index.d.ts 3.7 KB

  1. export {
  2. // Produce the GraphQL query recommended for a full schema introspection.
  3. // Accepts optional IntrospectionOptions.
  4. getIntrospectionQuery,
  5. IntrospectionOptions,
  6. IntrospectionQuery,
  7. IntrospectionSchema,
  8. IntrospectionType,
  9. IntrospectionInputType,
  10. IntrospectionOutputType,
  11. IntrospectionScalarType,
  12. IntrospectionObjectType,
  13. IntrospectionInterfaceType,
  14. IntrospectionUnionType,
  15. IntrospectionEnumType,
  16. IntrospectionInputObjectType,
  17. IntrospectionTypeRef,
  18. IntrospectionInputTypeRef,
  19. IntrospectionOutputTypeRef,
  20. IntrospectionNamedTypeRef,
  21. IntrospectionListTypeRef,
  22. IntrospectionNonNullTypeRef,
  23. IntrospectionField,
  24. IntrospectionInputValue,
  25. IntrospectionEnumValue,
  26. IntrospectionDirective,
  27. } from './getIntrospectionQuery';
  28. // Gets the target Operation from a Document
  29. export { getOperationAST } from './getOperationAST';
  30. // Gets the Type for the target Operation AST.
  31. export { getOperationRootType } from './getOperationRootType';
  32. // Convert a GraphQLSchema to an IntrospectionQuery
  33. export { introspectionFromSchema } from './introspectionFromSchema';
  34. // Build a GraphQLSchema from an introspection result.
  35. export { buildClientSchema } from './buildClientSchema';
  36. // Build a GraphQLSchema from GraphQL Schema language.
  37. export {
  38. buildASTSchema,
  39. buildSchema,
  40. BuildSchemaOptions,
  41. } from './buildASTSchema';
  42. // Extends an existing GraphQLSchema from a parsed GraphQL Schema language AST.
  43. export {
  44. extendSchema,
  45. // @deprecated: Get the description from a schema AST node and supports legacy
  46. // syntax for specifying descriptions - will be removed in v16
  47. getDescription,
  48. } from './extendSchema';
  49. // Sort a GraphQLSchema.
  50. export { lexicographicSortSchema } from './lexicographicSortSchema';
  51. // Print a GraphQLSchema to GraphQL Schema language.
  52. export {
  53. printSchema,
  54. printType,
  55. printIntrospectionSchema,
  56. } from './printSchema';
  57. // Create a GraphQLType from a GraphQL language AST.
  58. export { typeFromAST } from './typeFromAST';
  59. // Create a JavaScript value from a GraphQL language AST with a type.
  60. export { valueFromAST } from './valueFromAST';
  61. // Create a JavaScript value from a GraphQL language AST without a type.
  62. export { valueFromASTUntyped } from './valueFromASTUntyped';
  63. // Create a GraphQL language AST from a JavaScript value.
  64. export { astFromValue } from './astFromValue';
  65. // A helper to use within recursive-descent visitors which need to be aware of
  66. // the GraphQL type system.
  67. export { TypeInfo, visitWithTypeInfo } from './TypeInfo';
  68. // Coerces a JavaScript value to a GraphQL type, or produces errors.
  69. export { coerceInputValue } from './coerceInputValue';
  70. // Concatenates multiple AST together.
  71. export { concatAST } from './concatAST';
  72. // Separates an AST into an AST per Operation.
  73. export { separateOperations } from './separateOperations';
  74. // Strips characters that are not significant to the validity or execution
  75. // of a GraphQL document.
  76. export { stripIgnoredCharacters } from './stripIgnoredCharacters';
  77. // Comparators for types
  78. export {
  79. isEqualType,
  80. isTypeSubTypeOf,
  81. doTypesOverlap,
  82. } from './typeComparators';
  83. // Asserts that a string is a valid GraphQL name
  84. export { assertValidName, isValidNameError } from './assertValidName';
  85. // Compares two GraphQLSchemas and detects breaking changes.
  86. export {
  87. BreakingChangeType,
  88. DangerousChangeType,
  89. findBreakingChanges,
  90. findDangerousChanges,
  91. BreakingChange,
  92. DangerousChange,
  93. } from './findBreakingChanges';
  94. // Wrapper type that contains DocumentNode and types that can be deduced from it.
  95. export { TypedQueryDocumentNode } from './typedQueryDocumentNode';
  96. // @deprecated: Report all deprecated usage within a GraphQL document.
  97. export { findDeprecatedUsages } from './findDeprecatedUsages';