'use strict'; const applyWriteConcern = require('../utils').applyWriteConcern; const Code = require('../core').BSON.Code; const debugOptions = require('../utils').debugOptions; const handleCallback = require('../utils').handleCallback; const MongoError = require('../core').MongoError; const parseIndexOptions = require('../utils').parseIndexOptions; const ReadPreference = require('../core').ReadPreference; const toError = require('../utils').toError; const CONSTANTS = require('../constants'); const MongoDBNamespace = require('../utils').MongoDBNamespace; const debugFields = [ 'authSource', 'w', 'wtimeout', 'j', 'native_parser', 'forceServerObjectId', 'serializeFunctions', 'raw', 'promoteLongs', 'promoteValues', 'promoteBuffers', 'bufferMaxEntries', 'numberOfRetries', 'retryMiliSeconds', 'readPreference', 'pkFactory', 'parentDb', 'promiseLibrary', 'noListener' ]; /** * Creates an index on the db and collection. * @method * @param {Db} db The Db instance on which to create an index. * @param {string} name Name of the collection to create the index on. * @param {(string|object)} fieldOrSpec Defines the index. * @param {object} [options] Optional settings. See Db.prototype.createIndex for a list of options. * @param {Db~resultCallback} [callback] The command result callback */ function createIndex(db, name, fieldOrSpec, options, callback) { // Get the write concern options let finalOptions = Object.assign({}, { readPreference: ReadPreference.PRIMARY }, options); finalOptions = applyWriteConcern(finalOptions, { db }, options); // Ensure we have a callback if (finalOptions.writeConcern && typeof callback !== 'function') { throw MongoError.create({ message: 'Cannot use a writeConcern without a provided callback', driver: true }); } // Did the user destroy the topology if (db.serverConfig && db.serverConfig.isDestroyed()) return callback(new MongoError('topology was destroyed')); // Attempt to run using createIndexes command createIndexUsingCreateIndexes(db, name, fieldOrSpec, finalOptions, (err, result) => { if (err == null) return handleCallback(callback, err, result); /** * The following errors mean that the server recognized `createIndex` as a command so we don't need to fallback to an insert: * 67 = 'CannotCreateIndex' (malformed index options) * 85 = 'IndexOptionsConflict' (index already exists with different options) * 86 = 'IndexKeySpecsConflict' (index already exists with the same name) * 11000 = 'DuplicateKey' (couldn't build unique index because of dupes) * 11600 = 'InterruptedAtShutdown' (interrupted at shutdown) * 197 = 'InvalidIndexSpecificationOption' (`_id` with `background: true`) */ if ( err.code === 67 || err.code === 11000 || err.code === 85 || err.code === 86 || err.code === 11600 || err.code === 197 ) { return handleCallback(callback, err, result); } // Create command const doc = createCreateIndexCommand(db, name, fieldOrSpec, options); // Set no key checking finalOptions.checkKeys = false; // Insert document db.s.topology.insert( db.s.namespace.withCollection(CONSTANTS.SYSTEM_INDEX_COLLECTION), doc, finalOptions, (err, result) => { if (callback == null) return; if (err) return handleCallback(callback, err); if (result == null) return handleCallback(callback, null, null); if (result.result.writeErrors) return handleCallback(callback, MongoError.create(result.result.writeErrors[0]), null); handleCallback(callback, null, doc.name); } ); }); } // Add listeners to topology function createListener(db, e, object) { function listener(err) { if (object.listeners(e).length > 0) { object.emit(e, err, db); // Emit on all associated db's if available for (let i = 0; i < db.s.children.length; i++) { db.s.children[i].emit(e, err, db.s.children[i]); } } } return listener; } /** * Ensures that an index exists. If it does not, creates it. * * @method * @param {Db} db The Db instance on which to ensure the index. * @param {string} name The index name * @param {(string|object)} fieldOrSpec Defines the index. * @param {object} [options] Optional settings. See Db.prototype.ensureIndex for a list of options. * @param {Db~resultCallback} [callback] The command result callback */ function ensureIndex(db, name, fieldOrSpec, options, callback) { // Get the write concern options const finalOptions = applyWriteConcern({}, { db }, options); // Create command const selector = createCreateIndexCommand(db, name, fieldOrSpec, options); const index_name = selector.name; // Did the user destroy the topology if (db.serverConfig && db.serverConfig.isDestroyed()) return callback(new MongoError('topology was destroyed')); // Merge primary readPreference finalOptions.readPreference = ReadPreference.PRIMARY; // Check if the index already exists indexInformation(db, name, finalOptions, (err, indexInformation) => { if (err != null && err.code !== 26) return handleCallback(callback, err, null); // If the index does not exist, create it if (indexInformation == null || !indexInformation[index_name]) { createIndex(db, name, fieldOrSpec, options, callback); } else { if (typeof callback === 'function') return handleCallback(callback, null, index_name); } }); } /** * Evaluate JavaScript on the server * * @method * @param {Db} db The Db instance. * @param {Code} code JavaScript to execute on server. * @param {(object|array)} parameters The parameters for the call. * @param {object} [options] Optional settings. See Db.prototype.eval for a list of options. * @param {Db~resultCallback} [callback] The results callback * @deprecated Eval is deprecated on MongoDB 3.2 and forward */ function evaluate(db, code, parameters, options, callback) { let finalCode = code; let finalParameters = []; // Did the user destroy the topology if (db.serverConfig && db.serverConfig.isDestroyed()) return callback(new MongoError('topology was destroyed')); // If not a code object translate to one if (!(finalCode && finalCode._bsontype === 'Code')) finalCode = new Code(finalCode); // Ensure the parameters are correct if (parameters != null && !Array.isArray(parameters) && typeof parameters !== 'function') { finalParameters = [parameters]; } else if (parameters != null && Array.isArray(parameters) && typeof parameters !== 'function') { finalParameters = parameters; } // Create execution selector let cmd = { $eval: finalCode, args: finalParameters }; // Check if the nolock parameter is passed in if (options['nolock']) { cmd['nolock'] = options['nolock']; } // Set primary read preference options.readPreference = new ReadPreference(ReadPreference.PRIMARY); // Execute the command executeCommand(db, cmd, options, (err, result) => { if (err) return handleCallback(callback, err, null); if (result && result.ok === 1) return handleCallback(callback, null, result.retval); if (result) return handleCallback( callback, MongoError.create({ message: `eval failed: ${result.errmsg}`, driver: true }), null ); handleCallback(callback, err, result); }); } /** * Execute a command * * @method * @param {Db} db The Db instance on which to execute the command. * @param {object} command The command hash * @param {object} [options] Optional settings. See Db.prototype.command for a list of options. * @param {Db~resultCallback} [callback] The command result callback */ function executeCommand(db, command, options, callback) { // Did the user destroy the topology if (db.serverConfig && db.serverConfig.isDestroyed()) return callback(new MongoError('topology was destroyed')); // Get the db name we are executing against const dbName = options.dbName || options.authdb || db.databaseName; // Convert the readPreference if its not a write options.readPreference = ReadPreference.resolve(db, options); // Debug information if (db.s.logger.isDebug()) db.s.logger.debug( `executing command ${JSON.stringify( command )} against ${dbName}.$cmd with options [${JSON.stringify( debugOptions(debugFields, options) )}]` ); // Execute command db.s.topology.command(db.s.namespace.withCollection('$cmd'), command, options, (err, result) => { if (err) return handleCallback(callback, err); if (options.full) return handleCallback(callback, null, result); handleCallback(callback, null, result.result); }); } /** * Runs a command on the database as admin. * * @method * @param {Db} db The Db instance on which to execute the command. * @param {object} command The command hash * @param {object} [options] Optional settings. See Db.prototype.executeDbAdminCommand for a list of options. * @param {Db~resultCallback} [callback] The command result callback */ function executeDbAdminCommand(db, command, options, callback) { const namespace = new MongoDBNamespace('admin', '$cmd'); db.s.topology.command(namespace, command, options, (err, result) => { // Did the user destroy the topology if (db.serverConfig && db.serverConfig.isDestroyed()) { return callback(new MongoError('topology was destroyed')); } if (err) return handleCallback(callback, err); handleCallback(callback, null, result.result); }); } /** * Retrieves this collections index info. * * @method * @param {Db} db The Db instance on which to retrieve the index info. * @param {string} name The name of the collection. * @param {object} [options] Optional settings. See Db.prototype.indexInformation for a list of options. * @param {Db~resultCallback} [callback] The command result callback */ function indexInformation(db, name, options, callback) { // If we specified full information const full = options['full'] == null ? false : options['full']; // Did the user destroy the topology if (db.serverConfig && db.serverConfig.isDestroyed()) return callback(new MongoError('topology was destroyed')); // Process all the results from the index command and collection function processResults(indexes) { // Contains all the information let info = {}; // Process all the indexes for (let i = 0; i < indexes.length; i++) { const index = indexes[i]; // Let's unpack the object info[index.name] = []; for (let name in index.key) { info[index.name].push([name, index.key[name]]); } } return info; } // Get the list of indexes of the specified collection db.collection(name) .listIndexes(options) .toArray((err, indexes) => { if (err) return callback(toError(err)); if (!Array.isArray(indexes)) return handleCallback(callback, null, []); if (full) return handleCallback(callback, null, indexes); handleCallback(callback, null, processResults(indexes)); }); } /** * Retrieve the current profiling information for MongoDB * * @method * @param {Db} db The Db instance on which to retrieve the profiling info. * @param {Object} [options] Optional settings. See Db.protoype.profilingInfo for a list of options. * @param {Db~resultCallback} [callback] The command result callback. * @deprecated Query the system.profile collection directly. */ function profilingInfo(db, options, callback) { try { db.collection('system.profile') .find({}, options) .toArray(callback); } catch (err) { return callback(err, null); } } // Validate the database name function validateDatabaseName(databaseName) { if (typeof databaseName !== 'string') throw MongoError.create({ message: 'database name must be a string', driver: true }); if (databaseName.length === 0) throw MongoError.create({ message: 'database name cannot be the empty string', driver: true }); if (databaseName === '$external') return; const invalidChars = [' ', '.', '$', '/', '\\']; for (let i = 0; i < invalidChars.length; i++) { if (databaseName.indexOf(invalidChars[i]) !== -1) throw MongoError.create({ message: "database names cannot contain the character '" + invalidChars[i] + "'", driver: true }); } } /** * Create the command object for Db.prototype.createIndex. * * @param {Db} db The Db instance on which to create the command. * @param {string} name Name of the collection to create the index on. * @param {(string|object)} fieldOrSpec Defines the index. * @param {Object} [options] Optional settings. See Db.prototype.createIndex for a list of options. * @return {Object} The insert command object. */ function createCreateIndexCommand(db, name, fieldOrSpec, options) { const indexParameters = parseIndexOptions(fieldOrSpec); const fieldHash = indexParameters.fieldHash; // Generate the index name const indexName = typeof options.name === 'string' ? options.name : indexParameters.name; const selector = { ns: db.s.namespace.withCollection(name).toString(), key: fieldHash, name: indexName }; // Ensure we have a correct finalUnique const finalUnique = options == null || 'object' === typeof options ? false : options; // Set up options options = options == null || typeof options === 'boolean' ? {} : options; // Add all the options const keysToOmit = Object.keys(selector); for (let optionName in options) { if (keysToOmit.indexOf(optionName) === -1) { selector[optionName] = options[optionName]; } } if (selector['unique'] == null) selector['unique'] = finalUnique; // Remove any write concern operations const removeKeys = ['w', 'wtimeout', 'j', 'fsync', 'readPreference', 'session']; for (let i = 0; i < removeKeys.length; i++) { delete selector[removeKeys[i]]; } // Return the command creation selector return selector; } /** * Create index using the createIndexes command. * * @param {Db} db The Db instance on which to execute the command. * @param {string} name Name of the collection to create the index on. * @param {(string|object)} fieldOrSpec Defines the index. * @param {Object} [options] Optional settings. See Db.prototype.createIndex for a list of options. * @param {Db~resultCallback} [callback] The command result callback. */ function createIndexUsingCreateIndexes(db, name, fieldOrSpec, options, callback) { // Build the index const indexParameters = parseIndexOptions(fieldOrSpec); // Generate the index name const indexName = typeof options.name === 'string' ? options.name : indexParameters.name; // Set up the index const indexes = [{ name: indexName, key: indexParameters.fieldHash }]; // merge all the options const keysToOmit = Object.keys(indexes[0]).concat([ 'writeConcern', 'w', 'wtimeout', 'j', 'fsync', 'readPreference', 'session' ]); for (let optionName in options) { if (keysToOmit.indexOf(optionName) === -1) { indexes[0][optionName] = options[optionName]; } } // Get capabilities const capabilities = db.s.topology.capabilities(); // Did the user pass in a collation, check if our write server supports it if (indexes[0].collation && capabilities && !capabilities.commandsTakeCollation) { // Create a new error const error = new MongoError('server/primary/mongos does not support collation'); error.code = 67; // Return the error return callback(error); } // Create command, apply write concern to command const cmd = applyWriteConcern({ createIndexes: name, indexes }, { db }, options); // ReadPreference primary options.readPreference = ReadPreference.PRIMARY; // Build the command executeCommand(db, cmd, options, (err, result) => { if (err) return handleCallback(callback, err, null); if (result.ok === 0) return handleCallback(callback, toError(result), null); // Return the indexName for backward compatibility handleCallback(callback, null, indexName); }); } module.exports = { createListener, createIndex, ensureIndex, evaluate, executeCommand, executeDbAdminCommand, indexInformation, profilingInfo, validateDatabaseName };