj !== undefined) self.currentYearElement[type] = dateObj.getFullYear().toString();else self.currentYearElement.removeAttribute(type);
  1691. self.currentYearElement.disabled = !!inverseDateObj && dateObj !== undefined && inverseDateObj.getFullYear() === dateObj.getFullYear();
  1692. }
  1693. };
  1694. }
  1695. function parseConfig() {
  1696. var boolOpts = ["wrap", "weekNumbers", "allowInput", "clickOpens", "time_24hr", "enableTime", "noCalendar", "altInput", "shorthandCurrentMonth", "inline", "static", "enableSeconds", "disableMobile"];
  1697. var userConfig = __assign({}, instanceConfig, JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(element.dataset || {})));
  1698. var formats = {};
  1699. self.config.parseDate = userConfig.parseDate;
  1700. self.config.formatDate = userConfig.formatDate;
  1701. Object.defineProperty(self.config, "enable", {
  1702. get: function () {
  1703. return self.config._enable;
  1704. },
  1705. set: function (dates) {
  1706. self.config._enable = parseDateRules(dates);
  1707. }
  1708. });
  1709. Object.defineProperty(self.config, "disable", {
  1710. get: function () {
  1711. return self.config._disable;
  1712. },
  1713. set: function (dates) {
  1714. self.config._disable = parseDateRules(dates);
  1715. }
  1716. });
  1717. var timeMode = userConfig.mode === "time";
  1718. if (!userConfig.dateFormat && (userConfig.enableTime || timeMode)) {
  1719. var defaultDateFormat = flatpickr.defaultConfig.dateFormat || defaults.dateFormat;
  1720. formats.dateFormat = userConfig.noCalendar || timeMode ? "H:i" + (userConfig.enableSeconds ? ":S" : "") : defaultDateFormat + " H:i" + (userConfig.enableSeconds ? ":S" : "");
  1721. }
  1722. if (userConfig.altInput && (userConfig.enableTime || timeMode) && !userConfig.altFormat) {
  1723. var defaultAltFormat = flatpickr.defaultConfig.altFormat || defaults.altFormat;
  1724. formats.altFormat = userConfig.noCalendar || timeMode ? "h:i" + (userConfig.enableSeconds ? ":S K" : " K") : defaultAltFormat + (" h:i" + (userConfig.enableSeconds ? ":S" : "") + " K");
  1725. }
  1726. if (!userConfig.altInputClass) {
  1727. self.config.altInputClass = self.input.className + " " + self.config.altInputClass;
  1728. }
  1729. Object.defineProperty(self.config, "minDate", {
  1730. get: function () {
  1731. return self.config._minDate;
  1732. },
  1733. set: minMaxDateSetter("min")
  1734. });
  1735. Object.defineProperty(self.config, "maxDate", {
  1736. get: function () {
  1737. return self.config._maxDate;
  1738. },
  1739. set: minMaxDateSetter("max")
  1740. });
  1741. var minMaxTimeSetter = function (type) {
  1742. return function (val) {
  1743. self.config[type === "min" ? "_minTime" : "_maxTime"] = self.parseDate(val, "H:i:S");
  1744. };
  1745. };
  1746. Object.defineProperty(self.config, "minTime", {
  1747. get: function () {
  1748. return self.config._minTime;
  1749. },
  1750. set: minMaxTimeSetter("min")
  1751. });
  1752. Object.defineProperty(self.config, "maxTime", {
  1753. get: function () {
  1754. return self.config._maxTime;
  1755. },
  1756. set: minMaxTimeSetter("max")
  1757. });
  1758. if (userConfig.mode === "time") {
  1759. self.config.noCalendar = true;
  1760. self.config.enableTime = true;
  1761. }
  1762. Object.assign(self.config, formats, userConfig);
  1763. for (var i = 0; i < boolOpts.length; i++) self.config[boolOpts[i]] = self.config[boolOpts[i]] === true || self.config[boolOpts[i]] === "true";
  1764. HOOKS.filter(function (hook) {
  1765. return self.config[hook] !== undefined;
  1766. }).forEach(function (hook) {
  1767. self.config[hook] = arrayify(self.config[hook] || []).map(bindToInstance);
  1768. });
  1769. self.isMobile = !self.config.disableMobile && !self.config.inline && self.config.mode === "single" && !self.config.disable.length && !self.config.enable.length && !self.config.weekNumbers && /Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini/i.test(navigator.userAgent);
  1770. for (var i = 0; i < self.config.plugins.length; i++) {
  1771. var pluginConf = self.config.plugins[i](self) || {};
  1772. for (var key in pluginConf) {
  1773. if (HOOKS.indexOf(key) > -1) {
  1774. self.config[key] = arrayify(pluginConf[key]).map(bindToInstance).concat(self.config[key]);
  1775. } else if (typeof userConfig[key] === "undefined") self.config[key] = pluginConf[key];
  1776. }
  1777. }
  1778. triggerEvent("onParseConfig");
  1779. }
  1780. function setupLocale() {
  1781. if (typeof self.config.locale !== "object" && typeof flatpickr.l10ns[self.config.locale] === "undefined") self.config.errorHandler(new Error("flatpickr: invalid locale " + self.config.locale));
  1782. self.l10n = __assign({}, flatpickr.l10ns["default"], typeof self.config.locale === "object" ? self.config.locale : self.config.locale !== "default" ? flatpickr.l10ns[self.config.locale] : undefined);
  1783. tokenRegex.K = "(" + self.l10n.amPM[0] + "|" + self.l10n.amPM[1] + "|" + self.l10n.amPM[0].toLowerCase() + "|" + self.l10n.amPM[1].toLowerCase() + ")";
  1784. var userConfig = __assign({}, instanceConfig, JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(element.dataset || {})));
  1785. if (userConfig.time_24hr === undefined && flatpickr.defaultConfig.time_24hr === undefined) {
  1786. self.config.time_24hr = self.l10n.time_24hr;
  1787. }
  1788. self.formatDate = createDateFormatter(self);
  1789. self.parseDate = createDateParser({
  1790. config: self.config,
  1791. l10n: self.l10n
  1792. });
  1793. }
  1794. function positionCalendar(customPositionElement) {
  1795. if (self.calendarContainer === undefined) return;
  1796. triggerEvent("onPreCalendarPosition");
  1797. var positionElement = customPositionElement || self._positionElement;
  1798. var calendarHeight =, function (acc, child) {
  1799. return acc + child.offsetHeight;
  1800. }, 0),
  1801. calendarWidth = self.calendarContainer.offsetWidth,
  1802. configPos = self.config.position.split(" "),
  1803. configPosVertical = configPos[0],
  1804. configPosHorizontal = configPos.length > 1 ? configPos[1] : null,
  1805. inputBounds = positionElement.getBoundingClientRect(),
  1806. distanceFromBottom = window.innerHeight - inputBounds.bottom,
  1807. showOnTop = configPosVertical === "above" || configPosVertical !== "below" && distanceFromBottom < calendarHeight && > calendarHeight;
  1808. var top = window.pageYOffset + + (!showOnTop ? positionElement.offsetHeight + 2 : -calendarHeight - 2);
  1809. toggleClass(self.calendarContainer, "arrowTop", !showOnTop);
  1810. toggleClass(self.calendarContainer, "arrowBottom", showOnTop);
  1811. if (self.config.inline) return;
  1812. var left = window.pageXOffset + inputBounds.left - (configPosHorizontal != null && configPosHorizontal === "center" ? (calendarWidth - inputBounds.width) / 2 : 0);
  1813. var right = window.document.body.offsetWidth - (window.pageXOffset + inputBounds.right);
  1814. var rightMost = left + calendarWidth > window.document.body.offsetWidth;
  1815. var centerMost = right + calendarWidth > window.document.body.offsetWidth;
  1816. toggleClass(self.calendarContainer, "rightMost", rightMost);
  1817. if (self.config.static) return;
  1818. = top + "px";
  1819. if (!rightMost) {
  1820. = left + "px";
  1821. = "auto";
  1822. } else if (!centerMost) {
  1823. = "auto";
  1824. = right + "px";
  1825. } else {
  1826. var doc = document.styleSheets[0]; // some testing environments don't have css support
  1827. if (doc === undefined) return;
  1828. var bodyWidth = window.document.body.offsetWidth;
  1829. var centerLeft = Math.max(0, bodyWidth / 2 - calendarWidth / 2);
  1830. var centerBefore = ".flatpickr-calendar.centerMost:before";
  1831. var centerAfter = ".flatpickr-calendar.centerMost:after";
  1832. var centerIndex = doc.cssRules.length;
  1833. var centerStyle = "{left:" + inputBounds.left + "px;right:auto;}";
  1834. toggleClass(self.calendarContainer, "rightMost", false);
  1835. toggleClass(self.calendarContainer, "centerMost", true);
  1836. doc.insertRule(centerBefore + "," + centerAfter + centerStyle, centerIndex);
  1837. = centerLeft + "px";
  1838. = "auto";
  1839. }
  1840. }
  1841. function redraw() {
  1842. if (self.config.noCalendar || self.isMobile) return;
  1843. updateNavigationCurrentMonth();
  1844. buildDays();
  1845. }
  1846. function focusAndClose() {
  1847. self._input.focus();
  1848. if (window.navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE") !== -1 || navigator.msMaxTouchPoints !== undefined) {
  1849. // hack - bugs in the way IE handles focus keeps the calendar open
  1850. setTimeout(self.close, 0);
  1851. } else {
  1852. self.close();
  1853. }
  1854. }
  1855. function selectDate(e) {
  1856. e.preventDefault();
  1857. e.stopPropagation();
  1858. var isSelectable = function (day) {
  1859. return day.classList && day.classList.contains("flatpickr-day") && !day.classList.contains("flatpickr-disabled") && !day.classList.contains("notAllowed");
  1860. };
  1861. var t = findParent(, isSelectable);
  1862. if (t === undefined) return;
  1863. var target = t;
  1864. var selectedDate = self.latestSelectedDateObj = new Date(target.dateObj.getTime());
  1865. var shouldChangeMonth = (selectedDate.getMonth() < self.currentMonth || selectedDate.getMonth() > self.currentMonth + self.config.showMonths - 1) && self.config.mode !== "range";
  1866. self.selectedDateElem = target;
  1867. if (self.config.mode === "single") self.selectedDates = [selectedDate];else if (self.config.mode === "multiple") {
  1868. var selectedIndex = isDateSelected(selectedDate);
  1869. if (selectedIndex) self.selectedDates.splice(parseInt(selectedIndex), 1);else self.selectedDates.push(selectedDate);
  1870. } else if (self.config.mode === "range") {
  1871. if (self.selectedDates.length === 2) {
  1872. self.clear(false, false);
  1873. }
  1874. self.latestSelectedDateObj = selectedDate;
  1875. self.selectedDates.push(selectedDate); // unless selecting same date twice, sort ascendingly
  1876. if (compareDates(selectedDate, self.selectedDates[0], true) !== 0) self.selectedDates.sort(function (a, b) {
  1877. return a.getTime() - b.getTime();
  1878. });
  1879. }
  1880. setHoursFromInputs();
  1881. if (shouldChangeMonth) {
  1882. var isNewYear = self.currentYear !== selectedDate.getFullYear();
  1883. self.currentYear = selectedDate.getFullYear();
  1884. self.currentMonth = selectedDate.getMonth();
  1885. if (isNewYear) {
  1886. triggerEvent("onYearChange");
  1887. buildMonthSwitch();
  1888. }
  1889. triggerEvent("onMonthChange");
  1890. }
  1891. updateNavigationCurrentMonth();
  1892. buildDays();
  1893. updateValue();
  1894. if (self.config.enableTime) setTimeout(function () {
  1895. return self.showTimeInput = true;
  1896. }, 50); // maintain focus
  1897. if (!shouldChangeMonth && self.config.mode !== "range" && self.config.showMonths === 1) focusOnDayElem(target);else if (self.selectedDateElem !== undefined && self.hourElement === undefined) {
  1898. self.selectedDateElem && self.selectedDateElem.focus();
  1899. }
  1900. if (self.hourElement !== undefined) self.hourElement !== undefined && self.hourElement.focus();
  1901. if (self.config.closeOnSelect) {
  1902. var single = self.config.mode === "single" && !self.config.enableTime;
  1903. var range = self.config.mode === "range" && self.selectedDates.length === 2 && !self.config.enableTime;
  1904. if (single || range) {
  1905. focusAndClose();
  1906. }
  1907. }
  1908. triggerChange();
  1909. }
  1910. var CALLBACKS = {
  1911. locale: [setupLocale, updateWeekdays],
  1912. showMonths: [buildMonths, setCalendarWidth, buildWeekdays],
  1913. minDate: [jumpToDate],
  1914. maxDate: [jumpToDate]
  1915. };
  1916. function set(option, value) {
  1917. if (option !== null && typeof option === "object") {
  1918. Object.assign(self.config, option);
  1919. for (var key in option) {
  1920. if (CALLBACKS[key] !== undefined) CALLBACKS[key].forEach(function (x) {
  1921. return x();
  1922. });
  1923. }
  1924. } else {
  1925. self.config[option] = value;
  1926. if (CALLBACKS[option] !== undefined) CALLBACKS[option].forEach(function (x) {
  1927. return x();
  1928. });else if (HOOKS.indexOf(option) > -1) self.config[option] = arrayify(value);
  1929. }
  1930. self.redraw();
  1931. updateValue(false);
  1932. }
  1933. function setSelectedDate(inputDate, format) {
  1934. var dates = [];
  1935. if (inputDate instanceof Array) dates = (d) {
  1936. return self.parseDate(d, format);
  1937. });else if (inputDate instanceof Date || typeof inputDate === "number") dates = [self.parseDate(inputDate, format)];else if (typeof inputDate === "string") {
  1938. switch (self.config.mode) {
  1939. case "single":
  1940. case "time":
  1941. dates = [self.parseDate(inputDate, format)];
  1942. break;
  1943. case "multiple":
  1944. dates = inputDate.split(self.config.conjunction).map(function (date) {
  1945. return self.parseDate(date, format);
  1946. });
  1947. break;
  1948. case "range":
  1949. dates = inputDate.split(self.l10n.rangeSeparator).map(function (date) {
  1950. return self.parseDate(date, format);
  1951. });
  1952. break;
  1953. default:
  1954. break;
  1955. }
  1956. } else self.config.errorHandler(new Error("Invalid date supplied: " + JSON.stringify(inputDate)));
  1957. self.selectedDates = dates.filter(function (d) {
  1958. return d instanceof Date && isEnabled(d, false);
  1959. });
  1960. if (self.config.mode === "range") self.selectedDates.sort(function (a, b) {
  1961. return a.getTime() - b.getTime();
  1962. });
  1963. }
  1964. function setDate(date, triggerChange, format) {
  1965. if (triggerChange === void 0) {
  1966. triggerChange = false;
  1967. }
  1968. if (format === void 0) {
  1969. format = self.config.dateFormat;
  1970. }
  1971. if (date !== 0 && !date || date instanceof Array && date.length === 0) return self.clear(triggerChange);
  1972. setSelectedDate(date, format);
  1973. self.showTimeInput = self.selectedDates.length > 0;
  1974. self.latestSelectedDateObj = self.selectedDates[self.selectedDates.length - 1];
  1975. self.redraw();
  1976. jumpToDate();
  1977. setHoursFromDate();
  1978. if (self.selectedDates.length === 0) {
  1979. self.clear(false);
  1980. }
  1981. updateValue(triggerChange);
  1982. if (triggerChange) triggerEvent("onChange");
  1983. }
  1984. function parseDateRules(arr) {
  1985. return arr.slice().map(function (rule) {
  1986. if (typeof rule === "string" || typeof rule === "number" || rule instanceof Date) {
  1987. return self.parseDate(rule, undefined, true);
  1988. } else if (rule && typeof rule === "object" && rule.from && return {
  1989. from: self.parseDate(rule.from, undefined),
  1990. to: self.parseDate(, undefined)
  1991. };
  1992. return rule;
  1993. }).filter(function (x) {
  1994. return x;
  1995. }); // remove falsy values
  1996. }
  1997. function setupDates() {
  1998. self.selectedDates = [];
  1999. = self.parseDate( || new Date(); // Workaround IE11 setting placeholder as the input's value
  2000. var preloadedDate = self.config.defaultDate || ((self.input.nodeName === "INPUT" || self.input.nodeName === "TEXTAREA") && self.input.placeholder && self.input.value === self.input.placeholder ? null : self.input.value);
  2001. if (preloadedDate) setSelectedDate(preloadedDate, self.config.dateFormat);
  2002. self._initialDate = self.selectedDates.length > 0 ? self.selectedDates[0] : self.config.minDate && self.config.minDate.getTime() > ? self.config.minDate : self.config.maxDate && self.config.maxDate.getTime() < ? self.config.maxDate :;
  2003. self.currentYear = self._initialDate.getFullYear();
  2004. self.currentMonth = self._initialDate.getMonth();
  2005. if (self.selectedDates.length > 0) self.latestSelectedDateObj = self.selectedDates[0];
  2006. if (self.config.minTime !== undefined) self.config.minTime = self.parseDate(self.config.minTime, "H:i");
  2007. if (self.config.maxTime !== undefined) self.config.maxTime = self.parseDate(self.config.maxTime, "H:i");
  2008. self.minDateHasTime = !!self.config.minDate && (self.config.minDate.getHours() > 0 || self.config.minDate.getMinutes() > 0 || self.config.minDate.getSeconds() > 0);
  2009. self.maxDateHasTime = !!self.config.maxDate && (self.config.maxDate.getHours() > 0 || self.config.maxDate.getMinutes() > 0 || self.config.maxDate.getSeconds() > 0);
  2010. Object.defineProperty(self, "showTimeInput", {
  2011. get: function () {
  2012. return self._showTimeInput;
  2013. },
  2014. set: function (bool) {
  2015. self._showTimeInput = bool;
  2016. if (self.calendarContainer) toggleClass(self.calendarContainer, "showTimeInput", bool);
  2017. self.isOpen && positionCalendar();
  2018. }
  2019. });
  2020. }
  2021. function setupInputs() {
  2022. self.input = self.config.wrap ? element.querySelector("[data-input]") : element;
  2023. /* istanbul ignore next */
  2024. if (!self.input) {
  2025. self.config.errorHandler(new Error("Invalid input element specified"));
  2026. return;
  2027. } // hack: store previous type to restore it after destroy()
  2028. self.input._type = self.input.type;
  2029. self.input.type = "text";
  2030. self.input.classList.add("flatpickr-input");
  2031. self._input = self.input;
  2032. if (self.config.altInput) {
  2033. // replicate self.element
  2034. self.altInput = createElement(self.input.nodeName, self.config.altInputClass);
  2035. self._input = self.altInput;
  2036. self.altInput.placeholder = self.input.placeholder;
  2037. self.altInput.disabled = self.input.disabled;
  2038. self.altInput.required = self.input.required;
  2039. self.altInput.tabIndex = self.input.tabIndex;
  2040. self.altInput.type = "text";
  2041. self.input.setAttribute("type", "hidden");
  2042. if (!self.config.static && self.input.parentNode) self.input.parentNode.insertBefore(self.altInput, self.input.nextSibling);
  2043. }
  2044. if (!self.config.allowInput) self._input.setAttribute("readonly", "readonly");
  2045. self._positionElement = self.config.positionElement || self._input;
  2046. }
  2047. function setupMobile() {
  2048. var inputType = self.config.enableTime ? self.config.noCalendar ? "time" : "datetime-local" : "date";
  2049. self.mobileInput = createElement("input", self.input.className + " flatpickr-mobile");
  2050. self.mobileInput.step = self.input.getAttribute("step") || "any";
  2051. self.mobileInput.tabIndex = 1;
  2052. self.mobileInput.type = inputType;
  2053. self.mobileInput.disabled = self.input.disabled;
  2054. self.mobileInput.required = self.input.required;
  2055. self.mobileInput.placeholder = self.input.placeholder;
  2056. self.mobileFormatStr = inputType === "datetime-local" ? "Y-m-d\\TH:i:S" : inputType === "date" ? "Y-m-d" : "H:i:S";
  2057. if (self.selectedDates.length > 0) {
  2058. self.mobileInput.defaultValue = self.mobileInput.value = self.formatDate(self.selectedDates[0], self.mobileFormatStr);
  2059. }
  2060. if (self.config.minDate) self.mobileInput.min = self.formatDate(self.config.minDate, "Y-m-d");
  2061. if (self.config.maxDate) self.mobileInput.max = self.formatDate(self.config.maxDate, "Y-m-d");
  2062. self.input.type = "hidden";
  2063. if (self.altInput !== undefined) self.altInput.type = "hidden";
  2064. try {
  2065. if (self.input.parentNode) self.input.parentNode.insertBefore(self.mobileInput, self.input.nextSibling);
  2066. } catch (_a) {}
  2067. bind(self.mobileInput, "change", function (e) {
  2068. self.setDate(, false, self.mobileFormatStr);
  2069. triggerEvent("onChange");
  2070. triggerEvent("onClose");
  2071. });
  2072. }
  2073. function toggle(e) {
  2074. if (self.isOpen === true) return self.close();
  2076. }
  2077. function triggerEvent(event, data) {
  2078. // If the instance has been destroyed already, all hooks have been removed
  2079. if (self.config === undefined) return;
  2080. var hooks = self.config[event];
  2081. if (hooks !== undefined && hooks.length > 0) {
  2082. for (var i = 0; hooks[i] && i < hooks.length; i++) hooks[i](self.selectedDates, self.input.value, self, data);
  2083. }
  2084. if (event === "onChange") {
  2085. self.input.dispatchEvent(createEvent("change")); // many front-end frameworks bind to the input event
  2086. self.input.dispatchEvent(createEvent("input"));
  2087. }
  2088. }
  2089. function createEvent(name) {
  2090. var e = document.createEvent("Event");
  2091. e.initEvent(name, true, true);
  2092. return e;
  2093. }
  2094. function isDateSelected(date) {
  2095. for (var i = 0; i < self.selectedDates.length; i++) {
  2096. if (compareDates(self.selectedDates[i], date) === 0) return "" + i;
  2097. }
  2098. return false;
  2099. }
  2100. function isDateInRange(date) {
  2101. if (self.config.mode !== "range" || self.selectedDates.length < 2) return false;
  2102. return compareDates(date, self.selectedDates[0]) >= 0 && compareDates(date, self.selectedDates[1]) <= 0;
  2103. }
  2104. function updateNavigationCurrentMonth() {
  2105. if (self.config.noCalendar || self.isMobile || !self.monthNav) return;
  2106. self.yearElements.forEach(function (yearElement, i) {
  2107. var d = new Date(self.currentYear, self.currentMonth, 1);
  2108. d.setMonth(self.currentMonth + i);
  2109. if (self.config.showMonths > 1 || self.config.monthSelectorType === "static") {
  2110. self.monthElements[i].textContent = monthToStr(d.getMonth(), self.config.shorthandCurrentMonth, self.l10n) + " ";
  2111. } else {
  2112. self.monthsDropdownContainer.value = d.getMonth().toString();
  2113. }
  2114. yearElement.value = d.getFullYear().toString();
  2115. });
  2116. self._hidePrevMonthArrow = self.config.minDate !== undefined && (self.currentYear === self.config.minDate.getFullYear() ? self.currentMonth <= self.config.minDate.getMonth() : self.currentYear < self.config.minDate.getFullYear());
  2117. self._hideNextMonthArrow = self.config.maxDate !== undefined && (self.currentYear === self.config.maxDate.getFullYear() ? self.currentMonth + 1 > self.config.maxDate.getMonth() : self.currentYear > self.config.maxDate.getFullYear());
  2118. }
  2119. function getDateStr(format) {
  2120. return (dObj) {
  2121. return self.formatDate(dObj, format);
  2122. }).filter(function (d, i, arr) {
  2123. return self.config.mode !== "range" || self.config.enableTime || arr.indexOf(d) === i;
  2124. }).join(self.config.mode !== "range" ? self.config.conjunction : self.l10n.rangeSeparator);
  2125. }
  2126. /**
  2127. * Updates the values of inputs associated with the calendar
  2128. */
  2129. function updateValue(triggerChange) {
  2130. if (triggerChange === void 0) {
  2131. triggerChange = true;
  2132. }
  2133. if (self.mobileInput !== undefined && self.mobileFormatStr) {
  2134. self.mobileInput.value = self.latestSelectedDateObj !== undefined ? self.formatDate(self.latestSelectedDateObj, self.mobileFormatStr) : "";
  2135. }
  2136. self.input.value = getDateStr(self.config.dateFormat);
  2137. if (self.altInput !== undefined) {
  2138. self.altInput.value = getDateStr(self.config.altFormat);
  2139. }
  2140. if (triggerChange !== false) triggerEvent("onValueUpdate");
  2141. }
  2142. function onMonthNavClick(e) {
  2143. var isPrevMonth = self.prevMonthNav.contains(;
  2144. var isNextMonth = self.nextMonthNav.contains(;
  2145. if (isPrevMonth || isNextMonth) {
  2146. changeMonth(isPrevMonth ? -1 : 1);
  2147. } else if (self.yearElements.indexOf( >= 0) {
  2149. } else if ("arrowUp")) {
  2150. self.changeYear(self.currentYear + 1);
  2151. } else if ("arrowDown")) {
  2152. self.changeYear(self.currentYear - 1);
  2153. }
  2154. }
  2155. function timeWrapper(e) {
  2156. e.preventDefault();
  2157. var isKeyDown = e.type === "keydown",
  2158. input =;
  2159. if (self.amPM !== undefined && === self.amPM) {
  2160. self.amPM.textContent = self.l10n.amPM[int(self.amPM.textContent === self.l10n.amPM[0])];
  2161. }
  2162. var min = parseFloat(input.getAttribute("min")),
  2163. max = parseFloat(input.getAttribute("max")),
  2164. step = parseFloat(input.getAttribute("step")),
  2165. curValue = parseInt(input.value, 10),
  2166. delta = || (isKeyDown ? e.which === 38 ? 1 : -1 : 0);
  2167. var newValue = curValue + step * delta;
  2168. if (typeof input.value !== "undefined" && input.value.length === 2) {
  2169. var isHourElem = input === self.hourElement,
  2170. isMinuteElem = input === self.minuteElement;
  2171. if (newValue < min) {
  2172. newValue = max + newValue + int(!isHourElem) + (int(isHourElem) && int(!self.amPM));
  2173. if (isMinuteElem) incrementNumInput(undefined, -1, self.hourElement);
  2174. } else if (newValue > max) {
  2175. newValue = input === self.hourElement ? newValue - max - int(!self.amPM) : min;
  2176. if (isMinuteElem) incrementNumInput(undefined, 1, self.hourElement);
  2177. }
  2178. if (self.amPM && isHourElem && (step === 1 ? newValue + curValue === 23 : Math.abs(newValue - curValue) > step)) {
  2179. self.amPM.textContent = self.l10n.amPM[int(self.amPM.textContent === self.l10n.amPM[0])];
  2180. }
  2181. input.value = pad(newValue);
  2182. }
  2183. }
  2184. init();
  2185. return self;
  2186. }
  2187. /* istanbul ignore next */
  2188. function _flatpickr(nodeList, config) {
  2189. // static list
  2190. var nodes = (x) {
  2191. return x instanceof HTMLElement;
  2192. });
  2193. var instances = [];
  2194. for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
  2195. var node = nodes[i];
  2196. try {
  2197. if (node.getAttribute("data-fp-omit") !== null) continue;
  2198. if (node._flatpickr !== undefined) {
  2199. node._flatpickr.destroy();
  2200. node._flatpickr = undefined;
  2201. }
  2202. node._flatpickr = FlatpickrInstance(node, config || {});
  2203. instances.push(node._flatpickr);
  2204. } catch (e) {
  2205. console.error(e);
  2206. }
  2207. }
  2208. return instances.length === 1 ? instances[0] : instances;
  2209. }
  2210. /* istanbul ignore next */
  2211. if (typeof HTMLElement !== "undefined" && typeof HTMLCollection !== "undefined" && typeof NodeList !== "undefined") {
  2212. // browser env
  2213. HTMLCollection.prototype.flatpickr = NodeList.prototype.flatpickr = function (config) {
  2214. return _flatpickr(this, config);
  2215. };
  2216. HTMLElement.prototype.flatpickr = function (config) {
  2217. return _flatpickr([this], config);
  2218. };
  2219. }
  2220. /* istanbul ignore next */
  2221. var flatpickr = function (selector, config) {
  2222. if (typeof selector === "string") {
  2223. return _flatpickr(window.document.querySelectorAll(selector), config);
  2224. } else if (selector instanceof Node) {
  2225. return _flatpickr([selector], config);
  2226. } else {
  2227. return _flatpickr(selector, config);
  2228. }
  2229. };
  2230. /* istanbul ignore next */
  2231. flatpickr.defaultConfig = {};
  2232. flatpickr.l10ns = {
  2233. en: __assign({}, english),
  2234. "default": __assign({}, english)
  2235. };
  2236. flatpickr.localize = function (l10n) {
  2237. flatpickr.l10ns["default"] = __assign({}, flatpickr.l10ns["default"], l10n);
  2238. };
  2239. flatpickr.setDefaults = function (config) {
  2240. flatpickr.defaultConfig = __assign({}, flatpickr.defaultConfig, config);
  2241. };
  2242. flatpickr.parseDate = createDateParser({});
  2243. flatpickr.formatDate = createDateFormatter({});
  2244. flatpickr.compareDates = compareDates;
  2245. /* istanbul ignore next */
  2246. if (typeof jQuery !== "undefined" && typeof jQuery.fn !== "undefined") {
  2247. jQuery.fn.flatpickr = function (config) {
  2248. return _flatpickr(this, config);
  2249. };
  2250. } // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/camelcase
  2251. Date.prototype.fp_incr = function (days) {
  2252. return new Date(this.getFullYear(), this.getMonth(), this.getDate() + (typeof days === "string" ? parseInt(days, 10) : days));
  2253. };
  2254. if (typeof window !== "undefined") {
  2255. window.flatpickr = flatpickr;
  2256. }
  2257. return flatpickr;
  2258. });
  2259. },{}],"scripts/main.js":[function(require,module,exports) {
  2260. "use strict";
  2261. var _flatpickr = _interopRequireDefault(require("flatpickr"));
  2262. function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; }
  2263. var initSwitcher = function initSwitcher(gridMode, listMode, content) {
  2264. var activeClass = 'active';
  2265. var displayList = 'display_list';
  2266. var displayGrid = 'display_grid';
  2267. var toggleSwitch = function toggleSwitch(btn, className) {
  2268. btn.classList.toggle(activeClass);
  2269. content.classList.toggle(className);
  2270. };
  2271. var active = listMode;
  2272. var eventListener = function eventListener(oldBtn, oldClass, newBtn, newClass) {
  2273. return function () {
  2274. if (active !== newBtn) {
  2275. active = newBtn; // remove old state
  2276. toggleSwitch(oldBtn, oldClass); // add new state
  2277. toggleSwitch(newBtn, newClass);
  2278. }
  2279. };
  2280. };
  2281. gridMode.addEventListener('click', eventListener(listMode, displayList, gridMode, displayGrid));
  2282. listMode.addEventListener('click', eventListener(gridMode, displayGrid, listMode, displayList));
  2283. };
  2284. initSwitcher(document.getElementById('mode-switcher-grid'), document.getElementById('mode-switcher-list'), document.getElementById('content'));
  2285. var initDatepicker = function initDatepicker(id) {
  2286. (0, _flatpickr.default)(id, {
  2287. dateFormat: "Y-m-d",
  2288. wrap: true,
  2289. weekNumbers: true
  2290. });
  2291. };
  2292. initDatepicker('#from-date');
  2293. initDatepicker('#to-date');
  2294. },{"flatpickr":"node_modules/flatpickr/dist/flatpickr.js"}],"node_modules/parcel/src/builtins/hmr-runtime.js":[function(require,module,exports) {
  2295. var global = arguments[3];
  2296. var OVERLAY_ID = '__parcel__error__overlay__';
  2297. var OldModule = module.bundle.Module;
  2298. function Module(moduleName) {
  2299., moduleName);
  2300. = {
  2301. data: module.bundle.hotData,
  2302. _acceptCallbacks: [],
  2303. _disposeCallbacks: [],
  2304. accept: function (fn) {
  2305. this._acceptCallbacks.push(fn || function () {});
  2306. },
  2307. dispose: function (fn) {
  2308. this._disposeCallbacks.push(fn);
  2309. }
  2310. };
  2311. module.bundle.hotData = null;
  2312. }
  2313. module.bundle.Module = Module;
  2314. var checkedAssets, assetsToAccept;
  2315. var parent = module.bundle.parent;
  2316. if ((!parent || !parent.isParcelRequire) && typeof WebSocket !== 'undefined') {
  2317. var hostname = "" || location.hostname;
  2318. var protocol = location.protocol === 'https:' ? 'wss' : 'ws';
  2319. var ws = new WebSocket(protocol + '://' + hostname + ':' + "53056" + '/');
  2320. ws.onmessage = function (event) {
  2321. checkedAssets = {};
  2322. assetsToAccept = [];
  2323. var data = JSON.parse(;
  2324. if (data.type === 'update') {
  2325. var handled = false;
  2326. data.assets.forEach(function (asset) {
  2327. if (!asset.isNew) {
  2328. var didAccept = hmrAcceptCheck(global.parcelRequire,;
  2329. if (didAccept) {
  2330. handled = true;
  2331. }
  2332. }
  2333. }); // Enable HMR for CSS by default.
  2334. handled = handled || data.assets.every(function (asset) {
  2335. return asset.type === 'css' && asset.generated.js;
  2336. });
  2337. if (handled) {
  2338. console.clear();
  2339. data.assets.forEach(function (asset) {
  2340. hmrApply(global.parcelRequire, asset);
  2341. });
  2342. assetsToAccept.forEach(function (v) {
  2343. hmrAcceptRun(v[0], v[1]);
  2344. });
  2345. } else if (location.reload) {
  2346. // `location` global exists in a web worker context but lacks `.reload()` function.
  2347. location.reload();
  2348. }
  2349. }
  2350. if (data.type === 'reload') {
  2351. ws.close();
  2352. ws.onclose = function () {
  2353. location.reload();
  2354. };
  2355. }
  2356. if (data.type === 'error-resolved') {
  2357. console.log('[parcel] ✨ Error resolved');
  2358. removeErrorOverlay();
  2359. }
  2360. if (data.type === 'error') {
  2361. console.error('[parcel] 🚨 ' + data.error.message + '\n' + data.error.stack);
  2362. removeErrorOverlay();
  2363. var overlay = createErrorOverlay(data);
  2364. document.body.appendChild(overlay);
  2365. }
  2366. };
  2367. }
  2368. function removeErrorOverlay() {
  2369. var overlay = document.getElementById(OVERLAY_ID);
  2370. if (overlay) {
  2371. overlay.remove();
  2372. }
  2373. }
  2374. function createErrorOverlay(data) {
  2375. var overlay = document.createElement('div');
  2376. = OVERLAY_ID; // html encode message and stack trace
  2377. var message = document.createElement('div');
  2378. var stackTrace = document.createElement('pre');
  2379. message.innerText = data.error.message;
  2380. stackTrace.innerText = data.error.stack;
  2381. overlay.innerHTML = '<div style="background: black; font-size: 16px; color: white; position: fixed; height: 100%; width: 100%; top: 0px; left: 0px; padding: 30px; opacity: 0.85; font-family: Menlo, Consolas, monospace; z-index: 9999;">' + '<span style="background: red; padding: 2px 4px; border-radius: 2px;">ERROR</span>' + '<span style="top: 2px; margin-left: 5px; position: relative;">🚨</span>' + '<div style="font-size: 18px; font-weight: bold; margin-top: 20px;">' + message.innerHTML + '</div>' + '<pre>' + stackTrace.innerHTML + '</pre>' + '</div>';
  2382. return overlay;
  2383. }
  2384. function getParents(bundle, id) {
  2385. var modules = bundle.modules;
  2386. if (!modules) {
  2387. return [];
  2388. }
  2389. var parents = [];
  2390. var k, d, dep;
  2391. for (k in modules) {
  2392. for (d in modules[k][1]) {
  2393. dep = modules[k][1][d];
  2394. if (dep === id || Array.isArray(dep) && dep[dep.length - 1] === id) {
  2395. parents.push(k);
  2396. }
  2397. }
  2398. }
  2399. if (bundle.parent) {
  2400. parents = parents.concat(getParents(bundle.parent, id));
  2401. }
  2402. return parents;
  2403. }
  2404. function hmrApply(bundle, asset) {
  2405. var modules = bundle.modules;
  2406. if (!modules) {
  2407. return;
  2408. }
  2409. if (modules[] || !bundle.parent) {
  2410. var fn = new Function('require', 'module', 'exports', asset.generated.js);
  2411. asset.isNew = !modules[];
  2412. modules[] = [fn, asset.deps];
  2413. } else if (bundle.parent) {
  2414. hmrApply(bundle.parent, asset);
  2415. }
  2416. }
  2417. function hmrAcceptCheck(bundle, id) {
  2418. var modules = bundle.modules;
  2419. if (!modules) {
  2420. return;
  2421. }
  2422. if (!modules[id] && bundle.parent) {
  2423. return hmrAcceptCheck(bundle.parent, id);
  2424. }
  2425. if (checkedAssets[id]) {
  2426. return;
  2427. }
  2428. checkedAssets[id] = true;
  2429. var cached = bundle.cache[id];
  2430. assetsToAccept.push([bundle, id]);
  2431. if (cached && && {
  2432. return true;
  2433. }
  2434. return getParents(global.parcelRequire, id).some(function (id) {
  2435. return hmrAcceptCheck(global.parcelRequire, id);
  2436. });
  2437. }
  2438. function hmrAcceptRun(bundle, id) {
  2439. var cached = bundle.cache[id];
  2440. bundle.hotData = {};
  2441. if (cached) {
  2442. = bundle.hotData;
  2443. }
  2444. if (cached && && {
  2445. (cb) {
  2446. cb(bundle.hotData);
  2447. });
  2448. }
  2449. delete bundle.cache[id];
  2450. bundle(id);
  2451. cached = bundle.cache[id];
  2452. if (cached && && {
  2453. (cb) {
  2454. cb();
  2455. });
  2456. return true;
  2457. }
  2458. }
  2459. },{}]},{},["node_modules/parcel/src/builtins/hmr-runtime.js","scripts/main.js"], null)
  2460. //# sourceMappingURL=/