let exersice = prompt("Chose exersice: \n switch: sizes - 1 \n switch: if - 2 \n prompt: or - 3 \n confirm: or this days - 4 \n confirm: if this days - 5\n triple prompt + default: or - 6 \n default: if - 7 \n login and password - 8 \n currency calc + currency calc: improved + currency calc: two rates - 9\n corrency calc: if - 10 \n scissors - 11 \n blue belt - 12 \n black belt - 13" ) switch (exersice){ case "1": searchSize(); break; case "2": color(); break; case "3": year(); break; case "4": Shopping(); break; case "5": ShoppingIf(); break; case "6": yourName(); break; case "7": yourNameSecond(); break; case "8": Log(); break; case "9": currencyCalc(); break; case "10": currencyCalc2(); break; case "11": scissors(); break; case "12": blueBelt(); break; case "13": blackBelt(); break; default: alert("Error. Try again") } ////// ////switch: sizes 1 function searchSize (styleWear, firstMassive, firstSize) { sizeWear = { russia: [40, 42, 44, 46, 48, 50, 52, 54], USA: ["S", "M", "M", "L", "L", "XL", "XL", "XXL"] } womanSize = { russia: [42 ,44, 46, 48, 50, 52, 54, 56], USA: ["XXS", "XS", "S", "M", "L", "XL", "XXL", "XXXL"] } sizeStockings = { russia: [21, 21, 23, 23, 25, 25, 27], USA: [8, 8.5, 9, 9.5, 10, 10.5, 11] } styleWear = prompt("What size chart do you need?(dress/outerwear/pants - 1, lingerie - 2, tights/stockings - 3", ""); switch (styleWear) { case "1": styleWear = sizeWear, firstMassive = sizeWear.russia; break; case "2": styleWear = womanSize, firstMassive = womanSize.russia; break; case "3": styleWear = sizeStockings, firstMassive = sizeStockings.russia; break; default: alert ("Error. Please try again"); return } firstSize = +prompt("Please give me your size in Russia/Urkaine style"); firstSize = firstMassive.indexOf(firstSize) if (firstSize == -1) { return alert("Error. Please check your data") } alert ("Your size in USA chart is " + styleWear.USA[firstSize]) } // searchSize() /////// ////// ////switch: if 2 function color() { let color = prompt("Введите цвет",""); if (color === "red") { document.write("
") document.write("
") } else if (color === "black") { document.write("
") } else if (color === "blue") { document.write("
") document.write("
") } else if ( color === "green") { document.write("
") } else { document.write("
Я не понял
") } } // color() //////// /////// ///prompt: or 3 function year (yearBorn) { var today = new Date(); var year = today.getFullYear(); yearBorn = + prompt ("How old are you?"); if (yearBorn == null || yearBorn == undefined || isNaN(yearBorn) || yearBorn == false) { return alert("Error. Please try again") } else { yearBorn = year - yearBorn; return alert ("The year when you're born is " + yearBorn) } } // year() //////// ///// //confirm: or this days 4 function Shopping() { (confirm ("Шопинг?")) ? alert("Уиии") : alert("Ты - бяка") } // Shopping() ////// /////// //confirm: if this days 5 function ShoppingIf (answer) { answer = confirm("Шопинг?") if (answer === false) { return alert("ты-бяка") } else { return alert ("Уиии") } } // ShoppingIf() //////// //////// //triple prompt //default: or 6 function yourName (surname, name, yourFather) { surname = prompt ("Напишите, пожалуйста, вашу фамилию") surname = surname ? surname : "Хренова" name = prompt("Напишите, пожалуйста, как вас зовут.") name = name ? name : "Гадя" yourFather = prompt ("Напишите, пожалуйста, ваше отчество") yourFather = yourFather ? yourFather : "Петрович" return alert ("Здравствуйте, " + name + " " + yourFather + " " + surname) } // yourName() //////// ///////// //defaut if 7 function yourNameSecond (surname, name, yourFather) { question1 = prompt ("Напишите, пожалуйста, вашу фамилию") if (question1 === null || question1 === "") { surname = "Хренова" } else { surname = question1} question2 = prompt("Напишите, пожалуйста, как вас зовут.") if (question2 === null || question2 === "") { name = "Гадя" } else { name = question2 } question3 = prompt ("Напишите, пожалуйста, ваше отчество") if (question3 === null || question3 === "") { yourFather = "Петрович" } else { yourFather = question3 } return alert ("Здравствуйте, " + name + " " + yourFather + " " + surname) } // yourNameSecond() ////////// //////// //login and password 8 function Log (yourLog, yourPass) { let login = "admin"; let password = "qwerty"; yourLog = prompt ("Please write correct login") if (yourLog === login){ yourPass = prompt ("Please write correct password") if (yourPass === password) { alert ("Congratulations! You're in.") } else { alert ("Error. The password is wrong. Please try again") } } else { return alert ("Error. The login is wrong. Please try again") } } // Log() ////////// ////////// ///currency calc ////currency calc: improved ////currency calc: two rates 9 function currencyCalc (yourChoise, yourCount, result) { let usd = [28.31, 28.39]; let eur = [33, 33.44]; yourChoise = prompt("Please chose usd or eur.").toLowerCase(); switch (yourChoise) { case "usd":yourChoise = usd; break; case "eur":yourChoise = eur; break; default: alert ("Error. Please try again"); return } confirm ("If you want to buy click on 'ok' and on 'cancel' if want to sell") ? yourChoise = yourChoise[0] : yourChoise = yourChoise[1]; yourCount = prompt("How much?"); result = yourCount * yourChoise; (isNaN(result) ? alert ("Error. Please check your data") : alert ("Your result is " + result)) } // currencyCalc() ///////// /////// //currency calc: if 10 function currencyCalc2 (yourChoise, yourCount, BuySell, result) { let usd = [28.31, 28.39]; let eur = [33, 33.44]; yourChoise = prompt("Please chose usd or eur.").toLowerCase(); if (yourChoise == "usd") { yourChoise = usd } else if ( yourChoise == "eur") { yourChoise = eur } else { return alert("Error. Please try again") } BuySell = confirm ("If you want to buy click on 'ok' and on 'cancel' if want to sell") if (BuySell === true) { yourChoise = yourChoise[0] } else { yourChoise = yourChoise[1] } yourCount = prompt("How much?"); if (isNaN(yourCount)) { return alert ("Error. Please cheack your data") } else { result = yourCount * yourChoise; return alert ("Your result is " + result) } } // currencyCalc2() //////// /////// //scissors 11 function scissors (yourMove, myMove){ let tools = ["rock", "scissors", "paper"]; yourMove = prompt("Your move. Chose rock, scissors or paper").toLowerCase(); myMove = tools[Math.floor(Math.random() * tools.length)]; if (yourMove === myMove) { return alert("Dead heat") } else if (yourMove == "rock"&& myMove == "scissors" || yourMove == "scissors"&& myMove == "paper" || yourMove == "paper"&& myMove == "rock" ) { return alert ("Congratulations. You're win") } else { return alert ("Sorry. You're lose") } } // scissors() ///////// ////// ///Задание на синий пояс 12 function blueBelt() { fetch('https://api.exchangeratesapi.io/latest') .then(res => res.json()) .then(d => { let yourChoisefirst = prompt("What do you want yo sell?").toUpperCase(); (yourChoisefirst === "EUR") ? yourChoisefirst = 1 : yourChoisefirst = (1 / d.rates[yourChoisefirst]); let yourChoisesecond = prompt("What do you want to buy?").toUpperCase(); (yourChoisesecond === "EUR") ? yourChoisesecond = 1 : yourChoisesecond = (1 / d.rates[yourChoisesecond]); let count = prompt("How much?"); let howMuch = (yourChoisefirst / yourChoisesecond * count).toFixed(2); if (isNaN(howMuch)) { return alert ("Error. Please check your data") } else { return alert(howMuch) } }) } // blueBelt() //// ////// ///Черный пояс 13 function blackBelt (yourMove, myMove){ let tools = ["rock", "scissors", "paper"]; yourMove = prompt("Your move. Chose rock, scissors or paper").toLowerCase(); myMove = tools[Math.floor(Math.random() * tools.length)]; (yourMove === "rock" || yourMove === "paper" || yourMove === "scissors") ? ((yourMove === myMove) ? alert ("Dead heat") : (yourMove == "rock"&& myMove == "scissors" || yourMove == "scissors"&& myMove == "paper" || yourMove == "paper"&& myMove == "rock" ) ? alert("You're win") : alert ("You're lose")) : alert ("Error. Try again") } // blackBelt() //////