/* let body ={ tagName: 'body', children: [ {tagName: 'div', children: [{tagName: 'span', children:["Enter a data please"]}, {tagName: 'input', attrs: {id: 'name',type:'text' }}, {tagName: 'input', attrs: {id: 'surname',type:'text' }}, {tagName: '/br'} ]}, {tagName: 'div', children: [{tagName: 'button', attrs:{id : 'id'}}, {tagName: 'button', attrs:{id: 'cancel'}} ]} ] } console.log(body.children[0].children[0].children); console.log(body.children[1].children[1].attrs.id); */ /*
1x1 1x2
2x1 2x2
*/ /* let table = { tagName : 'table', attrs : { border: '1' }, subTags: [ { tagName: 'tr', subTags: [{ tagName: 'td', textInCell: '1x1' }, { tagName:'td', textInCell: '1x2' }]}, { tagName: 'tr', subTags: [{ tagName: 'td', textInCell: '2x1' }, { tagName: 'td', textInCell: '2x2' }] } ] } console.log(table.subTags[0].subTags[0].textInCell); console.log(table.subTags[1].subTags[1].textInCell); */ /* let boddy = document.getElementById('body'); //multiplay table let table = document.createElement('table') let tbody = document.createElement('tbody') for(let rowIndex = 1; rowIndex<10; rowIndex++){ let rows = document.createElement('tr'); for(let cellIndex = 1; cellIndex<10; cellIndex++){ let cell = document.createElement('td'); let cellText = document.createTextNode(rowIndex*cellIndex); cell.appendChild(cellText); rows.appendChild(cell); } tbody.appendChild(rows); } table.appendChild(tbody); boddy.appendChild(table); */ /* let str = ''; for (let rowIndex = 1; rowIndex<10; rowIndex++){ str+=''; for(let cellIndex = 1; cellIndex<10; cellIndex++) { str+=``; } str+='' } str+='
'; document.write(str); */ /* let person = { name: prompt("Input your name", ""), surname: prompt("Input your surname", ""), married: confirm('You are married?'), } let notebook = { brand: prompt("Input brand of Notebook", ""), type: prompt("Input type of Notebook", ""), model: prompt("Input model of Notebook", ""), ram: +prompt("Input ram of Notebook", ""), size: prompt("Input size of Notebook", ""), weight: +prompt("Input weight of Notebook", ""), resolution: { width: +prompt("Input width of screen on Notebook", ""), height: +prompt("Input height of screen on Notebook", ""), }, }; let phone = { brand: prompt("Input brand of Phone", ""), model: prompt("Input model of Phone", ""), ram: +prompt("Input ram of Phone", ""), color: prompt("Input color of Phone", ""), }; person.notebook = notebook; notebook.owner = person; person.phone = phone; phone.owner = person; console.log(person.phone.owner.notebook.owner.phone == person.phone); */ /* let eternalLoop = confirm("press no pls") while(!eternalLoop){ eternalLoop = confirm("press no pls"); } */ /* infinite probability */ /* let i = 0; for(;;) { i++; if(Math.random() > 0.9){ alert(`count of iterations ${i}`); break; } } */ /* empty loop */ /* while(null == prompt('press no to continue', "")){ } */ /* cubes */ /* function promotionToHigherValue(arr,f) { let result = []; for(let item of arr) { result.push(f(item)); } console.log(result); } promotionToHigherValue([1,2,3,4,5], x => x**3); */ /* progression sum */ /* let sum = 0; let lengthOfProgression = +prompt("input length of prgression", ''); for (let i = 1; i<=lengthOfProgression; i+=3){ sum=sum + i; } alert(sum); */ /* how to write christmas tree */ /* const buildTree = tier => { // more interesting solution but for me hard understand to make it by myself let s = Array(tier - 1).join(' '); for (s = s + '#' + s; tier--; console.log(s), s = s.replace(/\s(#+)\s/, '#$1#')); } buildTree(15); /* from internet solution and that so hard to understand how that magic works*/ /* */ /* function pyramid(n) { for(let i = 1; i <= n; i++){ let s = ""; for(let j = 1; j<=(2*n -1); j++){ (j>= n+1-i && j<= n-1+i) ? s+="#" : s+="."; } console.log(s); } } pyramid(+prompt("input number of tree rows", '')); */