12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334 |
- // @flow strict
- /**
- * An exported enum describing the different kinds of tokens that the
- * lexer emits.
- */
- export const TokenKind = Object.freeze({
- SOF: '<SOF>',
- EOF: '<EOF>',
- BANG: '!',
- DOLLAR: '$',
- AMP: '&',
- PAREN_L: '(',
- PAREN_R: ')',
- SPREAD: '...',
- COLON: ':',
- EQUALS: '=',
- AT: '@',
- BRACKET_L: '[',
- BRACKET_R: ']',
- BRACE_L: '{',
- PIPE: '|',
- BRACE_R: '}',
- NAME: 'Name',
- INT: 'Int',
- FLOAT: 'Float',
- STRING: 'String',
- BLOCK_STRING: 'BlockString',
- COMMENT: 'Comment',
- });
- /**
- * The enum type representing the token kinds values.
- */
- export type TokenKindEnum = $Values<typeof TokenKind>;