@@ -1,166 +1,80 @@
-import { EditOutlined } from "@ant-design/icons"
-import { Button, Divider, Input } from "antd"
-import TextArea from "antd/lib/input/TextArea"
-import Paragraph from "antd/lib/typography/Paragraph"
-import Text from "antd/lib/typography/Text"
+import { Button, Divider, Input, message } from "antd"
import Title from "antd/lib/typography/Title"
import { useEffect, useState } from "react"
import { connect } from "react-redux"
-import { actionSentPost, actionsentPostAC } from "../actions"
+import { actionFindPostOne, actionFullSentPost, actionRemovePostsFeedAC } from "../actions"
import { EditPhotos } from "../components/uploadPhoto"
+import { EditDescriptionPost } from "../components/uploadPhoto/EditDescriptionPost"
+import { EditTitlePost } from "../components/uploadPhoto/EditTitlePost"
+import { Container } from "./Content"
+import { history } from '../App'
-const ContainEditorPost = ({ children }) =>
- <div className='ContainErditorPost'>{children}</div>
-const EditTitlePost = ({ titleSend, setTitleSend }) => {
- const [title, setTitle] = useState(titleSend || 'Enter title')
- const [error, setError] = useState(false)
- const [editMode, setEditMode] = useState(false)
- const addTaskHandler = () => {
- if (title.trim() !== '') {
- setTitleSend(title.trim())
- setEditMode(false)
- } else {
- setError(true)
- setTitleSend('')
- }
- }
- const titleInputHandler = () => {
- setEditMode(true)
- }
- const titleInputHandlerClose = () => {
- addTaskHandler()
- }
+const ContainEditorPost = ({ children }) =>
+ <div className='ContainEditorPost'>{children}</div>
- const onChangeTask = (e) => {
- setTitle(e.currentTarget.value)
- setError(false)
- }
- const onKeyPressAddTask = (e) => {
- if (e.charCode === 13) {
- addTaskHandler()
- }
- }
- return (
- <>
- <Divider orientation="left" orientationMargin="0">
- <Title level={3}>Title
- <Button type="link" onClick={titleInputHandler}><EditOutlined /></Button></Title>
- </Divider>
- {error && <Text type="danger">Field must not be empty</Text>}
- {editMode
- ? <Input
- value={title}
- placeholder="title"
- onChange={onChangeTask}
- // className={s.input + ' ' + (error && s.error)}
- autoFocus onBlur={titleInputHandlerClose}
- onKeyPress={onKeyPressAddTask}
- />
- : <Title level={5} onDoubleClick={titleInputHandler}>
- {title}
- </Title>
- }
- </>)
-const EditDescriptionPost = ({ description, setDescription }) => {
- const [text, setText] = useState(description || 'Enter descriptin');
- const [error, setError] = useState(false)
- const [editMode, setEditMode] = useState(false)
- const addTaskHandler = () => {
- if (text.trim() !== '') {
- setDescription(text)
- setEditMode(false)
- } else {
- setError(true)
- setDescription('')
- }
- }
- const textInputHandler = () => {
- setEditMode(true)
- }
+const EntityEditorPost = ({ match: { params: { _id } }, myID, entity, status, onSave, findPostOne, clearState }) => {
+ const [photos, setPhotos] = useState(entity?.images || []);
+ const [titleSend, setTitleSend] = useState(entity?.title || '')
+ const [description, setDescription] = useState(entity?.text || '');
- const textInputHandlerClose = () => {
- addTaskHandler()
- }
+ useEffect(() => {
+ if (_id !== 'new')
+ findPostOne(_id)
+ return () => {
+ clearState()
+ };
+ }, []);
- const onChangeTask = (e) => {
- setText(e.currentTarget.value)
- setError(false)
- }
+ useEffect(() => {
+ setPhotos(entity?.images || [])
+ setTitleSend(entity?.title || '')
+ setDescription(entity?.text || '')
+ }, [entity]);
- const onKeyPressAddTask = (e) => {
- if (e.shiftKey && e.charCode === 13) {
- setText(text += `'\n'`)
- } else if (e.charCode === 13) {
- addTaskHandler()
+ useEffect(() => {
+ if (status === "RESOLVED") {
+ message.success(`post published, can create a new one`)
+ history.push(`/profile/${myID}`)
- }
- return (
- <>
- <Divider orientation="left" orientationMargin="0">
- <Title level={3}>Description
- <Button type="link" onClick={textInputHandler}><EditOutlined /></Button></Title>
- </Divider>
- {error && <Text type="danger">Field must not be empty</Text>}
- {editMode
- ? <TextArea
- placeholder="Description"
- autoSize={{ minRows: 3, maxRows: 5 }}
- value={text}
- onChange={onChangeTask}
- autoFocus onBlur={textInputHandlerClose}
- onKeyPress={onKeyPressAddTask}
- />
- : <Paragraph className="description" onDoubleClick={textInputHandler}>
- {text}
- </Paragraph>
- }
- </>)
-const EntityEditorPost = ({ entity = { array: [] }, onSave }) => {
+ }, [status])
+ const disabledBtn = photos.length && titleSend && description ? false : true
- const [photos, setPhotos] = useState([]);
- const [titleSend, setTitleSend] = useState('')
- const [description, setDescription] = useState('');
- // photos.length && titleSend && description ? : true
- const disabledBtn = false
const sentPost = () => {
- const [newphotos ]= photos.map(ph => {
- return { _id: ph._id }
- })
+ onSave(photos, titleSend, description)
- onSave(newphotos, titleSend, description);
- // const sentPost = () => {
- // const newphotos = photos.map(ph => {
- // return { _id: ph._id }
- // })
- // console.log(result)
- // }
return (
- <ContainEditorPost>
- <h1 className="title" level={1}>Create / edit Post</h1>
- <Divider orientation="left" orientationMargin="0"><Title level={3}>Photos</Title></Divider>
- <EditPhotos photos={photos} setPhotos={setPhotos} />
- <EditTitlePost titleSend={titleSend} setTitleSend={setTitleSend} />
- <EditDescriptionPost description={description} setDescription={setDescription} />
- <Divider orientation="right"> <Button disabled={disabledBtn} type="primary" onClick={sentPost}>Send a Post</Button></Divider>
- </ContainEditorPost>
+ <Container >
+ <ContainEditorPost>
+ <h1 className="title" level={1}>Create / edit Post</h1>
+ <Divider orientation="left" orientationMargin="0"><Title level={3}>Photos</Title></Divider>
+ <EditPhotos photos={photos} setPhotos={setPhotos} />
+ <EditTitlePost titleSend={titleSend} setTitleSend={setTitleSend} />
+ <EditDescriptionPost description={description} setDescription={setDescription} />
+ <Divider orientation="right"> <Button disabled={disabledBtn} type="primary" onClick={sentPost}>Send a Post</Button></Divider>
+ </ContainEditorPost>
+ </ Container>
-export const CEntityEditorPost = connect(null, { onSave: actionSentPost })(EntityEditorPost)
+export const CEntityEditorPost = connect(state => ({
+ myID: state?.auth?.payload?.sub?.id,
+ entity: state?.postsFeed?.posts,
+ status: state?.promise?.sentPost?.status
+ {
+ onSave: actionFullSentPost,
+ findPostOne: actionFindPostOne,
+ clearState: actionRemovePostsFeedAC,
+ })(EntityEditorPost)