@@ -0,0 +1,558 @@
+declare module 'fs/promises' {
+ import { Abortable } from 'events';
+ import {
+ Stats,
+ BigIntStats,
+ StatOptions,
+ WriteVResult,
+ ReadVResult,
+ PathLike,
+ RmDirOptions,
+ RmOptions,
+ MakeDirectoryOptions,
+ Dirent,
+ OpenDirOptions,
+ Dir,
+ BaseEncodingOptions,
+ BufferEncodingOption,
+ OpenMode,
+ Mode,
+ } from 'fs';
+ interface FileHandle {
+ /**
+ * Gets the file descriptor for this file handle.
+ */
+ readonly fd: number;
+ /**
+ * Asynchronously append data to a file, creating the file if it does not exist. The underlying file will _not_ be closed automatically.
+ * The `FileHandle` must have been opened for appending.
+ * @param data The data to write. If something other than a `Buffer` or `Uint8Array` is provided, the value is coerced to a string.
+ * @param options Either the encoding for the file, or an object optionally specifying the encoding, file mode, and flag.
+ * If `encoding` is not supplied, the default of `'utf8'` is used.
+ * If `mode` is not supplied, the default of `0o666` is used.
+ * If `mode` is a string, it is parsed as an octal integer.
+ * If `flag` is not supplied, the default of `'a'` is used.
+ */
+ appendFile(data: string | Uint8Array, options?: BaseEncodingOptions & { mode?: Mode, flag?: OpenMode } | BufferEncoding | null): Promise<void>;
+ /**
+ * Asynchronous fchown(2) - Change ownership of a file.
+ */
+ chown(uid: number, gid: number): Promise<void>;
+ /**
+ * Asynchronous fchmod(2) - Change permissions of a file.
+ * @param mode A file mode. If a string is passed, it is parsed as an octal integer.
+ */
+ chmod(mode: Mode): Promise<void>;
+ /**
+ * Asynchronous fdatasync(2) - synchronize a file's in-core state with storage device.
+ */
+ datasync(): Promise<void>;
+ /**
+ * Asynchronous fsync(2) - synchronize a file's in-core state with the underlying storage device.
+ */
+ sync(): Promise<void>;
+ /**
+ * Asynchronously reads data from the file.
+ * The `FileHandle` must have been opened for reading.
+ * @param buffer The buffer that the data will be written to.
+ * @param offset The offset in the buffer at which to start writing.
+ * @param length The number of bytes to read.
+ * @param position The offset from the beginning of the file from which data should be read. If `null`, data will be read from the current position.
+ */
+ read<TBuffer extends Uint8Array>(buffer: TBuffer, offset?: number | null, length?: number | null, position?: number | null): Promise<{ bytesRead: number, buffer: TBuffer }>;
+ /**
+ * Asynchronously reads the entire contents of a file. The underlying file will _not_ be closed automatically.
+ * The `FileHandle` must have been opened for reading.
+ * @param options An object that may contain an optional flag.
+ * If a flag is not provided, it defaults to `'r'`.
+ */
+ readFile(options?: { encoding?: null, flag?: OpenMode } | null): Promise<Buffer>;
+ /**
+ * Asynchronously reads the entire contents of a file. The underlying file will _not_ be closed automatically.
+ * The `FileHandle` must have been opened for reading.
+ * @param options An object that may contain an optional flag.
+ * If a flag is not provided, it defaults to `'r'`.
+ */
+ readFile(options: { encoding: BufferEncoding, flag?: OpenMode } | BufferEncoding): Promise<string>;
+ /**
+ * Asynchronously reads the entire contents of a file. The underlying file will _not_ be closed automatically.
+ * The `FileHandle` must have been opened for reading.
+ * @param options An object that may contain an optional flag.
+ * If a flag is not provided, it defaults to `'r'`.
+ */
+ readFile(options?: BaseEncodingOptions & { flag?: OpenMode } | BufferEncoding | null): Promise<string | Buffer>;
+ /**
+ * Asynchronous fstat(2) - Get file status.
+ */
+ stat(opts?: StatOptions & { bigint?: false }): Promise<Stats>;
+ stat(opts: StatOptions & { bigint: true }): Promise<BigIntStats>;
+ stat(opts?: StatOptions): Promise<Stats | BigIntStats>;
+ /**
+ * Asynchronous ftruncate(2) - Truncate a file to a specified length.
+ * @param len If not specified, defaults to `0`.
+ */
+ truncate(len?: number): Promise<void>;
+ /**
+ * Asynchronously change file timestamps of the file.
+ * @param atime The last access time. If a string is provided, it will be coerced to number.
+ * @param mtime The last modified time. If a string is provided, it will be coerced to number.
+ */
+ utimes(atime: string | number | Date, mtime: string | number | Date): Promise<void>;
+ /**
+ * Asynchronously writes `buffer` to the file.
+ * The `FileHandle` must have been opened for writing.
+ * @param buffer The buffer that the data will be written to.
+ * @param offset The part of the buffer to be written. If not supplied, defaults to `0`.
+ * @param length The number of bytes to write. If not supplied, defaults to `buffer.length - offset`.
+ * @param position The offset from the beginning of the file where this data should be written. If not supplied, defaults to the current position.
+ */
+ write<TBuffer extends Uint8Array>(buffer: TBuffer, offset?: number | null, length?: number | null, position?: number | null): Promise<{ bytesWritten: number, buffer: TBuffer }>;
+ /**
+ * Asynchronously writes `string` to the file.
+ * The `FileHandle` must have been opened for writing.
+ * It is unsafe to call `write()` multiple times on the same file without waiting for the `Promise`
+ * to be resolved (or rejected). For this scenario, `fs.createWriteStream` is strongly recommended.
+ * @param string A string to write.
+ * @param position The offset from the beginning of the file where this data should be written. If not supplied, defaults to the current position.
+ * @param encoding The expected string encoding.
+ */
+ write(data: string | Uint8Array, position?: number | null, encoding?: BufferEncoding | null): Promise<{ bytesWritten: number, buffer: string }>;
+ /**
+ * Asynchronously writes data to a file, replacing the file if it already exists. The underlying file will _not_ be closed automatically.
+ * The `FileHandle` must have been opened for writing.
+ * It is unsafe to call `writeFile()` multiple times on the same file without waiting for the `Promise` to be resolved (or rejected).
+ * @param data The data to write. If something other than a `Buffer` or `Uint8Array` is provided, the value is coerced to a string.
+ * @param options Either the encoding for the file, or an object optionally specifying the encoding, file mode, and flag.
+ * If `encoding` is not supplied, the default of `'utf8'` is used.
+ * If `mode` is not supplied, the default of `0o666` is used.
+ * If `mode` is a string, it is parsed as an octal integer.
+ * If `flag` is not supplied, the default of `'w'` is used.
+ */
+ writeFile(data: string | Uint8Array, options?: BaseEncodingOptions & { mode?: Mode, flag?: OpenMode } & Abortable | BufferEncoding | null): Promise<void>;
+ /**
+ * See `fs.writev` promisified version.
+ */
+ writev(buffers: ReadonlyArray<NodeJS.ArrayBufferView>, position?: number): Promise<WriteVResult>;
+ /**
+ * See `fs.readv` promisified version.
+ */
+ readv(buffers: ReadonlyArray<NodeJS.ArrayBufferView>, position?: number): Promise<ReadVResult>;
+ /**
+ * Asynchronous close(2) - close a `FileHandle`.
+ */
+ close(): Promise<void>;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Asynchronously tests a user's permissions for the file specified by path.
+ * @param path A path to a file or directory. If a URL is provided, it must use the `file:` protocol.
+ * URL support is _experimental_.
+ */
+ function access(path: PathLike, mode?: number): Promise<void>;
+ /**
+ * Asynchronously copies `src` to `dest`. By default, `dest` is overwritten if it already exists.
+ * Node.js makes no guarantees about the atomicity of the copy operation.
+ * If an error occurs after the destination file has been opened for writing, Node.js will attempt
+ * to remove the destination.
+ * @param src A path to the source file.
+ * @param dest A path to the destination file.
+ * @param flags An optional integer that specifies the behavior of the copy operation. The only
+ * supported flag is `fs.constants.COPYFILE_EXCL`, which causes the copy operation to fail if
+ * `dest` already exists.
+ */
+ function copyFile(src: PathLike, dest: PathLike, flags?: number): Promise<void>;
+ /**
+ * Asynchronous open(2) - open and possibly create a file.
+ * @param path A path to a file. If a URL is provided, it must use the `file:` protocol.
+ * @param mode A file mode. If a string is passed, it is parsed as an octal integer. If not
+ * supplied, defaults to `0o666`.
+ */
+ function open(path: PathLike, flags: string | number, mode?: Mode): Promise<FileHandle>;
+ /**
+ * Asynchronously reads data from the file referenced by the supplied `FileHandle`.
+ * @param handle A `FileHandle`.
+ * @param buffer The buffer that the data will be written to.
+ * @param offset The offset in the buffer at which to start writing.
+ * @param length The number of bytes to read.
+ * @param position The offset from the beginning of the file from which data should be read. If
+ * `null`, data will be read from the current position.
+ */
+ function read<TBuffer extends Uint8Array>(
+ handle: FileHandle,
+ buffer: TBuffer,
+ offset?: number | null,
+ length?: number | null,
+ position?: number | null,
+ ): Promise<{ bytesRead: number, buffer: TBuffer }>;
+ /**
+ * Asynchronously writes `buffer` to the file referenced by the supplied `FileHandle`.
+ * It is unsafe to call `fsPromises.write()` multiple times on the same file without waiting for the `Promise`
+ * to be resolved (or rejected). For this scenario, `fs.createWriteStream` is strongly recommended.
+ * @param handle A `FileHandle`.
+ * @param buffer The buffer that the data will be written to.
+ * @param offset The part of the buffer to be written. If not supplied, defaults to `0`.
+ * @param length The number of bytes to write. If not supplied, defaults to `buffer.length - offset`.
+ * @param position The offset from the beginning of the file where this data should be written. If not supplied, defaults to the current position.
+ */
+ function write<TBuffer extends Uint8Array>(
+ handle: FileHandle,
+ buffer: TBuffer,
+ offset?: number | null,
+ length?: number | null, position?: number | null): Promise<{ bytesWritten: number, buffer: TBuffer }>;
+ /**
+ * Asynchronously writes `string` to the file referenced by the supplied `FileHandle`.
+ * It is unsafe to call `fsPromises.write()` multiple times on the same file without waiting for the `Promise`
+ * to be resolved (or rejected). For this scenario, `fs.createWriteStream` is strongly recommended.
+ * @param handle A `FileHandle`.
+ * @param string A string to write.
+ * @param position The offset from the beginning of the file where this data should be written. If not supplied, defaults to the current position.
+ * @param encoding The expected string encoding.
+ */
+ function write(handle: FileHandle, string: string, position?: number | null, encoding?: BufferEncoding | null): Promise<{ bytesWritten: number, buffer: string }>;
+ /**
+ * Asynchronous rename(2) - Change the name or location of a file or directory.
+ * @param oldPath A path to a file. If a URL is provided, it must use the `file:` protocol.
+ * URL support is _experimental_.
+ * @param newPath A path to a file. If a URL is provided, it must use the `file:` protocol.
+ * URL support is _experimental_.
+ */
+ function rename(oldPath: PathLike, newPath: PathLike): Promise<void>;
+ /**
+ * Asynchronous truncate(2) - Truncate a file to a specified length.
+ * @param path A path to a file. If a URL is provided, it must use the `file:` protocol.
+ * @param len If not specified, defaults to `0`.
+ */
+ function truncate(path: PathLike, len?: number): Promise<void>;
+ /**
+ * Asynchronous ftruncate(2) - Truncate a file to a specified length.
+ * @param handle A `FileHandle`.
+ * @param len If not specified, defaults to `0`.
+ */
+ function ftruncate(handle: FileHandle, len?: number): Promise<void>;
+ /**
+ * Asynchronous rmdir(2) - delete a directory.
+ * @param path A path to a file. If a URL is provided, it must use the `file:` protocol.
+ */
+ function rmdir(path: PathLike, options?: RmDirOptions): Promise<void>;
+ /**
+ * Asynchronously removes files and directories (modeled on the standard POSIX `rm` utility).
+ */
+ function rm(path: PathLike, options?: RmOptions): Promise<void>;
+ /**
+ * Asynchronous fdatasync(2) - synchronize a file's in-core state with storage device.
+ * @param handle A `FileHandle`.
+ */
+ function fdatasync(handle: FileHandle): Promise<void>;
+ /**
+ * Asynchronous fsync(2) - synchronize a file's in-core state with the underlying storage device.
+ * @param handle A `FileHandle`.
+ */
+ function fsync(handle: FileHandle): Promise<void>;
+ /**
+ * Asynchronous mkdir(2) - create a directory.
+ * @param path A path to a file. If a URL is provided, it must use the `file:` protocol.
+ * @param options Either the file mode, or an object optionally specifying the file mode and whether parent folders
+ * should be created. If a string is passed, it is parsed as an octal integer. If not specified, defaults to `0o777`.
+ */
+ function mkdir(path: PathLike, options: MakeDirectoryOptions & { recursive: true; }): Promise<string | undefined>;
+ /**
+ * Asynchronous mkdir(2) - create a directory.
+ * @param path A path to a file. If a URL is provided, it must use the `file:` protocol.
+ * @param options Either the file mode, or an object optionally specifying the file mode and whether parent folders
+ * should be created. If a string is passed, it is parsed as an octal integer. If not specified, defaults to `0o777`.
+ */
+ function mkdir(path: PathLike, options?: Mode | (MakeDirectoryOptions & { recursive?: false; }) | null): Promise<void>;
+ /**
+ * Asynchronous mkdir(2) - create a directory.
+ * @param path A path to a file. If a URL is provided, it must use the `file:` protocol.
+ * @param options Either the file mode, or an object optionally specifying the file mode and whether parent folders
+ * should be created. If a string is passed, it is parsed as an octal integer. If not specified, defaults to `0o777`.
+ */
+ function mkdir(path: PathLike, options?: Mode | MakeDirectoryOptions | null): Promise<string | undefined>;
+ /**
+ * Asynchronous readdir(3) - read a directory.
+ * @param path A path to a file. If a URL is provided, it must use the `file:` protocol.
+ * @param options The encoding (or an object specifying the encoding), used as the encoding of the result. If not provided, `'utf8'` is used.
+ */
+ function readdir(path: PathLike, options?: BaseEncodingOptions & { withFileTypes?: false } | BufferEncoding | null): Promise<string[]>;
+ /**
+ * Asynchronous readdir(3) - read a directory.
+ * @param path A path to a file. If a URL is provided, it must use the `file:` protocol.
+ * @param options The encoding (or an object specifying the encoding), used as the encoding of the result. If not provided, `'utf8'` is used.
+ */
+ function readdir(path: PathLike, options: { encoding: "buffer"; withFileTypes?: false } | "buffer"): Promise<Buffer[]>;
+ /**
+ * Asynchronous readdir(3) - read a directory.
+ * @param path A path to a file. If a URL is provided, it must use the `file:` protocol.
+ * @param options The encoding (or an object specifying the encoding), used as the encoding of the result. If not provided, `'utf8'` is used.
+ */
+ function readdir(path: PathLike, options?: BaseEncodingOptions & { withFileTypes?: false } | BufferEncoding | null): Promise<string[] | Buffer[]>;
+ /**
+ * Asynchronous readdir(3) - read a directory.
+ * @param path A path to a file. If a URL is provided, it must use the `file:` protocol.
+ * @param options If called with `withFileTypes: true` the result data will be an array of Dirent.
+ */
+ function readdir(path: PathLike, options: BaseEncodingOptions & { withFileTypes: true }): Promise<Dirent[]>;
+ /**
+ * Asynchronous readlink(2) - read value of a symbolic link.
+ * @param path A path to a file. If a URL is provided, it must use the `file:` protocol.
+ * @param options The encoding (or an object specifying the encoding), used as the encoding of the result. If not provided, `'utf8'` is used.
+ */
+ function readlink(path: PathLike, options?: BaseEncodingOptions | BufferEncoding | null): Promise<string>;
+ /**
+ * Asynchronous readlink(2) - read value of a symbolic link.
+ * @param path A path to a file. If a URL is provided, it must use the `file:` protocol.
+ * @param options The encoding (or an object specifying the encoding), used as the encoding of the result. If not provided, `'utf8'` is used.
+ */
+ function readlink(path: PathLike, options: BufferEncodingOption): Promise<Buffer>;
+ /**
+ * Asynchronous readlink(2) - read value of a symbolic link.
+ * @param path A path to a file. If a URL is provided, it must use the `file:` protocol.
+ * @param options The encoding (or an object specifying the encoding), used as the encoding of the result. If not provided, `'utf8'` is used.
+ */
+ function readlink(path: PathLike, options?: BaseEncodingOptions | string | null): Promise<string | Buffer>;
+ /**
+ * Asynchronous symlink(2) - Create a new symbolic link to an existing file.
+ * @param target A path to an existing file. If a URL is provided, it must use the `file:` protocol.
+ * @param path A path to the new symlink. If a URL is provided, it must use the `file:` protocol.
+ * @param type May be set to `'dir'`, `'file'`, or `'junction'` (default is `'file'`) and is only available on Windows (ignored on other platforms).
+ * When using `'junction'`, the `target` argument will automatically be normalized to an absolute path.
+ */
+ function symlink(target: PathLike, path: PathLike, type?: string | null): Promise<void>;
+ /**
+ * Asynchronous lstat(2) - Get file status. Does not dereference symbolic links.
+ * @param path A path to a file. If a URL is provided, it must use the `file:` protocol.
+ */
+ function lstat(path: PathLike, opts?: StatOptions & { bigint?: false }): Promise<Stats>;
+ function lstat(path: PathLike, opts: StatOptions & { bigint: true }): Promise<BigIntStats>;
+ function lstat(path: PathLike, opts?: StatOptions): Promise<Stats | BigIntStats>;
+ /**
+ * Asynchronous stat(2) - Get file status.
+ * @param path A path to a file. If a URL is provided, it must use the `file:` protocol.
+ */
+ function stat(path: PathLike, opts?: StatOptions & { bigint?: false }): Promise<Stats>;
+ function stat(path: PathLike, opts: StatOptions & { bigint: true }): Promise<BigIntStats>;
+ function stat(path: PathLike, opts?: StatOptions): Promise<Stats | BigIntStats>;
+ /**
+ * Asynchronous link(2) - Create a new link (also known as a hard link) to an existing file.
+ * @param existingPath A path to a file. If a URL is provided, it must use the `file:` protocol.
+ * @param newPath A path to a file. If a URL is provided, it must use the `file:` protocol.
+ */
+ function link(existingPath: PathLike, newPath: PathLike): Promise<void>;
+ /**
+ * Asynchronous unlink(2) - delete a name and possibly the file it refers to.
+ * @param path A path to a file. If a URL is provided, it must use the `file:` protocol.
+ */
+ function unlink(path: PathLike): Promise<void>;
+ /**
+ * Asynchronous fchmod(2) - Change permissions of a file.
+ * @param handle A `FileHandle`.
+ * @param mode A file mode. If a string is passed, it is parsed as an octal integer.
+ */
+ function fchmod(handle: FileHandle, mode: Mode): Promise<void>;
+ /**
+ * Asynchronous chmod(2) - Change permissions of a file.
+ * @param path A path to a file. If a URL is provided, it must use the `file:` protocol.
+ * @param mode A file mode. If a string is passed, it is parsed as an octal integer.
+ */
+ function chmod(path: PathLike, mode: Mode): Promise<void>;
+ /**
+ * Asynchronous lchmod(2) - Change permissions of a file. Does not dereference symbolic links.
+ * @param path A path to a file. If a URL is provided, it must use the `file:` protocol.
+ * @param mode A file mode. If a string is passed, it is parsed as an octal integer.
+ */
+ function lchmod(path: PathLike, mode: Mode): Promise<void>;
+ /**
+ * Asynchronous lchown(2) - Change ownership of a file. Does not dereference symbolic links.
+ * @param path A path to a file. If a URL is provided, it must use the `file:` protocol.
+ */
+ function lchown(path: PathLike, uid: number, gid: number): Promise<void>;
+ /**
+ * Changes the access and modification times of a file in the same way as `fsPromises.utimes()`,
+ * with the difference that if the path refers to a symbolic link, then the link is not
+ * dereferenced: instead, the timestamps of the symbolic link itself are changed.
+ * @param path A path to a file. If a URL is provided, it must use the `file:` protocol.
+ * @param atime The last access time. If a string is provided, it will be coerced to number.
+ * @param mtime The last modified time. If a string is provided, it will be coerced to number.
+ */
+ function lutimes(path: PathLike, atime: string | number | Date, mtime: string | number | Date): Promise<void>;
+ /**
+ * Asynchronous fchown(2) - Change ownership of a file.
+ * @param handle A `FileHandle`.
+ */
+ function fchown(handle: FileHandle, uid: number, gid: number): Promise<void>;
+ /**
+ * Asynchronous chown(2) - Change ownership of a file.
+ * @param path A path to a file. If a URL is provided, it must use the `file:` protocol.
+ */
+ function chown(path: PathLike, uid: number, gid: number): Promise<void>;
+ /**
+ * Asynchronously change file timestamps of the file referenced by the supplied path.
+ * @param path A path to a file. If a URL is provided, it must use the `file:` protocol.
+ * @param atime The last access time. If a string is provided, it will be coerced to number.
+ * @param mtime The last modified time. If a string is provided, it will be coerced to number.
+ */
+ function utimes(path: PathLike, atime: string | number | Date, mtime: string | number | Date): Promise<void>;
+ /**
+ * Asynchronously change file timestamps of the file referenced by the supplied `FileHandle`.
+ * @param handle A `FileHandle`.
+ * @param atime The last access time. If a string is provided, it will be coerced to number.
+ * @param mtime The last modified time. If a string is provided, it will be coerced to number.
+ */
+ function futimes(handle: FileHandle, atime: string | number | Date, mtime: string | number | Date): Promise<void>;
+ /**
+ * Asynchronous realpath(3) - return the canonicalized absolute pathname.
+ * @param path A path to a file. If a URL is provided, it must use the `file:` protocol.
+ * @param options The encoding (or an object specifying the encoding), used as the encoding of the result. If not provided, `'utf8'` is used.
+ */
+ function realpath(path: PathLike, options?: BaseEncodingOptions | BufferEncoding | null): Promise<string>;
+ /**
+ * Asynchronous realpath(3) - return the canonicalized absolute pathname.
+ * @param path A path to a file. If a URL is provided, it must use the `file:` protocol.
+ * @param options The encoding (or an object specifying the encoding), used as the encoding of the result. If not provided, `'utf8'` is used.
+ */
+ function realpath(path: PathLike, options: BufferEncodingOption): Promise<Buffer>;
+ /**
+ * Asynchronous realpath(3) - return the canonicalized absolute pathname.
+ * @param path A path to a file. If a URL is provided, it must use the `file:` protocol.
+ * @param options The encoding (or an object specifying the encoding), used as the encoding of the result. If not provided, `'utf8'` is used.
+ */
+ function realpath(path: PathLike, options?: BaseEncodingOptions | BufferEncoding | null): Promise<string | Buffer>;
+ /**
+ * Asynchronously creates a unique temporary directory.
+ * Generates six random characters to be appended behind a required `prefix` to create a unique temporary directory.
+ * @param options The encoding (or an object specifying the encoding), used as the encoding of the result. If not provided, `'utf8'` is used.
+ */
+ function mkdtemp(prefix: string, options?: BaseEncodingOptions | BufferEncoding | null): Promise<string>;
+ /**
+ * Asynchronously creates a unique temporary directory.
+ * Generates six random characters to be appended behind a required `prefix` to create a unique temporary directory.
+ * @param options The encoding (or an object specifying the encoding), used as the encoding of the result. If not provided, `'utf8'` is used.
+ */
+ function mkdtemp(prefix: string, options: BufferEncodingOption): Promise<Buffer>;
+ /**
+ * Asynchronously creates a unique temporary directory.
+ * Generates six random characters to be appended behind a required `prefix` to create a unique temporary directory.
+ * @param options The encoding (or an object specifying the encoding), used as the encoding of the result. If not provided, `'utf8'` is used.
+ */
+ function mkdtemp(prefix: string, options?: BaseEncodingOptions | BufferEncoding | null): Promise<string | Buffer>;
+ /**
+ * Asynchronously writes data to a file, replacing the file if it already exists.
+ * It is unsafe to call `fsPromises.writeFile()` multiple times on the same file without waiting for the `Promise` to be resolved (or rejected).
+ * @param path A path to a file. If a URL is provided, it must use the `file:` protocol.
+ * URL support is _experimental_.
+ * If a `FileHandle` is provided, the underlying file will _not_ be closed automatically.
+ * @param data The data to write. If something other than a `Buffer` or `Uint8Array` is provided, the value is coerced to a string.
+ * @param options Either the encoding for the file, or an object optionally specifying the encoding, file mode, and flag.
+ * If `encoding` is not supplied, the default of `'utf8'` is used.
+ * If `mode` is not supplied, the default of `0o666` is used.
+ * If `mode` is a string, it is parsed as an octal integer.
+ * If `flag` is not supplied, the default of `'w'` is used.
+ */
+ function writeFile(path: PathLike | FileHandle, data: string | Uint8Array, options?: BaseEncodingOptions & { mode?: Mode, flag?: OpenMode } & Abortable | BufferEncoding | null): Promise<void>;
+ /**
+ * Asynchronously append data to a file, creating the file if it does not exist.
+ * @param file A path to a file. If a URL is provided, it must use the `file:` protocol.
+ * URL support is _experimental_.
+ * If a `FileHandle` is provided, the underlying file will _not_ be closed automatically.
+ * @param data The data to write. If something other than a `Buffer` or `Uint8Array` is provided, the value is coerced to a string.
+ * @param options Either the encoding for the file, or an object optionally specifying the encoding, file mode, and flag.
+ * If `encoding` is not supplied, the default of `'utf8'` is used.
+ * If `mode` is not supplied, the default of `0o666` is used.
+ * If `mode` is a string, it is parsed as an octal integer.
+ * If `flag` is not supplied, the default of `'a'` is used.
+ */
+ function appendFile(path: PathLike | FileHandle, data: string | Uint8Array, options?: BaseEncodingOptions & { mode?: Mode, flag?: OpenMode } | BufferEncoding | null): Promise<void>;
+ /**
+ * Asynchronously reads the entire contents of a file.
+ * @param path A path to a file. If a URL is provided, it must use the `file:` protocol.
+ * If a `FileHandle` is provided, the underlying file will _not_ be closed automatically.
+ * @param options An object that may contain an optional flag.
+ * If a flag is not provided, it defaults to `'r'`.
+ */
+ function readFile(path: PathLike | FileHandle, options?: { encoding?: null, flag?: OpenMode } & Abortable | null): Promise<Buffer>;
+ /**
+ * Asynchronously reads the entire contents of a file.
+ * @param path A path to a file. If a URL is provided, it must use the `file:` protocol.
+ * If a `FileHandle` is provided, the underlying file will _not_ be closed automatically.
+ * @param options An object that may contain an optional flag.
+ * If a flag is not provided, it defaults to `'r'`.
+ */
+ function readFile(path: PathLike | FileHandle, options: { encoding: BufferEncoding, flag?: OpenMode } & Abortable | BufferEncoding): Promise<string>;
+ /**
+ * Asynchronously reads the entire contents of a file.
+ * @param path A path to a file. If a URL is provided, it must use the `file:` protocol.
+ * If a `FileHandle` is provided, the underlying file will _not_ be closed automatically.
+ * @param options An object that may contain an optional flag.
+ * If a flag is not provided, it defaults to `'r'`.
+ */
+ function readFile(path: PathLike | FileHandle, options?: BaseEncodingOptions & Abortable & { flag?: OpenMode } | BufferEncoding | null): Promise<string | Buffer>;
+ function opendir(path: string, options?: OpenDirOptions): Promise<Dir>;