index.js 3.8 KB

  1. "use strict";
  2. Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
  3. value: true
  4. });
  5. exports.default = formatRFC3339;
  6. var _index = _interopRequireDefault(require("../toDate/index.js"));
  7. var _index2 = _interopRequireDefault(require("../isValid/index.js"));
  8. var _index3 = _interopRequireDefault(require("../_lib/addLeadingZeros/index.js"));
  9. var _index4 = _interopRequireDefault(require("../_lib/toInteger/index.js"));
  10. function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; }
  11. /**
  12. * @name formatRFC3339
  13. * @category Common Helpers
  14. * @summary Format the date according to the RFC 3339 standard (
  15. *
  16. * @description
  17. * Return the formatted date string in RFC 3339 format. Options may be passed to control the parts and notations of the date.
  18. *
  19. * @param {Date|Number} date - the original date
  20. * @param {Object} [options] - an object with options.
  21. * @param {0|1|2|3} [options.fractionDigits=0] - number of digits after the decimal point after seconds
  22. * @returns {String} the formatted date string
  23. * @throws {TypeError} 1 argument required
  24. * @throws {RangeError} `date` must not be Invalid Date
  25. * @throws {RangeError} `options.fractionDigits` must be between 0 and 3
  26. *
  27. * @example
  28. * // Represent 18 September 2019 in RFC 3339 format:
  29. * const result = formatRFC3339(new Date(2019, 8, 18, 19, 0, 52))
  30. * //=> '2019-09-18T19:00:52Z'
  31. *
  32. * @example
  33. * // Represent 18 September 2019 in RFC 3339 format, 2 digits of second fraction:
  34. * const result = formatRFC3339(new Date(2019, 8, 18, 19, 0, 52, 234), { fractionDigits: 2 })
  35. * //=> '2019-09-18T19:00:52.23Z'
  36. *
  37. * @example
  38. * // Represent 18 September 2019 in RFC 3339 format, 3 digits of second fraction
  39. * const result = formatRFC3339(new Date(2019, 8, 18, 19, 0, 52, 234), { fractionDigits: 3 })
  40. * //=> '2019-09-18T19:00:52.234Z'
  41. */
  42. function formatRFC3339(dirtyDate, dirtyOptions) {
  43. if (arguments.length < 1) {
  44. throw new TypeError("1 arguments required, but only ".concat(arguments.length, " present"));
  45. }
  46. var originalDate = (0, _index.default)(dirtyDate);
  47. if (!(0, _index2.default)(originalDate)) {
  48. throw new RangeError('Invalid time value');
  49. }
  50. var options = dirtyOptions || {};
  51. var fractionDigits = options.fractionDigits == null ? 0 : (0, _index4.default)(options.fractionDigits); // Test if fractionDigits is between 0 and 3 _and_ is not NaN
  52. if (!(fractionDigits >= 0 && fractionDigits <= 3)) {
  53. throw new RangeError('fractionDigits must be between 0 and 3 inclusively');
  54. }
  55. var day = (0, _index3.default)(originalDate.getDate(), 2);
  56. var month = (0, _index3.default)(originalDate.getMonth() + 1, 2);
  57. var year = originalDate.getFullYear();
  58. var hour = (0, _index3.default)(originalDate.getHours(), 2);
  59. var minute = (0, _index3.default)(originalDate.getMinutes(), 2);
  60. var second = (0, _index3.default)(originalDate.getSeconds(), 2);
  61. var fractionalSecond = '';
  62. if (fractionDigits > 0) {
  63. var milliseconds = originalDate.getMilliseconds();
  64. var fractionalSeconds = Math.floor(milliseconds * Math.pow(10, fractionDigits - 3));
  65. fractionalSecond = '.' + (0, _index3.default)(fractionalSeconds, fractionDigits);
  66. }
  67. var offset = '';
  68. var tzOffset = originalDate.getTimezoneOffset();
  69. if (tzOffset !== 0) {
  70. var absoluteOffset = Math.abs(tzOffset);
  71. var hourOffset = (0, _index3.default)((0, _index4.default)(absoluteOffset / 60), 2);
  72. var minuteOffset = (0, _index3.default)(absoluteOffset % 60, 2); // If less than 0, the sign is +, because it is ahead of time.
  73. var sign = tzOffset < 0 ? '+' : '-';
  74. offset = "".concat(sign).concat(hourOffset, ":").concat(minuteOffset);
  75. } else {
  76. offset = 'Z';
  77. }
  78. return "".concat(year, "-").concat(month, "-").concat(day, "T").concat(hour, ":").concat(minute, ":").concat(second).concat(fractionalSecond).concat(offset);
  79. }
  80. module.exports = exports.default;