Diff.md 5.9 KB

Diff Editor

The diff editor is contained in a Split editor and will highlight differences between the two editor boxes.


Example Code

import React, { Component } from "react";
import { render } from "react-dom";
import { diff as DiffEditor } from "react-ace";

import "ace-builds/src-noconflict/theme-github";

    value={["Test code differences", "Test code difference"]}

Also see the diff example in the example folder for more robust sample code (seen in the demo).

Available Props

Prop Default Type Description
cursorStart 1 Number the location of the cursor
editorProps Object properties to apply directly to the Ace editor instance
enableBasicAutocompletion false Boolean Enable basic autocompletion
enableLiveAutocompletion false Boolean Enable live autocompletion
focus false Boolean Whether to focus
fontSize 12 Number pixel value for font-size
height '500px' String CSS value for height
highlightActiveLine true Boolean highlight active line
maxLines Number Maximum number of lines to be displayed
minLines Number Minimum number of lines to be displayed
mode '' String The language to be used for the editor (Java, Javascript, Ruby, etc.)
name 'ace-editor' string Unique ID to be used for the split editor
onLoad Function called on editor load. The first argument is the instance of the editor
onScroll Function triggered by editor scroll event
onChange Function occurs on document change it has one argument the values array
onPaste Function Triggered by editor paste event, and passes text as argument
orientation 'beside' String The orientation of splits either 'beside' or 'below'
readOnly false Boolean make the editor read only
scrollMargin [0, 0, 0, 0] Array of Numbers Sets the scroll margins
setOptions Object options to apply directly to the Ace editor instance
showGutter true Boolean show gutter
showPrintMargin true Boolean show print margin
style Object camelCased properties
tabSize 4 Number Number of spaces to include as tab
theme 'github' String Theme to use
value ['',''] Array of Strings Index 0: Value of first editor. Index 1: Value of second editor
width '500px' String CSS value for width
wrapEnabled true Boolean Whether lines wrap on the editor