"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.getAceInstance = exports.debounce = exports.editorEvents = exports.editorOptions = void 0; var editorOptions = [ "minLines", "maxLines", "readOnly", "highlightActiveLine", "tabSize", "enableBasicAutocompletion", "enableLiveAutocompletion", "enableSnippets" ]; exports.editorOptions = editorOptions; var editorEvents = [ "onChange", "onFocus", "onInput", "onBlur", "onCopy", "onPaste", "onSelectionChange", "onCursorChange", "onScroll", "handleOptions", "updateRef" ]; exports.editorEvents = editorEvents; var getAceInstance = function () { var ace; if (typeof window === "undefined") { // ace-builds just needs some window object to attach ace to. // During SSR even just an empty object will work. global.window = {}; ace = require("ace-builds"); // And it can be discarded immediately afterward to avoid confusing // other libraries that might detect SSR the same way we did. delete global.window; } else if (window.ace) { // Fallback for ace.require when vanilla ACE is hosted over a CDN ace = window.ace; ace.acequire = window.ace.require || window.ace.acequire; } else { ace = require("ace-builds"); } return ace; }; exports.getAceInstance = getAceInstance; var debounce = function (fn, delay) { var timer = null; // tslint:disable-next-line return function () { var context = this; var args = arguments; clearTimeout(timer); timer = setTimeout(function () { fn.apply(context, args); }, delay); }; }; exports.debounce = debounce; //# sourceMappingURL=editorOptions.js.map